Third Round - Toronto: Steel Cage - The Rock vs. Ted DiBiase

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • The Rock

  • Ted DiBiase

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a Third Round match in the Toronto Region.

Rules: This is a run of the mill steel cage match. We will be using the big blue cage because that one looks better. Anything goes inside the cage. There is one way to win: escaping the cage. There are no pinfalls and there are no submissions. You may escape either through the door or over the top.

Location: SkyDome, Toronto, Ontario, Canada


The Rock



Ted DiBiase


Voting is open for 4 days.
Dibiase is a great wrestler and very underrated for his time, but The Rock is all about some cage matches. His success in a cage match is better than Dibiase's and to be honest, The Rock would be able to put Dibiase down long enough to climb out of the ring...

HOWEVER... the one factor no one mentions in this match... is that EVERYBODY'S GOTTA PRICE... FOR THE MILLION DOLLAH MAN! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! And The Rock has a price. Dibiase slips him a briefcase full of hundreds, The Rock cocks the eyebrow... tells MDM, "The Rock's not stupid. That's a lotta money. And The Rock likes money. So, Millon Dollar Man... take your roody poo... CANDY ASS outta this cage... cuz THE ROCK needs himself a new Lincoln Continental."

So Dibiase walks out of the cage. Fans boo. The Rock looks into the briefcase and sees all that money, takes off, and his never heard of again, until he does Scorpion King.

Money TALKS! Dibiase wins it. :p

Not really. The Rock would shove that briefcase up Dibiase's candy ass and nail a Rock Bottom on him, and stroll out of the cage, WITH the briefcase.

The Rock says... Vote for the PEOPLE'S CHAMPION!
As much as I love Ted DiBiase, I just can't vote for him here. He was hands down my favorite heel wrestler when I was growing up and he's still gotta special place in my memories, but he's just completely outclassed by The Rock physically in just about every measurable way.

The Rock is bigger, stronger, faster, more agile and just an outright better fighter. DiBiase had great technical skills but they won't really do him all that much good here. DiBiase was very underrated, arguably the greatest wrestler to have never been a world champion, but I just can't think of any rational reason he'd get by The Rock. It'd take more than Virgil to get DiBiase a win here.
HOWEVER... the one factor no one mentions in this match... is that EVERYBODY'S GOTTA PRICE... FOR THE MILLION DOLLAH MAN! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! And The Rock has a price. Dibiase slips him a briefcase full of hundreds, The Rock cocks the eyebrow... tells MDM, "The Rock's not stupid. That's a lotta money. And The Rock likes money. So, Millon Dollar Man... take your roody poo... CANDY ASS outta this cage... cuz THE ROCK needs himself a new Lincoln Continental."

So Dibiase walks out of the cage. Fans boo. The Rock looks into the briefcase and sees all that money, takes off, and his never heard of again, until he does Scorpion King.

Money TALKS! Dibiase wins it. :p

Not really. The Rock would shove that briefcase up Dibiase's candy ass and nail a Rock Bottom on him, and stroll out of the cage, WITH the briefcase.

The Rock says... Vote for the PEOPLE'S CHAMPION!

This has got to be the greatest write in vote in this tournament yet.

Either way, You're right, The Rock has been in his fair share of steel cage matches, a Hell in a Cell match, and has pretty much dominated the WWE for a decent period alongside Stone Cold and Triple H, but, oh.. look, it's not Austin, it's not Triple H, it's Ted DiBiase Sr. and Ted DiBiase, while he's underrated that's for certain, he's not gonna be able to pull a victory out of The Rock, and I don't see Ted DiBiase being able to keep The Rock down long enough for him to climb out of the cage, as opposed to The Rock who would probably have an easy time doing just that when he eventually does put him down.

I think it's gonna be a very good match, but ultimately, The Rock just can't loose this one, shouldn't and won't.

The Rock gets my vote, give him yours, cause it's the right choice.
Not much explanation needed, really.

I'm a HUGE DiBiase fan, but the only cage match he competed in ended with his losing to Randy Savage. He's not experienced in cages and doesn't hold any wins.

The Rock, on the other hand, has been in... oh... like a BILLION cage matches of all shapes and sizes, and has a winning record in them.

This is the Rock's match.
What these guys said. The Rock has a better record in cage matches, and in general had a more successful career than the Million Dollar Man.
I've seen DiBiase lose a cage match to Randy Savage, and that is essentially what the Rock was in his era in terms of level within the company. The cage match is generally the settler in feuds, and DiBiase pretty much always lost in the end, so I thinkthis is the end of the road for him.
Not a huge Rocky Fan (he was great in The Tooth Fairy though), but I don't think there's anyway he loses here. Dibiase isn't near the level of Rock and probably should've lost last round to one of the Japanese guys. Kawada or something like that. The Steel Cage really does nothing to affect this here, in what shouldn't be that close of an encounter.
Not much explanation needed, really.

