The need for a title: Nexus ?

In the recent months we have seen Nexus' rise to dominance in the WWE. They took over RAW, took out John Cena, and have achieved various other things in their short history.
What has been missing though? A title that is. Nexus are being labelled as one of the most dominant force in WWE at this time, even of all time. But I just cant see them as so dominant without a title. As we know Wade Barret has another title oppertunity, and in my mind he has to win it. Nexus are going through a great phase of the storyline with Cena now joining. Although this is intresting in itself, I dont see Nexus as a huge force without a title, Although a title may not be needed immediately, if they are going to continue for a few more months, a title would help leaps and bounds, imo. Besides Barret, None of them are being built towards a title, as in none of them are beating champions in singles or tag team competitions. For me if Nexus are to continue for maybe another month or so, they need to get some gold into their ranks. Although most of the minor titles are being occupied by recent champions, Nexus needs to get one o them, be it tag or USA championship. Of course it'll be all the better if barret can get the WWE championship into his hands, but with a look at history of big stables, they have all held more thsn one title in their time. So yes, there is renewed power to the storyline with John Cena, but a title could work well in the ranks of Nexus.

So Iask you, Do you feel Nexus needs a title badly? Or do you think they are doing fine without one and can continue their dominance in other ways?
I don't see how you can call Nexus stale right now. They just added Cena which is an intersting new angle. They're also adding Hennig (don't want to look up the spelling of his new name) and Harris. They got rid of Tarver and Young, and Otunga seems to be planning some kind of takeover. Also Barrett is number one contender and has a title shot at the ppv next week There's a lot going on with the group right now.
A title would really make them look more dominate then they already have been. But through all that domination, a title wasn't needed. They achieved so much, without one title shot, let alone a title reign. Do they need a title reign? Is that is what is missing from Nexus? I believe they don't need a title to look dominate. However, if Wade keeps getting his opportunity and keeps failing, they are going to look weak. And how would that make the roster look? Weaker. So if a title is to be put on one of the members, do it now, before they end up looking like a weak faction that has taken out WWE's top stars. They can continue to dominate without a title, but not for too much longer.
I don't see how you can call Nexus stale right now. They just added Cena which is an intersting new angle. They're also adding Hennig (don't want to look up the spelling of his new name) and Harris. They got rid of Tarver and Young, and Otunga seems to be planning some kind of takeover. Also Barrett is number one contender and has a title shot at the ppv next week There's a lot going on with the group right now.
Sorry i left out the part on that, But im saying that there being billed as this huge force, but they still dont have a title to their name, and in time, this could make them look weaker. Sorry for any confusion
I don’t think that the Nexus need a title, to be honest. However, they wouldn’t exactly suffer if they were to start claiming some of them. In fact, it could help them and the respective divisions that they lurk in.

In my mind, I like the way that The Nexus operate, somewhat, outside of the law. They have their eye on the title for sure. However, they also have their goals set on becoming one of the most feared factions in the WWE history and the way they have gone about that really doesn’t depend on being Champions. They attacked the locker room week after week and the need for a Championship reign could not have been further from sight.

At this time though, I think it would make sense to give them the opportunities that they deserve. Whether they need a Championship or not is irrelevant because they will more than likely achieve them anyway. Wade Barrett is so close to becoming the WWE Champion that he simply cannot be underestimated at this point. I think you might see him take the Championship away from Orton at Bragging Rights and the N exus might look better because of it but by how much is still a mystery, isn’t it?

To me though, they should be claiming the Tag Team Championships. Giving them to Gabriel and Otunga would be a good move on the part of the WWE and the credibility of the Nexus might just make sudden jump up. Really, we have seen very little of the people outside of Wade Barrett and it could be time to change that.
Seeing them get the tag titles seem to be the best option for a title. They have a lot of members and the only person who will get a WWE Championship title shot would be Barrett.
The tag titles on them would be great,it could be like how the ss had them with all members able to hold and not just two holding it by themselves
I would like to see some gold in the nexus, this has been a problem for me recently, where stables would be about getting one person over and the rest were his errand boys, this particularly annoyed me about legacy.

I think that Nexus has all the potential that Evolution had, and the lower members really need some tag gold, and Gabriel needs a midcard belt (eventually, not right now but at some point before they disband) just to prove that they have a future in their own right.

