What Does TNA Do Better Than WWE?

I think that TNA does a better job creating characters and developing story lines. I mean, heck, even the Immortal story is OK. WWE is seriously lacking in that department and have done a terrible job creating characters for their wrestlers. Creating the character is more important to the wrestlers skill sets to me. If you're a stupid gimmick, I dont care how talented you are, I am automatically disinterested. R-Truth, Sheamus, John Morrison, the list goes on and on for stupid characters. I'm really only interested in the main event picture for the WWE. Love CM Punk. I think he saved the WWE. I feel that TNA is a better product.

EDIT: Yeah. The Sting gimmick is so annoying though. He was my favorite wrestler as a child and they have completely ruined him for me. It's bad enought that everyone talks the Dark Knight to death. Now I have to watch it in wrestling?
Ok a couple of years back, before Hogan and bishof entered the fray, TNA dominated in both Knockouts and Tag Team Division without any doubt, the X division was exciting too...

But nowdays there aren't even tag team matches unless that waste of air mexican america is on my tv, that's just wrong and now i have to keep up with JJ in that situation too?, damn that's awful... Beer Money and MCMG are some of the best tag teams in the world, but the MCMG haven't wrestled together in like 4 or 5 months, so RIGHT now there is no tag team division, because beer money have been wrestling a lot of crappy teams and i haven't seen a good tag team match in a lot of time now...

Mickie James was supossed to enhance the good knockout division that they had, but the booking has been awful and this keeps going worse and worse, don't get me start on the angelina/winter angle, only from the mind of Russo...

I don't want to watch sting vs flair anymore or Hogan vs sting anymore it's that simple...

On the up part The BFG series has been good so far, and the revival of joe always is a good thing...

Bully ray has been great as of late...

X Division is lifting his head high once again cause Austin Aries is great and i like to see kid kash again, i want to see sabin in the X division full time aswell, but nese (little Chris Masters) and sorensen (little randy orton) not so much...

Scott Steiner always puts a smile on my face when he talks or cuts a promo i don't know if he does it on purpose but he's funnier than EY by miles...
Ok a couple of years back, before Hogan and bishof entered the fray, TNA dominated in both Knockouts and Tag Team Division without any doubt, the X division was exciting too...

But nowdays there aren't even tag team matches unless that waste of air mexican america is on my tv, that's just wrong and now i have to keep up with JJ in that situation too?, damn that's awful... Beer Money and MCMG are some of the best tag teams in the world, but the MCMG haven't wrestled together in like 4 or 5 months, so RIGHT now there is no tag team division, because beer money have been wrestling a lot of crappy teams and i haven't seen a good tag team match in a lot of time now...

Mickie James was supossed to enhance the good knockout division that they had, but the booking has been awful and this keeps going worse and worse, don't get me start on the angelina/winter angle, only from the mind of Russo...

I don't want to watch sting vs flair anymore or Hogan vs sting anymore it's that simple...

On the up part The BFG series has been good so far, and the revival of joe always is a good thing...

Bully ray has been great as of late...

X Division is lifting his head high once again cause Austin Aries is great and i like to see kid kash again, i want to see sabin in the X division full time aswell, but nese (little Chris Masters) and sorensen (little randy orton) not so much...

Scott Steiner always puts a smile on my face when he talks or cuts a promo i don't know if he does it on purpose but he's funnier than EY by miles...

The 8 man gauntlet was so good. Aries entered the match and it really took off.

BFG is a really good idea. It makes singles matches meaningful and interesting. Which is lacking in the WWE.
To me, just about everything. This would be a lot quicker to answer if you'd asked "What does WWE do better than TNA?" Production and marketing would've been my reply.

The obvious things TNA do better are their divisions. TNA's Tag Team Division is a lot better than WWE's. It doesn't matter if a WWE fan wants to try and dispute that, the simple fact is you can't. TNA's tag division consists of Beer Money, MCMG (currently sidelined), British Invasion, Mexican America and Ink Inc (currently sidelined). Two of the teams may be injured, which TNA cannot really account for, but how many genuine tag teams do the WWE have? I haven't seen it for years so I'm really not aware but I doubt they have as many as TNA.

The X-Division/Cruiserweights is something TNA do a lot better. I'm not necessarily a big fan of the X-Division (I prefer good characters) but it's something TNA do at least offer their fanbase as a regular part of the show.

I'm not a fan of womans wrestling either but TNA's Knockouts are a lot more impressive than WWE's Divas. The Knockouts actually have storylines, characters and some decent matches. Which is a lot more than can be said of the Divas (or at least during the time I watched, not sure about now).

Having faces fans recognise is another thing TNA do a lot better than WWE. If I was to flick on an episode of RAW, I doubt I'd recognise most of the roster. Switch on an episode of iMPACT! and you'll see faces like Hulk Hogan, Sting, Rob Van Dam, Kurt Angle and Ric Flair . And seeing familar faces helps you become interested in the product.

Character development is probably the biggest thing TNA do better. TNA give their wrestlers (or let them show) personalities. You're not forced to get behind one or two guys because they're the only ones who have (or are allowed to show) any personality. There's literally a dozen wrestlers on TNA's roster than I'm a big fan of and want to see win. When I watched WWE it was all about the Undertaker for me. Although I did become a fan of Randy Orton. But that's two guys on the whole roster.

Hardcore wrestling is done a lot better in TNA. Just different styles of wresting in general are done better in TNA. There's variety in the types of matches you'll see in TNA, where as in WWE it doesn't matter who's in the ring the match will be virtually the same.

