Vince Decides to Man Up - Briscoes get WWE Tryout

Turd Ferguson

- ECW original Mikey Whipwreck said on F4W Daily yesterday that former ROH Tag Team Champions The Briscoe Brothers and independent wrestler Papadon received tryouts with WWE in front of Vince McMahon and others before last night’s TV tapings in Philadelphia.

This pretty much falls right in line with the WWE taking a look at some ROH guys (Danielson and McGuiness), and as much as I love the Briscoes work in ROH, I'm not sure I can see them really working in the WWE. Their promos are great because of the way they're allowed to run down their opponents. Their style is also really reckless and stiff, and I'm sure that if they went to the WWE, they'd be completely neutered and wouldn't be that fun to watch. Of course, they're two of the hardest workers in ROH, so they deserve whatever kind of success they get. I just don't think they have the WWE "look" and they're going to have to change everything about what gets them so over in ROH.

As long as their style isn't too neutered, I hope they get a shot at the WWE... especially when they need tag teams. And hey, the WWE has had success with meth-addled rednecks before...
I like the idea of them potentially getting signed by the "E", but as Guy said, they'd be trimmed down, and you wouldn't be getting the Briscoes that the indy fans rave about. You'd actually get something that looks a little more like the Major Brothers.

If Vince gives them a deal, and lets them work they way they know best, it could be great. Maybe eventually lead to a resurrection of the tag division. They can work well with teams like Legacy, The Hart Dynasty, or even Cryme Tyme, who don't get nearly as much love as they should.
I don't think WWE having a look at them means much, they do it all the time.

But it's be pretty worthless hiring them. For one they look like shit. I don't know about you heterosexual guys, but I like my wrestlers toned, buff and oily. And secondly they do too much ariel gubbins for WWE to seriously consider them.
The Briscoes in the WWE? I don't think so. Personally, I think they are the best tag team in the business today. They have all aspects of in ring styles covered- Jay provides power, Mark provides high flying and they both are very solid mat wrestlers. They cut great promos and have a great gimmick.

The WWE would have to water them down. Their moveset would be scaled down and their promos would not have the same affect. Afterall, the WWE is PG. They would have to bleep out half the promo. The Briscoes are all about attitude and they wouldn't be able to connect with the crowd on the same level if their attitude was harnessed. The Briscoes in the WWE just wouldn't work.

Oh yeah...and then there's that wellness policy thing the WWE has in place. Of course, the WWE marketed RVD Tshirts that read "Nobody gets higher". They could revive the slogan and make some real money. :)
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Like RVDGurl, I am a huge fan of the Briscoes, and I'll take her statement a bit further and say not only are they the best Tag Team today, but in my opinion, they're the best tag team this decade.

Now, with that said, there's no way they're going to WWE. Why? Well, the fact is... there are just way too many *****es in the company, both who perform and also those who sit on their asses in the back while not contributing shit other than their ******ed opinion. Seriously, I've come to realize over the years that WWE is chalk filled with nothing but a bunch of whiney bitches. For one, they don't like guys like the Briscoes who could possibly steal every show, but moreover.... there just wouldn't be a lot of wrestlers who'd be willing to take the moves the Briscoes have in their arsenal, even though the only wrestlers the Briscoes have hurt while performing are themselves (and that's just Mark, really).

So, there's that aspect of it, but also the fact that they just wouldn't fit in with WWE. Their style is too wild, they don't have the right "looks" (especially Mark), and on the mic they pretty much have nothing to offer since they can't cuss (once again, especially Mark). I can see Jay Briscoe being successful in WWE as a Singles wrestler, I really could, but the Briscoes as a tag team being successful? Not going to happen, and I highly doubt Jay would ever leave his brother behind. Because of that I don't think we'll ever see a modern Briscoe in WWE anytime soon, if ever. That could be a really bad thing, or a really great thing, depending which way you want to look at it.
I'm a big fan of the Briscoes. They've accomplished pretty much everything they can on the indies. If the E wants to sign them then the Briscoes need to get paid. Much like Bryan Danielson, if it doesn't work out, hey at least they know for sure. Good luck to them in whatever they do. Personally, I think they'd be better off in TNA. How sweet would a rivalry with the Motor City Machine Guns (the matches they had in ROH were EPIC) and a feud with Beer Money be?
I'm a big fan of the Briscoes. They've accomplished pretty much everything they can on the indies. If the E wants to sign them then the Briscoes need to get paid. Much like Bryan Danielson, if it doesn't work out, hey at least they know for sure. Good luck to them in whatever they do. Personally, I think they'd be better off in TNA. How sweet would a rivalry with the Motor City Machine Guns (the matches they had in ROH were EPIC) and a feud with Beer Money be?