Just My opinion
I would like to see Barrett win the title at bragging rights. With Cena forced to help him, I think it is likely. If he doesn't win, I hope Cena starts turning heel with help from Nexus, wins the title, and brings it into Nexus that way.

I don't want them to have the tag team belts and all be able to defend because they are better than that. SS wasn't. If they choose two of them to hold it, fine, but then again, have you seen the tag team division lately, or lack there of.

One thing that makes complete sense to me is going after the US championship. Daniel Bryan needs a feud. Miz has moved on. I'd like to see Riley fight him, but, hell, Nexus has beef with Bryan. They did kick him out. Why not go after the gold he now has too. It would be better for Bryan too. Maybe then he could stop being a 2 minute jobber for spots on the bragging rights team.
I love the idea of a nexus take over...i mean try it out for a mkonth..see how it works..Barrett the world title, Harris and Magilicutty (spelling?) the tag titles, put the US title on Gabriel (WWE is high on him right now), and i STILL think they need a chyna type presence...a diva to hold the divas title...Beth Pheonix wold be a perfect fit for Nexus, anyone agree?
Nexus certainly arent stale at the moment, not with cena joining and the possibility of two new members. However, it is inevitable that soon they will have to have championships in the group. Hopefully the WWE gives them a mid card title first such as slater an gabriel winning the tag belts. This will help other members become more over rather than just wade, because if wade won the wwe championship we become in danger of the other members beoming irrelevant. WWE do not want to another legacy here where the only one member becomes more over(granted ted and cody were tag champs, that became fizzled out midway). To conclude i dont think nexus need to worry about titles yet, but when they do, don't just give wade the wwe championship and use the others as henchman.
The Nexus should get a title run to show their dominance.

The problem with this is that I don't think their egos would allow one world champ. Look at the 4 horsemen. Arn Anderson said about his and other horsemen that their job is to help keep the world title on Flair... and win all the other titles.. Meaning they accepted their role as support to Flair. With Nexus, you have Barrett, Cena and Otunga who all have the #1 ego.. I can see dissent amongst them.
First off comparing Nexus to evolution is a bad comparison. Evolution was so much more interesting than Nexus is. Nexus is nothing but a bunch of no name thugs jumping people they arent entertaining. RAW ratings have dropped and arent doing well. Nexus IMO should have been broken up let these guys perform on their own so we can see what exactly they are made of. Personally I am not impressed with any of them other than Gabriel he is the only one with any wrestling talent. Barret is just full of hot air hes got a mouth and nothing else. Barret is being pushed as some kind of force, he is no force. I am a WWE fan but since Nexus has come on the scene I can't stand to even watch RAW. I think the TNA product right now is far more entertaining and the match quality is far better.
This is my first time finally on here as a member, and I know people are going to argue with me. But I have been a huge wrestling fan for most of my 22 years, d I'm so sick of Nexus its so boring they all suck but Barrett. I been watching TNA lately and its so much better, Nexus is stale and I pray to god that Orton wins this Sunday. Sorry to all you Cena haters, but he needs to stay Babyface he makes them so much money hes like a Hogan and Stone Cold. No reason to turn him heel. Nexus doesnt need a title because they suck its the worst stable and most boring I have ever seen, Barrett will do so much better on his own, and his time is not now the Miz deserves to be champion before he does. So i hope he loses this sunday and then Orton can start a great feud with the Miz and Cena can take out the Nexus!
I dunno if a world championship is in order but they would seem more legit with some gold.

Perhaps the tag titles for two of the members?
I think it all depends on where the Nexus storyline is going. If they have plans of keeping Nexus together for a while longer, than yes, eventually Wade Barrett needs to win the title. I would like to see Cena screw Barrett at Bragging Rights, and have their feud end at Survivor Series. Feuds like this have a shelf life, believe it or not, and it's been going on for quite some time.

Would I like to see Barrett stay in the title picture? Absolutely. I think he's probably the best heel on Raw, much better than Sheamus or The Miz. But I think Barrett will lose Sunday, and Survivor Series should be the end of the Nexus. Wade Barrett doesn't need the Nexus to be successful. But to be honest, if the feud with Cena/Nexus ends by Survivor Series, I hope the Nexus stays together. Sheffield will be back, and I think he and Gabriel could make a damn good tag team (a REAL tag team). I just don't want the Cena/Nexus thing to drag on for too long, becoming stale. This is the first thing I've really enjoyed John Cena doing in quite some time.
While I agree that Barrett doesn't need Nexus, Nexus needs Barrett; at least for now.