Reaching out to an older audience is also something TNA do better. It's a lot more realistic and not so cringe worthingly fake. I'm in my mid 20s but at times I can still suspend my belief (when watching TNA) and think the guys in the ring genuinely hate eachother and want to hurt one another. I never got that feeling in the time I watched WWE. Having midgets beat a Guerrero sort of killed any chance of that ever happening. And having a dude constantly get his arse kicked until the last couple of minutes of the match only to come back and win doesn't help suspend belief either.

There's probably a lot more things I could list but I'm starting to get bored now.
You are absolutely they most blinded and jaded fan I have ever heard from. I truly wish I could be as blind and oblivious on my life as you? You trashed what I had to say with a rep. Cool I do not care about the rep. However you did strike a cord with me on the comment. Congrats.

Seriously where do I start with you?
"can actually get fans to give a fuck about them."
Aids would be over in the Impact zone, unless god forbid it went angianst cancer and they were getting dueling chants.

"what TNA does better than WWE is provide it's audience with non-generic, non-vanilla, ENTERTAINING characters"
Seriously this were I "Cross the line" (See what I did there) with you? Vanilla like the WWE oh yeah. There is the oh so vanilla CM Punk who has made wrestling RED HOT again. Oh then there's the WWE champ Alberto Del Vanilla, no one is a fan of his character. Boy you sure are right on. Oh then they have to keep up with the WW....TNA people who have added a few curse words to there arsenal to set them apart from there vanilla WWE days. Wow you are just good, you ave shown me the light.

Sting- Yeah I liked Dark Knight when it was Heath Ledger and not a bad Jimmy Carry.
Angle- Um yeah I am totally with you on this one! I love when he does that thing! You know that thing he did he didn't do in WWE he does now
Anderson- Oh boy nothng like the cocky guy who now says asshole TNA is redoing the wheel.
Joe- Beating up everyone in his sight.....I have no sarcastic response.
Hogan-Being a cancer is not a gimmick.

Swallow a chill pill, would you? You sound like my mother. IDR can get a bit jumpy. But I know his perspective. Simply put, to some fan's, mostly TNA fan's, WWE's roster does not have many redeeming qualities of realistic personality aside from it's main event guys like Cena, Orton and Punk. I'll do a bit of an analogy. Jack Swagger and Crimson. Both guys got near instant pushes. Their gimmicks obviously diverge. So far, Crimson has been portrayed as a tough fighter with an attitude. The few times he's spoken, got in the face of Kurt Angle and challenged him to a match. Jack Swagger's most famous (or infamous) promo so far was when he came out with a bunch of fake accolades from when he was a kid and begin a "grampa story" on all of them until Big Show destroyed his stuff. People will most likely relate more to Crimson despite him not being as over as Swagger was because he was far more believable despite the lack of character. That's what TNA fan's see.

I'd easily take a guy like Eric Young or James Storm over a Drew McIntyre or a Sheamus, because they don't go out to play a character. They are just being their normal selves and it's something that can be perceived when watching them.

I get it. WWE is bigger and far more organized. But that won't stop some people to crave for a simple character. They don't all want a "Chosen One" or a "Celtic Warrior" or "The All-American American". Some just want plain ol' beer drinkin' James Storm, or goofy Eric Young.
I'd say about 5 things:

1. They create Tag Teams MUCH MUCH better. They they know how to market a tag team with a simple gimmick or even placing two guys who are not good together but somehow getting them to blend in and not look so obvious.

Beer Money, Beautiful People, Ink Inc, Motor City, AMW, etc.

2. The midcard talent is showcased alot better. I think WWE needs to stop attempting to re-create "legends" and give guys their own character. There is no reason why Alex Riley, Ziggler and Ted need to pretend to be guys from the 80s. It just seems cheap, IMO.

Compared to an Austin Aries that has natural charisma and has a natural heel gimmick which actually is comparable to CM Punk.

3. They obviously create much better superstars within the Knockout Division. Either it being Tag Teams or Singles, they create MUCH more stars within the Woman's Division. Love, Velvet, Madison, Tessmacher.

4. Character development. You can love or hate, TNA taking WWE wrestlers but they surely know how to push them properly.

Jeff Hardy has taken new elements to his character that was used somewhat in SmackDown and brought it to a new level during his heel turn. Mr. Anderson has taken all kinds of development compared to his WWE character where he didn't have a fanbase, much mic time and the usual excuse is "Oh, he's injury prone" I believe his only injury was Jeff Hardy's bad chair shot giving him a concussion.

Another example was Elijah Burke's gimmick that has been recreated to the Black Pope gimmick that was supposed to debut in WWE. I believe their ability at creating new gimmicks and rebuilding unused talent really is what they do best. There hasn't been one guy that was in WWE who was misused who signed with TNA that didn't become entertaining or better in some sort of way.

5. Promos. I don't have to say alot here but TNA does a better job at promos and creating a formula of how a TV wrestling show in 2011 should be done. With the wrestling business in a dark age, It's important to atleast make an attempt to create a reason to these matches.

Promos should get people excited to buy the PPV or give them a reason to care for the match which is why TNA does a great job at making promos exciting, dramatic, serious or even funny (Sting's promo on Milk n Cookies for example).
Apart from the CM Punk storyline TNA plays far more on the "reality" aspect with the backstage vignettes and promos. Wrestlers seem to have some creative freedom in their promos which is critical I think to having success for characters especially if they're not in the main role. TNA's midcard destroys WWE's in every single way. I'd watch Styles, Aries, Shelley, Daniels, RVD and most others in TNA anyday over the horribly boring midcarders in WWE that no one seems to care about. Not saying all those names are midcarders but they aren't in the main event at the moment but still have big roles in the rest of the show.

