TNA Region, Third Round, German Pain Match: (3) Triple H. vs. (11) Daniel Bryan

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • Triple H

  • Daniel Bryan

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a third round match in the TNA Region. It is a German Pain match, held at the Amway Center in Orlando, Florida.


Rules: This match is won by pinfall or submission only, but either wrestler cannot go for a fall until their opponent is bleeding significanly.


#3. Triple H



#11. Daniel Bryan

Polls will be open for four days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
Dude, what the fuck is wrong with German people?

I want to say that D-Bry wins this match based on his completely 100% clean victory over Triple H at WrestleMania 30, but Trips is a sadistic bastard who I've seen in some bloody battles before. I've seen Bryan bleed on the indy circuit as well, but his battles never seemed as brutal as Trips has had with the likes of HBK and Foley. I'm leaning toward Hunter, but I could be swayed.
Those of you basing everything on kayfabe need to vote Bryan here. Or shut the fuck up about it.

I'll be voting Triple H. He's easily better and is the more important star. This is the man that just beat Sting in his WWE debut. Bryan was passed over the main event and won the second tier championship. Also, as Yaz said Trips is a sadistic son of a bitch, and in his prime he'd wreck Daniel.

Vote Trips.
I gotta go Bryan here, obviously the clean win over trips at WM30 is a heavy factor in my decision, but I also like the running knee as the finisher better suited to bust somebody open.

Talking about the victory over sting like it actually means something is amusing, by that logic you're not only putting Bryan above Trips, but above Sting as well. At this point in time trips may be the more important star, but I'd argue Bryan is the better star and has star power that's practically unmatched in this era, and probably time 5 all time.

Vote D-Bry.
That WM 30 win came and then came a sadistic beatdown and Bryan fought off the stretcher and made a returning prime of an era Batista tap out. Bryan can take a helluva beating and then dish it back. I'm taking into consideration the 2000-2002 and son of a bitch was something else...

im actually not sure

and yes, what the fuck German people!
Triple H has wrestled the following on PPV in the last 5 years - Lesnar, Sheamus, Undertaker, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and Kevin Nash. All main eventers. He beat all of them at least once except the Undertaker and Daniel Bryan. Bryan beat him, and then Bryan has also beaten John Cena clean in this period. Just because Bryan's career is starting out doesn't mean that we can't take his big wins into consideration. Bryan would win this, because he has won this before.
I love Triple H. Yes, there is a "but" coming - obviously - but (another "but" other than that one) I really do love Triple H. Here's a link to the thread I made about Triple H being the best wrestler in the world for a year and a half:

There doesn't seem to be any arguing that Triple H wasn't as important as The Rock or Steve Austin or even Mick Foley, but I always think it's bullshit when people refuse to put Triple H on the same tier as Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels or even The Undertaker.

Ironically, Triple H's legacy would probably be thought more of minus about half a dozen world title reigns.

But, I'm not sure Triple H - or many wrestlers - ever had a moment like Daniel Bryan's at WrestleMania XXX. Trips won the title in the main event of WrestleMania XIX but surely even his most ardent supporter wouldn't argue that compares favourably. One match was wrestled in front of a dead crowd who'd just witnessed a historic moment; one was wrestled in front of an electric crowd who'd just witnessed a historic moment.

I'll be voting Triple H. He's easily better and is the more important star. This is the man that just beat Sting in his WWE debut. Bryan was passed over the main event and won the second tier championship.



If this was a getting passed over contest, Triple H - despite being a bajillion time world champion - would win with ease. Or lose. Whatever point I'm trying to make.

Triple H won his first world championship at thirty-one years of age; Daniel Bryan won his at thirty.
Triple H is definitely in the second tier of legends, no doubt at all.

I m gonna vote for D Bry because in his prime (which was last year), Triple H was the baddie you beat at Mania to win the title. Totally see that happening tbh.
While its true that D-Bry does have a clean victory over Trips, I still can't vote for him.

Criteria wise, Triple H is clearly the better/more important performer. Of course, D-Bry still has a ways to go, however, he's not on Triple H's level yet.

Kayfabe wise, D-Bry does have the one victory over Trips, however, when it comes to matches like this; Triple H has a more than stellar record and even more infamous reputation. In the kayfabe world of wrestling there are few who have shown to be as dangerous and sadistic as Trips. It's something we've never seen from Bryan and probably never will see. One can't really fault Bryan for that, but still, Trips has the chops to beat Bryan in this type of match.

Vote Triple H.
Have you seen a main event Triple H match? He bleeds for fun. That and him having a 100% loss record against Bryan means DBD wins here.
This would be an entertaining brawl that'd tell a helluva story. I can clearly see fans rallying behind Bryan as he gets torn up by Triple H for a while, rallying up and taking it to Trips, both wind up being busted wide open, the fans' chants heightened by a touch of bloodlust, etc.

