What Movies Disturb You?

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I am aware that there are threads about favourite horror movies etc. But that is not what I am asking. What movies do you struggle to sit through? Perhaps there is a scene that you just cringe at, perhaps a movie affects you personally and because of that, you are disturbed by the content.

Doesnt even have to be violent, I remember switching channels to find 'Jarhead' was on, I watched the scene, a bunch of soldiers putting on an tape of 'The Deer Hunter' to find a homemade porno of one of the troops wife having sex with their neighbour.

That is the only scene I have seen in that movie, at the time I was in a relationship and was expecting that girl to be up to something behind my back (turned out to be true). Being highly suspicious and viewing that scene at the time caused it to disturb me more then it should have. I have never rewatched it, but I cringe personally because the thoughts of that movie, even though I havent seen it, brings me back to an unhappier time.

Another movie I struggle with is 'Threads'. A docudrama from the 80's enacting what may happen to the UK if the Cold War had escalated into a nuclear war. Nuclear warfare is scary as shit no matter how you look at it, and this movie is by far the best to portray it in my opinion. Starting off as a normal movie, introducing characters that arent that deep, but will do, while American and Soviet governments are gradually getting more hostile in the background, eventually escalating to a probable nuclear attack. That attack happens about halfway through the movie and in all honesty, the mushroom clouds were all stock footage and looked a bit silly. I didnt take it seriously at first.

But then the movie became as far as I know, the best movie to explore the concept of a Nuclear Winter. We see the effects on the UK, we see corpses, we see a wasteland, we see people getting shot, people killing each other for food, the population decreasing to medieval level. It is a miserable little film with no hopeful ending, and for that matter, not an ounce of hope as soon as we hear that first blast.

Here is the disclaimer regarding the drama before it was first broadcast, if you havent seen it I recommend you have a look sometime. Its not perfect, but I certainly found it disturbing.


So what movies did you struggle to sit through? For whatever reason?
I know this might sound strange, but I actually "struggled" to sit through and watch the whole Zombieland movie.
I went to the movies with a co-worker and friend, who had seen the movie before all thou, but insisted we watched it again, and I knew it was a horror comedy movie, had some funny scenes atleast, but I certainly must say there were some scenes that really grossed me out, in specifics the scene that explains some of the starting, with the girl that had been bitten and wanted a place to hide because she was scared, the main character and the girl fall asleep, only to have the main guy wake up with the girl turned into a zombie.
Sad thing was I had bought myself a 1 liter of cola, and a big sized popcorn, that I barely got started on before I had to put it down cause I absolutely lost my appetite from that scene.
Pretty much any movie involving vampires. Ever since I was a kid, before I even knew what vampires did, they scared the crap out of me. Finding out that they bit people in the neck and drank their blood only scared me even more. To this day I've yet to sit through any movie that involves a vampire. Even if it's not a horror movie. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is a prime example of this. My mother loves that movie (mostly because of Sean Connery), but whenever she asks me to watch it, I can't, knowing that the vampire character is going to show up. I can't even watch the older, less graphic vampire movies like the original Dracula.
I will never forget the time I saw Children of Men. Perhaps it was the subject matter the movie dealt with: a future where women can no longer bear children, and one woman is found with child...the film is about a man who decides to protect her and get her away from society.

Or perhaps it was where I saw it at...a dingy theater at an Army camp in northern Kuwait, one hour or so from the Iraq border. It was dry, the air was still, and other soldiers had drifted in there just to find a place to sleep, since the sleeping areas were pretty packed around the base. That was my motive for being there, but I never could go to sleep once I was drawn into the film.

The whole thing is pretty bleak: once people realize the woman is pregnant, they pursue her and try to capture her, presumably for their own vile purposes. She hardly speaks, which makes you feel her character is helpless and doomed. The final scene of the film is pretty sullen as well...