None of them except for maybe Otunga has made a name for themselves so right now they all still need the Nexus to keep themselves relevant.

What I'd like to see is for the Nexus (lead by Otunga) to turn on Barrett. I think this has a strong likelihood of happening. Then Otunga and Barrett could start a rivalry.

My only question is where does Cena fit in all of this? This is yet another reason I'm not liking the Cena/Nexus Storyline.
i think that nexus should have at lest gotten the Tag belts, its a belt that dont mean much anymore but yet still shows they have power
But im saying that there being billed as this huge force, but they still dont have a title to their name, and in time, this could make them look weaker.

Point taken, but I don't think they look weaker without a title. Their whole concept is based on cowardly attacks, not individual accomplishment. Except for Barrett, they've all been defeated in one-on-one action. They've proven themselves to be ordinary when they have to take it by themselves. We're supposed to fear them, not admire them.....and putting a title on one of them might alter the perception of them and their group mentality.

That said, Barrett probably will wear a title before long, although I really hope they don't have him beating Randy Orton this Sunday. He'll have his buddies help him win it and it will be achieved in the usual cowardly fashion.

Nexus needed a new concept to keep things fresh and they got it with the Cena program. Putting a title on one of them would mean the guy would have to eventually lose it and that would sooner make the group look weak.
Like nickb03 said, I think it ultimately depends on where they're going to go with The Nexus storyline. As I was watching Raw come on last night, the opening of the show had a brief little glimpse of all members of The Nexus standing with their shirts and all. The fact that they're part of the opening of the show makes me think that The Nexus is going to have a strong general presence in the WWE for some time to come. If that is indeed the case, then Nexus will eventually have to have some gold to show for the effort.

I've got no real problem with the WWE not rushing to put any titles on The Nexus, and it's been a damn good idea when you consider the various injuries to members of the group that's sidelined members for months at a time. I don't expect Wade Barrett to win at Bragging Rights, I might be wrong, but I do look for him to have a very strong showing against Randy Orton and remain a legit championship contender. I think it's reasonable to assume that Barrett will be WWE Champion someday.

As for the rest of Nexus, I think the tag titles would be a good target for them in the near future. I think that Gabriel & Slater could potentially make a good young tag team and both of them are good in the ring. Of those that are left in The Nexus at this point, Otunga is generally the overall weakest in the ring but he does have a look. A feud for the U.S. title does seem to be natural, given Daniel Bryan's former membership with the group, but right now might be a bit too soon.
While I agree that Barrett doesn't need Nexus, Nexus needs Barrett; at least for now.

None of them except for maybe Otunga has made a name for themselves so right now they all still need the Nexus to keep themselves relevant.

What I'd like to see is for the Nexus (lead by Otunga) to turn on Barrett. I think this has a strong likelihood of happening. Then Otunga and Barrett could start a rivalry.

My only question is where does Cena fit in all of this? This is yet another reason I'm not liking the Cena/Nexus Storyline.

I agree with you. But let me say, what if what you say happens. What if Cena does in fact help Barrett win the title on sunday, and after the Barrett becomes so smug eventually he thinks he doesnt need nexus. Or something like that, causing an Otunga w/ Nexus vs Barrett. The GM said Cena had to join Nexus, and to obey Barrett because he won the match and that was the stipulation. But if Barrett is kicked out, it could free Cena? This could have been Cena's plan all along, breaking up the Nexus.
While I enjoy Slater and Gabriel, Nexus is all about Wade Barrett. Barrett has been groomed to be a star from the first episode of NXT. The Nexus storyline has been the hottest angle in all of wrestling since early summer and although the group has lost some man power, the angle is still going strong. Nexus has been about "the takeover of RAW" from the start and I don't feel that a takeover can be complete without Barrett capturing the WWE title.

It only makes sense to belt Barrett so Cena can fued with him for the title. Whether you like it or not, RAW is still built around Cena and the championship will always come back to him. Right now Cena needs someone new to fued with and Barrett is the obvious choice. A good fued with Cena will further the Nexus/domination story and it will solidify Barrett as a main event guy.

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