WCW Region, Fourth Round, TLC: (1) Steve Austin vs. (4) Kurt Angle

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • Steve Austin

  • Kurt Angle

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a fourth round match in the WCW Region. It is a Tables Ladders and Chairs match, held at the Phillips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia. One week has passed since the third round, so some injuries or fatigue may be a factor.


Rules: A briefcase is suspended above the ring. The first person to climb a ladder and pull it down is the winner. A supply of tables, ladders and chairs are available for use, as well as anything else the wrestlers can find.


#1. Steve Austin



#4. Kurt Angle

Polls will be open for five days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

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As competitors, Steve Austin & Kurt Angle are basically on the same level despite having their own personal strengths & weaknesses and revisiting the previous round, both men would be as physically fatigued as each other so there really isn't much to argue about here.

However, this TLC match is practically a street fight with specific weapons involved infused with ladder stipulation rules. There isn't anything too fancy about this match and that's something Steve Austin loves. He's a brawler and will utilise anything he can get his hands on to beat down the opponent so he shouldn't have any problems putting Angle through tables or smacking him repeatedly with a chair. Austin might not be the most agile person in the world but I doubt he'd have any trouble climbing a ladder.

Kurt Angle isn't a push-over of an opponent though as his technical ability and his three "I's" will give him a fighting chance at inflicting a lot of damage on Austin. He's more agile than Austin so he'd be a better pick for climbing ladders but taking down Austin in a brawl like this is going to be a very tough deal.

As much as I love and want Kurt Angle to win this tournament, I cannot find a decent objective argument to support Angle in a match that favours Austin... Steve Austin will advance but he'll be carrying some bruises.
This match may really hurt Austin if he moves on to the next round. This match definitely favors Austin, and Angle is going to give Austin everything he has and then some. Angle is always a favorite of mine in this tournament, but Austin in the end would out brawl Kurt for the win. What a match this would be and I see Austin having to be helped out of the ring after the win carrying a lot of damage to the next round.
This sucks for Austin in a long term perspective. Last week he would have fought in the Dog Collar Match and this week would be a table meaning he's screwed for the next round however I'd still give the edge to Stone Cold. These two would go at it fiercely and whilst it be a battle, The Texas Rattlesnake has more aggression to win a match like this.
I'm going with Kurt Angle, this match can go either way and I don't see the stipulation favoring either wrestler. So I'm just going with personal preference, Austin's beaten Angle in the past, Angle's beaten Austin in the past.
I'm struggling to make a pick in this one, I can't really see a clear advantage for either man with this stipulation and I know both guys have victories over the other.

I've not doubt that this would be a great contest with two of my all-time favourites in this match and whoever wins is definitely going to be hurting for a few days afterwards. However, I'm going to wait to see some arguments for both guys and take it all onboard before making a selection here. This is a tough pick!
- First of all, Kurt Angle once made Stone Cold Steve Austin literally cry like a bitch.

- At SummerSlam 2001, Austin was forced to get himself blatantly disqualified after Angle kicked out of THREE Stone Cold Stunners.

- At Unforgiven 2001, Angle beat Austin by submission for the WWF Title. Your Olympic Hero did what Bret Hart could not - make Stone Cole tap the fuck out.

- Yes, Angle lost the Title back to Ausitn on RAW, but it took a bunch of interference for that to happen.

- You can argue that this isn't a regular wrestling match, or a submission match, so Angle wouldn't have an advantage. But the fact of the matter is that Angle has successfully climbed a ladder to retrieve a prize, while Austin has not. At Judgment Day 2001, Angle faced Chris Benoit in a 2 out of 3 Falls match, the deciding fall was a Ladder Match with Angle's medals hanging in the balance. Kurt Angle was victorious. Oh it's true. Meanwhile, at King of the Ring 1999, Austin LOST a Ladder Match against the McMahons for control of the WWF. So your Olympic Hero also has an edge when it comes to ladder matches.

If you want a bottom line, it's this: Kurt Angle should defeat Stone Cold Steve Austin in this match. It's true, it's damn true.
Austin is known for brawling so this is going to be fun.

But Kurt Angle is no slouch when the chips are down in a fight. So with Austin, along comes his knee issues that Kurt will fully take advantage of. Making it hard for Austin to climb. This is an issue because Angle has the tendency to spring up for a suplex or Olympic Slam out nowhere & a slow Austin is an easier target.

Kurt Angle sits atop the ladder, straps down & arms raised for a victory in round 4.
Kurt Angle has put on some quality entertainment over the years, but lets be honest, he's not in with the greatest of all time in terms of success in the business. He's a high achiever, but not in the league of Austin. Austin would win here.
People also need to factor in the fact that this match is being held in Atlanta...which is where Kurt Angle won a gold medal with a broken freaking neck in the 1996 Olympics.

Kurt Angle has the advantage in terms of head-to-head matches against Austin, he has the edge in ladder matches, and he has an advantage based on the location. Angle all the way.
Lost cause but everything in this match points to Angle. Did you ever notice the way Austin climbed the ring steps? In his prime he was like an invalid with those giant knee braces. His move set doesn't fit well with a TLC. He may stun Angle from the ladder but that puts Austin on the mat too. An Angle Slam off a ladder leaves Austin on the mat and Angle still on the ladder.

Yes, Austin was a bigger star and draw but he couldn't make it in WCW. I expect Angle, especially with his Atlanta connection would be highly successful.

Remember kids:

Angle at peak condition often took Austin, HHH, Rock, Lesnar and Taker to their limits. Hell, Angle came out the victor in a HIAC match that included 4 of the aforementioned guys as well as the truck-squashin' Rikishi.

As GSB alluded to, Angle is going to likely target the knees of Austin and can do so with the aid of weapons. Austin needs his knees at the best of times and he dam sure needs them working properly to get him up the ladder.

Unfortunately for Angle, he's coming off of a brutal match with Man-Foley-Jack and is up against one of the hottest ever properties in the world of wrestling and is likely going no further but the cold milk sippin, olympic medal winnin, twitter-hacked olympic hero still gets my vote.

Oh it's really true, it's really REALLY true.
People are going to give this one to SCSA just because he is SCAS without taking in count the gimmick match.

For me, Angle has two advantages here, the Angle Slam can be done from the top of the ladder whereas the stunner cannnot. And more obviously, Angle has the Ankle lock which wouldn't let Austin to climb the ladder.
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