TNA is also unpredictable. Apart from the CM Punk storyline again WWE has been horribly predictable mainly for many many years now which led to a huge decline in enjoyment for me watching the show. TNA seems to fool everyone and even though people complain that there's too many swerves and such at least you never know which way it's going to go. It seems to all be coming together nicely now for BFG so I don't get the hate about the booking just because you didn't expect something or agree with it doesn't mean you should hate on it. You have to give the storylines time and see how they unfold. For ages people were complaining about Joe jobbing but it was all apart of the storyline and now he is in a major storyline with the closing segment of last impact haha all the people that said he was getting buried look pretty stupid now.

Anyway Tag division is a no brainer I mean Beer Money alone is better than anything WWE has done with their tag division in a long time. The womens division also put's the WWE's to shame as it actually has storylines and they are given atleast 2 matches per impact usually.

The roster is much better in my opinion as well as the matches on impact compared to most in WWE not including PPV's. They are much more fast paced and seem more realistic and don't seem like slowed down dribble that we get a lot on Raw's and Smackdown's.

Last thing is of course not being PG. This allows for some hilarious and cool moments that I miss from the WWE. People like Steiner letting loose is some of the funniest tv you can see haha and letting them swear a bit makes it even better. I like seeing blood every so often especially if it enhances a storyline such as the Anderson vs Immortal feud at the moment and you need blood I mean this is supposed to be a sport based on fighting how can you never have blood it's ridiculous haha. There's probably more but I'm sick and tired and been rambling a bit.

Honestly Money in the Bank beats anything TNA has done recently easily but apart from the CM Punk storyline TNA is more enjoyable overall on a regular basis. It can't execute certain storylines as well as WWE can but they are far more unpredictable and exciting on average.
TNA's women do more moves but I wouldn't necessarily suggest it's miles better. Most of the TNA women lack ring psychology or storytelling skills. TNA does have the best mainstream style woman wrestler on the planet in Mickie James though. Mickie is pretty fuckin awesome.

The tag division I will give to TNA because they actually tried to build it up for a while to where WWE just kind of had the titles floating around. Looks like things are changing now though.

TNA does a better job (at times in their shows) at appealing to hardcore smarks. By that I mean your prototypical moves/spot loving guy who hates muscle bound wrestlers with charisma and hates selling. It's why Alex Shelley still has a job.

I always try to watch TNA and always try to have pros and cons but WWE is just better at what they do. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. If you've been doing something at a high level for a long time as a business then you're going to be really good and really proficient at doing it. If you tried to open up a fast food burger joint I guarantee McDonalds would be better than your company. Even if some people thought the food tasted better, you wouldn't be able to produce the revenue or the consistent quality of McDonalds because they're basically a machine at this point.

How the fuck is "WWE is PG, TNA isn't" a good thing? WWE can be successful without resorting to Jerry Springer tactics. In other words, if you can hit 40 home runs without using steroids, you're better than a player who hits 40 home runs using steroids. WWE is at a disadvantage on "cheap tricks" because of oustanding circumstances, yet they still succeed.
I'd say about 5 things:

1. They create Tag Teams MUCH MUCH better. They they know how to market a tag team with a simple gimmick or even placing two guys who are not good together but somehow getting them to blend in and not look so obvious.

Beer Money, Beautiful People, Ink Inc, Motor City, AMW, etc.

2. The midcard talent is showcased alot better. I think WWE needs to stop attempting to re-create "legends" and give guys their own character. There is no reason why Alex Riley, Ziggler and Ted need to pretend to be guys from the 80s. It just seems cheap, IMO.

Compared to an Austin Aries that has natural charisma and has a natural heel gimmick which actually is comparable to CM Punk.

3. They obviously create much better superstars within the Knockout Division. Either it being Tag Teams or Singles, they create MUCH more stars within the Woman's Division. Love, Velvet, Madison, Tessmacher.

4. Character development. You can love or hate, TNA taking WWE wrestlers but they surely know how to push them properly.

Jeff Hardy has taken new elements to his character that was used somewhat in SmackDown and brought it to a new level during his heel turn. Mr. Anderson has taken all kinds of development compared to his WWE character where he didn't have a fanbase, much mic time and the usual excuse is "Oh, he's injury prone" I believe his only injury was Jeff Hardy's bad chair shot giving him a concussion.

Another example was Elijah Burke's gimmick that has been recreated to the Black Pope gimmick that was supposed to debut in WWE. I believe their ability at creating new gimmicks and rebuilding unused talent really is what they do best. There hasn't been one guy that was in WWE who was misused who signed with TNA that didn't become entertaining or better in some sort of way.

5. Promos. I don't have to say alot here but TNA does a better job at promos and creating a formula of how a TV wrestling show in 2011 should be done. With the wrestling business in a dark age, It's important to atleast make an attempt to create a reason to these matches.

Promos should get people excited to buy the PPV or give them a reason to care for the match which is why TNA does a great job at making promos exciting, dramatic, serious or even funny (Sting's promo on Milk n Cookies for example).
No, if they knew how to market them then they'd draw more. They just have the motivation to actually use tag team wrestling in their storytlines.

The midcard talent isn't showcased better, when's the last time TNA created a true star? Your midcard is guys on the way up. TNA is pretty stagnate other than Crimson and Gunner who are bad choices and aren't over. How are Riley, Ziggler, and Dibiase pretending to be guys from the 80s? Ted is using his dad's name because that's actually his dad. Aries' gimmick is closer to an 80s gimmick and is damn near a Rick Rude knock off. Aries has charisma but he's pretty shit in the ring when it comes to selling or storytelling. I don't give a fuck how fast he does his moves or how many. There is a reason that even though he was big in ROH the same time Punk, Joe, and Danielson were, they've all achieved more success.

