The Zonies - Wrestlezone Movie Awards


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
So I want to run a small set of threads where we debate the first ever all-time ZONIE AWARDS. I want this thread to act as a discussion forum for categories. The basics will be a part of it:

Best Film
Best Action Film
Best Sports Film
Best Actor
Best Actress

But I want to include some fun, niche discussions:

Biggest Movie Badass
Best Nude Scene / Sex Scene (non-porn)
Best Monolouge
Most Awesome Shit Movie
Most Gruesome Movie

Please give me some ideas!!!!
how about (since this is a wrestling forum) Best Movie starring a Professional Wrestler in a Lead Role?
How about these two...

The Anti Shirley Temple Award for least nauseous child performance.

The M Night Shyamalan Award for the actor / director who has disappeared the furthest up his/ her/ their own ass(es).
Best "Today I Settle All Family Business" Sequence

Second Godfather reference today. I should stop now.
Wait, is this like an all time kind of thing or from the past year?

EDIT: Apparently is, in which case I take back my nomination of Piranha 3D.
I honestly sent a PM to Dave asking if I could do basically this but in the movies and television section(with a few changes), and now I see it is being done by IC. Disappointed.
So I want to run a small set of threads where we debate the first ever all-time ZONIE AWARDS. I want this thread to act as a discussion forum for categories. The basics will be a part of it:

Best Film: 8 1/2
Best Action Film: Robocop
Best Sports Film: Hoop Dreams
Best Actor: Vincent Cassel
Best Actress: Giulietta Masina

But I want to include some fun, niche discussions:

Biggest Movie Badass: Choda Boy, Practitioner of Hamster Style (from Orgazmo)
Best Nude Scene / Sex Scene (non-porn): Jamie Lee Curtis in Trading Places or Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal in Brokeback Mountain
Best Monolouge: James Caan from Thief or Richard Grant from Withnail and I
Most Awesome Shit Movie: Troll 2
Most Gruesome Movie: Dead-alive

Please give me some ideas!!!!

I filled it out for you. I know you said you didn't want people giving their nominations just yet but I couldn't resist. Apologies and thanks in advance.

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