the man who could do it all.


It's Angle. To me, the man represents what modern wrestling is all about.He understands every opponent he goes in the ring with and does everything he can to have the best match possible with them. I don't need to post a list of Angle's greatest matches, I'd be here all day. Not to mention I'd forget about a shitload of awesome bouts. Just let it be said there are few truly bad Angle matches.

On the mic, Angle's one of the all-time greats. You want intense? Look at his WWECW stuff (still a shame that never came to anything). You want comedy? Take a gander at the picture I just posted, or indeed any of those hysterical skits he did with Austin back in 2001. Angle is the funniest fucker in wrestling. He just has that comic timing that so few genuinely possess.

Frankly the man's a hero of mine. I still haven't forgotten my 3 I's.
Couple of guys for me:

Tully Blanchard: Terrific worker and talker who could do it all ! He was so good that I believe he got the best matches out of Dusty, even better than Flair !

Ted Dibiase: Terrific all around performer who was great as a babyface as well as a kickass heel ! Also a great promo guy, go check out his Mid-South/UWF work as well as his Georgia Championship wrestling to see him at his best !

Some others: Terry Gordy, Flair, Bockwinkel, Adonis, Murdoch, Terry Funk !
The only one I can think of has to be....

The Macho Man Randy Savage.

The guy had the best ring performance, if he was facing a heavey or light weight guy, Some of the best promos i have ever seen. and had some of the greatest moves i have ever seen... high flying...yet gteat impact moves... always impressed me when i watched his matches... even the later matches in his carrer were just awsome...


Ric Flair
Ricky Steamboat
Dusty Rhodes

All impressive matches.
chris jericho may well be my favorite ever. i love kurt angle, eddie, hbk, and flair. all these guys are on the short list.

there are other guys i think were overlooked so far, but there is one name that i feel i need to insert. curt "mr. perfect" hennig.
of everyone who "could do it all" hennig put the "all" in "do it all."

even his early mr. perfect promos proved it.

I'm with you on Curt Hennig.

How can you have a thread about "the man who could do it all" and leave out Mr. Perfect?? He was basically Bret Hart with a much better personality but less of a family legacy so he missed out.

As for the guy who said Eddie Guerrero because he could make you love him or hate him? I only hated him. He was pretty boring for me. Had he stuck around in the mid-card area where he belonged he probably wouldn't have bothered me as much but the mere fact that he was a Heavyweight Champion bothered me because he certainly wasn't a Heavyweight...and he certainly didn't deserve the strong push over several far better wrestlers before him who never got one (i.e. Mr. Perfect)
Another guy who just misses out would be Barry Windham. He could do it all inside the ring either as a face or heel but his promo's just come up a little short.

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