WCW Region, Chicago Region, First Round: (1) Steve Austin vs. (32) Sabu

Who Wins This Match?

  • Steve Austin

  • Sabu

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Turn Bayley heel
This is a first round match in the WCW Region, Chicago Subregion. It is a standard one on one match. It will be held at the All State Arena, Chicago, Illinois



#1. Steve Austin



#32. Sabu

Polls will be open for three days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

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Austin for me. Would never lose to someone like Sabu. And when you compare overall achievements. Not many can match up to Stone cold.
The only pro-Sabu argument you can make here are that Sabu was a much bigger deal in ECW than Steve Austin. That argument isn't nearly enough to give him the victory. Austin is one of the biggest name is pro wrestling history, Sabu is a decent hardcore wrestler. Austin wins without breaking much of a sweat.
Steve Austin.

Hold on, this is ECW Rules? We are talking about Sabu. A man who thrived off pain and punishment. Give him a weapon, he will make you bleed. Sabu could make due with bobbed wire, a chair, a table, anything! Sabu is the man who could pull of an upset in a real life ECW Rules match against Austin. Sabu is extreme.

Sabu was amazing in his day, but he is up against 2 Time WZT Winner Stone Cold. Stone Cold better be drunk A'F going into this match, because he is going to take a brutal beating. But, SCSA will pull of a victory because, well because he is Stone Cold Steve Austin.
I'm actually pretty surprised that I'm going to say this as I like the rest of the world am a HUGE Austin mark. Yet this is a ECW rules match and we are suppose to be comparing the competitors in their prime, I'm leaning Sabu on this one. From a booking standpoint I guess you would almost automatically want to put Austin over, but then again he has lost some big matches in his career. Hell he got his break by "losing" to the Hit Man. In their primes Austin was clearly more over then Sabu, but Sabu was and is more innovative and better physically in the ring. I would think it would be hard to find someone to argue that, this is the IWC though so who knows. So if the two biggest factors are judging based on their prime and their wrestling ability I think you have to give the nod to Sabu. Austin is by far the better entertainer, but Sabu is one of the most creative people to ever step between the ropes. I'll hold off my vote as I want to hear a little more from both sides, but as of now I'm leaning towards this biggest upset in the first round Sabu over Austin.
I have to put this down to a few things.

1) I thought from the start that Sabu was VERY wrongly seeded. He didn't deserve to be so low.
2) This is Extreme Rules. Sabu exceled in Extreme Rules, Austin didn't.
3) Austin may be ranked #1 and may be up against #32 in Sabu, but with the pain threshold of Sabu, the scars that he has on his body, he can withstand anything, I don't see him just "giving up".

So, we look at this. Austin is a star like no other. He stomps mudholes into anyone, but is that really going to put Sabu down this time? Austin may also have a very high resiliency, but with the weapons that Sabu has at hand, can the two time WZ Tourney Winner keep it together? For some reason, I see both Austin & Sabu being VERY bloody messes, pieces of wire caught in Sabu's hair, chairs broken around the place and then, an Arabian Facebuster through a table. For me, I truly believe Sabu could come out with the early upset, meaning Austin leaves this one very early.

He may be Stone Cold, but Sabu may be too much, even for this man.
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Sabu got seeded into ECW? That seems like a dream come true for the man. The dude is an absolutely big deal in the Hardcore community and was one of the top guys in ECW. He is extremely agile and can use ECW to his advantage with his hardcore wrestling and his proven ability to use Chairs and weapons into his finishers.

Stone Cold is no soft cookie by any means. The dude was easily the toughest guy in the Attitude Era and proved it by mud-stomping on any and everybody that looked at him the wrong way. Just because his tenure in ECW wasn't all that memorable I don't see how he won't be able to come up with a win against the ECW original. This is going to be tough, but I think I will support Sabu. Mainly to see a giant upset in this tournament if anything.
Sabu + ECW =Win

