The WWE needs a Television Singles Title


Celtic Warrior
I was just thinking that the WWE should come up with a Television Title. I know that there are plenty of belts as is, but a TV title would give current main-eventer/upper mid-carders something to fight for when not in the hunt for one of the major belts. It could be defended at any of the 4 shows, but I think primarily it should be featured on Superstars. It would give the show some legitimacy while giving the fans a fresh idea.

Obviously the Unified Tag Team champs can go anywhere, but those belts mean nothing while DX has them because they only like to work Raw. A TV title would be perfect for someone like Jericho or Punk or even Swagger, and it could always create new and fresh fueds because anyone on the roster could compete for it.

The idea may need some tweaking, but what are your thoughts?
I think the Divas should maybe have a tag title since they seem to be doing quite a bit of stables like the Lay-Cool thing. I know there stables are quite fickle, but then again look at what they have lately. :shrug: I think to bring back the Hardcore belt would be awesome, and have it be an equal opportunity, have there be a men's shot and women's shot. Especially since they seem to be so open minded on SD vs Raw '10 with women doing Extreme Rules, or steel cage matches and crap. Maybe give the women a little more credit, but then again, I know that's asking a bit too much since there is slim pickings. I'd like it to harken back to the Lita and Trish and Jacqueline days when there were leather strap matches, hardcore matches (the lita-jacqueline) was classic IMO. :) Maybe have some belts for up and comers like "Tomorrow Belt" or something titles like that for the ECW initiative type show and have it be ALL newer people. :blush:
I think a TV title would definitely be nice to make things interesting for the mid card. I hate to see guys like Punk not really chasing anything, yeah he has his straight edge thing going on now but it still feels aimless. It wouldn't bother me so much when people drop from main event status if they still had something else to do. I know there's the IC title but it seems like the same few guys are always involved in chasing that belt.
OK creating a title in the lack luster of the WWE would be silly, if something needs to be done, what they should do is change the World Title to the Smackdown World Champ, make a Raw World Champ, and have the WWE Title as the TOP Champ that goes to all shows and wrestles any one, so for guys like HHH and HBK they can stay on Raw and for Y2J he can be on any show when he is the champ, easy way to stay is Sheamus is Raw Champ and Taker is Smackdown Champ. and have a one night PPV tournament say King of the Ring or Night of Champions and the winner is WWE Champ!
I think this a bad idea, mainly because there are too many belts already. They'd have to scrap one of the mid-card belts, and there's no way a TV title should replace belts as prestigious and the IC and US.

If they really had to bring in another belt, I'd rather it be the Cruiserweight title to give the smaller guys something to do.
Ok I've already seen some good and bad ideas. Let's be positive and start with the good.

I was just thinking that the WWE should come up with a Television Title. A TV title would give current main-eventer/upper mid-carders something to fight for when not in the hunt for one of the major belts. It could be defended at any of the 4 shows, but I think primarily it should be featured on Superstars. It would give the show some legitimacy while giving the fans a fresh idea.

Not a bad Idea. When I read the name of the Thread I actually thought "Huh? That would be a good idea for Superstars." I agree that if would be a good idea to give the mid carders and lower guys something to compete for while the U.S. and I.C. titles are feuded for and defended on their respective shows. I think it should only be exclusive to Superstars though. You could have the T.V. champion appear on different shows to keep feuds going, but the title should only be fought for and defended on Superstars. As stated already, It would give some legitimacy to Superstars, this only all well and fine though if you are trying to legitimize Superstars and want to invest in it. Otherwise, it is a waste of time and resources.

what they should do is change the World Title to the Smackdown World Champ, make a Raw World Champ, and have the WWE Title as the TOP Champ that goes to all shows and wrestles any one

I don't know about anyone else but I thought that sounded like a pretty good idea. Now I know it seems like your getting into too many championships with all this but really, does it matter? No. I think doing something like this, and adding a Television Title would just create more opportunities for people. You'd have both shows with their recognized champions those being the Raw/Smack Down World Champions, as well as either the U.S./I.C. titles, A Womens/Divas champion on each show, then you have the traveling unified Tag Champions, and Traveling WWE Champion, The ECW title on that show, and the Television Champion on Superstars. I know it sounds like a lot and it is in some ways, but think of the possibilities!

