The Greatest Game of all time #10


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
So after a bit of discussion, I've decided to go ahead with this. Here's what's going down; I will be doing my top 10 games of all time, in my opinion starting from 10 to 1 every Saturday.

Obviously I want you guys involved too, so why not join in with your top 10 as well? It would be cool to see how people play it out and what hidden gems are out there, but a few rules;

-You do one game per thread *so no people with 5 #10's*
-One game per franchise *So no Zelda 1 and Zelda 2, however I would allow a Mario bros. game and a Mario Kart game*
-You must have completed the game *That's so we don't have someone who's enjoyed a game so far, but the ending is not worth a top 10 place*
-Give reasons why you put it there.
-I will keep track of game votes in the following spoiler part;

FlameLeeUk; Shining force 2
Derf; Diddy Kong Racing
KB; Super Dodgeball
Jack attack; Vagrant Story
M.V.P; Xenosaga
Iscariot; Parasite Eve II
Darkshot77; Star Wars Battlefront 2
So without further ado...

#10; Shining Force II: The Ancient Seal

Format; Sega Mega Drive/Genesis

Genre; Tactical Role Playing Game

Release date; UK October 1994

Plot (according to wiki); Shining Force II opens with a thief, Slade, stealing two jewels in an ancient shrine, thus setting in motion strange events leading to the resurrection of Zeon, the Devil King. When the king of Granseal, protector of the Tower of the Ancients, falls ill, Sir Astral and the game's leader, Bowie, investigate the opened tower with a small force called the Shining Force.

When an evil Gizmo escapes and possesses the king of a neighboring kingdom, Galam, Granseal's princess is kidnapped and the door to Arc Valley (home to Zeon and the greater devils) is opened. Arc Valley and the evil that resides there begins consuming Grans Island, causing Bowie and friends to flee their home.

When the true danger of the opened door is realized, Bowie and friends have to fight against the invading armies of Zeon to find the Holy Sword and the stolen jewels so they may once again reseal the Devil King in Arc Valley.

Why number 10?

Despite being a Nintendo boy through and through, I did love my Sega Mega Drive, and one game I remember playing time and time and time again was Shining Force 2. Whilst I found the first one OK this game was something else. I first played it as a 9 year old kid and to be totally honest, this started me off on my path to
A) Becoming a hardcore gamer
B) To my love of RPG's

The character development was great, storyline was fantastic and it just had that special magic about it.


IGN ranked it #48 game of all time. Lee Ranks it #10
I'm on board with this as well. I sat down and though about some of my most favotire games of all time. Not just the games I like now (a few I can't stand anymore) but I though of the games that, at the time, held my attention the most. And all of these games i still love and could almost always play at any time. So without any further waiting, my Top 10 game is...


The very first video game I ever owned, Diddy Kong Racing has me under it's hipnotic spell for at least 2 years, even after buying some of my other video games (some that made this list). I loved this game, and I still do. If for some reason it ever came out on Virtual Console, which i know it can't, I'd have it bought in a heartbeat. I used to be a sucker for racing video games, and this one topped it.

For those of you that never played it... Diddy Kong Racing came out around the same time as Mario Kart 64, and has alot of similarities. Both are racing games that involve cartoony racers, both have the ability to pick up weapons while driving and use thm on you opponents. DKR had a few charecters in it from former video games (Diddy, Conker) as well as a few in future games (Banjo, Tiptup kinda, Conker with a fithier mouth). One of the major differences in DKR and MK64 was that in addition to riding a kart, DKR also had a Hovercraft and Plane. Where MK64 had circuts, DKR had a storyline, kinda. You drove, swam, and flew around an island looking for the levels to race, had battles, and even bosses to compete against, as well as a few secrets here and there.

All in all, this game was a must try back in the day. True, other games have by far surpasses it since then, but the feeling one got when playig it te years ago, it was phenominal. I will always think of this game as my first ever, and for good reason.


My #9 game is known as the worst in it's series, I think it's the unsung hero in one of the greatest video game series of all time...
Excellent choice Derf. WHen I got into emulators, I downloaded over 800 N64 games. I played that one almost 70% of the time. SImple but absolutely great.

Myy #10 is one that not many people have likely played.

