What stars would make the biggest buzz joining AEW


Dark Match Winner
Ive been thinking about what dream stars I’d like to see join AEW lately and have come up with a few scenarios I’d love to see.

1- Have Kenny eventually win the title from someone and while the streamers are flying and celebrations are going have a Bomaye from nowhere courtesy of Shinsuke Nakamura as I’d love to see these two go at it again.

2. I’d also love to see Pac beat Page later down the road once he’s lost the dragon gate title and Will Ospreay come out to say things aren’t over yet between them.

3.Any sort of match between Suzuki and Janela/Havoc.

4.Brian Cage vs Luchasaurus.

5.MJF have a love/hate rivalry with Eli Drake.

6. Young Bucks vs Revival.

7. Big Damo vs Jungle Boy in a David vs Goliath angle.

And the most unrealistic....
8. Steen and Cole join to reform Mount Rushmore with the Bucks.

What would you lot like to see???
Ive been thinking about what dream stars I’d like to see join AEW lately and have come up with a few scenarios I’d love to see.

1- Have Kenny eventually win the title from someone and while the streamers are flying and celebrations are going have a Bomaye from nowhere courtesy of Shinsuke Nakamura as I’d love to see these two go at it again.

2. I’d also love to see Pac beat Page later down the road once he’s lost the dragon gate title and Will Ospreay come out to say things aren’t over yet between them.

3.Any sort of match between Suzuki and Janela/Havoc.

4.Brian Cage vs Luchasaurus.

5.MJF have a love/hate rivalry with Eli Drake.

6. Young Bucks vs Revival.

7. Big Damo vs Jungle Boy in a David vs Goliath angle.

And the most unrealistic....
8. Steen and Cole join to reform Mount Rushmore with the Bucks.

What would you lot like to see???
Oh and Cody vs Flip
Here‘s what they actually need to do:

1. Hire a writer/small writing team.

2. Take away creative control from Cody, YB and whoever else has it.

3. Let wrestlers do their own promos based on bullet points.

4. Don‘t mention WWE at all.

5. Don‘t get political and cut all the PC BS. All it does is make them uncool and turn away anyone with different political beliefs.

6. Create new stars by focusing on the ones good on the microphone and with charisma. Wrestling ability is a distant second. Great to have but without mic skills is worthless.

7. Present AEW as a TV-14 unpredictable company with exciting storylines and cliffhangers. Do not waste time on presenting wrestling as a real sport and do ridiculous things like statistics in a fake sport. It’s 2019, a very tiny minority will enjoy a fake sport being presented as real.
As far as a actual performer is concern, nobody on the indies will create a buzz for AEW, Heck almost nobody in WWE right now will create a buzz for AEW outside of maybe some of the main event guys that nobody expect them leaving for WWE. Everybody else will create a really good moment for us, wrestling fans but won'T move the needle or make any wave outside the bubble we leave in
Here‘s what they actually need to do:

1. Hire a writer/small writing team.

2. Take away creative control from Cody, YB and whoever else has it.

3. Let wrestlers do their own promos based on bullet points.

4. Don‘t mention WWE at all.

5. Don‘t get political and cut all the PC BS. All it does is make them uncool and turn away anyone with different political beliefs.

6. Create new stars by focusing on the ones good on the microphone and with charisma. Wrestling ability is a distant second. Great to have but without mic skills is worthless.

7. Present AEW as a TV-14 unpredictable company with exciting storylines and cliffhangers. Do not waste time on presenting wrestling as a real sport and do ridiculous things like statistics in a fake sport. It’s 2019, a very tiny minority will enjoy a fake sport being presented as real.
I agree with everything you said with the exception of a writing team. Keep it booker and promoter based and they'll be fine. The worst type of writers are those who don't have a passionate love for pro wrestling
Maybe Ryback? That's about the only one that comes to mind besides the obvious answer of CM Punk which was of course already mentioned .
Seth Rollins joins Jon Moxy and create a new stable. On top of that Seth brings over real life girl friend Becky Lynch to help add to the lack luster female division.
Realistically Cena, Edge, Orton etc. aren't signing with AEW. As far as I'm aware Jacob Fatu, Tessa Blanchard, Jay Lethal etc. are all signed up with their respective companies for the foreseeable.

Looking at free agents, the biggest name out there is probably ADR or Ryback.
1. Take creative control away from Cody. Cody is as vanilla as it gets. Why give somebody like him t he book, I have no idea. Plus I never like the idea of an active wrestler having control. Just look at what Flair did to WCW.

2. DO NOT get a writer. Keep it old school. We don’t need another Russo situation here. I want to see actual wrestling matches drive the show and not some BS cartoon sideshow stuff.

3. Get rid of the small wrestlers. They are not believable as wrestlers and look like 12 year old kids. Nobody wants to watch that.

4.Hire the New Era Hart Foundation (Harry Smith, Teddy Hart and Brian Pullman Jr.)

5. get Zac Ryder and Rusev
John Cena and Brock Lesnar

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