Seriously the guy was fucking insane. He ripped his bicep open in a barbed wire match and carried on. Austin is tough yeah, but Sabu is flat out tougher. Plus in his prime Sabu was very very agile giving him an advantage over Austin.
Essentially that's what I was saying by calling Austin the better entertainer and Sabu the better creator. I mean we all love Austin, but Sabu has as many moves with a chair as Austin has moves. Sabu has done things people can only dream of duplicating. I think Sabu's low seeding may indeed be Austin's demise. Where is all the chatter for this I mean its Stone Cold against the death defying Sabu am I the only one that finds this matchup EXTREMELY compelling?
Nope. Not even in ECW does Sabu stop Stone Cold. Stone Cold has been there, done that when it comes to ECW, and he's done way more. Mind you, this would be a very competitive match because of the extreme rules, but take the chair out of Sabu's hands and there's not much to this offense. Sabu busts Austin open, but Austin power bombs Sabu through a table and stuns Sabu long enough for the pin.
How is Austin going to get the chair out of his hand without Sabu grabbing another one? Austin has done that, but Sabu does that he is the king of extreme. Austin goes for powerbomb, countered into a DDT on the chair. Sabu lays Austin on the table and hits an Arabian Skullcrusher from the top rope 1-2-3
Nope. Not even in ECW does Sabu stop Stone Cold. Stone Cold has been there, done that when it comes to ECW, and he's done way more. Mind you, this would be a very competitive match because of the extreme rules, but take the chair out of Sabu's hands and there's not much to this offense. Sabu busts Austin open, but Austin power bombs Sabu through a table and stuns Sabu long enough for the pin.

Explains why Steve Austin was so successful in ECW then. :rolleyes: Lets look at the facts here, in ECW, Steve Austin was a joke. He had only one world title match in ECW compared to Sabu who is a two time world champion and has held the tag team titles, and the T.V title. This is Sabu's realm, a realm that Steve Austin left to become a big time star in the WWE. Austin at his prime was a beast, but he wasn't the kind of guy to be sending people through tables with a Arabian Facebuster. If this were anywhere else than ECW, I would give the nod to Steve Austin. But you can't lay out a guy with a Stunner when he is willing to jump into barb wire layered ignited table. And then walk out to tell the tale.
Lets not forget Sabu is the same guy that patched a torn biscep with fucking duck tape and finished the barb wire rope match. Oh yeah that was at the start of that truly epic match. Austin is hardcore there's no denying that but Sabu is fucking insane. The only person that comes to mind to match Sabu's insanity is the guy he fought in that classic match Terry Funk. Any other match and I wouldn't even have started this debate, but you can't disregard Sabu in an ECW rules match thats like disregarding Bret Hart in a submission match.
Explains why Steve Austin was so successful in ECW then. :rolleyes: Lets look at the facts here, in ECW, Steve Austin was a joke. He had only one world title match in ECW compared to Sabu who is a two time world champion and has held the tag team titles, and the T.V title.


Joke? I think not. That promo is one of Steve Austin's most famous promos, hell, it's one of the most famous promos EVER. That was ECW's Steve Austin -- that was where the earliest parts of Stone Cold were conceived. He was not a joke in ECW, not even fucking close. Watch the end of that video I posted. Half of the fucking ECW locker room is there watching him and they're all stunned. He was that good.

Now, I find it hilarious that you want to run down Austin's time in ECW, just because he only had one world title match there. Well, for starters, he wasn't able to wrestle there much -- he was injured and he was there for less than a year. Even so, Heyman wanted to build ECW around Steve Austin. He wanted to put the belt on Austin, he said so himself:

Paul Heyman said:
"I wanted to build ECW around Steve Austin as the world champion."

"I even pitched to Steve winning the Title at the November to Remember 1995 but he was such a fan of Mikey Whipwreck, he thought it would be better if Mikey won the match and also, Steve thought it was better for his character."

Source: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepag...hat-the-ECW-had-planned-for-Steve-Austin.html

Steve Austin didn't want the title. He could have had it, but he didn't want it. He was better than anybody in ECW and this proves it.

This is Sabu's realm, a realm that Steve Austin left to become a big time star in the WWE. Austin at his prime was a beast, but he wasn't the kind of guy to be sending people through tables with a Arabian Facebuster. If this were anywhere else than ECW, I would give the nod to Steve Austin. But you can't lay out a guy with a Stunner when he is willing to jump into barb wire layered ignited table. And then walk out to tell the tale.

Sabu is nothing more than a glorified stunt man. In ECW -- his realm -- he had a rather underwhelming record and was overshadowed by his more talented tag team partner, Rob Van Dam. Sabu wasn't the man in ECW, his only claim to fame was that he was violent, but that doesn't mean he won most of those matches. Sabu, for the most part, was a midcarder in ECW. There were plenty of guys there who would push Stone Cold more, but even they would fall.

I don't care what Sabu does to Austin, as Austin is just as much of a bad ass -- he can take just as much punishment. After all, this is the man that would rather pass out than tap out. Hell, it's not like Stone Cold would ever be in that much danger anyway. Stone Cold knows his way around a hardcore environment. He spent most of his career -- in the Attitude Era -- wielding a chair and beating people that Sabu doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath with.