I don't want to see the Briscoes leave ROH, as I think they are a perfect fit for the company. But if they would get the itch to go elsewhere, I think TNA would be a much better option for them. A MCMG/Briscoes fued would be phenomenal. I would buy a PPV just to see that match. They have had some 5 star matches in ROH and it would be interesting to see what those guys could do in a 6 sided ring. I also like the idea of Briscoes/Beer Money. Although I think that Jay or Mark could out-drink James Storms anyday of the week. ;)
I personally don't think them to the E will be all that bad. I mean keeping Cabana out of the recent ROH to WWE, take a look at what all has happened so far. CM Punk is now a 4 time World Champion, yes 4 (I count the Original ECW title design). Evan Bourne is being used wisely on Raw. Sure he doesn't win, but he's being used. James Gibson (Noble) is in a kayfabe retirement and was given great storylines with divas like Layla, Katie, Michelle, and such... Now we've got Danielson coming in, who will tear the rough off of the building. And you've also got Kaval (Low-Ki) in FCW just waiting to be brought up.

So far, WWE has been using ROH guys pretty well and I must say that if Briscoes go to the tag division, that could be pretty wicked. Could you imagine Legacy vs. Briscoes?
I personally don't think them to the E will be all that bad. I mean keeping Cabana out of the recent ROH to WWE, take a look at what all has happened so far. CM Punk is now a 4 time World Champion, yes 4 (I count the Original ECW title design). Evan Bourne is being used wisely on Raw. Sure he doesn't win, but he's being used. James Gibson (Noble) is in a kayfabe retirement and was given great storylines with divas like Layla, Katie, Michelle, and such... Now we've got Danielson coming in, who will tear the rough off of the building. And you've also got Kaval (Low-Ki) in FCW just waiting to be brought up.

So far, WWE has been using ROH guys pretty well and I must say that if Briscoes go to the tag division, that could be pretty wicked. Could you imagine Legacy vs. Briscoes?

lmao, is this post some type of joke? :lmao: Bourne is nothing more than a glorified midcard jobber since moving from ECW to Raw. The last time Jamie Noble was relevant was back in 2003-2004 when he had Nidia playing the role of a southern redneck. He hasn't done anything but job in the same fashion as the Brooklyn Brawler in his last few years in WWE where he gets completely squashed. Not to mention, Wang Yang is a complete bum who is on the cuffs of a release. In addition, you have London & Kendrick who went from a hot tag team to both being out of a job as I type.

CM Punk is the only one who made it and he's arguably WWE's weakest world champion ever since he was booked like trash in all 3 of his title reigns and is now an enhancement talent. I mean seriously, WWE uses ROH guys like complete shit! There isn't even a tag division in ROH, so who the hell are the Briscoes going to feud with? And it's not like they can get over either since most of their moves would be prohibited. Stop kidding yourselves. The best place for ROH guys to get a fair shot is in TNA where the ratio of success to failures of ROH talent is far superior than WWE's ratio of using ROH guys.
lmao, is this post some type of joke? :lmao: Bourne is nothing more than a glorified midcard jobber since moving from ECW to Raw. The last time Jamie Noble was relevant was back in 2003-2004 when he had Nidia playing the role of a southern redneck. He hasn't done anything but job in the same fashion as the Brooklyn Brawler in his last few years in WWE where he gets completely squashed. Not to mention, Wang Yang is a complete bum who is on the cuffs of a release. In addition, you have London & Kendrick who went from a hot tag team to both being out of a job as I type.

CM Punk is the only one who made it and he's arguably WWE's weakest world champion ever since he was booked like trash in all 3 of his title reigns and is now an enhancement talent. I mean seriously, WWE uses ROH guys like complete shit! There isn't even a tag division in ROH, so who the hell are the Briscoes going to feud with? And it's not like they can get over either since most of their moves would be prohibited. Stop kidding yourselves. The best place for ROH guys to get a fair shot is in TNA where the ratio of success to failures of ROH talent is far superior than WWE's ratio of using ROH guys.

TBK ruined his career in WWE. He was the one who wouldn't stop paying the fine. I mean he was getting a hard push to the Main Event on Smackdown, but blew it when he wouldn't stop smoking. So him getting put to the sidelines is HIS fault and not WWE's. Don't blame them for his mistakes.

