What is the best promo the WWE has ever presented on tv?


Pre-Show Stalwart
For me its no contest......


A lot of people want to point to Punks promo as the best ever in WWE but the above posted promo is not even gold, its absolute platinum.
Two of the greatest ever, and they had the crowd absolutely eating out of their hands for fifteen minutes. I love WWE today as much as I did back then, but you just dont see this today, might not ever again if Vince doesnt give the guys a little more freedom to be themselves and evolve naturally.
I remember watching this when it happened, but somehow forgot about it over time and rediscovered it today, I dont think i have ever seen a better promo.

So what are some of you guys' favorite promo's EVER?, but lets keep it just in WWE.

Moderator's Note: If you guys fail to mention reasons WHY you think it's the best promo in history, you will be warned/infracted for spamming!!
I think their have been a bunch of great promos over the time, but I also think its wrong to class 1 promo from a different era as being greater than that of another era.

Additude Era, that was a great promo/segment, PG Era has differently great promos.
I think their have been a bunch of great promos over the time, but I also think its wrong to class 1 promo from a different era as being greater than that of another era.

Additude Era, that was a great promo/segment, PG Era has differently great promos.

as much as i love punk, the promo is overrated in that he had to 'break out of the box' and discuss things that are not relevant to the average fan.
he has shown he can capture an audience's attention WITHOUT breaking kayfabe (see the jeff hardy promos, the ses promo's) so to me all that 'trying to bury the horse that got you there' (rock, hogan, steph, hhh, vince, and yes, cena) was unnecessary to this fan.
I just want to be entertained, not let in on all of the backstage stuff.
And that is what rock and austin did with the above posted promo.
The Rock had tons of memorable promos...but one of the best ever was when Jericho first came out and he did the "It doesn't mattter...." for the first time.

Austin 3:16 has to be up there as one of the greats of all time too.
There have been so many great promos, it's tough to pick just one... Some of my favorites besides Punks (which was good but not the best, just seems that way since it's been so long since there's been a good one) are the undertaker's in character shoot, paul heyman's shoot on vince, joey stylez shoot when he quit raw, and Jeff Jarrett's shoot when he came back. You can see a theme on some of my favorite moments, the shoot is such a great weapon when done right because the audience feels like they are getting a peek into what's going on and seeing something they shouldn't be. But my favorite promo was scripted and just brilliant, it was Bret when he first made the distinction between US fans and International fans. The only other person to divide an audience so much is john cena, and Cena didn't do it intentionally.
My vote for the best promo on WWE TV was the Perfect face turn. 1992, on the last Prime Time Wrestling before Survivor Series when Savage & Warrior are supposed to face Ric Flair & Razor Ramone. Warrior gets fired, and who does Savage get? Mr. Perfect. It took about 30 minutes of air time, split up over 5 3-8 minute segments between matches at the backstage roundtable they used to have on primetime wrestling.

I've never seen any complete swerve like that ever done so convincingly. Mr. Perfect was 100% Savage's enemy, and one of his biggest enemies, and then Savage taunts him with walking in the shadow of Ric Flair, and being 'just a consultant' and having the chance to prove he's still one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. Scott Hall did an amazing job antagonizing Perfect too, with comments like "Hey yo Perfecto, I understand you used to be somebody mang, but now you work for us. You're one of the bad guys, mang. Don't forget your place, chico." And as he speaks you can see Flair watching him talk, and then go into a facepalm, and mutter under his breath "Razor, let me do the talking."

This would be like seeing Austin pull Owen Hart out of the Hart Foundation to be his tag partner against Bret & The Bulldog. How do you do that? And it was complete, and convincing and it had viewers marking out that Mr. Perfect was now Ric Flair & Bobby Heenan's mortal enemy.

Whoever storyboarded that swerve was a genius, and the teamwork of all the guys involved with that was great, even Hacksaw Jim Duggan & Hillbilly Jim did a great job for their part in driving a wedge between Perfect & Heenan.

I think the only bad part was when Perfect was using the phone and you could see that there was no cord connected in back. lol

I would call it the 2nd best face turn of all time (behind only Randy Savage's WM7 face turn) and the best promo to set up a PPV match ever. The ironic thing is, if it hadn't turned out "perfectly" people would be blasting it saying "What the hell were they thinking, firing Warrior!?" Instead people were marking out like crazy for Mr. Perfect.

Watch (Part 1 of) it HERE
The Rock had tons of memorable promos...but one of the best ever was when Jericho first came out and he did the "It doesn't mattter...." for the first time.

Austin 3:16 has to be up there as one of the greats of all time too.

This. It completely changed wrestling and made it cool again. This promo defines wrestling's second boom.
I really can't say which one is best. I can't even determine which one is my favorite.

Its like searching for the next American Idol, I'd have to have tryouts, eliminations, deliberations etc haha.

In fact it'd be even more like college football's BCS. Someone's always #1 but its never undisputed.

Anyway, here are some of my personal favorite promos the WWE has presented in the last 15 years:

The Rock's promo when he turned heel and joined the Corporation on Monday Night Raw after Survivor Series 98. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZ4eYh9rJ70

Mankind and Rock's Promos before the 99 I Quit match. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNgK2m_0CU4

Stone Cold when McMahon made him corporate. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlW-1nJyZzg
Austin 3:16 will forever be the greatest promo in professional wrestling. If, and it's a big IF CM Punk ever surpasses Stone Cold and his accomplishments, then it may be his "shoot". However, as much as I love Punk, I don't ever see that happening. So without further ado, the greatest promo in wrestling history.


Can't get the video to work, so here is a LINK to the greatest promo in wrestling history lol.

