What Does TNA Do Better Than WWE?

I would have to say live events. Every TNA house show I have been to has been a really fun event with a chance to meet your favorite stars up close and personal. I haven't had fun at a live WWE event in years. No matter who is on the card, TNA always gives fans above what they pay for. I haven't been to an Impact taping or a live PPV. I haven't even been to a WWE PPV, but as far as house shows go, TNA is a more enjoyable experience.
I've always liked the voyeuristic camera angles TNA uses in backstage segments. I'm kind surprised the WWE hasn't started using this.

1000% yes! That is my favorite part about TNA and my least favorite part about WWE. I remember around the time Barrett was getting kicked out of Nexus, he was having a "private conversation" with Otunga. I mean, really?

what does tna do better than wwe hmmmm they are pretty good at getting lower ratings

This made me laugh so hard.

5. Better theme songs/entrance music (for the most part)

Sorry, but no. Maybe it's because I don't make it a point to watch TNA every week, but when I skip weeks, I shouldn't hear the music and think "Wait...who is that again?" WWE's music is better because each song is fit specifically to each wrestler and you know exactly who they are the second it hits. Plus, I feel like WWE sends a feed of the music through the broadcast so you can still here it, whereas I feel like TNA just relies on the mic's in the room to pick up the music via the PA system and you can't really hear it over the crowd.
I would have to say live events. Every TNA house show I have been to has been a really fun event with a chance to meet your favorite stars up close and personal. I haven't had fun at a live WWE event in years. No matter who is on the card, TNA always gives fans above what they pay for. I haven't been to an Impact taping or a live PPV. I haven't even been to a WWE PPV, but as far as house shows go, TNA is a more enjoyable experience.


TNA live events are better than WWE's. WWE live events are usually pretty tamed, they don't do anything out of the ordinary and the matches are set at a pretty slow pace throughout. At the TNA live event I went to, it was better than what they usually do on television. Kurt Angle faced Samoa Joe and the entire arena it was held were on their feet, Team 3D vs. Beer Money vs. Motor City Machine Guns, Jay Lethal vs. Sonjay Dutt; overall the show was top-notch, from the wrestling to the odd promo they flung in there for good measure.

TNA don't seem to realize most people complain about IW due to a lot of the quick cut segments from the backstage area. They do them too often and it can get pretty irritating. If they opened with a solid match and went on from their on any given IW, I'd be more than happy with the show. Last weeks IW was pretty entertaining, but, not to sound like a hypocrite for slamming TNA's backstage segments, Ric Flair completely stole the show for me. He was hilarious, anyone who watched and thought different has no idea what entertainment is.

Back to Kenny's point though, house shows are great in TNA. WWE's aren't bad but TNA out-do WWE easily in-terms of live/house shows.
I would have to say live events. Every TNA house show I have been to has been a really fun event with a chance to meet your favorite stars up close and personal. I haven't had fun at a live WWE event in years. No matter who is on the card, TNA always gives fans above what they pay for. I haven't been to an Impact taping or a live PPV. I haven't even been to a WWE PPV, but as far as house shows go, TNA is a more enjoyable experience.


TNA live events are better than WWE's. WWE live events are usually pretty tamed, they don't do anything out of the ordinary and the matches are set at a pretty slow pace throughout. At the TNA live event I went to, it was better than what they usually do on television. Kurt Angle faced Samoa Joe and the entire arena it was held were on their feet, Team 3D vs. Beer Money vs. Motor City Machine Guns, Jay Lethal vs. Sonjay Dutt; overall the show was top-notch, from the wrestling to the odd promo they flung in there for good measure.

TNA don't seem to realize most people complain about IW due to a lot of the quick cut segments from the backstage area. They do them too often and it can get pretty irritating. If they opened with a solid match and went on from their on any given IW, I'd be more than happy with the show. Last weeks IW was pretty entertaining, but, not to sound like a hypocrite for slamming TNA's backstage segments, Ric Flair completely stole the show for me. He was hilarious, anyone who watched and thought different has no idea what entertainment is.

Back to Kenny's point though, house shows are great in TNA. WWE's aren't bad but TNA out-do WWE easily in-terms of live/house shows.
Better theme songs? I think that could be the last thing people think TNA/IW has the edge on the WWE in.

