Worst Designed Championship of All Time?

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
We've had a lot of really cool looking championship belts over the vast history of professional wrestling. The Winged WWF title, the modern-era WWE Championship held by JBL, Brock Lesnar, Eddie Guerrero, etc., and even Cody Rhodes awesome new Intercontinental title belt!

But we've also had some TERRIBLE title designs... We are here to decide which one is the worst! For me it comes down to two belts, but there are many others to chose from:


The first is the US Title Spinner belt that John Cena debuted...because he could. What in the hell were they thinking with this one? The gaudy "I'M A FUCKING AMERICAN!" approach makes sense for his character now, but when he was a rapping heel? I just question the sanity of whoever designed that thing...

And then there's Jeff Hardy's Immortal title... Who in the hell decided Hardy's face needs to be artistically crafted not once, not twice...but three times onto a Championship belt? And while the crazy design of the metal is one thing, the leather does not need to be crafted to match exactly. How would wear a belt with that many ins and outs, and jagged lines? And then the ONE orange gem that pops out on the left because it is completely against the color scheme... I feel like Matt, Jeff, RVD, and Hogan got together, smoked a few bowls, and started crapping on a piece of paper. When they got bored, the finger painted on a wall with it, and when Hardy stood in front of it, Hogan had a high-induced epiphany!
I didnt mind the US title for John Cena, it fitted in with the "bling" character he was playing at the time, and is far far better than the shitty Spinning WWE title he introduced later.

Jeff Hardy's TNA title has got to be one of the worst though, it doesnt even look like a wrestling title belt, it looks like a shitty beld for a pair of jeans that a heavy metal singer would wear. Totally wank.

The WWE Divas title has also got to be up there. There was a perfectly fine Womens title belt and then WWE went an introduced a 2nd pointless womens belt, and it was one of the ugliest belts in wrestling history. Shocking
The current WWE title is by far my least favorite belt ever. It was OK as the "spinner" belt when Cena was doing the rapper gimmick, but they should have introduced a more respectable title belt as soon as Cena dropped it. That was Cena's belt, nobody elses. Anyone else holding it is as ridiculous as the Rock holding the smoking skull belt.

On the subject, has the World title belt shrunken in size over the years? It doesn't seem as large as it did in the WCW days.
Personally, I thought the US spinner belt was kinda cool. It fit John Cena's hip hop gimmick.

The Immortal belt is pretty dumb looking. Jeff Hardy's reign as champ lasting only 3 months, makes it even more embarrassing and pointless.

I'm not a fan of the WWE Tag Titles


Looks like a giant penny.
I think Jeff Hardy's World title wins for obvious reason.

The Colour scheme is terrible and it looks like whoever made the design was half asleep and kept trailing off the page. A purple belt just looks plain stupid and I guess this is just another one of Hardy's pieces of work he calls his I-MAGI-NEIGH-TION.

A world title should not be represented this way when I think world title I think big and gold not whatever this is.
Well all the custom designed wrestler titles suck.I kind of got used to the WWE title now but it sucks too since it says champ instead of champion. I seriously don't understand why thay haven't changed it already with Punk as champ. If there's one thing he should change in this business is that awfull title that was made for cena.

I also don't like the US that much, looks pretty cheap. i do like the tag titles though, pretty cool and original design opposed to other designs.
The J Hardy title sucked very hard too. How can you shit all over your world title like that by letting a purple belt represent it.
The Diva's champion by far. I mean it look's like a 14 Year-Old girl made it, how are you supposed to make your diva's seem like "The toughest women in the world" When the belt has a freaking butterfly on it, its a disgrace to women's wrestling everywhere and the original WWE Women's Championship looked MUCH better.

And the Tag Team Belts, i hate the circular shape and just like Defekt said, it does look like a giant penny. I like the World Tag Team Belts better because they looked more prestigious.
People whine a lot about the current design of the WWE Championship and even the Divas Championship, but both of them look amazing compared to a certain other belt.


THAT monstrosity is the ugliest championship I have ever seen. Whoever came up with its design should be fired because it looks nothing like a world title. It looks like a toy meant to come with a happy meal or as a free prize in a cereal box. TNA should have kept the design they had for the World Championship before this so called "belt" was put into place for Jeff Hardy. Then they KEPT the thing when Anderson won it. WHY!? Replacing it when they did was the smartest choice TNA ever made.

