Welcome to the Eleventh Annual WrestleZone Tournament!


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is our biggest event of the year and one of the most fun things we do around here.

We've seeded 128 of the greatest wrestlers of all time and put them into a bracket to determine the best ever. The tournament is divided into seven rounds with the following structure:

Rounds 1 and 2: Standard wrestling matches.
Round 3: Gimmick match
Round 4: Major gimmick match
Rounds 5, 6 and 7: One night King of the Ring style tournament

Starting today, I'll be uploading 16 matches a day for four days. Each match will have a one day period for initial discussion before a three day period for voting. At the end of the three days, the wrestler with the most votes advances. In the case of a tie in the poll, the most written votes advances with only ONE vote per poster. In the event of a tie, both are eliminated in the first four rounds. In the event of a tie in the final three rounds, both advance.

This is always a fun event and a great way to learn about some wrestlers you may never have heard of before. Take the chance to get a better wrestling education and have fun at the same time.

Please keep in mind that other than General Discussion, all sections are non-spam and you will be penalized for not following our rules.

I hope you have a good time this year as it's definitely something worth getting involved in.

Not sure if anyone has ever said this but Thank You for taking the time to do this every year.

It's been one of the highlights of my year since I joined and this year has been no exception.

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