Now for the bad.

I think the Divas should maybe have a tag title

This is not TNA who in the past has relied so heavily on it's womens division. I wouldn't be surprised if those titles got scrapped with the coming changes TNA is to undergo either, sooner rather than later.

I think to bring back the Hardcore belt would be awesome, and have it be an equal opportunity, have there be a men's shot and women's shot.

No hardcore division is needed or really wanted in the WWE. I think another hardcore division would legitimize the character WWE has been trying to create for itself, and people want real wrestling, not stunt double wrestling. Leave those kind of gimmick matches for the Indies who need something to draw on.

Also, this should never be and inter gender title. Yeah that's an original idea, but any guy who loses to a chick will look like shit, and that wouldn't be the purpose of said title now would it?

Have a one night PPV tournament say King of the Ring or Night of Champions and the winner is WWE Champ!

This was supposed to aid the idea of having a Raw and Smack Down world champion, then a traveling WWE Champion. I just don't think people are as interested in the one night tournament idea anymore, or the idea of any kind of tournaments for that matter. Do people really seem to care about the KOTR tournament anymore? Not really. I do, I think it's a shame that people don't care about it anymore, and that it no longer has it's own pay-per-view and all that, call it nostalgia. But, the reality remains that people have lost interest in that kind of thing. How would you really organize that kind of tournament? Would the Raw and Smack Down World Champions be excluded? Where would they even come into play if at all? How would you structure the tournament? Would it be like a Tough Man competition with a Champion waiting for you at the end for an opportunity to go on and compete for the WWE Title? How would it work? See, there are too many details and questions to iron out about it. Just my personal thoughts.

In closing, the T.V. title thing sounds great to me if done the right way. It would be easy to do it the wrong way so I can't say I would really champion the idea, but It's not entirely a bad one. I think there would need to be some restructuring done to make it work and policies surrounding other titles would have to be figured out and enforced to make it all work too. As I stated earlier, It just depends on whether or not you are willing to invest in the one hour show that is Superstars.
I think this a bad idea, mainly because there are too many belts already. They'd have to scrap one of the mid-card belts, and there's no way a TV title should replace belts as prestigious and the IC and US.

f they really had to bring in another belt, I'd rather it be the Cruiserweight title to give the smaller guys something to do.

I totally agree with your comment. WWE has too many belts, already. The tag titles can split back to each brands, IMO. The ECW title took over the Cruiserweight title. A majority of the champions beside Kane, Big Show and Mark Henry have been Cruiserweight/Light Heavyweight/Jr.weight champions, in some way or form. The only belt I have to say the WWE should add, is a Tag title for ECW. They should start focusing on bring up tag teams in ECW, but that will never happen.
The WWE does not need anymore titles. The Divas title was really borderline pushing it, but the idea of putting yet another Men's title into circulation is ridiculous.

The more title's that the WWE has, then the more diluted the credibility of each individual title becomes. Is the concept of a great feud not being centered around a title considered crimes against humanity or something? Superstars do not need to obtain titles in order to become credible and successful performers.

Besides, the US and Intercontinental Championships already act as a sort of 'TV' title for Raw and Smackdown. These are titles usually given to up and coming midcarders in order to showcase their abilities. This is exactly the purpose of this proposed new TV title, which is why there is very little need for it.
I personally think that a television title is a good idea. In my opinion, it coud replace the United States Championship, mostly beause it is not a true WWE title. It is from WCW title and does not help a superstar get closer to a triple crown status upon winning it. If WWE does do this, then it could be considered a good alternative to the Intercontinental Championship and will compliment the ECW and WCW Televison Championships.
Should the WWE add a Television title? Not a bad idea...but what about making the Intercontinental and U.S. Champs defend their belts more on television. As many of you have said, there are way too many titles floating out there, yet less being defended; except on PPV. Not only this, but what happened to those titles being the "stepping stone" to the perspective shows heavyweight title. These guys don't even rate as far as title opportunities for the major belts. Personally, I'd like to see a Morrison or McIntyre match with the Undertaker instead the same old Batista match with him.