TNA/IW provides for a much better fan experience than the WWE does. Shows, especially house shows, tend to involve the fans far more than a WWE show. I'm not talking about the smarks in the Impact Zone trying to get themselves on television, I'm talking about the experience you get when you go to a TNA show. Want an autograph in the WWE? You're lurking outside the arena or hanging out at a nearby restaurant, waiting to pester people who'd much rather just have a beer and relax. TNA/IW, you can spend a little cash and get your picture taken in the ring with a wrestler; and usually, not just some mid-card schlub, but one of their top names.

Beyond that, I'm at a loss. The Knockout and Tag divisions, once gleaming jewels in the crown of TNA/IW, are reduced to filler time in favor of more promotion for main event feuds, which aren't really that hot. Kenderson is reduced to using teenage swear words in order to get a reaction. (OMG, did he say shit on TV??? Edgy!) TNA/IW's more interesting to talk about concerning their business prospects, but as far as content goes, meh.
I'm not going to be one of the guys that bashes TNA. They have some good things going on over there and they shine in places where WWE falls flat. Tag teams, Cruiserweights/X-Division, and the Knockouts division are the three biggest things that TNA can hang their hat on. They've been a good contrast to the WWE over the past few years, since WWE had really been shying away from all of those things.

I don't disagree with you all that often, Crock, but I have to disagree with you here. I fail to see these "good things going on over there". I might have agreed with some of your arguments a couple of years ago, but not any more. The days of TNA's tag team division, X-Division, or Knockout's division being better than those of WWE are over. And with Triple H's supposed commitment to improving the tag team scene, with the new direction that the Divas may be headed in, and with the potential to reintroduce a cruiserweight division, I would have to disagree with you on all counts.

TNA has some of the best tag teams in the world, if not THE best. Beer Money and the Motor City Machine Guns are so fun to watch and they really make you invest yourself in the match. TNA is focused on real tag teams and they actually allow them to showcase their ability, whereas the WWE is much different. They focus on one-on-one match-ups and they dominate the upper card. In TNA, the upper card contains some tag teams. I've seen Beer Money main event many a show and that's not something you'll see in WWE. It's always going to be revolving around the WWE Title and the World Title, and while TNA does that too, they know when to allow other people to shine.

TNA had some of the best tag teams in the world. Now they have MCMG, decimated by injuries, and Beer Money, who if you believe the rumours you read on here, are on the verge of disbanding, and that's it. With minimal effort, WWE could dominate the tag team situation, and I predict they soon will.

The X-Division is another awesome thing about TNA. They did seemingly forget about them for a bit, but they're back now and I love to see good Cruiserweight action. Guys like Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Kazarian, Jerry Lynn, Kid Kash, Austin Aries... they're just fun to watch. In WWE you have some of those guys, but they don't get much TV time. The smaller guys have a stigma about their matches being complete spotfests, but if you really watch the match you'll notice how much they really do. Cruiserweights are great in-ring workers and they've been one of my favorite divisions ever since the Cruiserweights in WCW.

They did seemingly forget about them for a while, and I think they still are forgotten. Most of the guys you list no longer compete in the X-division, and those that do are, to quote one of the greater TNA minds on here, as "vanilla" as they come, personifying the concept of "dial tone personalities". After watching last week's gauntlet match, I don't think I could name any more than one or two of these guys, and those I could name did nothing to impress me whatsoever. This X-division myth is exactly that, a myth, using past reputation to feed a bland and unassuming current version of the division.

The Knockouts division also offers a different side of women's wrestling. It has a bigger emphasis on their in-ring work and not so much about their storylines. Mickie James and ODB put on a solid match a few days ago and they've been doing it for a while now. I'm usually not a fan of women's wrestling unless it's Sara Del Rey, Awesome Kong, or something of the sort, but TNA makes it watchable. I don't consider their Knockouts matches to be piss breaks, but then again I don't skip WWE Diva matches either.

The Knockouts offer the same thing that the Divas offer: tits and ass, a piss break, a chance to go get a snack, etc., The suggestion that they offer a better calibre of wrestling is simply untrue, and hasn't been true for some time, if ever. Sure we get an occasional match with the Knockouts that is pretty good, but nothing that Beth, Natalya, or Kharma (had she not gotten pregnant) can't offer. This dominance of the Knockouts over the Divas is another IWC generated fallacy. It's simply not true.