I'm a HUGE DiBiase fan, but the only cage match he competed in ended with his losing to Randy Savage. He's not experienced in cages and doesn't hold any wins.

The Rock, on the other hand, has been in... oh... like a BILLION cage matches of all shapes and sizes, and has a winning record in them.

This is the Rock's match.

How did that cage match against Austin after Wrestlemania 17 turn out for him? He lost. How about that Hell in a Cell match in 2000 for the WWF Title? He lost. The Rock is not exactly batting 1.000 when it comes to steel cage matches.
How did that cage match against Austin after Wrestlemania 17 turn out for him? He lost. How about that Hell in a Cell match in 2000 for the WWF Title? He lost. The Rock is not exactly batting 1.000 when it comes to steel cage matches.

And here's LJL, again going against the grain for the sake of being controversial. This is a dumbass argument, though. He lost a cage match against one of the most lethal and often considered greatest wrestlers in history and he wasn't victorious in a 6-man match (Inside a cell, not a cage? :disappointed: ) that included greats like HHH, Kurt Angle, The Undertaker, and Steve Austin. I don't see how any of this factors in to his match with Ted Dibiase. But if you want to go that road, make sure to mention the cage matches he did win against HHH, Kane, etc. It goes both ways, bro.
I could only find one Steel Cage match featuring Ted DiBiase. In that match he lost to Randy Savage.

I found numberous steele cage matches with The Rock wrestling. HHH, Stone Cold, Kane, Mankind AND Ken Shamrock etc. And while The Rock didn't win them all, he did when his fair share of them. Win or lose, all of The Rocks opponents were of greater talent and signifigance than The Million Dollar Man.
I wanted to say DiBiase but simply put, it's the Rock. He's been to the top and back again. The Rock has beaten a LOT of people who hold significance to wrestling (Austin, Undertaker, HULK HOGAN etc...) and DiBiase hasn't done it on nearly the same level. Ted was great and I love him to bits but The Rock takes this with a Rock Bottom inside the Cage.
How did that cage match against Austin after Wrestlemania 17 turn out for him? He lost. How about that Hell in a Cell match in 2000 for the WWF Title? He lost. The Rock is not exactly batting 1.000 when it comes to steel cage matches.

Given the fact Triple H actually interfered in this match and thus formed the Two Man Power Trip, this is kinda an obsolete point.

Simple fact is that The Rock is a cage specialist, he's beaten some of the best in the cage and even wins against the odds, he won a handicap cage match in 2000 which lead to him getting the title at Backlash. He has beaten top contenders in this match and knows how to effectively use the cage to his advantage. As stated, Dibiase's experience lacks with the odd match or two that he hasn't won.

The Rock advances.
How did that cage match against Austin after Wrestlemania 17 turn out for him? He lost. How about that Hell in a Cell match in 2000 for the WWF Title? He lost. The Rock is not exactly batting 1.000 when it comes to steel cage matches.

Is your new goal in life to troll my posts in this tournament and try and argue against me? Ugh...

Anyway, the Rock's record might be with a few loses, but he won some of them.

Ted DiBiase, on the other hand, has a ZERO win percentage in them.

Rock is obviously more experienced, knows what needs to be done, and knows how to win in this match. Ted doesn't. That's all anyone needs to know.
yep, Rock definitely has a much better steel cage record. The only Steel Cage DiBiase has been in, he lost. Compared to the Rock, who has been in numerous steel cage matches.
Rock wins.
The Rock may not have won every match he has been in, but there is something about him in "do or die" scenarios where he rises to the occasion to beat whoever he may be facing. And for me after looking at all of his matches against HHH, Kane, Stone Cold Steve Austin and others it just boils down to the fact that The Rock is indeed better. Faster, Stronger, and certainly having more Heart, The Rock wins here.
How did that cage match against Austin after Wrestlemania 17 turn out for him? He lost. How about that Hell in a Cell match in 2000 for the WWF Title? He lost. The Rock is not exactly batting 1.000 when it comes to steel cage matches.

But DiBiase's 0-1 is a better record? This is seriously a terrible arguement. You could at least use some of DiBiase's accomplishments as an argument. Even then he would be trumped. Like somebody said, DiBiase always lost in the end. It's just naturally the heel way. This is a cage match, usually the finish for a feud. Even if you try and discard that, what is there to put Ted above Rocky? Not accomplishments. Not titles. Not drawing ability. DiBiase was absolutely one of the greatest heels of all time. The Rock however, was one of the biggest stars of all time period.
I went with The rock here Ted was great heel but I don't see Rock losing this match. Cages matches aren't really neither of Ted or Rock specialilty and Rock does have the better record and more experince. I see this ending the people elbow and Rock climbing out the cage because Virgil will be blocking the door.
Rock wins here. As everyone has already said he has a better record than Dibiase and has competed in the cage enough times to learn a trick or two. And hell look back to Rockys cage match on Raw vs HHH. How many cage matches has dibiase been in, escaped the cage,battled outside the cage,got back in the cage,and still won.

Vote Rock.

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