Well,is like you guy said,there are so many that is hard to choose one,i'm not saying that this is the greatest,but is one of my favorites,when triple h walk in to the ring one time at smackdown some time before wrestlemania 17,and start telling everyone that they shoul like him,respect him,and be frighten by him,then the undertaker entered the ring and told him that he sure as hell ain't frighten by him and start trowing punches at trilpe h,or another betwen them when triple h had a restraining order against the undertaker,so taker told him that he made 3 phone calls,one to a bailbondsman,another to an attorney,and the third one to 911,like i said,i'm not saying they're the best,but they're some of my favorites..........
My favorite promo is Triple H's return in 02. The crowd cheered for a good 15 to 20 mins. He stood there & took it all in. You could tell he was happy to be back & have the crowd rooting for him again. Finally when the crowd got calm he took the mic & said "For those of you who have forgot just who the hell I am, I am the game". The crowd got even louder. That's the biggest pop I ever heard for the game up in til that point & probably one of the best pops he has had in his career. HHH's mic work & the crowd's energy made that one famous promo.
I think trying to determine which promo is the "best" is probably a fool's errand. Promos are even more subjective than who's "the best wrestler". But I will certainly offer my favorite, knowing full well that I'm more than just a little bit biased:


I. Love. This. Promo.
In the era of loving shoot promos that break the 4th wall, why has noone mentioned the original 4th wall breaker, Shane Douglas?


One of his MOST famous but by FAR not his only promo of doing this and how everyone talks about Austin 3:16 starting a new era which it did but this one started the era of Extreme.
For me its no contest......


A lot of people want to point to Punks promo as the best ever in WWE but the above posted promo is not even gold, its absolute platinum.
Two of the greatest ever, and they had the crowd absolutely eating out of their hands for fifteen minutes. I love WWE today as much as I did back then, but you just dont see this today, might not ever again if Vince doesnt give the guys a little more freedom to be themselves and evolve naturally.
I remember watching this when it happened, but somehow forgot about it over time and rediscovered it today, I dont think i have ever seen a better promo.

So what are some of you guys' favorite promo's EVER?, but lets keep it just in WWE.

That promo is a very very great one. The interaction between Rock and Austin was always something special. I dont think to many foes could pull off something like this.

The only ones close would be a Rock and Jericho promo. I dont feel like looking it up on YT right now but its where rock talks about Grampa Jimmy Jack Jericho
A promo presented in an interview style, I would have to go for the interview between Manking and Jim Ross. It was just so tense and Mick Foley seemed to really get into the role.
Or maybe the Vince interview with JR after SS. Nothing quite changed the face of the wrestling business like the 'Bret screwed Bret' line. It pretty much created the basis for Vince becoming the most hated wrestling heel of all time.
I can't believe no one has mentioned Paul Heyman's leading up to Survivor Series - just simply amazing. He switches between shoot and kayfabe sometimes in mid sentence. Ten minutes of genius.
I'm gonna go against the grain a little because I thought the Rock's promos were all awesome. I say, the birth of Austin 3:16 at KoTR after he beat Jake "the Snake" Roberts. "you talk about your scriptures you talk about your John 3:16, well Austin 3:16 says I just whipped your ass!" Classic.
CM Punks promo a few weeks ago on Raw doesnt even come close to some of the promos cut by various talents.

Punks promo was a rip off of Paul Heymans worked shoot in 2001 on Vince McMahon. That was a much better promo. Shawn Michaels in Montreal was awesome, and who can forget Heel Rock in Toronto 2003.

Punk fans have very short memories, it was a good promo, one of the best of recent times but not close to the best ever.


Those are two parts to the same promo where Rock quits/gets kicked out of the corporation. Awesome stuff you actually feel like they hate each others guts and Shane pulls off some awesome lines. And when you think its over Rock comes back.... SHANE...SHAAAAAANE!.

That isn't my favorite though, you could probably pick any promo involving HBK/Austin/Rock/HHH from 97-2000 and be good. That was the golden age right there, no sillyness just people doing a good job of hating each other.
king of the ring 1996, scsa, i dont really like him, but if that promo didnt happen, we would other be watching wcw monday night raw, or nothing, that promo saved wwf/e, anything else is meaningless, no other promo mattered that much, maybe hogans first in wcw, but unlikely. jericho coming to raw though was maybe my fav tho, fucking awesome one! welcome to raw is jericho! whats your name? it doesnt matter what your name is!, so good. another great was that raw they had in i think 07?, like they broke some record, and hogan was there for the last time (so far;) ) and he just talked and said i miss you guys and blah blah, that kinda made me smile, shoulda fucking slammed khali, fuck now that i think of it, i wonder which one of them is slower..
Paul Heyman on SmackDown before Survivor series 2001. As has been said it was a mixture of storyline, real-life and Heyman's feelings towards Vince....Will always be my favourite promo ever because there was some stuff there that you could tell he really meant...

Some of the stuff was so close to the mark I'm surprised Vince let it air but, my god, that was a helluva hard cell for the PPV.
Try this out for size, the best ever WWF promo didn't happen in their company but it caused a snowball effect that caused Vince to take an even bigger gamble than WrestleMania...

I've deliberated over which was more pertinent but can't decide which gets the nod, the initial set up (the interesting part starts about the 1:50 mark)...


or the pay off!


Without these two promos, WWF wouldn't have had to plagiarise ECW's more adult themed style (that hadn't been seen on the national scene) to create icons like Stone Cold, DX and the Rock.
Best of all time is very subjective of course...but I have to agree on the Heyman promo being my personal favorite...he hit the nail on the head over and over and that promo alone shows why he is probably the smartest guy in the business. Call it a "worked shoot" if you want but I really believe he meant at least 99% of that. Somebody needs to hire this guy...

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