You know, when it comes down to it, TNA has its strengths and so does WWE. The thing is, I don't grade TNA on WWE's level. WWE is far ahead in terms of money, production, it's totally a different level... But that doesn't mean I can't watch and enjoy TNA. If I see solid wrestling that entertains me then I'm satisfied, simple as that.

No one is saying you can't watch and enjoy TNA, personal preference is personal preference. But it has been a long time since TNA has offered much with regards to "solid wrestling". Nostalgia and hype, yes. Limitless and boundless optimism, sure. But like Jack, I cannot see one single solitary thing that TNA even comes close to doing as well as WWE, and that's the truth.
I don't disagree with you all that often, Crock, but I have to disagree with you here. I fail to see these "good things going on over there". I might have agreed with some of your arguments a couple of years ago, but not any more. The days of TNA's tag team division, X-Division, or Knockout's division being better than those of WWE are over. And with Triple H's supposed commitment to improving the tag team scene, with the new direction that the Divas may be headed in, and with the potential to reintroduce a cruiserweight division, I would have to disagree with you on all counts.

I see exactly what you're saying, WWE has the possibility to be better in those categories with Triple H, but at this stage... they're not. You can't say that it's not true because of what may happen in the future, the days of TNA's tag team division, X-Division, or Knockout's division being better than WWE are still here, you can't dismiss it just quite yet.

TNA had some of the best tag teams in the world. Now they have MCMG, decimated by injuries, and Beer Money, who if you believe the rumours you read on here, are on the verge of disbanding, and that's it. With minimal effort, WWE could dominate the tag team situation, and I predict they soon will.

Yes, I totally believe all the rumors I read on the internet. All of them must be 100% true!

Come on, you're still dismissing their division based on what WWE could be, not what they are. WWE's tag team champions have literally been a team for like 2 weeks. They were thrown together because creative had nothing better to give them, nothing more, nothing less. TNA actually has legitimate teams, I'd rather watch their tag team division any day of the week.

They did seemingly forget about them for a while, and I think they still are forgotten. Most of the guys you list no longer compete in the X-division, and those that do are, to quote one of the greater TNA minds on here, as "vanilla" as they come, personifying the concept of "dial tone personalities". After watching last week's gauntlet match, I don't think I could name any more than one or two of these guys, and those I could name did nothing to impress me whatsoever. This X-division myth is exactly that, a myth, using past reputation to feed a bland and unassuming current version of the division.

They did forget about them, but the X-Division has been awesome as of late. I don't know how you can deny that. The X-Division being good isn't a myth, it's the truth. They offer a completely different style of wrestling than what you see on WWE TV and I enjoy that.

Are you really calling the X-Division vanilla? I mean, sure, they have their bland competitors, but to call guys like Brian Kendrick, Austin Aries, Kid Kash, and Tony Neese vanilla is just asinine to me. These guys are so innovative and exciting in the ring, it's just plain fun to watch.

The Knockouts offer the same thing that the Divas offer: tits and ass, a piss break, a chance to go get a snack, etc., The suggestion that they offer a better calibre of wrestling is simply untrue, and hasn't been true for some time, if ever. Sure we get an occasional match with the Knockouts that is pretty good, but nothing that Beth, Natalya, or Kharma (had she not gotten pregnant) can't offer. This dominance of the Knockouts over the Divas is another IWC generated fallacy. It's simply not true.

This is completely and utterly untrue. The thing is, Beth and Natalya aren't going to get the time to put on a good match. They have the ability, yes, I've seen Natalya pre-WWE and she really impressed me, but they aren't allowed to shine. At all. In TNA the Knockouts are given more time and they are allowed to do their thing. I don't know if you saw ODB vs Mickie, but that was a great match. I haven't seen a good Divas match, or one that comes anywhere near that, in ages.

No one is saying you can't watch and enjoy TNA, personal preference is personal preference. But it has been a long time since TNA has offered much with regards to "solid wrestling". Nostalgia and hype, yes. Limitless and boundless optimism, sure. But like Jack, I cannot see one single solitary thing that TNA even comes close to doing as well as WWE, and that's the truth.

Yes, they offer nostalgia and hype... but I didn't deny that, did I? I don't understand why you're so against TNA, but for as much as they suck, you have to give them some credit.