The woman and her protector are in a boat adrift in the ocean. He has a fatal wound and is dying. She has given birth to the child, and its crying fills the air as jets fly overhead to bomb the city they have just escaped from.
That whole scene just penetrates the senses. I could not get it out of my head for weeks. I guess any movie that paints a desolate picture for humanity will make me uncomfortable.
I have to go with Stephen King's IT. First and foremost, fuck that movie, and I mean that with the highest respect possible. I watched it when I was younger, I think I was 3 or 4, scared the ever living shit out of me. Pennywise, that fucking clown, is probably my most hated character in all the films I have watched, and is the reason I am scared of clowns. I respect the hell out of Tim Curry for playing that role so well. Even now I have trouble just getting through the movie to the end, because of that damn clown. I dare anyone to tell me that the picture or postcard (I forgot which it was) where Pennywise appears dancing and says he is going to kill everyone is not fucked up. This is one of those movies that I just don't feel completely comfortable watching, even getting a little paranoid about Pennywise popping out of nowhere in my house or something.
I might actually have to add a scene from Band of Brothers, I know it's not a movie, but the 9th episode when Easy company discovers the German concentration camp, doesn't creep me out or anything, but it gives you an odd feeling, really good portraying of a concentration camp, at least I think, because I can't brag about having seen one up close in person, but I have my doubts that Spielberg and Hanks would've made a movie that is so accurate on other scenes, and then completely fuck it up in a scene about a thing with such big a part of World War 2.
When I was a kid, there were a couple of movies that disturbed me. First, The Silence Of The Lambs use to just creep me out beyond belief. Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter use to scare the shit out of me. I was always okay with Werewolves,vampires,Freddy,Jason, and Michael Myers, but for some reason, Hannibal Lecter use to creep me out so much when I was a kid. He was dark, and psychotic. The parts were Jodie Foster is interviewing him in the insane asylum always use to give me goosebumps because some of the shit Lecter would say was just really disturbing.

Another movie that creped me out is Full Metal Jacket. The entire movie didn't creep me out. It was just one scene. When Pyle(Vincent D'Onofrio) finally snaps, and starts screaming the drill commands, I use to sit in front of tv stunned.
People may laugh at me for this but Scream. I first saw it when it came out and I was in my early teens. I watched it and it ok but then when a situation like that happened around my hometwon it scared the shit out of me. I still hate being in a big house all alone at night because of it. Just the idea that there are people like that in the world who do that because it's "fun" is just disturbing.
I still hate being in a big house all alone at night because of it.

I hear you on that Schizo, situations like that, and especially if I just watched a horror movie home alone, I swear to god I need lights turned on in every room I enter in the house afterwards, Scream had the same effect on me the first time i watched it, afterwards it kinda calmed down on me, but I tell you, the Saw serie has the effect on me to this day.
this thread made me think about movies that have disturbed me and needless to say i blocked out a few lol but the movie that always bugged me the most, some of you will likely laugh at ,was childs play. I watched that movie when i was around i think 7-8yrs old and man i didnt see that doll the same again. Add that to the fact my grandma actually had the actual doll that looked like chucky and it scared the piss out of me when i had to stay there alone. Although i refuse to watch the original movie again, i did see bride of chucky and i have to say that one had no impact on me at all lol and actually made laugh at points. But the original not sure when i would watch that one again lol
Ah Childs Play, theres one I forgot, interestingly it was watching the actual movie that cured me from that.

When I was in grade 5 I saw my first horror movie at home, Final Destination. It scared the crap out of me and I couldnt sleep for weeks, I can watch it without any of that now so obviously it isnt on here. At that time in life I started getting really edgy about any movie rated M or MA. I remember going to a friends birthday and he rented 'Jackass', I got quietly nervous about watching it because it was MA, fortunately that was cured quickly.