This is an absolutely ridiculous argument. Vote for Steve Austin.
Even in an ECW environment I can't see Sabotch taking a win from Austin. Austin's accomplishments are hard to stand up to and even in his day he was no stranger to a hardcore environment. He got ran over by a freaking car. He was thrown out of a cage by Big Show. Hell he tried to run Rikishi over.

I just can't see one of the biggest stars of the Attitude Era losing this match
I don't care what Sabu does to Austin, as Austin is just as much of a bad ass -- he can take just as much punishment. After all, this is the man that would rather pass out than tap out. Hell, it's not like Stone Cold would ever be in that much danger anyway. Stone Cold knows his way around a hardcore environment. He spent most of his career -- in the Attitude Era -- wielding a chair and beating people that Sabu doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath with.

This is an absolutely ridiculous argument. Vote for Steve Austin.

[YOUTUBE]<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/5rWv3tydfR8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/YOUTUBE]
Watch from about 2:00-4:00
I'll give you that Austin finished a match against Owen Hart with a broken neck, but in fairness he just laid there till he got enough feeling back to do a roll up. [YOUTUBE]<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/kz0UUuaP6qw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/YOUTUBE] Watch from 19:20-21:00

I realize two are vastly different, but for the sake of comparing toughness you have exhibit a and exhibit b.

Seriously a torn bicep and you fix it with duck tape and keep going? That is substantially more then just a glorified stunt man a glorified stunt man would of been like oh shit that's a wrap. I understand Austin's greatness, but you can't sell Sabu short because of it. Austin being more over then Sabu is not the debate here. Better wrestler in their prime given the match. That's the criteria and this is a close one, but I feel Sabu is not getting the recognition he deserves here. It may take everything in both guys arsenals, but to say Sabu CAN'T win is a little absurd.

Not sure why the embed isn't working so here are the links 1st Sabu http://youtu.be/5rWv3tydfR8 and 2nd Austin http://youtu.be/kz0UUuaP6qw
Watch from about 2:00-4:00
I'll give you that Austin finished a match against Owen Hart with a broken neck, but in fairness he just laid there till he got enough feeling back to do a roll up. http://youtu.be/kz0UUuaP6qw Watch from 19:20-21:00

I realize two are vastly different, but for the sake of comparing toughness you have exhibit a and exhibit b.

Seriously a torn bicep and you fix it with duck tape and keep going? That is substantially more then just a glorified stunt man a glorified stunt man would of been like oh shit that's a wrap. I understand Austin's greatness, but you can't sell Sabu short because of it. Austin being more over then Sabu is not the debate here. Better wrestler in their prime given the match. That's the criteria and this is a close one, but I feel Sabu is not getting the recognition he deserves here. It may take everything in both guys arsenals, but to say Sabu CAN'T win is a little absurd.

Apples and oranges, man. On one hand, you have a life threatening injury and on the other hand, you have one deep ass cut. Austin finished the match, but literally couldn't move. On the other hand, I've seen Sabu talk about the torn bicep many times, and he says that it didn't hurt until MUCH later. He was in shock, and as long as the bleeding was stopped, he was good to go. I'm not selling him short, that's some ballsy shit, but it was fucking stupid too. Sabu can take pain, but that doesn't mean it's smart for him to do so. If he tried absorbing pain like that against Austin, it would be over.

Austin was one of the best brawlers of all time, but he was also a brilliant technician at one point in his career. Wherever Sabu wants to take this, he's at a disadvantage. He's not as good of a wrestler and the weapons can only do so much for him. This just isn't close. As much as people think the ECW environment will help Sabu, it's just not enough. ECW rules only make it easier for Austin to put a beating on Sabu.
Sabu's ability to absorb pain is just as good as his ability to dish it out. Lets not forget Sabu knows how to technically wrestle as good as Austin. Sabu is a good technical wrestler just like Austin he just doesn't have the Bret Hart WM moment Austin does.You can say Austin is as tough as Sabu and could of done all the same extreme things, but would he of? Would Austin have been as marketable with a scar covered body? Sure extreme rules don't hurt Austin, but they flat out help Sabu. After all extreme rules don't only cater to brawlers. He could put together a devasting series of moves anywhere in the arena. Could Austin keep up with Sabu's speed?
Now, I find it hilarious that you want to run down Austin's time in ECW, just because he only had one world title match there. Well, for starters, he wasn't able to wrestle there much -- he was injured and he was there for less than a year.

Guess who else got injured working in ECW? 99% of the roster, but you didn't see guys like Sabu and Rob Van Dam slowing down or taking time off. ECW was extreme, hardcore wrestling. It is what these guys signed up to do, they knew the risks and took them. Sabu had a torn freaking bicep but it didn't stop him from continuing his match with nothing but Duct tape to keep it together.