I'm not saying they'll ever draw anywhere near WWE does, because tag teams, women, and cruiserweights don't draw... but they're more solid than WWE in those aspects.

Coming from me, that's high praise, since I'm a WWE mark through and through.
I had a chuckle when Habs mentioned vanilla because that's what I see when I look at the WWE midcard. Kofi, Bourne, Ziggler, Barrett, DiBiase, etc. are just boring to me. At least guys like Aries, Kendrick, and Shelley have personality and charisma. Giving wrestlers personality through comedic segments is something I have always thought TNA did better. Go look up the PCS challenges and see what I'm talking about.
Tag team wrestling. I think TNA's... fourth best tag team is better than WWE's #1 (Kofi and Bourne, I suppose).

TNA's tag division works because it isn't random. Guys have reasons for tagging up, they look similar, etc. They're not individuals, but teams. Beer Money, Gen Me (when they were around), Ink Inc., MCMG, Mexican America, British Invasion - all real teams.

I've heard people speculate about WWE's tag division, and why Vince doesn't care. All of that means nothing to me. Go all the way, or scrap it. I think TNA's division hasn't been what it was a year or so ago, but it's still 10x better than what WWE is giving us.

That's about it, though.
What doesn't TNA do better than WWE? WWE has a bigger budget and audience. That is about it. WWE murders TNA in the business category but that isn't exactly the product of a level playing field. Presently TNA grows its audience better than WWE.

I prefer the pacing and variety of TNA programming over what WWE offers. When I started watching TNA it was my opinion that they did everything better than WWE except the main event scene. Since then some things have changed but I still think they are definitely superior when it comes to filling out the 80-90% of the card that supposedly doesn't draw. I don't care how big the name is, I'm not spending money and wasting hours of my time for one person. Maybe the X-division isn't as prestigious but it is still a lot better than what WWE offers and it is getting an interesting reboot. That goes for most of the other stuff people complain about related to the undercard that was vs is. The main event scene has consistently improved as well.

People get too caught up in what they want TNA to be opposed to what it provides amongst the realistic options available. TNA absolutely provides more indy fan friendly content than WWE does, even if they used to have even more.
I see exactly what you're saying, WWE has the possibility to be better in those categories with Triple H, but at this stage... they're not. You can't say that it's not true because of what may happen in the future, the days of TNA's tag team division, X-Division, or Knockout's division being better than WWE are still here, you can't dismiss it just quite yet.

Even without Triple H's commitment to improve the tag team division of WWE, I still stand by my point. TNA's vaulted tag team division has 2 teams, and one of them is out with an injury. How can their tag team division be so dominant with just one active team? If WWE does nothing to improve their current tag team division, they are on par at least. And if they do actively improve their division, with guys like KOW and others, the scales will quickly tip in the other direction.

Yes, I totally believe all the rumors I read on the internet. All of them must be 100% true!

Never mind your sarcasm! The rumors don't have to be true to validate my point.

Come on, you're still dismissing their division based on what WWE could be, not what they are. WWE's tag team champions have literally been a team for like 2 weeks. They were thrown together because creative had nothing better to give them, nothing more, nothing less. TNA actually has legitimate teams, I'd rather watch their tag team division any day of the week.

No, I'm not talking only about what WWE could be, that's my secondary point. My primary point is that TNA's tag team division has no members. What legitimate teams. Mexican America? They have Beer Money and will eventually have MCMG, but that's it.

They did forget about them, but the X-Division has been awesome as of late. I don't know how you can deny that. The X-Division being good isn't a myth, it's the truth. They offer a completely different style of wrestling than what you see on WWE TV and I enjoy that.

I watched the gauntlet match last week and for the life of me, if I didn't look it up, I couldn't name the participants if my life depended upon it. If I had a list of he names, I would be unable to match them up to the faces. That's about as vanilla as it gets. Plus how do you develop a personality or a connection with the audience, when you enter the ring and leave it again 20-30 seconds later? And their champion is a guy who got fired from WWE. Twice. Not sure how you can build your division around this.

Are you really calling the X-Division vanilla? I mean, sure, they have their bland competitors, but to call guys like Brian Kendrick, Austin Aries, Kid Kash, and Tony Neese vanilla is just asinine to me. These guys are so innovative and exciting in the ring, it's just plain fun to watch.