Let's face it, by making the IC and US belts more prestigious, it gives the champs new and exciting competition...which is sorely lacks. Everyone bitches that they're sick of Cena, HHH, Orton, ect. getting all the title shots; why not make them earn one by winning the IC or US belts first. WWE, look back into the history of wrestling and you'll see; this is needed more than ever.
I disagree. If they are to add another mid-card title, they should add the "Hardcore" Championship to ECW. With two titles on ECW, it'll make the ECW title look more distinguished. Not a good idea though
I like the idea of a TV or better yet Cruiserweight Title coming back. I think it would give guys like Carlito, Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, hell even some of the current ECW guys something to fight for instead just getting squashed or constantly jobbing to everyone. I guess one of the "few" things that bother me about this is they want to push the younger talent but okay, so you put the IC strap on McEntyre and the WWE strap on Sheamus and they just hammer the fact that they are undefeated. Even though they have a DQ loss. They are trying to make them look unstoppable or whatever but then when they do lose the title, how is that match going to look? A fluke win? How can you make someone look better than someone you pushed as 'undefeated' for so long?
I like the way it used to be when winning the US or IC was indeed a 'stepping stone' to bigger and better things.
I Agree in the fact that WWE needs a TV title, and that it needs to be for mid-upper card competitors, but where then should it be placed, I would feel it it'd be better on ECW as something equal
to a IC or US title, and that it would help their suffering ratings. The problem this would have however is that no superstar on ECW is above mid-card status(Except Christian).

The WWE needs more championships, theres no doubt about it, in the attitude era everyone had a title to go for whether tag or Hardcore or Light Heavyweight, now everyones just Wrestling aimlessly without getting anywhere.
WWE basically already has a television title, but it goes by a different name. They call it the ECW championship. Its been defended on like 2 ppvs the entire year, its ridiculous.

If WWE was to get a new title I would love the Cruiserweight belt to make a return. They have so much talent in that division that is being wasted.
The WWE doesn't need anymore belts. Are you serious? If anything, they need to be re-unifying championships before making anymore. 1 World Champ, 1 Mid-Card Champ, a Set of Tag Straps, and then the women's title. A TV Title would be great at that time, because they could use that to not only build new guys, but have a meaningful title match at TV, and yet still have the big titles mostly defended on PPVs, and only once and awhile on that it means more. We all know wrestling is a work, but you need to make the things in wrestling matter more, and be like it once was to an extent...if you want anyone to care, or take it serious anymore. Don't have title changes just for the sake of a title change. At this point, if you work for Vince, and don't have a must be really bad off...because there's nearly a belt for everyone at this juncture.
I think if anything, it's time to get rid of one to three of the championships, not add more.

The unified tag titles has given a boost to the tag team division in the WWE. Granted, it hasn't completely saved it by any means, but we're better off with this setup than we were when we had Deuce & Domino and Cade & Murdoch only defending their titles at Night of Champions and maybe once or twice on Raw/Smackdown during the whole year. I say it's time to get rid of the idea of them carrying out two sets of titles and legitimately "unify" them. Just have the WWE Tag Team Championship and keep the interbrand rules.

And the diva/women titles, they're a problem too. I know most people bitch about the Diva's title because of it's design, but I have no real issue with that (despite how it looks stupid) as the real issue I have is that we see the same things over and over again. If they were to make it a unified title scenario with the same cross-brand defense tactics as the tag team championship, then they could maximize how their divas are used. They only have a few that are actually popular and worth anything, right? So why not be able to use the ones like Maryse, Mickie, Beth, Melina, Kelly, etc on any show at any time? Maybe by doing this, the women that have nothing to do can partner up with male wrestlers as managerial type roles like they used to - you know, how they could do their training behind the scenes and learn how to wrestle by the time they start doing it, but in the mean time, still get over with the crowd and still market their sexuality?