That word "jobber" is tossed around so ******edly. A job is from bell to bell, one guy gets comepletely squashed. I've never seen a match where Bourne got 100% squashed. He's always had some spectacular offence and has been able to showcase his abilities. So he's not getting a push currently, oh well, that's how it goes. Not everyone can have a push at the same time.

Paul London was a spot monkey who botched most of the time, so like Kendrick, he got himself fired. Plus, I wasn't much of a fan of his anyways.

Noble, although a jobber, has still been used pretty decently. Sure, he could've been given a solid title run, maybe even a tag run... but he's been used quite fairly. Not to mention, it's Jamie Noble who likes to put over the younger talent. I mean look at his tagging with Kid Kash. It was a great team, in my book. Not to mention, I guess you happened to miss his 2007 rivalry against Chuck.

CM Punk is in the Survivor Series match with Randy Orton... RANDY ORTON. How is that bad booking? Plus, R-Truth is a very decent wrestler to say the least.

And lastly, with the Briscoes going to Smackdown and getting in a rivalry against teams like Cryme Tyme, Hart Dynasty, and JeriShow... that would benefit them a lot more than going to TNA. I mean it's Jericho and Big Show, what more could a tag team ask for besides maybe Edge & Christian or the Rock N Roll Express?

So no, my post wasn't a complete joke. It was facts... the WWE has been doing very well with previous ROH talent.
Jackie Williams said:
TBK ruined his career in WWE. He was the one who wouldn't stop paying the fine. I mean he was getting a hard push to the Main Event on Smackdown, but blew it when he wouldn't stop smoking. So him getting put to the sidelines is HIS fault and not WWE's. Don't blame them for his mistakes.

That word "jobber" is tossed around so ******edly. A job is from bell to bell, one guy gets comepletely squashed. I've never seen a match where Bourne got 100% squashed. He's always had some spectacular offence and has been able to showcase his abilities. So he's not getting a push currently, oh well, that's how it goes. Not everyone can have a push at the same time.

Paul London was a spot monkey who botched most of the time, so like Kendrick, he got himself fired. Plus, I wasn't much of a fan of his anyways.

Noble, although a jobber, has still been used pretty decently. Sure, he could've been given a solid title run, maybe even a tag run... but he's been used quite fairly. Not to mention, it's Jamie Noble who likes to put over the younger talent. I mean look at his tagging with Kid Kash. It was a great team, in my book. Not to mention, I guess you happened to miss his 2007 rivalry against Chuck.

2007? Did you actually just bring up a feud from 2007 that few remember when we're in the year 2009 going into the year 2010.:banghead: Yet in the same breathe, you argue that he's been used decently. This post is officially a joke.:lol: The feud did nothing for both of their careers. In fact, the feud only brought down Noble because I think Chuck use to always whoop his ass week after week. And please, let me know what excuse you'll come up with on behalf of the WWE as to why Noble became a jobber. I'm waiting!

You seem to miss the whole point. All these guys career have gone no where no matter who is at fault. These guys are either future endeavored or currently irrelevant in WWE. Jimmy Wang Yang is probably picture perfect and he's being wasted. If London and Kendrick were clean and still in WWE, they'd probably be wasted as we speak.

Seriously, do you know what the word wasted or misused is or are you just in some type of denial? You have this blind faith in WWE when history shows that most of these indy guys or ROH guys that come to WWE don't stand a chance. 2 guys are fired, Bourne is on a string, Wang Yang is a jobber, Noble is a jobber who just retired after being destroyed by Sheamus. Wake up!

Jackie Williams said:
CM Punk is in the Survivor Series match with Randy Orton... RANDY ORTON. How is that bad booking? Plus, R-Truth is a very decent wrestler to say the least.

CM Punk is a star in WWE and I can't see he's not because he is but the fact remains that his title runs have all been booked as flukes and he may never see a legit run.

Jackie Williams said:
And lastly, with the Briscoes going to Smackdown and getting in a rivalry against teams like Cryme Tyme, Hart Dynasty, and JeriShow... that would benefit them a lot more than going to TNA. I mean it's Jericho and Big Show, what more could a tag team ask for besides maybe Edge & Christian or the Rock N Roll Express?

So no, my post wasn't a complete joke. It was facts... the WWE has been doing very well with previous ROH talent.

Lol at your way of thinking. If WWE's most over team of Cryme Tyme can barely get title shots against Jerishow, what makes you think the Briscoes stand a chance of coming into WWE and even getting a title shot? Incase you haven't noticed, the WWE tag division is dead. The tag belts in WWE are used as a stepping stone to get 2 single wrestlers to later feud. Briscoes going to WWE is a complete waste of time.

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