Kendrick is OK, but he's hardly championship material. Aries may be OK, but how long has he been there, it may be premature to anoint him as all that yet.
Kid Kash, wasn't he yet another WWE casualty? And I don't know which of those dial tone guys Neese even is. If he walked into my living room, I wouldn't know if he was Neese, Sorensen, or just some dude off the street.

This is completely and utterly untrue. The thing is, Beth and Natalya aren't going to get the time to put on a good match. They have the ability, yes, I've seen Natalya pre-WWE and she really impressed me, but they aren't allowed to shine. At all. In TNA the Knockouts are given more time and they are allowed to do their thing. I don't know if you saw ODB vs Mickie, but that was a great match. I haven't seen a good Divas match, or one that comes anywhere near that, in ages.

Now you are the one telling the future. How do you know what Beth and Natalya are going to do? If you take these two, plus Kharma, who would have been there in the forefront had she not gotten pregnant, they would be a solid nucleus of three divas to build the division around. Personally, I cannot think of three Knockouts who can stand up to these three divas. In TNA, the knockouts get more tv time, but is that always matches? Last week, the knockout tv time was some stupid vampire-ish segment, plus a match involving ODB and Jackie. Hardly the stuff of legends. Fact of the matter is, most of the knockouts are no better than the divas, and that includes that poor bullying victim known as Velvet Sky :lmao:

Yes, they offer nostalgia and hype... but I didn't deny that, did I? I don't understand why you're so against TNA, but for as much as they suck, you have to give them some credit.

I'm not so much against TNA, I'm simply stating the facts. I liked TNA on Jan. 03, 2010 and before, but not so much since. It's not a matter of not giving them credit, it's just a matter of stating facts.
Even without Triple H's commitment to improve the tag team division of WWE, I still stand by my point. TNA's vaulted tag team division has 2 teams, and one of them is out with an injury. How can their tag team division be so dominant with just one active team? If WWE does nothing to improve their current tag team division, they are on par at least. And if they do actively improve their division, with guys like KOW and others, the scales will quickly tip in the other direction.

One team is enough to dominate WWE style two random guys win belts for couple months, hit repeat, format. Beer Money, Mexican America, British invasion. Why can't TNA improve their division over time as well (MCMG back, new teams etc.)? This is just that dumb logic I hate. TNA was awesome and WWE was terrible at something. TNA goes through a period where they are not as good as they were and WWE does a little less terrible. All of a sudden WWE is just as good or better because people are logically ******ed.
TNA screws up storielines better than WWE. They scew up PPV's better than WWE, and they misuse their talent.....on the other hand, just the storylines and PPV's. But in all seriousness, TNA does women's wrestling much better than WWE, by far!
They have a better female division. Much more attractive and better in the ring. Mickie James, Victoria, Velvet Sky, Sarita, Angelina Love, just to name a few. So much better than anything WWE does in this area.
I think TNA's roster is far superior to the Es from top to bottom. But unfortunately the booking let's these great workers down.

The guys and girls working for TNA seem to come from diverse backgrounds. They all seem to be different and have totally different move sets. Their matches are therefore different, innovative and more entertaining to watch, which is 50% of a wrestling product. The WWE grab all their guys out of their FCW stables and all work the same match with very similar movesets. Their matches are monotonous and I ususally fast forward them on my dvr.

But like I said TNA's booking let's these great perfomers down which is a real shame. TNA please bring Scott D'More back he was able to get just about every single guy over in simple but entertaining angles.
I find it quite funny how much many here bash TNA but are hardly critical of the mediocrity that WWE has become over the years now. Really, a lot of you have pointed out, outside of the current Raw main event scene, what else about WWE is there to get excited about ? If I had to grade TNA overall, id give it about a D- but WWE doesnt fair much better with a C-
Overall both shows suck pretty hard, i barely ever watch them anymore. If I read something interesting, ill watch clips afterwards, but no way i'm running to my couch on mondays or thursdays to watch either of these mostly crappy shows.
their tag and divas division is definitely better than the wwe's. while tna's tag division has been hit a bit recently, they at least matter to the show. cant say the same for wwe.

and for the divas. the knockouts are way better wrestlers. while the wwe may have more beautiful women, having kelly kelly as the champ makes me believe all the divas would be beaten up by 5 year old girls.
as for a reality era, i kinda see the point of calling that because they are actually bringing up things like heel and babyface on TV and things that have been said in the REAL world. However, its still the PG era and WWE is just doing this reality thing (if you will) with 3 or 4 guys so depends on the way you look at it.

