What's Your Favorite Survivor Series Moment?

Rated sj

Dark Match Jobber
In honor of the 25th annual survivor series. What is your favorite WWE Survivor Series moment In 24 years of its history? and why? Your favorite moment can be a match, backstage moment, promo or anything relating to the WWE Survivor Series Pay-per-view.
Personally my favorite moment is from the 2002 ppv when Shawn Michaels won the World Heavy Championship in the first ever Elimination Chamber match. This was one of those feel good moments for me.
What is yours?
My favorite moment is when the Gobbley Gooker strutted his stuff at the 1990 Survivor Series.

Just kidding.

No, seriously, my favorite Survivor Series moment was the 2002 Elimination Chamber match. I think it was the very first Elimination Chamber match, first of all, and more importantly, Shawn Michaels came back after his 4-5 year hiatus, just as good as ever, and won the WWE championship in an epic match. I love that moment.

I'm pumped for the upcoming Survivor Series.
Summerslam 91- Hart vs Perfect

*smacks head*

I guess mine would be a small insignificant moment but Survivor Series 1993 stands out for me. The first match, Razor Ramon, Randy Savage, 123 Kid and Marty Jannetty vs IRS, Adam Bomb, Rick Martel and Diesel.

As a 6 year old kid at the time there was no way i thought 123 kid and Marty would win after Savage and Razor was eliminated but to my surprise, they got 2 quick pinfall's over Martel and Bomb

And i was so happy....

My favorite match and moment was the Main Event at the 2001 Survivor Series. Yes, the Invasion storyline as a whole was sort of a bust, but the buildup and the “Winner Take All” match itself was damn near perfect. From the spectacular entrances, to how the eliminations were executed, to the final four drama and double turns by Jericho and Angle, to the Federation prevailing over the Alliance (reverse Star Wars anybody??), this match reminded me of how great the Survivor Series used to be, and set up the stage perfectly for what’s to come.

The only thing I would change is I would switch Shane McMahon out for an actual Wrestler. The Wrestler I would have picked is the then European Champion, Christian or better yet, the man who should have been the leader of the ECW Faction, Rhyno. Where the hell was Rhyno anyway??

Oh, and this poster below is pretty pretty too!!

Im with the guy above me

Alliance vs WWF

Everyone knew who would win of course. but the video packages, the entrances, the backstage pep talk.... It had everyone's engines revving for the main event. From the start to the end. Rock and Austin starting off, then shane pins big show and then gets finishered by everyone and paul heyman whining. The jericho back stab was an excellent way to keep the feud alive. From the start to the end the match was pure gold and the ending when angle smashes austins face and then rock pins austin after a rock bottom was epic. And my favorite part was Paul Heyman acting speechless and in shock when Austin got pinned.

Defo my favorite survivor series moment.
I have to go back to 1987, to Bam Bam Bigelow eliminating King Kong Bundy and the One Man Gang, and fighting valiantly before finally succumbing to Andre the Giant.

These guys were so huge! It was a great performance by Bam Bam......and always reminds me of what Survivor Series is all about.
I have to go back to 1987, to Bam Bam Bigelow eliminating King Kong Bundy and the One Man Gang, and fighting valiantly before finally succumbing to Andre the Giant.

These guys were so huge! It was a great performance by Bam Bam......and always reminds me of what Survivor Series is all about.

You bring up an excellent point. The Survivor Series wasn’t about Championships when it started in 1987. It was about Team Battles. The fact that Hulk Hogan, of all Superstars, was eliminated, leaving Bam Bam Bigelow alone showed it wasn’t about the same old WWF stuff. Survivor Series was the PPV that provided an alternative ending to their quarterly PPVs. It was great seeing the spotlight shared and giving Andre the Giant the victory was good for everyone involved.

I just want to share this picture with all of you. How amazing does this look??

The only thing I would change is I would switch Shane McMahon out for an actual Wrestler. The Wrestler I would have picked is the then European Champion, Christian or better yet, the man who should have been the leader of the ECW Faction, Rhyno. Where the hell was Rhyno anyway??

Rhyno picked up a very bad neck injury in september/october time, and actually got kicked out of the alliance as a means of writing him out of the storyline to allow him to heal up.