Again, you are confusing "create stars" with "create characters used in their storylines". WWE is smarter from a business perspective. Which is what a "star" is. It's when a character becomes a highly profitable product. The knockouts aren't that. They're just more prominantly used.

"Use them properly"? You mean push guys the WWE didn't push (because they weren't over)? That's not "properly" that's catering to smarks, smarks don't pay the rent, it's a dumb idea. Again, just because they use these guys more doesn't mean they use them better. WWE decides not to push guys if they aren't a draw, not because they're mean dumb bastards who don't know as much about wrestling as you and want to piss you off.

Mr. Anderson isn't anymore over than he was in WWE and his character is a clusterfuck of heel/face turns.

I agree with Pope, I think it could have been huge.

Other than Pope, again you are confusing with "TNA creates more characters" with "TNA creates better characters". TNA does a lot of shit and most of it isn't all that profound, there's just a lot of it.

Promos? Are you shitting me here? Most TNA promos are 40 year old guys using phrases from 2002 (Anderson saying "biyatch"). Truth/Miz, anything with Punk, anything with Cena (yes, John "TEH SUX IN DA RINGZ 5 MOVEZ OF TEH DOMZ" Cena) are all better than anything TNA does. Again, you are confusing "more" with "better". WWE isn't as outrageous, but what they do is more efficient and potent to the audience.

I hear some people saying that TNA has more realistic characters like Crimson who are just tatooed up tough fighters as opposed to the characters that WWE has. This is wrong. Crimson is boring. There is nothing to him. He's not relateable, because you don't know anything about him. Austin was a pretty realistic character but you knew about him. It's not the TYPE of character, it's how it's portrayed. Crimson isn't really a character. He's just some dude with shitty tribal tatoos with a douche haircut who does moves in the ring and is booked to win matches. I don't relate to that at all.
How the fuck is "WWE is PG, TNA isn't" a good thing? WWE can be successful without resorting to Jerry Springer tactics. In other words, if you can hit 40 home runs without using steroids, you're better than a player who hits 40 home runs using steroids. WWE is at a disadvantage on "cheap tricks" because of oustanding circumstances, yet they still succeed.

This thread isn't about how WWE can be successful without things it's about what TNA do better. In my opinion and a few others not having the restrictions that WWE have make TNA more entertaining in a way. Promos with swearing in them and the use of blood is a big factor as it just adds more realism. I mean it looks stupid when Christian and Orton go through a brutal match and there's no blood it's just not as realistic or enjoyable. Seeing Anderson bloodied by Immortal added more sympathy and it's just good to see after being deprived from it in WWE for so long.
This thread isn't about how WWE can be successful without things it's about what TNA do better. In my opinion and a few others not having the restrictions that WWE have make TNA more entertaining in a way. Promos with swearing in them and the use of blood is a big factor as it just adds more realism. I mean it looks stupid when Christian and Orton go through a brutal match and there's no blood it's just not as realistic or enjoyable. Seeing Anderson bloodied by Immortal added more sympathy and it's just good to see after being deprived from it in WWE for so long.
No, Anderson being bloodied in the opening segment of a feud that isn't even that heated an no one giving a shit about him bleeding, then Sting getting taken out in the main feud in a beatdown without bleeding doesn't make any sense.

Pro wrestling isn't better with swearing, boobs, blood, or beer, it just entertains simpletons easier. A guy getting hit on top the head with a chair and then blading himself isn't really realistic. You won't EVER really bleed from the top of your head or your forehead when hit with a flat object unless you were hit really fuckin hard like by a car. You'd get a huge bump on your head. Watch Bryan Danielson vs Nigel McGuinness from Unified in ROH if you want to see realistic trama to the head causing blood.

WWE used too much blood. HBK and HHH bladed every show. It loses it's impact. The reason Austin blading at WM13 was such a big deal is because it was rare. You do the exact same match on a Raw in 2004 and it doesn't have the same impact.

Christian and Orton was about a story. The crowd bought it. With or without blood, the crowd buys into it because of the story.
A guy getting into a brutal fight and not bleeding is not realistic. I'm not saying it makes the product better but it's something enjoyable and it suits the sport. Just like if you watch UFC there's going to be blood sometimes if there is a beatdown and if there's weapons involved of course there would be blood. People like that TNA has it stop complaining that it doesn't make the product better as this thread isn't about how WWE aren't missing out by not using it because people enjoy it. Stop acting like a self righteous douche just because you don't enjoy blood at all some people do and especially since we have been so use to watching wrestling for years in the attitude era and so on it's enjoyable to still see it on Impact when WWE NEVER use it. If WWE used it sometimes but just sparingly it'd be different but since they never use it and TNA does then that's something it has over WWE.
A guy getting into a brutal fight and not bleeding is not realistic. I'm not saying it makes the product better but it's something enjoyable and it suits the sport. Just like if you watch UFC there's going to be blood sometimes if there is a beatdown and if there's weapons involved of course there would be blood. People like that TNA has it stop complaining that it doesn't make the product better as this thread isn't about how WWE aren't missing out by not using it because people enjoy it. Stop acting like a self righteous douche just because you don't enjoy blood at all some people do and especially since we have been so use to watching wrestling for years in the attitude era and so on it's enjoyable to still see it on Impact when WWE NEVER use it. If WWE used it sometimes but just sparingly it'd be different but since they never use it and TNA does then that's something it has over WWE.
Okay, so you like blood. Having blood makes TNA better than the WWE to you. I think blood is no different than a movie effect. It makes some people like it more, but to me, it doesn't really make a difference.