The ECW championship serves a great purpose as being a middle-ground between midcard and main event and effectively acting as a test-run for whether or not someone is worth a higher spot on the card, but we're not sure what will happen to ECW when they change things up. If they no longer use the "ECW" moniker, then maybe they can use this as an excuse to create the "Television Title" or maybe something new and better. We'll have to see about that.

As for the "Raw World Champ" and "Smackdown World Champ" ideas...why wouldn't you just use the IC and US titles for those? If you had the WWE Champion as a cross-branded defender, all you'd have to do is redesign it so that it had elements of the Big Gold Belt alongside some identifiable "WWE" markings. But the problem is that by eliminating a world title, you demote a lot of your talent. They'd be less likely to push younger stars like Kofi Kingston because the number of main event spots is pretty large at the moment. We have about 15 people that can easily fit into the main event and upper midcard slots: Big Show, John Cena, Randy Orton, HBK, HHH, Sheamus, Batista, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Edge, Kane, Rey Mysterio, Undertaker, Christian, Kofi Kingston, the Miz, and John Morrison. That's a HUGE list of names to cycle through for ONE title. Thus, some of them would be demoted, which puts the people that are lower than them in an even worse spot for holding titles and advancing their credibility. So this one I don't think is a good idea to get rid of...I'd rather them keep it as the 4 titles between the two brands.

ECW is the one that puts things in into perspective about new titles and such, but barring some really unforeseen change, I think the only things the WWE should be doing when they tamper with their titles is to 1) create just 2 tag team belts 2) merge the diva/women titles and defend them amongst the brands 3) redesign the WWE title as I still think it looks like someone took the leftover rhinestones from their 80s rock polisher and superglued it on. No Cruiserweight title, no more tag team titles, nothing that will make it so even less people compete for the championships than already do.
I think that the TV title idea is good. But right now? With all of the belts we have? I doubt it would be beneficial to anyone. To me, I think the Tag belts should be just one belt. It's silly to have that many belts and they're not even defended that much. The Women's/Diva's belts aren't that big of a deal. NO one cares enough to notice they're two separate belts.

But the TV title concept would be good. Have it defended on random shows like Superstars, ECW, Smackdown, and Raw. The TV champion would be prestigious because maybe without winning that belt, they don't get face time. It'd be a good incentive for someone like Swagger, MVP, Bourne, or others to carry the belt. The Television title was prestigious in the NWA because prestigious people held it. Tully Blanchard, Arn Anderson, Magnum TA, Nikita Koloff, and others held the title and made it prestigious by defending it all the time. Making them the hardest working champion besides the Worlds Heavyweight Champion.
Ok, ive seen some good points throughout this whole tread so far, and it got me thinking a bit. This is a good idea, to have another belt to give some people something to do. I agree that it should be on Superstars a majority of the time. and i also agree about the hardcore title being brought back. I know its the PG era but that would bring back loads of nostalgia and hopefully some fresh matches.

So i have 2 ideas.
1. Make a TV title that can be defended on any show, but majorly superstars. With superstars though, it needs to have interbrand matches (like i thought was the original idea, i was wrong obv). They can have tournaments and fueds then on the other brands during the week.

2. Bring back the Hardcore title, but dont make it exclusive to one show. That way, the champion can go to any show. This could be really well done and of course add a lot of prestige to the title because lots of main eventers could go for it when they drop out of the main event picture, EG Jericho.

But thats just my thoughts...
very good idea!! but the only place it can be implemented is ecw because it is the place for upcoming talents and a telivision title would help establish them as solid mid carders or possibly as main eventers
but vince has to give ecw an extra half hour of air time so as to bring back the telivision title and make the superstars defend it week in and week out
I think there should be a TV title. Last time I remember a title changing hands on TV was when Jeff Hardy lost it to Y2J cuz of his drug suspension the 2nd time. So I say bring back 1 of the 3 belts (cruiserweight, hardcore, or european, which seems good for all the europeans holding belts now.) Plus im tired of seeing 4 matches it seems on RAW.
WWE needs to do SOMETHING with their loose end stars. The reason they have so many belts is cuz they have so many stars. If there is any place for there not to be a belt it's the womens division. Half of them can't wrestle and so the ones that do are stuck with belts untill they train up unworthy barbies. Where the hell is beth phoenix? SHe's supposed to be dominating these broads and IMO should be undiputed or unified womens champ. Didnt she body slam santino?