Rhyno actually missed the whole of 2002 due to this injury, returning as Chris Benoits surprise partner a bit before WM 19

It was unfortunate as Rhyno was on a roll at the time in the WWF. And he looked very very strong.
Rhyno picked up a very bad neck injury in september/october time, and actually got kicked out of the alliance as a means of writing him out of the storyline to allow him to heal up.

Rhyno actually missed the whole of 2002 due to this injury, returning as Chris Benoits surprise partner a bit before WM 19

It was unfortunate as Rhyno was on a roll at the time in the WWF. And he looked very very strong.

I do remember that. I don’t know how I forgot about the whole Benoit / Rhyno storyline.
i understand that this event was all about teams and im ok with that. but i for one, think that ONE big traditional survivor series match is enough because it doesn't water down the concept of teams, and if done correctly, can become legendary stuff. For example, my favorite survivor series match/moment was 2003 Team Austin vs Team Bischoff...it was one hell of a roller coaster ride with Shawn Michaels coming back all the way to almost defeat Orton at the end. Then seeing Austin picking up a bloodied HBK, and Shawn almost crying for forgiveness for costing Austin his career was priceless.
For me it goes to Survivor Series 2005, when Randy Orton won the 5 on 5 match for team Smackdown!. It was Randy,Batista,Rey Mysterio,JBL and Bobby Lashley on team Smackdown! against Shawn Michaels,Carlito,Kane,Chris Masters and Big Show on team Raw. The match itself was definitely kickass but what topped it off for me was Orton picking up the win for Smackdown! And who could forget the Undertaker's surprising returnat the end of the match as Randy was being cheered and celebrated by the whole Smackdown roster and Taker comes down and destroys everyone in between him and Orton and shows that the deadman was back. A great moment in WWE history and one of my favorite moments from Survivor Series.
my favorite moment from the november pay-per-view tradition is without a doubt the opening to the 1990 SURVIVOR SERIES!!...

after the classic music & graphics with Vince McMahon's epic voice overs hyped the larger than life superstars and gave you goosebumps...

Then the PPV kicked off with the two team backstage interviews awesome lineups.. The Perfect Team vs The Ultimate Warriors..
great classic promos from every team.. and fun matches.. the 1st one Team Captained by The WWF CHAMPION THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR along with Co-Captain! Texas Tornado and Animal & Hawk The Legion of Doom BATTLED AX SMASH & CRUSH DEMOLITION captained by MR PERFECT with Bobby The Brain Heenan !!!... CLASSIC.

plus the event featured the debut of the greatest story wwe every told...: THE UNDERTAKER.

i know the work rate wasnt very super J-cup-ish!!! but i was 6 years old and i loved it!! plus the teams all looked awesome together, and i love the idea of the survivors meeting in another match at the end where somehow the heels all made up one team!!... just fun, 2nd in my mind would b 1989 for the same reasons but 1989 actually had better quality matches... i just always pick 1990 because of that opening match, to me that is what survivor series should be like every year... and those of you who r old enuff 2 recall, if randy savage wasnt injured then Macho King would have captained with perfect as the co captain spot... but then helped elevate henning very well...

not 2 4get the best in ring work of the night from Bret The Hitman Hart and the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase.. bret was the best (along w/ savage) at making you believe their babyface struggle to win... too many idiots today think a baby face always has to have that Fire Up comeback with their STUPID tribal scream hahahaha i love watching alex riley do that like he learned it in a classroom settin in tampa!!!!!...

n e who.. who else agrees with me brother?
My favourit moment is SS 2001, rock pinning austin(for the 1st time) to put the alliance WCW/ECW out of business for good. That moment send chills. The crowd were going crazy, WWF members celeberating backstage, paul heyman finally STFU, stephanie's crying, vince coming out with his two hands raised above his head, can't get any better.
Survivor series 98 deadly games!!!!!

so many double crosses that night, we had shane turn heel for the first time and screwed over austin, we had the montreal screw job moment in the rock vs mankind mainevent match and the peoples champ turned heel after becoming a rising babyface, shocking moment didnt see it coming..

and 2nd place goes to wcw/ecw vs wwe winner takes all.. just over all good match and ppv..
mine was either the first elimination chamber in 2002 and the best elimination chamber to date or 2000 Austin vs HHH this feud was so intense at time time and I was so shocked as a kid to see Austin actually drop HHH from that forklift in the car... Good times :)
One match i thought had a lot of potential but i think ultimately got a little weighed down were the big tag team matches from the first and second survivor series, there were like 10 guys on each side, it was crazy, but really showed the strength of the Tag division at the time... and man, what a who's who of future and current stars were in that match!

