What if Shane starts his own promotion?

Mighty NorCal

So there has already been some speculation that Shane, with his money, knowledge of the game, and buisness sense may have left the WWE to start his OWN promotion, due to knowing Trips and Steph would be the ones running things when Vince stepped down.

It is also said that the vast majority of the boys identify with, and like Shane MUCH more than Steph, and obviously there is sentiment that they wouldnt want to be wrestling in the company with Triple H in the position he would be in. That being said, how excited would you be if Shane started a promotion? Do you think lots of guys would defect to it? How do you think he would run it differently? How much water does this rumor hold?

I, for one, would be estatic to see Shane start a promotion. Competition breeds improvement, and its just better to have another very large promotion. I also think it would be an immensely interesting dynamic having the two siblings going at each other. Shit, what if he starts the new promotion BEFORE Vince leaves?
I think that it probably won't happen, but I would LOVE if it did.
Shane has a lot of connections that could help him start with some good names, at some decent venues and he could pull in some good sponsorship.
He would be wise to create a lighter scheduled promotion if he did, that way he could lure some big names away and also bring in some more legendary names that could work a light schedule. Also, any wresters tired of being held back in WWE would jump once they could. Also I don't think they would be branded WWE rejects since they were siding with Shane.
Again, I don't think it will happen, but for the sake of the business as a whole, it would be great.
Also, who doesn't want to see his buds the Mean Street Posse back on the scene? haha.
I think that it probably won't happen, but I would LOVE if it did.


Shane has a lot of connections that could help him start with some good names,

How do you figure? I mean sure he worked in the WWE, but from what I've heard people like Steph. Shane would get the Stalwarts of his dads old employees and simply create a watered down version of WWE.

He would be wise to create a lighter scheduled promotion if he did, that way he could lure some big names away and also bring in some more legendary names that could work a light schedule.

Oh really? Like who?

Also, any wresters tired of being held back in WWE would jump once they could.

Isn't that what TNA is for?

Also I don't think they would be branded WWE rejects since they were siding with Shane.

Yeah, they would be branded traitors, along with Shane.

Again, I don't think it will happen, but for the sake of the business as a whole, it would be great.

How so? It would be at least a decade before he would even be in the spot TNA is in, let alone getting up to the WWE level.
So there has already been some speculation that Shane, with his money, knowledge of the game, and buisness sense may have left the WWE to start his OWN promotion, due to knowing Trips and Steph would be the ones running things when Vince stepped down.

Wouldn't happen. I love you NorCal, and no offense, but any poster that is at least 25% intelligent knows that Shane wouldn't do this. He left WWE on good terms with a possibilitiy of returning someday, which shows to me he isn't going to go off and start his own company. It just wouldn't happen. Even if he wouldn't have left on good terms, I doubt Shane would've done it, for various variables involved in the equation. It just wouldn't happen, and if it ever does, feel free to track down this post and taunt me like crazy, because I wouldn't believe there is a chance this could happen, I'm about 99% sure of it, that other 1% is there because you never know what could happen, and I've learned anything can happen.

It is also said that the vast majority of the boys identify with, and like Shane MUCH more than Steph, and obviously there is sentiment that they wouldnt want to be wrestling in the company with Triple H in the position he would be in. That being said, how excited would you be if Shane started a promotion? Do you think lots of guys would defect to it? How do you think he would run it differently? How much water does this rumor hold?

I honestly have never heard this rumor, and am not sure that it holds much water at all. I doubt Triple H would become another Kevin Nash or Hulk Hogan with booking power, he didn't get where he is just because of his family anyway, he is a great worker and professional wrestler and does in fact put some people over, like Orton and Legacy. He does, however, stayin the title picture alot, which could change. But that is for a different thread. All in all, Triple H is that power hungry, and wouldn't take much more of a position in the company than he does now, in my opinion. Plus, Shane most likely would just have a few guys defect, if any at all, and would basically run another, little brother-type version of WWE with nothing to unique or special about it.

I, for one, would be estatic to see Shane start a promotion. Competition breeds improvement, and its just better to have another very large promotion. I also think it would be an immensely interesting dynamic having the two siblings going at each other. Shit, what if he starts the new promotion BEFORE Vince leaves?[/QUOTE]

The ownly problem here is, Shane wouldn't be competiton. He would start out most likely just like TNA, as he wouldn't have his dad or his dad's money helping him, and wouldn't get as far as TNA did, as Shane hasn't ever know any other type of wrestling than what WWE presents, and wouldn't create anything too much different than WWE, and people would just stay with the bigger, better, product.
Is there anybody here that seriously thinks that Shane is going to actually go into business against his dad for real? I don't.

Whatever it is that Shane wants to do with his life next, he already has the plan. You don't walk away from a 6 or 7 figure salary without knowing your next move.

There's no way to tell, I could be wrong but my guess is that Shane won't be leaving a highly successful SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT business to start another SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT business that may not last very long.
I like the idea of Shane starting his own promotion. I don't think it would happen though.

Okay now bare with me on what I have to say next, but what if he did end up doing so and it is a work to boost ratings. Think about it for a second. If Vince wanted Shane to leave and start another promotion so he has competition. WWE's highest ratings were when WCW and WWE battled for ratings. It wouldn't be a bad idea to have another fed to go up against.
that'd be REALLY cool. say 4 instance out of the blue Chris Jericho gets tired of wwe then goes 2 shanes promotion spend a little time there get back 2 wwe. That's what im thinking. also to push some more people like tatsu.dreamer.ryder.escobar.etc.....its like another FCW only wwe looks there first OR competes with Shane thats what i tink what about anyone else
that'd be REALLY cool. say 4 instance out of the blue Chris Jericho gets tired of wwe then goes 2 shanes promotion spend a little time there get back 2 wwe. That's what im thinking. also to push some more people like tatsu.dreamer.ryder.escobar.etc.....its like another FCW only wwe looks there first OR competes with Shane thats what i tink what about anyone else

Yeah this wouldn't happen. Jericho got tired of WWE before. He had competition of WWE to go to. It was called TNA. It was having a good time when he left WWE. But he didn't go there. You say, He was burnt out on wrestling, though. Yeah, he was. He still could've went. They have a lighter work schedule. Shane's company would be like TNA, only not as good. And why would people like Escobar, Tatsu, Dreamer, and Ryder go there then go back to the competition. It makes no sense. Same with Jericho. The company wouldn't happen anyway, which kind of makes this whole point mute. Bye.

How do you figure? I mean sure he worked in the WWE, but from what I've heard people like Steph. Shane would get the Stalwarts of his dads old employees and simply create a watered down version of WWE.

Oh really? Like who?

Isn't that what TNA is for?

Yeah, they would be branded traitors, along with Shane.

How so? It would be at least a decade before he would even be in the spot TNA is in, let alone getting up to the WWE level.

Wow, I thought I was bored when I posted originally.

Anyway, 1, WWE couldn't get more watered down if it tried, 2, He is a good business man, 3, I am sure he has his close friends that are superstars there, TNA is there for that, but the more the merrier. 4, Traitors is fine, I would sooner be a traitor than a reject, and 5, Another half decent promotion can only be a good thing.

Again, I doubt it will happen at all, infact it just won't, but it would be cool for a while, if he did it then it would probably be a work anyway.

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