The Flip-Flopping Argument Is DUMB


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You hear so often that political candidates are in trouble for changing their minds about issues. I fail to see how this is a problem. Heaven forbid the situation changes or new information becomes available and your stance on something changes. No, the right way to go is clearly to make up your mind before something happens and NEVER change that stance, no matter what occurs.
Good point. And also, imagine a candidate changing their position to garner more votes. It's unthinkable. lol.
They better have a damn good reason for changing their mind, though, other than that their party wanted them too.
The problem is when they are clearly doing it just to pander to their audience. I don't have a problem with a candidate who was previously pro-choice changing his or her mind to become pro-life based on some sort of revelation they had, or some other issue...whatever. (Romney has actually changed his mind about this specific issue) If it's based on a shift in your philosophical outlook on life, fine. People change.

What I object to are guys like Arlen Specter, who have been the member of one party for so long, and then decide to change parties suddenly because they are facing a challenge in their party's primary for an election. If your change in mind is based on nothing more than political expediency, fuck off.

If you campaign on one thing, knowing that it's popular, all the while knowing that as soon as you get elected you are going to to the opposite, (ie, believing the opposite of what you are actually campaigning on just to get more votes) fuck off.
The media controls the conversation. There is no time and not enough interest to discuss the reason for the flip. Fundamental thinkers are the ones who have the most interest. That type of person tends to want full assurance that the representative they are going to support is not going to go back on their word. It becomes an internal trust and fear issue for people. Doesn't make it right but explains how it works somewhat.
I understand it actually. If someone changes their minds every 3 days it makes them look indecisive. How would you feel if Slyfox changed his mind on John Cena every week and argued it differently each week? If you change your mind based on new information, personal change or for any legit reason thats fine, but if you can't make up your mind and flip flop between stances or do it because you are told to....Yeah, fuck off.
You hear so often that political candidates are in trouble for changing their minds about issues. I fail to see how this is a problem. Heaven forbid the situation changes or new information becomes available and your stance on something changes. No, the right way to go is clearly to make up your mind before something happens and NEVER change that stance, no matter what occurs.
Yes, but KB, George W. Bush and his cronies never changed their minds about anything, even if they were wrong. Don't you think his presidency should be the blueprint for all future commander-in-chiefs? How could you go wrong?

I would think Sly would just be doing it to piss off people, seeing how riled up he could get them, for fun.

You would probably be right.
Yes, but KB, George W. Bush and his cronies never changed their minds about anything, even if they were wrong. Don't you think his presidency should be the blueprint for all future commander-in-chiefs? How could you go wrong?


Man's a legend... A comedy legend.

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