The NXT Thread Is Like Ring of Honor's Bay-Bay!

Date: December 27, 2017
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Percy Watson, Mauro Ranallo

I know I say this a lot but it’s a big night around here. This time around we have the four way match for the #1 contendership to the NXT Title as Johnny Gargano, Lars Sullivan, Killian Dain and Aleister Black fight for a shot at Andrade Cien Almas. That should be a nice way to wrap up the year so let’s get to it.

Click on the link below for the full review.

Johnny Cinderella
That fatal four-way was stupendous. All four came out looking like absolute stars, not least Aleister Black, who demolished Sullivan and Dain simultaneously and had to essentially be taken out by six other dudes.

What a great way to end the year.
On EC podcast Jazzy Gabbert said she was offered a deal but during her physical they found herniated discs in her neck, and could not clear her. Thus the offer was pulled.

Finally a definitive answer to what has been a vague, confusing path in this thread.
So can someone tell me everything I need to know about NXT before takeover?
For what you're likely to be seeing:

Ember Moon is the Women's Champion, having won the title after Asuka vacated it. She never beat Asuka and needs to prove herself, which seems to be setting up another multi-woman title match between her, Kairi Sane (winner of the Mae Young Classic) and Shayna Baszler (runner up in the Mae Young Classic). Either could get a singles shot though.

The Authors of Pain are a monster heel tag team who lost the titles to Sanity a few months ago. Then the Undisputed Era (Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly) won the belts from Sanity. The Authors want them back, but another team called the Street Profits (they dance, they rhyme, they collect coins in cups) have said they want them too. Odds are it's the Authors vs. the Era though. The Era's stable mate Adam Cole will likely be on the card as well, possibly facing Aleister Black in a rematch from a few weeks ago.

Lars Sullivan is an unstoppable monster who will likely be fighting another unstoppable monster. Killian Dain is a candidate.

You'll also see Velveteen Dream, who is the possibly gay Prince inspired character whose feud with Aleister Black sent him flying up the charts. No word on what Black or Dream will be doing but there's almost no way they don't make the card.

Finally there's the NXT Title, with Johnny Gargano challenging Andrade Cien Almas. Andrade was a huge prospect but floundered as a face. He turned heel and got a rather gorgeous manager named Zelina Vega who got his head on straight. Almas then went on to beat Drew McIntyre to win the title in Houston in a major upset. Gargano is his first challenger and is looking to redeem himself after a horrible 2017. He lost the NXT Tag Team Titles and his partner Tommaso Ciampa turned on him (tearing his ACL in the process and putting him on the shelf for the rest of the year).

Gargano made a go of a singles run but didn't do very well, partially due to being shaken anytime he saw a shirt with himself and Ciampa on it. He kept fighting though and had some crazy good matches, including one against Pete Dunne. Then he won a mini tournament to close out the year and become #1 contender, earning the Philadelphia shot. Ciampa is rumored to be back from injury soon though, so keep an eye out for him.

I think that's everything, at least of what you're likely to see in Philadelphia.
You might also want to do some reading up on WWE UK Champion Pete Dunne, and Dutch badass Aleister Black, who'll likely be the two biggest reasons for impromptu throwings.
Date: January 3, 2018
Hosts: Kayla Braxton, Mike Rome

It’s the first show of the year but as a special, we’re looking at the Best Of 2017 in a double length episode. These are always fun to look at as there’s nearly a guarantee that you’ve forgotten at least something that you’ll see tonight. There’s been a lot of good throughout the year for NXT so let’s get to it.

Click on the link below for the full review.

I Have An Eye For Talent
From the reports from the tapings.

Lars Sullivan defeated Lio Rush. Lars called out Killian Dain after the match and then turned his attention back to Rush. Lars destroyed Rush.

Oh sweet Jesus all the yes.
Date: January 10, 2018
Location: Center Stage Theater, Atlanta, Georgia
Commentators: Mauro Ranallo, Nigel McGuinness, Percy Watson

We’re on some hallowed ground tonight as NXT heads to the former home of WCW Saturday Night. The next three shows will be all about setting up Takeover: Philadelphia, which means we need some more matches announced. A good chunk of the card is already set but NXT somehow manages to make the shows building to the big show entertaining as well. Let’s get to it.

Click on the link below for the full review.

This Doesn't Feel Right
I've been away from NXT ever since the Bobby Roode era. What happened between that time period until now?

Any matches I should check out and any current storylines or developing ones I should pay attention? Who'll (in your opinion) be the breakout star of 2018? Why is Andrade Cien Almas the champion? Last time I saw him, he was a disappointment to say the least.
Almas is a fantastic wrestler, and Vega is a great mouthpiece. He has grown leaps and bounds.

My guess is Gargano pulls off the shocker win at Philly so he can drop the belt to Adam Cole at New Orleans via interference by Ciampa
Maybe I should've given more of a shit when Styles and Balor wrestled but I do like how Los Ingobernables' tranquilo philosophy is transcending promotions. I will also testify that Almas been one of NXT's best wrestlers for the last year.

Eventually someone has to hold the belt for longer than, in NXT terms, a cup of coffee. My guess - although it seems almost too obvious - is that Ciampa stops Gargano from winning the belt outright. More's the shame because I've not been as enamoured with such a white meat babyface since a young man by the name of Samuel Zayn.
My guess - although it seems almost too obvious - is that Ciampa stops Gargano from winning the belt outright. More's the shame because I've not been as enamoured with such a white meat babyface since a young man by the name of Samuel Zayn.

NXT could very much relive a lot of Zayn's run with Neville and KO in Gargano throughout 2018

- Ciampa takes the title from Gargano upon his return
- Johnny is seemingly unable to beat Ciampa without cheating, while Ciampa wins the title and defends it via all dastardly means
- Johnny finally regains the title without cheating
- Ciampa tries to goad Johnny into an Extreme Rules/Cage Match, but Gargano refuses
- Ciampa gets his match by going after a certain Ms Gargano...
- Johnny decisively retains with a bloodied Ciampa tapping to a Gargano Escape with a DIY shirt forced into his mouth
The precise reason I think Gargano pulls it off is because everyone knows Ciampa is gonna fuck him.

NXT almost never does the obvious in those situations. They are rather keen on the fact their main audience are "smart "

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