WCW Region, Chicago Region, First Round: (16) Booker T vs. (17) Christian

Who Wins This Match?

  • Booker T

  • Christian

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If you're actually going to sit there and call Christian's first, 2 day title run memorable then you should just stop posting in this tournament. What was so memorable about it? The fact that Christian FINALLY won the big one only to have it taken away from him by Randy Orton and turn him heel? That's about as great of a title run as Kane's first championship win. And his second title run was 28 days (or four weeks) long. Should I do backflips over it?? And he's still begging for another world title both on television and probably behind the scenes. Meanwhile, the King Booker gimmick and title run ALONE was enough to piss on any of Christian's main event accolades.

There is no argument here. You're just wrong.

Well, you actually sat there and called all of Booker T's title runs memorable when one of them lasted all of six days longer than Christian's first one. More people remember the Hogan and Russo fiasco than Booker T which I still don't know how he got the title shot but that's another discussion. I'll take any one of Christian's main event matches with Orton over all those piss-poor matches Booker T had as World Heavyweight Champion.
Well, you actually sat there and called all of Booker T's title runs memorable when one of them lasted all of six days longer than Christian's first one.

But it was still longer. Maybe I should've worded it as "more memorable than Christian's." Either way, I'm right.

More people remember the Hogan and Russo fiasco than Booker T which I still don't know how he got the title shot but that's another discussion. I'll take any one of Christian's main event matches with Orton over all those piss-poor matches Booker T had as World Heavyweight Champion.

This isn't about match quality... it's about the better pro-wrestler. I honestly feel that Booker is a better wrestler, more accomplished wrestler, and a better, overall superstar than Christian ever was an probably ever will be.
I do respect that you feel that way. I believe Booker T and Christian have had basically the same career when you look at it. They both were accomplished tag team champions and were always in the upper midcard in the WWE. Booker T won world titles in WCW and Christian won world titles in TNA. I wish that Christian's first title run was longer but it is what it is. Both guys are solid at putting others over and are always dependable for a good match.

At the end it doesn't matter, because whoever won would be losing to Stone Cold.

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