It's not that I don't like blood, because I REALLY think that a hell in a cell match needs blood and at times blood can really enhance a match, it's that I don't like it used often because then it doesn't mean anything. Pro wrestling ISN'T a sport. It's more than a sport. It's storytelling through athletic theater. If they did everything to be realistic then the X division wouldn't exist because none of the moves they do would work.

It's a spectacle. If you like blood then that's fine, I just think that's a really silly item to say one company has over another.
"what TNA does better than WWE is provide it's audience with non-generic, non-vanilla, ENTERTAINING characters"
Seriously this were I "Cross the line" (See what I did there) with you? Vanilla like the WWE oh yeah. There is the oh so vanilla CM Punk who has made wrestling RED HOT again. Oh then there's the WWE champ Alberto Del Vanilla, no one is a fan of his character. Boy you sure are right on. Oh then they have to keep up with the WW....TNA people who have added a few curse words to there arsenal to set them apart from there vanilla WWE days. Wow you are just good, you ave shown me the light.

Let's see here. You mention Punk, a guy who basically had to break kayfabe to be relevant again. He was floundering the past two years. You can't keep breaking kayfabe forever, Phil.

And then you have Alberto "I can only talk about destiny, but you already know that" Del Rio whose personal ring announcer gets an even bigger reaction than him. We get it, Albie. You're a rich guy. You're like the Mexican JBL without the great mic skills. I always wished JBL did a little more with his character and Alberto has the chance to do the same. All he does is drive out with 3000 kinds of expensive cars. That tells me nothing which is a shame because he has it in the ring. I'm just bored by everything else.

As I've said before, the midcard is bland. Honestly, the only Kofi match I remember is his one with Mickie James against Marella and Beth. Bourne falls in that same boat. I don't even know where Ziggler fits into all of this. I see nothing interesting about Barrett other than his accent. I'm too bored to list the rest of the midcard which should illustrate my point.

You see I didn't mention Orton because I'm cutting him a break. Shocking, I know. You avoided it this time, Randall.
No, if they knew how to market them then they'd draw more. They just have the motivation to actually use tag team wrestling in their storytlines.

So TNA do their tag team wrestling better than WWE? Which was sort of the point of this thread.

The midcard talent isn't showcased better, when's the last time TNA created a true star? Your midcard is guys on the way up. TNA is pretty stagnate other than Crimson and Gunner who are bad choices and aren't over. How are Riley, Ziggler, and Dibiase pretending to be guys from the 80s? Ted is using his dad's name because that's actually his dad. Aries' gimmick is closer to an 80s gimmick and is damn near a Rick Rude knock off. Aries has charisma but he's pretty shit in the ring when it comes to selling or storytelling. I don't give a fuck how fast he does his moves or how many. There is a reason that even though he was big in ROH the same time Punk, Joe, and Danielson were, they've all achieved more success.

When was the last time TNA created a true star? Depends what the definition is, when was the last time WWE created a true star? John Cena? I don't agree with Crimson or Gunner being bad choices but if someone doesn't like those two, it's not a problem. Because you have Matt Morgan, Bully Ray, AJ Styles, Beer Money, Austin Aries or Pope to get behind. There's something there for every fan. I can't comment on Riley, Ziggler or DiBiase, as I have no idea what they're doing. CM Punk achieved his success like a couple of months ago, Joe's was years ago and not much since, and Danielson hasn't had any has he? Austin Aries has every chance of succeeding, just give the guy some time.

Again, you are confusing "create stars" with "create characters used in their storylines". WWE is smarter from a business perspective. Which is what a "star" is. It's when a character becomes a highly profitable product. The knockouts aren't that. They're just more prominantly used.

I don't know about merchandise sales and all that stuff but some of the Knockouts are stars in terms of womans wrestling. By your definition of a wrestling star, John Cena is the only one WWE have. Anyone else could dissapear from WWE's roster tomorrow and they probably wouldn't take much of a financial hit.

"Use them properly"? You mean push guys the WWE didn't push (because they weren't over)? That's not "properly" that's catering to smarks, smarks don't pay the rent, it's a dumb idea. Again, just because they use these guys more doesn't mean they use them better. WWE decides not to push guys if they aren't a draw, not because they're mean dumb bastards who don't know as much about wrestling as you and want to piss you off.

Mr. Anderson isn't anymore over than he was in WWE and his character is a clusterfuck of heel/face turns.

I agree with Pope, I think it could have been huge.

Other than Pope, again you are confusing with "TNA creates more characters" with "TNA creates better characters". TNA does a lot of shit and most of it isn't all that profound, there's just a lot of it.

And just because you say using someone more isn't using someone better, doesn't mean that's what TNA have done. They haven't just used guys like Matt Morgan, Pope, Bully Ray and Anderson more, they've made them better. They all stand out as individual characters and are better than they've previously been. It doesn't matter how you try to word things, at the end of the day they are (whatever way you look at it) better now than before they arrived.

Promos? Are you shitting me here? Most TNA promos are 40 year old guys using phrases from 2002 (Anderson saying "biyatch"). Truth/Miz, anything with Punk, anything with Cena (yes, John "TEH SUX IN DA RINGZ 5 MOVEZ OF TEH DOMZ" Cena) are all better than anything TNA does. Again, you are confusing "more" with "better".

Again you're confusing your opinion with fact.