My favorite match and moment would have to be Bret Hart vs Bob Backlund, I thought it was so well done and at the time i was losing my shit yelling at the TV to tell Helen Hart not to throw in the towel haha... great match, great moment, something I can't see being pulled off these days.
I completely agree with above. Bret Hart vs. Bob Backlund was one of the best survivor series stories ever told. No smart mark believed Backlund could win and when Owen threw in the towel I lost my head. Bob Backlund standing maniacally while he has the belt put around him was epic. Extremely underrated in the annals of SS history.
I cant remember which survivor series it was but it was the one that the hart brothers had a survivor series team against jerry the kings team which hbk wrestled in his place for due to jerry not able to be at the event and at the end owen turned on bret leading owen into a good run as a solo wrestler.

People dont remember that one...for a sec i had to think again the bret hbk screwjob deal really made people forget other good ss moments...good thread.
SS 98. and the WWF title tournament. one of only two major ppv that i got to see live in my life so nothing can top that survivor series for me. and got to see history be made with the rock winning the strap for the first time... and go corporate. lol good show with lots of big matches and lots of stone cold, mankind, undertaker, rock, and other great superstars in the title tournament
I agree with Survivor Series 98 with the Rock winning the belt. I remember thinking that Mick Foley was going to win no matter what, and what a sight that would be. Then to have the Rock put the sharpshooter on Mick Foley just reminds you of the Montreal Screw job, how awesome is that. That really started a great feud between Foley and the Rock, which I really enjoyed.
If I had to pick one Favorite Survivor Series Moment it would be from 1995. It was the WWF Title Match between Diesel & Bret Hart where Bret plays possum on Diesel to win the Title. After Bret goes through the Announce Table Diesel puts him back in the Ring and sets up for the Jacknife only for Bret to catch him in an inside cradle to win the Title. Classic stuff right there and a great Survivor Series memory for me.
Let’s go all the way back to 1988. The double turn by Demolition and The Powers of Pain was a huge moment. Demolition had been tag team champions under Mr. Fuji since WrestleMania IV and were the most feared and hated team in the WWF. They looked unstoppable. During the summer The Powers of Pain debuted and looked like they would be able to give Demolition a challenge.

At the Survivor Series they captained opposing teams and the fans were anticipating Ax or Smash crossing paths with Warlord or Barbarian during the match. Somewhere during the match Demolition had a falling out with Mr. Fuji. Fuji held the ropes open as Smash was running toward them causing Smash to crash to the floor. When confronted by Ax Fuji hit him with his cane. By this time Smash had recovered and threw Fuji toward Ax who slammed him to the floor to the delight of the fans. Demolition was counted out during this confrontation and left ringside. Meanwhile it was the Powers of Pain who helped Fuji up and went on to win the match. The Powers of Pain accepted Fuji as their new manager as Demolition returned to run the Powers of Pain out of the ring.

This was a strange occurrence as we saw heels turn face and faces turn heel simultaneously. It was even more strange as one of the teams were champions during the turn. What made it even more unique is it seemed to come out of nowhere. Granted I was only nine years old at the time but I never saw this coming. I couldn’t picture Demolition as good guys and this really took me by surprise.
I'm going with SS 2001, the invasion angle i can see now was pretty awful, but as a young kid i still believed wrestling might be real somehow and was genuinely worried for the WWF, plus somebody at school told me the WWF would lose because they had to change their name because of the Panda's.

I never watched WCW so i was completely oblivious to the fact that Sting, NWO, Flair and Goldberg were the real stars from WCW, i wish Vince would have paid whatever it took to get those guys in for the storyline as the alliance ended up with all WWE guys except for RVD and Booker, and RVD was an ECW guy.

Also i was a huge Rock mark and his loss to Stone Cold at Mania earlier in the year almost drove me to depression and the Rock pinning Austin at the end was the closest i could get to seeing Rock finally come out on top, until Mania 19.
The 1997 Survivor Series-Montreal Screwjob. The day pro wrestling changed forever.

and the 1990 Survivor Series when Taker made his debut

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