I could see either guy coming out on top. Both Bryan & Trips have been in some brawls, both have shown they can take a beating, endure it and come back fighting. I'm going with Bryan for the win, I think he's shown that he can endure whatever Triple H has to throw at him. Even though we've only seen them wrestle one time it was in a traditional match, Bryan still won, he won clean and he won decisively. However, I can't really fault anyone for going with Triple H as the guy's been in everything from Ladder Matches to Hell in a Cell to Elimination Chamber to plain ol' street fights and has come out on top a good deal of the time.
First of all, I have to say how big a fan of Daniel Bryan I am. Over the last few years, I have supported him religiously in the ring and outside of it. I think he is one of the most talented wrestlers in the WWE right now and a great guy to boot. For me, it is no wonder that he is so over with the fans because you can literally see through all of the WWE's bullshit and see that Daniel Bryan is someone like us. And what's better than cheering for someone that represents the underdog in all of us? What he has accomplished in wrestling and in the WWE is purely inspirational, I gve him that.

But his journey in the WZ Tournament should end here at the hands of a bona fide legend of the wrestling world. Let's have a look and see why I feel that way personally.

Firstly, let's talk about last year's WrestleMania match between the two, to my mind, the only competitive match between the two but I might be slightly wrong on that one. Let's not forget that Triple H, at the time, was 44 years of age. Daniel Bryan, on the other hand, was 32. That's 12 years between the two men the one and only time that they met. And of course Daniel Bryan went over Triple H at Mania, he was backed by massive support from the Yes Movement and it was a great moment, that's for sure. But the question is this; would that have happened had the match taken place 12 years ago? Furthermore, would Daniel Bryan have gone over when Triple H was in the prime of his career when he was 32? I don't think so. Not for one minute.

Daniel Bryan is in his prime right now, no one can deny it. He has found his form at the right time and looks set to be central to the plans of the WWE going forward. But Triple H was that guy at a comparable time in his career too. And if we look, then, at when both men were in their early thirties (their prime, in my opinion), there can be no doubt that Triple H would go over in a match. Right now, Daniel Bryan is beating the likes of Randy Orton, Batista, Sheamus and Bray Wyatt. Now these guys are solid hands in the ring and have had tremendous careers in and out of the ring. Triple H meanwhile was facing off against the likes of The Rock, Kurt and Mick Foley; winning Championship after Championship in an Era that would come to be named after him! If you need any more proof that Triple H was the man in he WWE at that point, then I don't really know how to convince you. It was at this stage in his career, that Triple H really started to craft his legacy in the WWE and the wrestling business. He fought the best and regularly beat the best that the industry has to offer. And whilst Daniel Bryan is now languishing around the mid-card of the WWE, Triple H was main eventing PPV after PPV. For me, there is absolutely no question that Triple H had a better career than Daniel Bryan until comparable points in their wrestling lifetime.

The amazing thing is that these guys had a stand out match at WrestleMania 30. Both guys had opportunities to win the match but the youth and the stamina of Daniel Bryan was enough to get him over the veteran. The sad things is, though, that these guys should have come along at the same time. What a series of matches these guys could have had 10 years ago, right? And whilst we might not be able to see that, we did have a series of matches between Triple H and the man who trained Daniel Bryan to be what he is today. A lot of what is good about Daniel Bryan has come from the one and only Shawn Michaels. And the pool of matches of which to get a better indication of who would win is a lot bigger. At this point though, there is no doubt that Shawn Michaels is a better wrestler than Daniel Bryan, right? At least in mind there isn't. So let's have a look at the matches from Triple H's prime in 2003-4. Shawn Michaels was around the age of 36 or 37 probably, so it makes for a better comparison between the two; removing the age gap. There was a lot of interaction between the two those years but the one-on-one matches looked like this:

SummerSlam 2002 – Shawn Michaels wins
Armageddon 2002 – Triple H wins 3 stages of Hell
Raw 2003 – Triple H retains
Royal Rumble 2004 – Triple H retains
Bad Blood 2004 – Triple H retains

So, against a man who is a better wrestler than Daniel Bryan; the same man who taught Daniel Bryan the tools of the trade, Triple H has the better record in his prime. Of course, the Elimination Chamber match with Shawn and Triple H involved shouldn't count for a few reasons. Firstly, because there was 4 other men in the ring that causes far too much variance in results. And also because Triple H started the match and would have been much more tired by the end of it as a result.

See for yourself, Triple H has a better record. Sure there are a few no contest decisions and draws. But taking those out of the equation, Triple H still boasts a better record.

For, if this match came down to it when both men were in their prime, Triple H takes it.
Again, I'm going to be pernickety about trivia: the only thing Shawn Michaels taught Daniel Bryan was how to write a cheque. I also feel it's a false equivalence because Shawn Michaels and Daniel Bryan are very different wrestlers whose main similarity is their tendency towards having great matches. Add to that that the Triple H who Daniel Bryan beat was, essentially, the won who's just beaten Sting and only a few months prior to facing Bryan had beaten Brock fucking Lesnar. I think we all know, in the world of pro wrestling, forty-four is not old.
At the end of the day, this match has happened and somewhat recently. Bryan won, and while Trips wasn't in his prime, he ate the fall after being billed as a massive favourite. What also doesn't help is that he's got a long track record of bleeding like a madman. Whether that's opposite the Rock, Shawn Michaels, Chris Benoit, the Undertaker, Mick Foley or a bunch of others, Triple H can bleed with the best of them. Bryan's to lose for sure - hits the running knee for the 1...2...3...

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