Overall i support the idea that the WWE needs more belts. Its not the number of titles thats the problem, its the WWE's ignorance that hinders the value of the titles. As for putting the belt exclusively on a show like superstars i don't agree with. It should float around, spend some time on the popular shows, perhaps gain some popularity THEN move somewhere where it can pull some ratings with.

B]now everyones just Wrestling aimlessly without getting anywhere.[/B]

We usually see people in aimless, pointless fights. Feuds i get and feuds are great even when theres no title involved. In fact there should be more "stories" and feuds between people. WHen mike knox randomly comes out and squashed a good midcarder, thats a total failure of creativity. Either have the star work with a mix of other stars fighting for belts, and contenderships or have them in some sort of intense feud.
WWE Needs to make its world and secondary titles important before adding another title. I feel that stories and characters have overshadowed the value of belts. For example, in the 80's, Hogan was the biggest star around, but how big would he have really been if he didn't have the World title around his waste? We equated part of his value with a World Championship so when another wrestler beats him for it, it makes it that much more special.

Then we had belts like the IC title. It was always considered special and almost as important as the World title.

Back when Warrior won it from the Honky Tonk Man, it was as if we had two World Champions. It also made Hogan vs Warrior that much special when it was "title for title".
There's no need to add additional titles anywhere right now, unless you make ECW a longer program. There isn't anyone who is beneath getting a shot at the midcard title on whatever brand they are on. Would anyone think it strange if Evan Bourne got a US Title shot? No, so what's the point in a new title.

However, in order to beef up one of the titles, and to increase interest in the midcard, I'd have one of the champions defend it on weekly television. It wouldn't be that hard, and they could win most weeks in the same way that Gregory Helms used to. I think it could make for an interesting addition to weekly television.
I was just thinking that the WWE should come up with a Television Title. I know that there are plenty of belts as is, but a TV title would give current main-eventer/upper mid-carders something to fight for when not in the hunt for one of the major belts. It could be defended at any of the 4 shows, but I think primarily it should be featured on Superstars. It would give the show some legitimacy while giving the fans a fresh idea.

Obviously the Unified Tag Team champs can go anywhere, but those belts mean nothing while DX has them because they only like to work Raw. A TV title would be perfect for someone like Jericho or Punk or even Swagger, and it could always create new and fresh fueds because anyone on the roster could compete for it.

The idea may need some tweaking, but what are your thoughts?

I like your idea, except for the very point you make yourself. We have a shit ton of titles already. I mean fuck, we have two Divas titles. Why do we need this many titles?

I would side with Tastycles on this issue. Instead of making a whole new title, just have one of your mid card champions defend it every week on TV. Or, if you really want to get those juices flowing, have all of the mid-card champions defend it regularly on TV. Both the IC and US champions have to defend their title weekly, on Superstars! Woah, talk about crazy awesome.

Adding a new title would just clutter an already cluttered title scene. Sure, we can add the TV title if you want to cut another two titles. Cut out the Divas Title and another title, and you have a case. We don't need 50000 titles. Or else the champions we already have look really, really lame. than they already look, at least.
Yes, let's add a television title. While we're at it, bring back the North American, European, Cruiserweight, Light Heavyweight, Martial Arts, Women's Tag Team and Hardcore Titles as well.

There are already too many titles in WWE. There should be one top title. WWE Title, WWE World Heavyweight Title, Undisputed World Heavyweight Title......who cares what they call it.

There should be one tag title. Which we already have.

There should be one women's title......not two. There aren't enough women in WWE that are actually wrestlers and not overglorified bikini models to really justify having two separate divisions.

There should be one mid-card title per brand....That's where the US and IC Title fit in.

ECW should be looked at as the red headed stepchild brand that it already is. It's FCW, only in National Touring Form. So if WWE ever did bring in another belt, that's where it should go.

In turn, we eliminate 2 belts from the flagship brands, and add one to the C-Show.

And Superstars doesn't need a title as it's a spotlight show.

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