On to subject, TNA has a better undercard division and focuses more on it, but the booking in TNA is horrid. I'm not a TNA basher, i still watch it every chance i get but i get lost in the storylines because they are so twisted. So although they focus more on the tag, x-division, and knockouts, the storylines are messed up. at least WWE has a little order to their storylines. So theres my thought on it.
I agree with many of the postings on here that although WWE is (no surprise) the superior product and brand, TNA does do some things better. Its Knockouts division would destroy WWE's Divas. The wrestling is of much better quality. The second thing is that there is actual wrestling involved. You have actual wrestlers who use actual wrestling holds like Angle, Styles, Joe, etc. Third, their tag-team division is much better as WWE hasn't had much of a tag team division since the Dudleys/Hardys/Edge and Christian days. Beer Money is the best tag team in wrestling imo. Next, their promos and matches are much edgier and push the envelope more than WWE's. You see some blood and some chair shots to the head in TNA you also hear some censoring of language in some of TNA's promos. I'm glad that WWE is letting Cena and Punk say "I'm gonna whip your ass" in this day and age but TNA has a station in Spike TV that doesn't mind having a more mature theme to their shows. These are just a few but it keeps TNA interesting.
Here's a question. If you have a negative opinion, how's about voicing it properly instead of looking like a dumbass for being too lazy to write more than "it sux".

It's like the inability to choose for a good while has rendered people stupid or mindless. Some like TNA, some don't and others don't voice an opinion on it. Then there are others, that just parade behind the fad and just say something without really saying something useful. So WWE has better markets, more shows, bigger roster and a popular names. Here's the thing though. TNA seems to be a little more respectful to it's fanbase. The main site always has a fan report on someone who went to a TNA house show and calls it a great experience for a fan. You hear many personal reports from guys like Matt Morgan and Eric Bischoff. In being so big, WWE doesn't really pay attention to the fan's in the show and just go for something bring in mass appeal. If WWE is so awesome and impressive, why aren't there house show reports with overjoyed fans posted? Why is the easiest way to hear from guys like Cena and Orton is via Twitter or a talk show and not a more direct radio interview? TNA sent Abyss and Mickie James to Puerto Rico for a tour not long ago. Who did WWE send? Primo. Who's sharing talent with NJPW and AAA to raise a fanbase in Mexico and Japan? TNA.

When it comes to being fan-friendly, TNA > WWE.

I only have one problem with this post the fact is Primo in Puerto Rico is a bigger draw then both Abyss and Mickie James. To be exact over here Primo was the main heel of the main company of Puerto Rico. That's my only problem with that the fact is WWE does have a solid fallowing in Puerto Rico the last show had somewhere near 11,000 people and it was a house show.

As for things TNA have better then WWE well I believe thier aren't many but one thing I do like is gimmick matches. I'm not saying that WWE gimmick matches are bad or anything to be exact most of the time thier far better. But it's so much easier to suspend your disbelief when you see somebody get hit with a chair and they start bleeding. Do I blame WWE for not doing it? no I understand thier concerns. Still it's something I enjoy about TNA.

Other then that well maybe some minor points I don't care enough to type down. All in all though is it really that bad to not be as good as a company which has existed for over fifty years?
I don't know why people keep saying things about a "Reality Era"? Since when was the "Reality Era" made official? Because WWE have broken the fourth wall like twice? That isn't reality at all. Its the same show with CM Punk, John Cena and Triple H breaking the boundaries the odd time - three of the top guys in the entire company. This is still the PG Era. They're just saying things, and what's worse and what makes this so-called "Reality Era" nonsensical is that half of the fans don't know what Punk, Cena or whomever is referencing half the time. Its cool to the IWC because we know what they're saying, others, not so much.

Dragon, I'll say this. This reason why I'm starting to call this time in the WWE The Reality Era, is because fans of the WWE are starting to be told the truth on TV. When was the last time (if it wasn't a story line) you actually was told that people in the back were getting fired such as Koslov, Hart Smith, and Masters? When do you remember stars actually being brutally honest about who they were and how they are treated by fans and how much they really care about it. (John Cena) This is the main reason why I'm starting to call this time in the WWE the Reality Era. But that's just me Saga.