Runners up include the gigantic pennies (WWE Tag Team Championship) and the Divas Championship. They are put to shame by the Immortal Championship though. How ironic is it that the most ugly championship ever held by a wrestler has the same name as the most worthless stable in wrestling history?
I can honestly say that I don't think there will ever be a title that looks worse than Jeff Hardy's fugly ass purple TNA title. The spinner belt was a joke at first but the look has kind of set in and I honestly don't mind it that much, and Cena's US title was a little goofy(especially with Word Life written on it) but I thought the design was interesting and I kinda liked it. Aside from those none come to mind, but Hardy's belt was a disgrace and I could not take that thing seriously. I mean if he'd done that to some insignificant title it wouldn't have been so bad but that's a world title, they're supposed to be prestigious and he made it look like something out of a happy meal.
TNA's Immortal (Jeff Hardy) Championship looks like paint and crayons were handed to a two year old and the two year old was allowed to draw over a plain looking belt. It's just crap. TNA could have done a heck of a lot better, but instead we got shat on with crap like that... Not cool TNA, not cool.
I actually like the bronze tag titles. A lot. I would say they were one of my favorite titles.

The spinner belt however... not so much. I thought it was juvenile when Cena debuted it, and I've liked it less and less with every subsequent champion to have held it. Punk had better go back to the classic eagle wing belt before I lose respect for him as a WWE Champion.
Jeff Hardy's TNA Title is the worst.

The spinner belt blows.

Cena's old U.S. title looks like something that came from some indy southern wrestling promotion in the late 70's.

The WWE tag team titles are more worthless than pennies.

Hardy's title is the worst by far, he was definitely high when he thought of that.

What irks me most is the fact that the TNA television title (which used to be the Legends title I think) is bigger than the TNA world heavyweight title. That's a no no, especially when the person holding that title is Eric Young, one of the biggest tools I've seen in a long time.
The current WWE title is by far my least favorite belt ever. It was OK as the "spinner" belt when Cena was doing the rapper gimmick, but they should have introduced a more respectable title belt as soon as Cena dropped it. That was Cena's belt, nobody elses. Anyone else holding it is as ridiculous as the Rock holding the smoking skull belt.

On the subject, has the World title belt shrunken in size over the years? It doesn't seem as large as it did in the WCW days.

Its the same design and before june it was the same size then they redid the gold shrunk it and changed the lether as you can see the back iz now ruby red

I agree Sheamus, ADR, and oher people who may get it if its not change would look stoopid i like it tho just dont think it should be there perminent title. I think Jeff hardy takes it though that title I hated it i think there current title the best yet. Tag Team penies also never liked why is it A ninja star on the sideplates to a gladiator helment championship????????
There are 2 belts that come to mind when I think of terrible designes.
1. Jeff Hardy's Immortal belt - Yes I understand if a guy is gonna be your posterboy or champion for a while you wanna get more attention around him, like they did with Cena and the Spinner U.S. Title, Spinner WWE Title, and then when Edge did the Spinner Rated-R Title. But the design is jus too farfetched and not appealing to many. Many people looked at it when it debuted and was like....."Who's ass did that come out of?"
2. Current WWE Tag Titles - First off the tag division right now is the worst it has ever been in history.........PERIOD! They are basically taking mid-card talent and deciding they aren't going to push them for individual title contention so we'll throw you with another decent mid-carder and you guys will be the tag champs. And the titles look horendous. The spartan helmet idea could work, but not the way they are doin it, the complete circle doesn't look right (give it more of a box shape or put some corners on it or somethin), and for christs sake, make it gold, silver, chrome, HELL GUNMETAL METALIC FOR ALL I CARE, jus not bronze. When you see bronze, you think of 3rd place, not 1st place aka THE CHAMPS!
Jeff's belt was pretty hideous. But as his belt, it sort-of-worked.

The WWE title......oh how many people out there want this changed? To be honest, I've got past my original disdain for it and have just accepted it, but it is easily the worst looking title in a long time (excluding Hardy's).

HOWEVER...if it was used for John Cena's initial title reign (when he beat JBL) and after losing it a new belt or the old WWE Undisputed Championship replaced it, I would have no issue with it whatsoever. It was John Cena's gimmick title, just as Hardy had the 'Immortal' title, and as several guys down the years have had their own gimmick belts.

As far as the tag titles go...I like them. I really do. I get why others don't but they look cool to me. Okay, they're bronze, and maybe gold would have been a better choice, but I certainly don't dislike them. I prefer them than the old WWE tag titles though...urgh...
I thought the ugliest belt I've ever seen was the Divas' belt. I looked at it and thought to myself, ' I hope Vince didn't actually pay some kid too much money to design such an ugly piece of shit belt'. I mean he probably paid some guy/ girl who graduated from a college program and he/she designed this piece of garbage.

Then I saw this other piece of crap that Jeff Hardy was walking around with. I couldn't believe Bischoff and Hogan would let him represent the company with that piece of crap. I'd call the two belts tied for the worst designed championship belts of all time.
I can see how many of you could dislike the Hardy belt, but I don't think it's THAT bad. Sure it does look stupid with all the purple and that dumb green gem. But I at least it had some character to it unlike the god awful spinner WWE belt.