I hear some people saying that TNA has more realistic characters like Crimson who are just tatooed up tough fighters as opposed to the characters that WWE has. This is wrong. Crimson is boring. There is nothing to him. He's not relateable, because you don't know anything about him. Austin was a pretty realistic character but you knew about him. It's not the TYPE of character, it's how it's portrayed. Crimson isn't really a character. He's just some dude with shitty tribal tatoos with a douche haircut who does moves in the ring and is booked to win matches. I don't relate to that at all.

You don't relate to Crimson and aren't a fan but there's plenty of other people that are becoming a fan of this guy. If he steps out on iMPACT!, when they're filming on the road, and you can hear a pin drop then fair enough. But I'm pretty sure there's a lot of TNA's fans getting behind Crimson and his reactions are the thing he should be judged on, not personal opinion.
So TNA do their tag team wrestling better than WWE? Which was sort of the point of this thread.

When was the last time TNA created a true star? Depends what the definition is, when was the last time WWE created a true star? John Cena? I don't agree with Crimson or Gunner being bad choices but if someone doesn't like those two, it's not a problem. Because you have Matt Morgan, Bully Ray, AJ Styles, Beer Money, Austin Aries or Pope to get behind. There's something there for every fan. I can't comment on Riley, Ziggler or DiBiase, as I have no idea what they're doing. CM Punk achieved his success like a couple of months ago, Joe's was years ago and not much since, and Danielson hasn't had any has he? Austin Aries has every chance of succeeding, just give the guy some time.

I don't know about merchandise sales and all that stuff but some of the Knockouts are stars in terms of womans wrestling. By your definition of a wrestling star, John Cena is the only one WWE have. Anyone else could dissapear from WWE's roster tomorrow and they probably wouldn't take much of a financial hit.

And just because you say using someone more isn't using someone better, doesn't mean that's what TNA have done. They haven't just used guys like Matt Morgan, Pope, Bully Ray and Anderson more, they've made them better. They all stand out as individual characters and are better than they've previously been. It doesn't matter how you try to word things, at the end of the day they are (whatever way you look at it) better now than before they arrived.

Again you're confusing your opinion with fact.

You don't relate to Crimson and aren't a fan but there's plenty of other people that are becoming a fan of this guy. If he steps out on iMPACT!, when they're filming on the road, and you can hear a pin drop then fair enough. But I'm pretty sure there's a lot of TNA's fans getting behind Crimson and his reactions are the thing he should be judged on, not personal opinion.
Right now no, TNA does not have better tag wrestling, it's a wash, before yes.

Look at TNA's main event scene, none of them have been created recently except for shit crimson. Look at the WWE, ADR, Miz, trying to elevate other guys like Rhodes, etc. My point with Aries was that as much as he's a net darling, he's really not that good at what makes you a big draw because his stuff in the ring looks fake because he doesn't sell or tell a story. Dragon, Joe, and Punk DO all those things, that's why they were signed up first.

Yea, WWE is a well oiled machine and could churn out money with the loss of most guys. However, the only reason those guys would be marketable in TNA is because of WWE. Had Christian not been an "underused" net darling would he have been as over in TNA? Probably not.

Bully Ray is better, he's actually watchable. Anderson is not, he's a mess of shitty promos and shitty matches. Morgan is boring as shit. Pope is better. There are a few, but it's kinda like this. If you have a huge talent pool, and some talent isn't over, you can just brush them aside. If your talent pool isn't as big, and it's not over, you work to get it over. That's the difference between WWE and TNA. Doesn't mean TNA writes better for their characters.

I doubt Crimson is very over. He might be midcard over based on who he's with, but he's not main event over.
TNA has been known, and has proven over the years, to DO tag team wrestling better then the WWE. Is that the case right NOW? I don't think so, no. That isn't because WWE suddenly has a great tag team division (although I find it promising that they possibly might be putting effort into creating a good one), its because right now TNA really doesn't HAVE a tag team division. Anyone who is still praising TNA's tag team division is just lying to themselves. Motor City Machine Guns aren't around and aren't a relevant tag team right now. Beer Money are all but gone at this point. The only tag team division TNA has right NOW is LAX, British Invasion, and the non-existent Ink Inc. That's a SHITTY tag team division. But, in the past, TNA definitely has the record of being the better tag team division and hopefully they get back on track with that.

I also think people are lying to themselves when they claim the Knockouts division is better then the Diva's division. The Knockouts division is made up of just as many poor wrestlers as the Divas, they botch just as often as the Divas, and they're just as insignificant as the Divas. The only time the Knockouts put on any kind of entertaining match is when there's a selective few from the roster involved, and beyond that the rest of the division is bad and gets no reaction at all.. which is no different then the Divas. The Knockouts haven't been anything "good" in a VERY long time, and all those people that were in TNA and made that division good are no longer IN TNA anymore. Just because Mickie James is good doesn't make up for the rest of the ENTIRE division that isn't.

The only thing TNA is DOING better then the WWE right now is pushing their X Division, although that's even pushing it. Austin Aries is great, but beyond him and Shelley the X Division is just made up of uninteresting, and bland wrestlers that no one even knows or cares about. And TNA isn't even close to being better at making wrestlers people care about.
I'd say about 5 things:

4. Character development. You can love or hate, TNA taking WWE wrestlers but they surely know how to push them properly.

Jeff Hardy has taken new elements to his character that was used somewhat in SmackDown and brought it to a new level during his heel turn. Mr. Anderson has taken all kinds of development compared to his WWE character where he didn't have a fanbase, much mic time and the usual excuse is "Oh, he's injury prone" I believe his only injury was Jeff Hardy's bad chair shot giving him a concussion.