Sabu is nothing more than a glorified stunt man. In ECW -- his realm -- he had a rather underwhelming record and was overshadowed by his more talented tag team partner, Rob Van Dam.

But he still held a very impressive record over Stone Cold in ECW. That was due in part to his toughness and his violence in the ring.

Sabu wasn't the man in ECW, his only claim to fame was that he was violent, but that doesn't mean he won most of those matches. Sabu, for the most part, was a midcarder in ECW. There were plenty of guys there who would push Stone Cold more, but even they would fall.

Despite winning multiple World titles and being a ECW Triple Crown Champion, he is a mid-carder? Right. :rolleyes: Sabu is one of the toughest guys in Professional Wrestling. He may not have been as over as Austin, or RVD. But he was no where near the punching bag you are making him out to be.

I don't care what Sabu does to Austin, as Austin is just as much of a bad ass -- he can take just as much punishment.

Sabu had a torn, freaking bicep, yet he still kept on wrestling in a barb wire match. A torn bicep has kept guys out like Christian for 6-9 months out of the ring. But he kept on wrestling. Austin is a tough son of a bitch, but no one in this business can say they are as tough as Sabu.

After all, this is the man that would rather pass out than tap out. Hell, it's not like Stone Cold would ever be in that much danger anyway. Stone Cold knows his way around a hardcore environment. He spent most of his career -- in the Attitude Era -- wielding a chair and beating people that Sabu doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath with.


Are you kidding me, the WWF Attitude Era doesn't even hold a candle to the shit that happened in ECW. Sure, it was edgy, and it was violent. But ECW was edgy and violent on a weekly basis. Stone Cold didn't use a chair unless he was pissed off or he wanted to hurt someone. Guys like Sabu and Dreamer beat each other over the head with chairs because they felt like it. That is a completely absurd statement to make that Austin can survive in ECW because he was in the Attitude Era. Despite it being painfully obvious he stayed in ECW for little less than a year. This tournament isn't a popularity contest, this is based on who would win in a match-up. And even Austin in his prime was never been pushed to the limits that Sabu would put him in ECW.
I can't believe this isn't unanimous. One of the best, if not the best, of all time, versus a glorified stuntman. I don't care if it's ECW rules. I don't care if Austin is blindfolded with one arm tied behind his back using barbed wire. This one should be Stone Cold Steve Austin by a landslide.
Can we just remember that even at his best, Sabu was boarder line killing himself night in and night out? Can we also remember that Austin isn't exactly a fragile little flower? Blood pouring down his face, locked into the most painful submission hold in the WWF, Steve Austin refused to tap out to Bret Hart at WrestleMania 13, in what is one of the most iconic moments in the history of the WWE.

Sabu's greatest hits come from him botching half the moves he tries.

This match would undoubtedly end with Sabu nearly breaking his neck by falling off the top turnbuckle and through a table, and Steve Austin finishing the job with a stunner.
I'm going to preface this by saying that if you don't know what you're talking about, you need to research. Seriously.

Guess who else got injured working in ECW? 99% of the roster, but you didn't see guys like Sabu and Rob Van Dam slowing down or taking time off. ECW was extreme, hardcore wrestling. It is what these guys signed up to do, they knew the risks and took them. Sabu had a torn freaking bicep but it didn't stop him from continuing his match with nothing but Duct tape to keep it together.

You're wrong. Right off, you claimed that Rob Van Dam didn't take time off -- well, gee, why'd he relinquish the TV Championship then? What about when Taz had to take months off to deal with a neck injury? The list goes on and on. ECW wrestlers may have been "hardcore," but they weren't invincible. Don't be fucking stupid.

I'm well aware of Sabu's bicep, but don't neglect Austin breaking his fucking neck in the ring and finishing the match. I don't give a damn if all his did was weakly roll Owen up, HE COULD HAVE DIED. Don't try to feed me this bullshit, Pancake.

But he still held a very impressive record over Stone Cold in ECW. That was due in part to his toughness and his violence in the ring.

...So? This may be in ECW, but we're looking at the men's careers as a whole. Frankly, it's embarrassing to think people actually want to compare Sabu to Steve Austin. Steve Austin outclasses him in every conceivable way.

Despite winning multiple World titles and being a ECW Triple Crown Champion, he is a mid-carder? Right. :rolleyes: Sabu is one of the toughest guys in Professional Wrestling. He may not have been as over as Austin, or RVD. But he was no where near the punching bag you are making him out to be.

