The Latest Conference Call by Dixie


Gone. For. Good.
WrestleZone said:
According to, TNA Chairman Dixie Carter held a conference call today with talents, during which Carter officially introduced Anthem Media’s Eric Nordholm as a member of the Board of Managers for the company. Carter added the Board will be guiding the company moving forward.

On the newly announced relationship with Anthem Media, Carter reportedly praised the deal, and said Anthem will be injecting the company with capital and resources to help take TNA Wrestling to the next level. Nordholm also praised the deal along with all the TNA talents.

The call also brought up the idea of an over the top network, similar to WWE Network, which would utilize existing TNA content. The company getting back to touring, namely live events, is something the company wants to focus on, in addition to strengthening relationships with Sony Six in India.

Dixie Carter confirmed that both Dave Lagana and Billy Corgan are no longer with TNA, and the current TNA creative team consists of John Gaburick, Matt Conway and Madison Rayne. Carter added TNA is looking to add to the creative team, which she said is returning to a “collaborative effort.”

Overall, the call was described as being a “rah rah” call, since many changes have taken place in TNA since the last conference call.

Full Article:

So, the most important things are that TNA could do something like WWE Network. Plus, TNA is going to restart touring again.

As mentioned in the article, it would take a bunch of money to start something like WWE Network with TNA. Plus, initial losses are also going to worsen the situation. I don't know if it can be successful or not, but as my low business knowledge says, it won't.

Touring looks like a good option to generate some more revenue.

Plus, there have been some changes in Creative.

So a company with no money is going to start something like the Network which cost WWE a fortune to get up and running?

Eh, fuck it. Go for it.
Pondering the math of the Fight Network going to an over-the-top subscription service.

WWE Network at $9.99 a month has around 1.5 million subscribers, for $180M a year.
UFC Fightpass at $9.99 a month has around 400-500,000 subscribers (wikipedia says 450,000 *citation needed*), for $48-60M a year.

New Japan World has 22,000 subscribers at around $10 a month depending on exchange rates, which comes to about $2.5-$3M.

If the Fight Network signs up 25000 subscribers, I think that's a big success. 25000 * 12 months * $10 a month = $3,000,000 a year. Which is a big number for TNA, I don't know that it's a big number for Leonard Asper.
Maybe I'm missing something, but a company that's constantly in the red shouldn't be thinking of launching their own network. Everything that I just read all sounds like lip service to me. I like the thought of going on tour. But a network? I don't think so.
Maybe I'm missing something, but a company that's constantly in the red shouldn't be thinking of launching their own network. Everything that I just read all sounds like lip service to me. I like the thought of going on tour. But a network? I don't think so.

Again, it's not really that TNA is starting their own network. It's that the parent company of Fight Network is now funding TNA, either to buy them in the medium-term future or to keep them barely in business and providing content. Fight Network are the ones looking to start a WWE Network/UFC FightPass clone with TNA as the cornerstone, but also with some MMA, martial arts and pro wrestling indies they have the rights to.

Which is probably not going to work, but they at least apparently have the money lying around to start something like this up.

By the way, am I the only one who remembers the TNA Vault, which AFAIK let you watch anything in the TNA library online for $3.95 or $4.95 a month?

Was it everything, or was it limited? How searchable was it? Anybody know?
So my major thought about this is, TNA used to have TNA on Demand, or whatever it was called. I paid the $6.99 or $9.99 or whatever it was a month for that until they stopped doing it. So they do have some experience with this.

If this is part of the Fight Network, and I can watch all of the old TNA stuff again, as well as MMA stuff; that seems like a win. A best of both worlds thing. I could get both wrestling, and MMA in one spot for the $9.99 a month.

Even if it started with just TNA stuff in the beginning I would still sign up.
New Japan World has 22,000 subscribers at around $10 a month depending on exchange rates, which comes to about $2.5-$3M.

This number is super outdated. It was at 22,000 subscribers back in April 2015, just 4 months after it launched, and while exact numbers are currently difficult to pin down, people can check and see how many subscribers there were when they personally subscribed (going into your settings gives you your personal subscriber number), and using that I've seen people posting numbers as high as just under 47,000, and even those numbers were over a year ago (Aug 2015).

In any case, its a nice start for TNA, but there's still a couple issues that are probably going to result in it going down. Carter leaving and Corgan taking control was ultimately the best chance for the companies survival, and now with Corgan gone and Carter still in charge, its likely just a matter of time, which is a shame because its been putting on the most solid product it has for a while since the Hogan/Bischoff regime ruined it.
Save your money TNA footage will end up on the WWE Network sooner or later in 2017.

