The Final Poll

Who Should Be The Next Mod?

  • The Crock

  • Dagger Dias

  • Coco The Monkey

Results are only viewable after voting.
Meh, I've said it and will say it again.

I believe that Crock is the only choice for Mod here who won't, within a few weeks/months have totally fucked it up.
\ I do think the 7 that voted for Dagger should show themselves.

They did. They voted, you idiot.

There's a reason the voting is private. It's so people like you, who have nothing intelligent to say, can't move on from mocking Dagger to mocking those that voted for him. Do you truly have nothing better to try and fail at intelligently insulting someone else?
Why do I get the feeling that this is all part of a study by KB on democracy and election processes in general? We're all rats in a maze, people, and there's no cheese for us at the end.

Anyway, can I point out that I do find it quite stupid that some people can't accept that they think Dagger is the best choice? Well, I'm going to anyway (in fact, I just did). I think he'd be shit at the job, but that's me. Others may disagree and that's their choice, not mine. This whole "why can't they give a reason" thing is pointless; most of them have.

The credentials and the supposed capabilities of all the candidates have been aired for weeks now, and as much as I loathe to use this phrase, now is the time to agree to disagree. You aren't going to win anything or prove anything by calling out Dagger voters and demanding a list of reasons which meets your criteria of whether or not it was a valid vote. They looked at the poll, made a choice, and clicked a button; unless they are an alt or something, it's a valid vote.

In closing, can we all just click a button to vote and then decide to drop this nonsense? I mean, this is me; one of the bigger voices in that JGlass thread, one of the bigger opponents to Dagger's potential modship, and here I am asking you all to, for once, grow the fuck up a little bit and stop with this shit. This applies to Dagger supporters like Sally too; you are too experienced on these boards and seemingly too intelligent than to think that a post like that wasn't going to start getting responses like Mozz's.
They did. They voted, you idiot.

There's a reason the voting is private. It's so people like you, who have nothing intelligent to say, can't move on from mocking Dagger to mocking those that voted for him. Do you truly have nothing better to try and fail at intelligently insulting someone else?

I don't want to bite the hand that reps me, but this was not your best work broski. Brosaurus. Brotel Rwanda. Bro...awe fuck it, just aim for the nuts next time! This was like a PG Cena put-down...
They did. They voted, you idiot.

There's a reason the voting is private. It's so people like you, who have nothing intelligent to say, can't move on from mocking Dagger to mocking those that voted for him. Do you truly have nothing better to try and fail at intelligently insulting someone else?


The fact that it's even more true for guys like J4L/RDV makes it all the more epic.
DirtyJosé;3665479 said:
This applies to Dagger supporters like Sally too; you are too experienced on these boards and seemingly too intelligent than to think that a post like that wasn't going to start getting responses like Mozz's.

And Sally is also intelligent enough to handle herself when she gets a response like she did from Mozz. Do you think she would post something if she wasn't up to defending herself? She's too smart for that.

Just like you have laid out arguments (mostly) from a "Why Dagger would be a poor Mod" with some sarcasm mixed in, Sally did the opposite.

Singling out Sally in name here seems a little too convenient for me, as she's the only one in this thread who openly spoke up for Dagger.
[Heel] Green Ranger;3665482 said:
I don't want to bite the hand that reps me, but this was not your best work broski. Brosaurus. Brotel Rwanda. Bro...awe fuck it, just aim for the nuts next time! This was like a PG Cena put-down...

Cena's my favorite wrestler. Works for me. ;)

And other then calling him an idiot, I wasn't trying to truly insult him. I was merely stating out how pointless it is for people to "show themselves". For what end? So that he and others could go on mocking the people who voted for Dagger?
I just wanted to see everyone go to war. Do you know how entertaining it would have been had the Dagger camp actually stood up for itself and attacked the Coco camp? I had my chair picked out and set up on the sidelines, with a tin of popcorn (you know, the kind with the three different choices?) and a box of Tang juice pouches... Instead it was like watching a gang curb stomp a baby for 500 posts! (That's 500 posts, NOT made by 500 individual people, if you're keeping track at home).

Look, sometimes I'm in the mood to watch a good ole' fashioned baby beat-down, but I was really looking forward to a real fight. Dagger could have been the ultimate babyface to Coco's Jeritroll, and Crock's stone-cold approach. But instead of Austin/Rock/Jericho, we had Coco, Crock, and a dead baby...

If this were in the bar room, I'd make an abortion joke.

Abortion joke.
Liar liar, pants on fire.

Let me be more clear. It's not what I posted in entirety.

And my point stands. Unless RDV/J4L has any idea of what it's like to be a Mod, then claiming any of the three of you will f*ck it up is being presumptuous.

I don't buy that you won't do your job. You're on here too much for me to believe you won't do your job. You obviously care about this place enough that you spend a good bit of time on here. My only fear is you'll hate the Board Room. Far too boring for your taste.

Crock and Dagger are similar in that they'll do whatever it takes to ensure they learn how to do a good job. If people were bounced for making mistakes early and often, my name wouldn't still be in bold.

So yeah, bad example of intelligent discourse from RDV.
Let me be more clear. It's not what I posted in entirety.

And my point stands. Unless RDV/J4L has any idea of what it's like to be a Mod, then claiming any of the three of you will f*ck it up is being presumptuous.
I knew that's what you were saying. I just knew it.

I don't buy that you won't do your job. You're on here too much for me to believe you won't do your job. You obviously care about this place enough that you spend a good of time on here. My only fear is you'll hate the Board Room. Far too boring for your taste.
Well I guess I'll have to make it interesting. Challenge accepted. King me.
I've dropped any issues I've had with Dagger but I'm still not voting for him because he's not the best choice. I think he is a crappier poster than I thought he was (I even told JGlass that his posts seem like something I would write for an essay in elementary or middle school) and I just could not trust him as a mod. So my vote is currently split between Coco and Crock now.

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