Who cares if he won multiple world titles? Chris Jericho has won multiple world titles and he's a midcarder, for the most part. Jack Swagger was World Heavyweight Champion, but he's a midcarder. So's Rey Mysterio, so's Christian, so's Kane, etc. These are all guys who have competed for and won world championships, but they're still midcarders to upper midcarders, at best.

Sabu is tough, no doubt, but he's not Steve Austin. He's not as good. Not even clost.

Sabu had a torn, freaking bicep, yet he still kept on wrestling in a barb wire match. A torn bicep has kept guys out like Christian for 6-9 months out of the ring. But he kept on wrestling. Austin is a tough son of a bitch, but no one in this business can say they are as tough as Sabu.

Yeah they can, Pancake. There's dudes in ECW who were tougher than Sabu. New Jack comes to mind almost immediately. These were guys that went out there and did stupid shit and it most definitely hurt them. In a match against Steve Austin, with an injury where he'd be bleeding profusely, Sabu would definitely be in trouble. He's only human. The longer the match would go, the more trouble he'd be in. Austin won't go down easy, either. This is bad news for Sabu.


Are you kidding me, the WWF Attitude Era doesn't even hold a candle to the shit that happened in ECW. Sure, it was edgy, and it was violent. But ECW was edgy and violent on a weekly basis. Stone Cold didn't use a chair unless he was pissed off or he wanted to hurt someone. Guys like Sabu and Dreamer beat each other over the head with chairs because they felt like it. That is a completely absurd statement to make that Austin can survive in ECW because he was in the Attitude Era. Despite it being painfully obvious he stayed in ECW for little less than a year. This tournament isn't a popularity contest, this is based on who would win in a match-up. And even Austin in his prime was never been pushed to the limits that Sabu would put him in ECW.

That's cute, look at you trying to be like Slyfox using smileys. Nice job, really.

If you actually read what I said -- and read it correctly -- you'll see that I wasn't once implying that Attitude Era WWF was as violent as ECW, I was pointing out that they used weapons regularly either. Austin wouldn't be a stranger to this shit.

I don't exactly see what you're trying to say here. Not only are most of your arguments coming firmly out of your ass, but you're saying the same thing over again. I get it, ECW was violent and Sabu was tough, but this match-up isn't fair. Not in the slightest. Steve Austin is just plain a better wrestler than Sabu and a violent motherfucker in his own right. He'd relish the opportunity to hurt Sabu, almost as much as Sabu would love to do that to Austin. You make it seem like just because this is in ECW, we need to forget that Sabu just isn't a good wrestler. Dude jumped into tables for a living, all the while facing competition well below Steve Austin, who is arguably the best professional wrestler of all time. I seriously doubt that Sabu would even be able to get a table involved in the match against a smart opponent like Austin -- hell, even if he did, Austin would be smart enough to use it against him. This is one of the savviest professional wrestlers ever going up against -- arguably -- the most reckless. Sabu would do himself more harm than good.

This is the biggest load of bullshit I've seen on here in a long time. We all know Austin would win.
I can't believe this isn't unanimous. One of the best, if not the best, of all time, versus a glorified stuntman. I don't care if it's ECW rules. I don't care if Austin is blindfolded with one arm tied behind his back using barbed wire. This one should be Stone Cold Steve Austin by a landslide.

What is with the glorified stuntman argument? Haven't we been over this? No stuntman on the planet would do the shit Sabu does. Sabu makes stuntmen look like *****es.

This tournament isn't a popularity contest, this is based on who would win in a match-up. And even Austin in his prime was never been pushed to the limits that Sabu would put him in ECW.

Thank you. If its only a popularity contest then Austin wins this shit forever, but its not and Austin got the shit end of the deal with this one. Sabu is to extreme wrestling what Bret Hart is to submission/technical wrestling. ECW is what inspired the WWF/E to do the extreme angles they did and even then it was no ECW. Whether it was a house show or a PPV those guys left it all in the ring. The fact that Sabu can still go is a testament to his ridiculously insane toughness. This match up favors Sabu all day and twice on Sunday.
What I said about Edge being an intense wrestler is doubled for Stone Cold. The guy isn't known as the toughest S.O.B. in the business for nothing. He fucking finished a match with a broken fucking neck. With blood pouring down his face, in the most painful submission hold in WWE history, Stone Cold refused to tap out. The guy could flat out take punishment.

As a wrestler, Sabu was terrible. Sure, he could swing a weapon, but so could Austin not to mention the obvious strength advantage Austin would possess. How exactly could Sabu possibly beat Austin? Anybody who thinks fucking Sabu could incapacitate Austin long enough to set him up on a table, climb the ropes and jump off is stupid. Extreme Rules or not, Austin is far to good for Sabu. Sabu was tough, but simply not good enough to beat Austin.

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