The Local Talent

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Real Name: Andrew Goldstein

Gimmick Name: The Local Talent

Nickname: [Insert City Hosting Show Here]'s Very Own... (For example, Salt Lake City's Very Own... The Local Talent.)

Height: 265 pounds

Weight: 6'4"

Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Billed From: Wherever the show happens to be.


- Hair Color/Length: Short black hair, a bit curly.

- Eye Color: Brown.

- Facial Hair: 5 O'Clock Shadow.

- Ring attire: A basic wrestling singlet.

- Backstage Attire: A t-shirt over his wrestling singlet.

- Physical Features: TLT isn't exactly a picture of physical superiority. Over the years, the gym has become a bit of a chore, so he isn't very well defined. He calls it the classic wrestler's physique.

Tattoos: None.

Alignment: Face.

Main Gimmick: An over-the-hill wrestler finally getting his shot at stardom. He's a comedy character.

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:

- The crowd love TLT and he loves them in return.

- TLT fears his family finding out about his career, so he films all his promos in secret.


- Strengths: (1.) TLT is a very good in-ring practitioner, with a vast repertoire of moves (of many different styles) and despite his physique, is very athletic. (2.) TLT can hone in on a hurt opponent and focus on the hurt area(s) very well. (3.) TLT is very intelligent, often outsmarting opponents.

- Weaknesses: (1.) TLT is easily distracted by the crowd -- he loves playing to them. (2.) He gasses easily. (3.) He underestimates younger opponents, as they clearly don't have his massive level of expertise!

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Brief History: A former wrestling hotshot, The Local Talent never really hit it big. He had two try-outs in the early-1990's for two major companies, but was told he just didn't have "it." Fast forward about 20 years, The Local Talent is now a family man (at age 40), with a burning passion for professional wrestling. TLT's wife and kids don't approve of him wrestling, so for the last 17 years of his marriage, TLT has been secretly making indy shots, building a name for himself as a great wrestler. TLT firmly believes that the only way to truly enjoy wrestling is to do as he did as a young man; make the road trips by car and maintain kayfabe at all costs.

Entrance Music: [YOUTUBE]5i8-6IVeoaY&feature=related[/YOUTUBE]

Entrance Description: TLT struts out, all smiles as he walks to the ring. He makes it a point to high five as many fans as possible before finally sliding in.

Finishing Moves:

- Muscle Buster (primary)

- Bridging Double Chickenwing (secondary)

15 Most Used Moves:

- Delayed Vertical Suplex
- Top Rope Splash
- Scoop Powerslam
- Neckbreaker
- One Handed Bulldog
- Leg Drop
- Exploder Suplex
- Japanese Arm Drag
- Russian Leg Sweep
- La Magistral
- Bionic Elbow
- Kesagiri Chop
- Running Clothesline
- Stinger Splash
- Gamengiri

Sample RP:

Car salesman by day, wrestler by night. Sounds simple enough, right? Well, it is... if you're not trying to keep it a secret. For 17 years, The Local Talent has been hiding his singlets and taking customers on "test drives" to random cities and states on the weekends, coming back with bumps and bruises all over. You'd think his wife would have noticed by now, but no, Helen Goldstein is far too busy for that. Aside from being a full-time teacher, she's also a mother, and the head of her neighborhood book club -- her husband coming in far after all that. Well, maybe the children would have noticed their father's suspicious activities? Nope. 7-year old Michael and 16-year old Elizabeth also have no time for their father. The only time anybody really notices The Local Talent -- or Andrew, as he's known at home -- is when they money or when they're complaining about him.

Surprisingly enough, Andrew Goldstein doesn't mind his family. As a matter of fact, he greatly loves them. He doesn't want to have to deceive them by going to back to wrestling (which, believe it or not, they've noticed he loves for long enough to tell him to stop doing it), but money is tight nowadays and Andrew doesn't have many other skills. Had Andrew actually gone to college, he wouldn't have to worry about money, but he thought he'd be a natural at this wrestling business. Why worry about college, right? Well, at 40 years old, Andrew knows why.

Tonight happens to be a big night for Andrew. Not only does he have a match tonight, but he might even have a chance at WZCW! Now, much like everything else in Andrew's life, it's not as simple as it seems. For one, he can't begin his transformation into The Local Talent without his singlet -- but that's the root of the problem. Andrew might have, just maybe, left his singlet in his car and his wife might have noticed it. You'd be surprised how quickly she'll notice things like that, after all, this is the woman that forgot her husband's birthday this last year. Nevertheless, Andrew is in a bit of trouble right now.


Y-Y-Yeah, honey?

What is this?

Helen throws the singlet at Andrew, the rage slowly taking her over.

It's my wrestling singlet.

Why do you have a wrestling singlet?

It's a keepsake.

I told you to throw that ratty old thing away, it's not like you have any use for it.

I can't throw it away.

Andrew, as defiant as ever, puffs his chest out, brimming with confidence that he can out-argue his wife.

And why is that?

Just as suddenly Andrew had built any confidence, it was deflated in one fell swoop.

Well... umm... it's... uhhh... useful.

Helen doesn't even bother replying to this comment, as she just stands there, hands on her hips, with a quizzical look on her face.

Andrew finally senses defeat.

Fine, I'll be honest... It's my Halloween outfit.

It's March, Andrew.

I like to plan ahead.

Why do I sense you're lying to me?

I'm not! You know I love Halloween!

You're 40 years old. You kno--

Helen is interrupted by the sharp ringing of her cell phone.

I've gotta take this call, it's a book club issue. Don't think I'll forget, Andrew.

Helen rushes out of the room, taking her call. Just as soon as she's out, Andrew slams the door shut, locking it behind him. Quicker than you can say, "Oh boy, he's a really bad liar, isn't he" Andrew puts on his singlet and pulls out a camcorder. He gets it rolling, ready to film his promo for WZCW.

He sets the camera on the nightstand, takes a few steps back, dusts off the front of his singlet and the transformation to The Local Talent is over.

Ladies and gentleman, it's time! Time for what? Time for The Local Talent to take over WZCW.

I've been all over the world -- well, I used to tour the world, but I've been out to Ohio in the last week -- and let me tell you something, I'm still as sharp as I've ever been. Don't let my few gray hairs deceive you, I can still go!

TLT pauses to catch his breath, after all, talking can be very tasking!

I could use some more gold around my waist, because as we speak, I'm the Providence, Rhode Island Community Recreational Center World Heavyweight Champion! I beat Tommy Dreamer for that title... then again, who hasn't beaten Tommy Dreamer? Anyway, like I was sayi--

TLT is interrupted by his wife trying to get into the room.

Andrew, who are you talking to in there? Let me in!

Uhh... okay!

TLT quickly grabs the camcorder to wrap the promo up.

Long story short, I'm gonna win. Thank you all!

He quickly turns the camcorder off, throwing it into the closet and strips off the singlet throwing it in as well. Realizing his wife will get suspicious if he takes any more time, he runs over and opens the door.

His wife gives him a look, noticing he's in his underwear.

Andrew, what were you doing?

Andrew replies, without missing a step.

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