In the local video rental store around this time, I came across the cover of 'Childs Play' a picture of Chucky sneering with a knife, ready to kill. It traumatised me! I stayed up with the lights on for weeks because of that image that would not leave my head. I remember Dad pissing himself with laughter when he found out that I was scared of a movie cover. I remember late at night, unable to help myself, imagining what Chucky would be like in that movie. My image of Chucky was almost exactly like that episode of 'The Twilight Zone' about the doll. When I finally watched the movie a little while later, any fear about that little bastard was instantly cured when he started talking with that gangster voice. As far as I remember this is the only movie that traumatised me, but was cured by actually watching the thing.
I have to go with Stephen King's IT. First and foremost, fuck that movie, and I mean that with the highest respect possible. I watched it when I was younger, I think I was 3 or 4, scared the ever living shit out of me. Pennywise, that fucking clown, is probably my most hated character in all the films I have watched, and is the reason I am scared of clowns. I respect the hell out of Tim Curry for playing that role so well. Even now I have trouble just getting through the movie to the end, because of that damn clown. I dare anyone to tell me that the picture or postcard (I forgot which it was) where Pennywise appears dancing and says he is going to kill everyone is not fucked up. This is one of those movies that I just don't feel completely comfortable watching, even getting a little paranoid about Pennywise popping out of nowhere in my house or something.

Hahaha dude me too. I saw that movie when I was like 9 and it scared the fucking shit out of me. I remember I would be afraid to get in the shower cause that one dude died when IT came out from the shower drain. That movie was scary as fuck dude. And yes I remember the postcard, and he pops out of that shit and scares the kids. I kind of want to watch it again to brave my childhood fear but nah fuck that haha.
Sorry, guys, but this thread is a hot, steaming cup of fail. These films are so fucking tame to what you can find nowadays. This isn't to say that some of these films aren't good, but they'd have me yawning rather than running to my bathroom for a hot shower while I cradled myself and wept like a baby.

We had a thread like this about four months or so ago; I would recommend that you go to that thread and see what some other posters had to say. I don't want to be responsible for putting you guys in a mental institute, so I'll start of with some light recommendations.

Go with some uber-gory slashers, like The Burning, The Prowler, and the original My Bloody Valentine. All of these are much more scary and disturbing than the films listed so far. When you're ready to take the next step, watch Maniac. After that, then we can start to talk about disturbing films at an introductory level.
I for one have never been scared by uber gory movies. I have watched several of the ones mentioned in that thread and they didnt phase me.

Movies dont need gore to be scary, take Threads for example, the gore is there but is mostly minimal, it is the subject matter that frightens me. Nuclear warfare and the aftermaths is a fucking scary possibility to think about, and this movie enjoyed itself exploring that concept.

People are of course more easily scared then others, but people are also scared by different things. Disregarding Childs Play because I was 11 at the time, but there isnt much horror that scares me, not much that can really make me cringe or struggle. But once a movie taps into something that I personally am scared of, such as Threads or Jarhead did, that is when I get nervous.

Its simply different weaknesses. If you dont get stirred up by the movies listed, thats you, but that doesnt necessarily mean that others are weaker then you and cant handle the movies you can.
I'm not easily disturbed, I can handle anything me. But I saw Gummo once and all I can remember from it was lots of dead cats strung up and two really unsexy children whipping them with sticks. I turned it off in disgust, that's the clostest a film has ever been to disturbing me.

No wait, what's the film where you see Brooke Shields goulash?
Not many things can really get to me when watching film but one movie did so upon my first viewing. That movie being Cannibal Holocaust. Now I have moved past my problems with this film and am actually anticipating the day when I will watch it again but this movie makes most of the aforementioned films look like child's play, and no I do not mean the movie with Chucky that someone above me listed.

The main thing that affected me when viewing this movie was the use of animal cruelty. I hate, like many, when animals die in film, but the difference between the animal deaths in Cannibal Holocaust and say the dog dying in I Am Legend was that the deaths were real. Ruggero Deodato actually killed animals to make it seem more real which it obviously did. Nothing has affected me more then hearing a pig squeal while getting kicked and then being shot, or watching a monkey get its head cut off, or even seeing what the inside of a turtle looks like. Truly some gross stuff in my eyes. It wasn't just a few animals that were killed but a multitude of them. A muskrat, turtle, spider, snake, 2 squirrel monkeys and pig were all killed in the making of this film. It really did bother me at the time but a year has passed and I actually want to watch the movie again.

How was that Tdigs?
Not really many movies get to me. The ones that did, there was usually a factor in there that made them disturbing to me. For example, Saw 3, and Ichi the killer both were very fucked up movie watching experiences for me as I was tripping my balls off on DXM. I actually overdosed and had to be rushed to the hospital for a stomach pumping in the middle of Saw 3, so that movie has left a very, very strong disturbing impression on me.I will never watch it again.