Another example was Elijah Burke's gimmick that has been recreated to the Black Pope gimmick that was supposed to debut in WWE. I believe their ability at creating new gimmicks and rebuilding unused talent really is what they do best. There hasn't been one guy that was in WWE who was misused who signed with TNA that didn't become entertaining or better in some sort of way.

You're living in a make believe world, clearly. Mr. Anderson is exactly the same character that he was in the WWE.. only TNA has done a TERRIBLE job flip flopping him back and forth between heel and face so often he's lost all momentum and all potential he had when he was gaining steam in the beginning. Mr. Kennedy didn't have a fan base in the WWE? He had a great fanbase, and was very over, which is why they consistently pushed him and were building him up towards a run in the main event until his injuries kept getting in the way time after time. He didn't have much mic time? Clearly you weren't watching because they continously gave him mic time to get over, he spent more time cutting promos then he did wrestling matches.. and he was doing the same shit he's doing in TNA. If calling people "assholes" is what you think is great character development then you're fucked.

Pope's been booked so inconsistently as his character its not even funny. Its great that he's the black Pope, but what has TNA done with him? Their character development has been all over the place. That's not good at all.

Jeff Hardy? Hardy went from one of the most over faces in the business in the WWE, a DRAWING main eventer for a time... to being a horrible heel who couldn't cut a promo so they had to be taped and still made no sense, whose character in the end was a failure. Great character development! Sorry, but Jeff Hardy was far more successful in the WWE as a character then he's ever been in TNA.

Next you'll be saying that ripping off an idea from another nobody wrestler, as well as from a comic book movie, in the Sting's Joker gimmick is great character development!

Your revisionist history is as bad as Vince McMahon's.
One thing TNA does better then the WWE? Velvet Sky's entrance...that in itself makes me enjoy TNA, no matter what they do, they make me wish I had been Shane Helms (only while he was banging Velvet though, otherwise he's a rat faced looking cunt)
Right now no, TNA does not have better tag wrestling, it's a wash, before yes.

It most certainly is still better. I don't even know why you're trying to argue that fact, when there's clearly no argument to have. A division consisting of Beer Money, British Invasion, Mexican America and an injured MCMG and Ink Inc is a lot stronger than a division consisting of two Samoans. There's just no denying that, no matter how bias or jaded you are.

Look at TNA's main event scene, none of them have been created recently except for shit crimson. Look at the WWE, ADR, Miz, trying to elevate other guys like Rhodes, etc. My point with Aries was that as much as he's a net darling, he's really not that good at what makes you a big draw because his stuff in the ring looks fake because he doesn't sell or tell a story. Dragon, Joe, and Punk DO all those things, that's why they were signed up first.

I'm looking at TNA's main event scene and it looks pretty damn good to me. Sure TNA could give the belt to any up and coming dude on their roster but when they're not fit to the lace the boots of Sting, Angle, RVD etc there's no point in doing that. It may give you a new face with the Title but when it impacts on the quality of the product, it's just not a very good idea. And if you're looking for guys being elevated look no further than Crimson, Gunner, Beer Money, Austin Aries etc. And why has how long it's taken Aries to get signed got anything to do with the success he could achieve? Just because Ian Wright (former Arsenal striker) didn't get signed to professional footbal until he was in his mid 20's (real late in football terms) it doesn't mean he weren't one of the best strikers professional football has had. By the way did you just try and suggest that Joe sells? I can't comment on the other two as I don't watch them but Samoa Joe is one of the worst sellers I've ever seen. Someone hits one of their signature moves on him and he just bounces back up. Or some 7 foot giant is swinging a head butt his way and he barely stumbles back. That's not selling IMO.

Yea, WWE is a well oiled machine and could churn out money with the loss of most guys. However, the only reason those guys would be marketable in TNA is because of WWE. Had Christian not been an "underused" net darling would he have been as over in TNA? Probably not.

I only started watching TNA towards the end of Christians run so I've no idea whether he came straight in as a main eventer or won the World Title after putting his work in and getting some big reactions.

Bully Ray is better, he's actually watchable. Anderson is not, he's a mess of shitty promos and shitty matches. Morgan is boring as shit. Pope is better. There are a few, but it's kinda like this. If you have a huge talent pool, and some talent isn't over, you can just brush them aside. If your talent pool isn't as big, and it's not over, you work to get it over. That's the difference between WWE and TNA. Doesn't mean TNA writes better for their characters.

Na Anderson's not just about the most over guy in TNA, he's shit. Stop acting as if you're opinon is fact, because newsflash, it's not! Morgan shit as well? Really seems like you're factual opinion differs from a lot of other peoples. Listen to the reaction Morgan gets and you'll see he's far from "boring as shit". You just basically said TNA work hard at getting guys over, where as WWE brush them aside. That to me means TNA write better for their characters. The basic laws of common sense tell you 'something' is better than 'nothing'.

I doubt Crimson is very over. He might be midcard over based on who he's with, but he's not main event over.

You can doubt Crimson is over all you like, but it doesn't change the fact that he is over.
This is coming from someone who heavily favors the WWE to TNA, if i had to say they do something better then WWE it would be creating loyal fans or followers. What i mean by that is through their product they are able to draw in a group of fans who will stick by them and defend them through thick and thin. In the WWE their are many fans who love them one week and the next they have never heard of them. But most if not all TNA watchers are hardcore week to week followers of the company and stick up for their product and believe what they say about the company. Now thats not always a good thing i will say trying to be unbiased as possible that TNA has an edge in that area.