YOu are either an ignorant moron or didn t read wwe will never buy TNA Dixie knows what she is doing and Anthem is bigger than your precious wwe! If anything maybe Anthem can buy out wwe since they are for sale!
YOu are either an ignorant moron or didn t read wwe will never buy TNA

We will see. NEver is a long, long time. Anthem buys TNA another year or two or more. But it's now public record that Dixie Carter was entertaining WWE offers in June and September of this year.

Dixie knows what she is doing

What evidence supports this statement? Because Spike TV, Destination America, Jeff Jarrett, Kurt Angle, Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Vince Russo, AJ Styles all seem to disagree. Plus Billy Corgan, Randi Ricci, Paul Heymann, Jim Ross, and on and on...

and Anthem is bigger than your precious wwe!

Again, what evidence supports this statement? Anthem is not CanWest Global, even if the same guy is in charge of Anthem that ran CanWest Global before it collapsed in the 2008 crash. (CanWest Global *was* bigger than WWF was and than WWE is, but no longer exists.)
YOu are either an ignorant moron or didn t read wwe will never buy TNA Dixie knows what she is doing and Anthem is bigger than your precious wwe! If anything maybe Anthem can buy out wwe since they are for sale!

I think that history has shown us that Dixie does not know what she is doing. She might be great at getting investors, but the only reason she is good at that is because she is no good at running TNA. She had big name stars and a good TV deal and should have been off and running. Not to mention she had Panda Energy to fall back on. Once they stopped funding her, she let it all slip through her fingers. The sad part is, while this might be some of her employees way they make a living, pay their bills etc., this has something she's done for shits and giggles.

Oh and johnbragg is right. Anthem is not Canwest Global and does not have the resources to buy out the WWE. Canwest in their prime had many billions of dollars, but like Dixie Carter, Leonard Asper made some bad business decisions and had to file for bankruptcy himself.
If you want to hear how bad Dixie really is at running the company, just listen to bruce prichard's podcast on his time in TNA. He already did one episode on his time in TNA and will release another one next friday.

But going back to dixie, you don'T need to listen to somebody that was their for a good part of the company's existence to realise how bad dixie is at running the company.

in 2007,2008, TNA was starting to pick up steam, they had a great creative team, everything was going well, they found something that gain them interest from casual fans with the build up to the joe/angle match at lockdown 2008. This was they're highest buyrate on ppv in their history, then, she brought in russo and went back to crappy wrestling angle to following month and the ratings and buyrate we're slowly dropping.

When spike Tv, ask her to not hire vince russo as part of creative for TNA, she completly lied to them and when they found out about it, they dropped TNA like a bad habit. Then went to destination america which wasn'T better because they lost that deal a year latter after destination america realise that wrestling wasn'T a great fit for their network.

Then you had Billy corgan who will i don'T know much about his wrestling background, from what i've seen from his little stint in TNA had some really good idea for the comapny, but again Dixie lied to him from the beginning to the end of his run.

She also responsible for all the crap that Hogan,Bischoff and russo did from 2010 until they finally left. how about the fact that she never considered AJ Styles as a main event talent and didn't wanted him to take a pay cut while guys like angle and hardy were getting raise.

From what peoples that work with her said about her, she'S a great person outside of the business, but when it comes to running the company, she's clueless and will lied to her own parents if she think she can get more money out of them. So in the end, i'm not scared that TNA will be gone someday because dixie will always be able to found somebody stupid enough to give TNA money, if it's not anthem it will be somebody else.
They have a lot of decisions to make for 2017. With Dixie Carter as a figurehead, the decisions for how to establish the "new" product will largely determine I stick around any longer going into the new year.
The fact that TNA don't have shows scheduled past January 10 is alarming.

Well, they have something like 5 or 6 days of tapings in a row. With Challenge gone, there's no reason to do One Night Only's, and maybe no PPVs at all. So they seem to be taping 10 or 12 weeks of Impact, then they'll tape another 10 or 12 in late March, etc.
Well, they have something like 5 or 6 days of tapings in a row. With Challenge gone, there's no reason to do One Night Only's, and maybe no PPVs at all. So they seem to be taping 10 or 12 weeks of Impact, then they'll tape another 10 or 12 in late March, etc.
You're right. TNA seems to taping 12 weeks of Impact which would take us to late March. Then TNA might tape again with the same schedule. Which, I guess, would take us to June 2017.

And that's the time for Slammiversary too. I hope that TNA airs Slammiversary live as a taped PPV won't do any favours.

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