Also a cousin shown me Natural Born Killers when I was 7, and it was pretty disturbing experience, especially since the whole move is sex and violence, two things I really didn't understand when I was 7. I wouldn't watch it for years, but now it is amongst my movie collection and I enjoy it very much. Its also kinda of the same scenario for Sleepaway Camp for me too, I was just so young when I watched it that it really disturbed me. Especially the scene with the curling iron. I'l never forget the feeling that scene gave me as a youngster.

As for movies that left me feeling kinda weird after I watched them would be like, Day of the Woman, Pink Flamingos, Gummo, In a Glass Cage, to name a few. They really didn't disturb me, but they definitely left me with a weird feeling to say the least. Also for anybody that watches Masters of Horror, the episode "Jennifer" left me with pretty fucked up feeling too. The episode "Cigarette Burns" fuck up my mind pretty good, but I was sleep deprived and coming of a 12 hour DXM trip when I watched it. So every thing probably wasn't as dramatic and mind disturbing as it seemed.
I agree with CH David, IT was a fucked up movie and to this day I still have trouble watching it. It took me... 6 years to finally watch it the whole way through; mainly because when Georgie (The little brother of the stuttering guy) gets killed by Pennywise and gets pulled into the sewer, and it shows his fangs... *gulp*... but everything in that movie freaked me out... goddammit.

Another film that disturbed me; The Omen [Not the remake; the original with Gregory Peck]. Mainly because, if you were raised like I was, then you are brought to know that; the anti-christ is for real. And when you're young and see that shit, it freaks you out. The most disturbing scene is still the end, when Damien looks back at the camera as his parents are being buried and smiles... if that's not disturbing I don't know what is.

On a side note, another movie that disturbed the hell outta me... Ghost Rider... how can Nicholas Cage suck so bad and ruin such a good character? If that's not disturbing, then you are not human..
Easy, Silence of the Lambs, I can get through it for the most part, but everytime one certain set of dialogue comes on I have to mute it......

tell me something senator, did you breastfeed your daughter

yes I did

they say when an amputee loses a limb he can still feel a tickle where his arm once was, tell me something senator where is it going to tickle you when your daughter turns up dead

Some movies that totally Mind F***ed me, one was some movie called SNUFF FILM...its supposedly based on a true story. Most disturbing thing ever, then if anyone has ever watched those Faces of Death movies, those are just plain :wtf: gore, and sick!! When they show people on the AutoBahn in Germany driving any speed limit and crashing, or people at a factory where they make the chicken for KFC, its ....ugh...

Another movie that just creeped the heck outta me was Dawn of The Dead, the most recent version with Mekhi Pfifer in it. Something about being trapped in a mall with zombies all around you. Then something about watching the movie ALIVE about those people that crashed in the mountains in South America and had to eat the dead...I was SO scared to get on a plane, I had nightmares for weeks.:eek:
Maniac(1980)gave me the chills as a kid due to fact of the sheer brutal,disturbingly realistic portrayal by Joe Spinell its bonechilling how real he comes off as Frank Zito.Besides that seeing Tom Savini's head getting blown off and couple other good kills provides viewers a nightmarish glimpse into a pathetic yet savagely sadistic killer.Unforgettable horror.
Someone brought this movie up before on another thread like this but Martyrs is really a disturbing movie. The synopsis is about teenage girls getting their revenge on people that harmed them in the past. The movie is way much more then that. It is an indie French film which came out two years ago.

You can find it in your local Blockbuster I'm sure. There is an underground group of people that torture young women just so they can find insight to the after life. Apparently the girls are tortured to the brink of death and they have a moment of enlightenment or a near death experience.

The show pictures of cancer victims and car wreck victims that are still alive and its a really thought provoking and sick film. There is a lot of gore but that isn't what is disturbing about the film. People being pushed to their physical and mental limits is what really sent a chill down my spine.

I recommend the film but would probably not watch it again. It may sound like Saw or Hostel but its nowhere near as campy or cheesy as that. This movie is just in a league of its own compared to other horror movies.
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