Now on the topic at hand, I can never say that WWE totally dominates TNA in every way shape form and fashion. The two things I really see from TNA is the fact that they can exploit their talents really well. The X Division is probably the best example for that. When I watched The Young Bucks in action for the first time and AJ Styles way back, I was absolutely amazed. They put on a show for me and I was on the edge of my seat. The last time I was amazed by high flying action in the WWE was when Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio tag teamed against The Miz and Morrison.

Now I'm not saying that the WWE can't exploit talents, but I do firmly believe that TNA makes mid carders look really well in their division, not just the Main Eventers.

I also think that the Womens division is better in TNA. The story lines are kind of eh.... but they do some good performances in the ring. The sex appeal is nice but I do see some good athleticism in the ring in TNA. Look at Taylor Wilde, Mickie James, Tara, ODB, Kong, Himada (I spelled that wrong), Kim. More than just tits in wrestling gear.
TNA is far superior to WWE in two different areas. Tag Teams division and the female division. Unlike WWE, TNA's tag team division actually exists. Not only does it exist, but they put on great matches and make the fans care. WWE puts guys together randomly and calls those tag teams.

As for the female divisions.... The Knockouts have fallen a bit from where their division was two years or so ago, but they are much better than WWE's because they have several girls that can work a match whereas in WWE the entire division other than two (Beth & Natalya) are worse in the ring than Lacey Von Erich, and that says a lot.
Frankly, week in, week out, Impact Wrestling has the most exciting wrestling show in North America bar none. I may not like some of the guys they push(mainly 2) but they fill my weekly wrestling buzz nicely. I never even bother tuning it the WWE anymore.
After reading all the posts and thinking about this I have to say that TNA has afew things going for them.

1. The X-divison The backbone of TNA.
2. Better Knockout Matches. Don't get me wrong the Diva's are Hot as are the Knockouts it's just the matches when it comes to the Knockout Matches They are better written and done. TNA made a Mistake of Releasing Winter and Mickie James, Not taking anything away from Velvet Sky or the rest of the knockouts.
3. Some of the Promo's are up there.
4. TNA has Eric Bishoff. This man is MONEY!
5. The Tag Team Divison. This is just better in TNA
Last but not Least
6. The Bound for Glory Series, One of the best ways to leave the fans wanting more.

This is what I think is the best of TNA. WWE is a better overall product when it comes to alot of things but TNA has brought in wrestlers from WWE, ECW and WCW to make TNA what it is.
Based off my impression of the TNA product v. the WWE product when last I watched it (which is now more than a year ago, at least), what TNA does better than WWE is provide it's audience with non-generic, non-vanilla, ENTERTAINING characters who actually have a personality and can actually get fans to give a fuck about them.

You are absolutely they most blinded and jaded fan I have ever heard from. I truly wish I could be as blind and oblivious on my life as you? You trashed what I had to say with a rep. Cool I do not care about the rep. However you did strike a cord with me on the comment. Congrats.

Seriously where do I start with you?
"can actually get fans to give a fuck about them."
Aids would be over in the Impact zone, unless god forbid it went angianst cancer and they were getting dueling chants.

"what TNA does better than WWE is provide it's audience with non-generic, non-vanilla, ENTERTAINING characters"
Seriously this were I "Cross the line" (See what I did there) with you? Vanilla like the WWE oh yeah. There is the oh so vanilla CM Punk who has made wrestling RED HOT again. Oh then there's the WWE champ Alberto Del Vanilla, no one is a fan of his character. Boy you sure are right on. Oh then they have to keep up with the WW....TNA people who have added a few curse words to there arsenal to set them apart from there vanilla WWE days. Wow you are just good, you ave shown me the light.

Sting- Yeah I liked Dark Knight when it was Heath Ledger and not a bad Jimmy Carry.
Angle- Um yeah I am totally with you on this one! I love when he does that thing! You know that thing he did he didn't do in WWE he does now
Anderson- Oh boy nothng like the cocky guy who now says asshole TNA is redoing the wheel.
Joe- Beating up everyone in his sight.....I have no sarcastic response.
Hogan-Being a cancer is not a gimmick.

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