Super Dodgeball for the Nes. This game is the bare basics: 6 on 6, getting running starts and launching dodgeballs at the other team. There's a World Cup mode where you play about 10 teams to win the world title, as well as a free for all mode with no midcourt line and you play the other 5 members of your team. There is almost no depth here, but this game is just straight up fun.
Vagrant Story

This really is one of the best RPG's ever. Why it didn't sell well an went under the radar is beyond my realm of understanding. It's better than any Final Fantasy game, Chrono game, Parasite game, or Xeno-whatever game. Beautifully written story, amazing graphics, great music, the list goes on. The best thing about it is by far the battle system. Unlike most RPG's, you can actually move your character and even chain together combos. It combined action, puzzle, and RPG elements to make what I consider, one of the best games of all time.
God of War - Playstation 2 (2005)


This is the only one of the franchise appearing on my list. Really though, it'll be representing all of them - yes, even Chains Of Olympus, my finest PSP game. It's not secret that I think the PlayStation 2 was the stuff of videogame dreams, so expect to see a fair few games from that console on here. I'm also of the opinion that unless it's 2D or a kart racer, old games are without exception just not as good as new games. I'm a Zero Punctuation fan though.

So we all known the Ninja Gaidens and Devil May Crys of this world. Well, they're the obscure Japanese films and this is their big budget Hollywood remake. Bigger, badder and more accesible, it satisfies my main criteria for a top ten game - it's fun. On that basis, prepare to see some odd picks. Despite kicking off a wave of cheap copies, it's button-pressing sequences make for some satisfying combat. In fact, this is one of the most satisfying games I've ever played. Can't beat a boss? Take solace in the fact that when you finally do you'll probably beat them to death with their own arse before fashioning their carcass into a fashionable catsuit.

I could say more. I won't.
Great thread i would to like join in as well.

10: Xenosaga

Plot: Brutally opposed by the Gnosis - a mysterious and hostile life-form, the Federation works to expand humankind's reach throughout the Universe...even by force where necessary. Based on Nietzsche's controversial theory of mankind's "will to power", Xenosaga delivers a captivating message through seamless story and exquisite character development. The stimulating graphics and scrutiny to detail combined with a truly cinematic and sensory-absorbing experience, propel Xenosaga as the one role playing game all gamers must own.

Most games appearing on my top 10 if not all will probably be RPG's. Now when i put Xenosaga i mean all 3 installments of the game. Xeno was probably one of the first RPG's i can ever recall buying. I will not deny i bought it without knowing nothing about the game except i thought it had a cool name and a nice cover and that it was turn based. But it was a purchase i will always be grateful that i made. At first the game started off a little hard to understand since alot was happening at once but by the time you make it to the end of Xenosaga 1 you begin to understand whats really going on and start realizing there might be alot more going on then what your told. The story in the game in my opinion is the most amazing part and i think it can hold its own against most JRPG's out there.

The game was incredible. It was everything good about Resident Evil, but with psychic powers and a health stat system akin to any good RPG. Choices were made, you really got to decide how to increase your character, and the storyline was epic. It involved me more than Resident Evil ever did, and yet somehow never recieved the same mainstream love. Developed by a company some would argueably call the greatest RPG developer going in Squaresoft, it still stands the test of time today.


It had great graphics for its time, and even though it's control system fell behind the times, coming out alongside Metal Gear Solid which revolutionised 3rd person gaming, PE2 to me will always be the Playstations best Survival Horror RPG hybrid.

#10: Star Wars Battlefront 2


What I remember about the Rise of the Empire was, was how quiet it was. During the waning hours of the Clone Wars, the 501st was discreetly transfered back to Corusant, it was a silent trip. We all knew was was about to happen, what we were about to do. Did we have any doubts? Any private, traitorous thoughts? Perhaps, but not on the flight to Corusant, not when Order 66 came down, and not when we marched into the Jedi Temple. Not a word.
-501st Commander

This is my favorite FPS that I have ever played. The magic of Star Wars combined with excelent gaming execution, makes for an awesome game. The replay value is incredebaly high. The story is compelling as you follow the 501st divison of clones and eventually stormtroppers. The award and leveling system gives you incentive to play every class to make yout character the best, Trooper, Clone, Reble or Droid in the universe. Most every one of the maps are challenging, or just fun to play. Space Battles, while interesting at first become repetative, but the mechanics are still executed well. Jedi Battle and Hunt modes change up the pace rounding out into a very good game. This game holds the distinct ability to be both fun for a 5 miniute mission or a hour long campaign.

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