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Manny Pacquiao vs Ricky Hatton
IDGAF who wins. But apparentlly ESPN is saying it's the "biggest fight of the year" Which I really dont see how that's true. With Silva/Griffin, GSP/Alves, and Lesnar/Mir 2 on the horizon I just dont see how Hatton/Pacquiao is the biggest fight of the year. If you ask me that's just some biased reporting on ESPN's part. They do have boxing programming after all. So, I dunno who's gonna win, nor do I care.
dunno bout that. Paquiao's claim to fame is whipping an old, decrepit, roughly 4 years past his prime De La Hoya. Hatton is a bad motherfucker
To me the Lesnar/Miir 2 fight will be the fight of the year for me. Hell GSP/Alves will be bigger to me than this. I cannot freaking wait for the Lesnar Miir fight.
I'm pumped for Lesnar Mir 2 also. I'm tired of my ******ed uncle saying that Mir "whipped Lesnar's ass fast" I gurantee Lesnar massacares Mir this time. I also think that Alves/Pierre is going to be a better fight than pac/hatton, but it's not going to get near as much hype on ESPN and such. It should, but it wont.

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