Vince McMahon Confirms Women's Tag Titles


Earlier on tonight's taped Raw episode, Vince appeared dressed as Santa Claus and delivered three announcements: John Cena returning to WWE TV, a steel cage match between Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler on next week's Raw and that WWE will field a women's tag team championship in 2019.

No details were provided such as when the titles would debut or whether or not each brand gets its own set of championship belts. My guess is that the titles won't make their debut until sometime around, during or after WrestleMania and if there's only going to be one set of belts, maybe it's the next step in WWE phasing out the brand split once again. It's entirely speculative, of course, but not impossible as WWE has already made the ppvs dual branded.

If it's one set of titles to be used on both brands, then at least it'll seem like it's more than just an excuse to have some women carry around belts for a while. Otherwise, to me, it comes off as another hollow attempt to try to appear to be progressive.
Damn. You know they're sweating when Vince, fucking Vince has to pop up in Santa regalia to flat out explain why we should keep tuning in. Talk about hollow.

WWE is redoing something they tried and failed with in the 80s. Hardly see it as progression when it's been done before, but then again a woman's role in the past 20 years has been to be jerk-off material so I'm not complaining if this is their idea of empowerment. They have stars that could make it work now.

I'd rather see stories develop than all this additional flair honestly, but at least they're doing something.
Didn't watch tonight but I shouldn't be surprised that another "gift" was given by a McMahon for "hard work" and they couldn't tie a storyline to it. Oh well, this will help the pre-shows and cable shows further book themselves.
This is a great idea and has been a long time coming. Alliances like Bayley & Sasha and stables like the Riott Squad would now have a reason to face each other so frequently. If they had been feuding over tag team titles instead of facing each other a million times in matches that seemed pointless, it would have come off a lot less repetitive. The women who are not Raw Women's Champion or Smackdown Women's Champion need something to do, so why not? For the record I also hope both brands get a set. My only concern is that the Bellas might come back and win the titles. As long as they keep the Bellas as far away from these titles as humanly possible, then I'm all for the addition of Women's Tag Team Champions on the main roster.
to be fair, they been teasing those tag title belts for almost a year at this point, plus he really didn't say nothing about it outside of where going to have women's tag team belt next year, which pretty much mean they don't have a plan for this yet and they might even just drop the idea yet again.

I pretty much stop believing that it will happen at this point because they cried wolf so many time without producing anything that i will believe it when they actually announce the details on how they will crown the new champions and they show the belt on tv.

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