I will also say although i feel its come down a notch as of late their tag team wrestling division is presented and executed way better then what the E puts out. I am sure some may think their are more things to point out and they may be right. These are just what i see based on my liking.
You're living in a make believe world, clearly.
Lol My opinion is my opinion. Get over it.
Mr. Anderson is exactly the same character that he was in the WWE.. only TNA has done a TERRIBLE job flip flopping him back and forth between heel and face so often he's lost all momentum and all potential he had when he was gaining steam in the beginning.
It's called Tweener. You can say the same about CM Punk, Edge, etc. This has nothing to do with what I said.
Mr. Kennedy didn't have a fan base in the WWE? He had a great fanbase, and was very over, which is why they consistently pushed him and were building him up towards a run in the main event until his injuries kept getting in the way time after time.
Lol Please tell me when did he ever address his fanbase or even promote merchandise FOR his fans? He was a heel, face, heel in WWE as well.
He didn't have much mic time? Clearly you weren't watching because they continously gave him mic time to get over, he spent more time cutting promos then he did wrestling matches and he was doing the same shit he's doing in TNA.
He's doing it DIFFERENTLY which is what makes his gimmick different in TNA.
If calling people "assholes" is what you think is great character development then you're fucked.
If you think pandering to Internet fans is great character development then you're fucked.
Pope's been booked so inconsistently as his character its not even funny. Its great that he's the black Pope, but what has TNA done with him? Their character development has been all over the place. That's not good at all.
For the last fucking time, he is being used less because he is following his career in Criminal Justice at the moment. You can't push a guy who has other obligations.
Jeff Hardy? Hardy went from one of the most over faces in the business in the WWE, a DRAWING main eventer for a time... to being a horrible heel who couldn't cut a promo so they had to be taped and still made no sense, whose character in the end was a failure. Great character development! Sorry, but Jeff Hardy was far more successful in the WWE as a character then he's ever been in TNA.
Lol Being Cena 2.0 is not being a better character. He was a different style heel in pro-wrestling, that makes his character better. I'm not even going to waste my time pin point why his promos were done different to others, It just proves you're stupidity and how much of a mark you come off in this comment.

It's my god damn opinion and making what you say as a fact, just proves how dumb you sound.
as well as from a comic book movie, in the Sting's Joker gimmick is great character development!
Sure, because wrestler's gimmicks have never came from movies, comic books and other concepts? You fucking mark for Zack Ryder and he is based off the Jersey Shore. Just stop.

Your revisionist history is as bad as Vince McMahon's.
Your brain is as bad as a 12 year old. Stick to the WWE forum.
I've seen a good amount of talk about the sex, profanity and such that TNA features which WWE has ditched. In moderation it's ok. I think TNA is a better product than the WWE in every facet other than production value and those things, but my one quarrel with them is that they overdo the profanity. When you work too much on the swearing and sex angle, it just becomes incredibly cheap.
Lol My opinion is my opinion. Get over it.

It's called Tweener. You can say the same about CM Punk, Edge, etc. This has nothing to do with what I said.

No its not, it's called bad booking. For example, Mr. Anderson won the championship with interference from Eric Bischoff, a low blow by Eric Bischoff, and performing his mic check on the championship. That's a HEEL, thanks. Anderson then went on to TURN on Kurt Angle and join Immortal a HEEL stable. You need to learn the difference between a heel, a face, and a tweener, because you look stupid otherwise.

Lol Please tell me when did he ever address his fanbase or even promote merchandise FOR his fans? He was a heel, face, heel in WWE as well.
What the fuck are you talking about? Please make sense. Every turn he had in the WWE was built up to and made sense. They didn't flip flop with him every month or two as is the case in TNA. The proof is as simple as retracing Anderson's character over the past year.

He's doing it DIFFERENTLY which is what makes his gimmick different in TNA.

No, he's really not.

For the last fucking time, he is being used less because he is following his career in Criminal Justice at the moment. You can't push a guy who has other obligations.

Who said anything about him being used less? I specifically said he's been used inconsistently. And he has.

Lol Being Cena 2.0 is not being a better character. He was a different style heel in pro-wrestling, that makes his character better. I'm not even going to waste my time pin point why his promos were done different to others, It just proves you're stupidity and how much of a mark you come off in this comment.

How was Jeff Hardy Cena 2.0? I don't remember Jeff Hardy ever being portrayed as invincible and beating everyone all the time. I remember Jeff Hardy being portrayed as the underdog who couldn't become champion, and then finally reaching that pedestal.

I'll tell you why his promos were done that way: Because he's horrible on the mic and couldn't cut a decent promo in front of the crowd. They had to tape his promos and they still came across horribly.

It's my god damn opinion and making what you say as a fact, just proves how dumb you sound.

No, it IS a fact that Jeff Hardy was a more successful character for the WWE. That's not my opinion, that's a simple fact when you compare his time in both companies.

Sure, because wrestler's gimmicks have never came from movies, comic books and other concepts? You fucking mark for Zack Ryder and he is based off the Jersey Shore. Just stop.

Seldomly are they DIRECTLY ripped off from one like Sting's Joker gimmick. And certainly the GOOD gimmicks aren't.

And, more then that, since when have I EVER marked out for Zack Ryder? Please show me one post of mine that has me ever marking out for Zack fucking Ryder. Please. Just because I'm pointing out bad things about TNA doesn't suddenly make me a blind WWE mark who loves every character from the WWE. I'm not a WWE mark at all, fool.

Your brain is as bad as a 12 year old. Stick to the WWE forum.

I'll post wherever I choose to post.

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