I hate everything about the belt... the spinner, the design of the main plate, the way it says "Champ" instead of "Champion." No offense to black people, but it looks like a bunch of black guys put it together with their dumbass spinning rims and decided it was cool to shorten the word "Champion." And by the way, "Champ" sounds alot like "Chump", just sayin'. But my huge problem with the spinner belt is that it represents John Cena, not the WWE. And since it represents the gangster gimmick, it looks stupid on everyone that wears it. The only guy I can think of that it would fit is JTG. Nobody uses the gangster gimmick, so why would you use it on your world title?

Look at the WH title, it looks AMAZING!!! It's got a classy look to it instead of the trailer trash look the WWE title has. The WH belt says, "I'm the 1 thing every wrestler dreams of." While the John Cena belt er, I mean... WWE belt says, "Look at me I'm GANGSTA!!!" The WHC will always be THE BELT in the WWE. And the WWE belt will always be, well... that thing.

The WWE tag titles do look stupid. The gladiator helmets are cool, but thats where it ends.

The US title looks kinda dumb to me. Idk what it is, it just looks kinda stupid. The IC belt on the other hand looks cool, but I wish Rhodes stuck with the other 1, it was a very cool belt.

The Diva's belt strikes me as branding divas as very girly and just eye candy. It looks like the Barbie championship.

I never have liked the ECW title.

Overall, the spinning WWE belt is the worst of all... just horrible. Every champion that holds it just looks stupid.
I hate everything about the belt... the spinner, the design of the main plate, the way it says "Champ" instead of "Champion." No offense to black people, but it looks like a bunch of black guys put it together with their dumbass spinning rims and decided it was cool to shorten the word "Champion." And by the way, "Champ" sounds alot like "Chump", just sayin'.
well ive heard that no one uses spinners anymore.. how does champ sound like chump u dumb hillbilly? does wrestling ring sound like wedding ring? Kayfabe sounds like beyblade... On to other spinning topics.. Spinners are made of chrome not gold.. If that were the case MVP's U.S. title would had spun and so would Benjamin's.. Book's U.S. title didnt spin either so black guys my foot..
Look at the WH title, it looks AMAZING!!! It's got a classy look to it instead of the trailer trash look the WWE title has. The WH belt says, "I'm the 1 thing every wrestler dreams of." While the John Cena belt er, I mean... WWE belt says, "Look at me I'm GANGSTA!!!" The WHC will always be THE BELT in the WWE. And the WWE belt will always be, well... that thing.
its not classy, it made its debut in 1986.. its slick, its old school, its not "classy" though. It represents WCW and the NWA and JCP not WWE or the WWF.. It represents conquest and disrespect, theres nothing classy about any of that. That non WWE created belt being showcased is like you showing me a rape tape and then going "hey guys check out this hot babe i scored with at Richie's party..!!"
Its a stolen belt from a defunct orginization that was the arch enemy of WWE. Use your brain..
The core reason for the Big Gold's return was THE SAME ONE FOR ITS 1992 return.. TO COMPENSATE FOR AN ILLEGIMATE CHAMPION or one with QUESTIONAL CREDIBILITY. The former situation pertains to WWE created a title out of thin air on RAW in 2002 and the latter refers to the situation were the NWA title was reinstated in WCW while it already had the WCW title established. So the WCW title was a world title because it was WCW's official championship, the NWA was a world title because it was made out of all that gold.. I'm not in aww of that shinyness like some people are.

this moron said "THE" belt.. :disappointed:
The WWE tag titles do look stupid. The gladiator helmets are cool, but thats where it ends.
the tag team titles are 80 percent gladiator helmet so how can u seperate them..?
The Diva's belt strikes me as branding divas as very girly and just eye candy. It looks like the Barbie championship.
I never have liked the ECW title.
um which one like 3 or 4 to choose from chief..

you guys must have a short memory though. here are the worst belts in the history of wrestling:

1. the original WCW Hardcore title
That thing was a siphter bowl propped up by 12 soup cans and 3 pieces of particle board!!!

2. NWA title c. 1955

I don't care what era it was ive seen kennedy head half dollars bigger then that..

3. NWA title c. 1960

4. Jeff Hardy's TNA World title
5. John Cena's U.S. title

6. WWF Woman's championship

It was so basic and ugly.. thats how u knew no one respect the women's division..

7. The AAA Heavyweight title
that thing jarrett wears around his waste for no reason. it looks like a cooking pan with the edges cut off..

8. WWF Texas Hardcore title
I cant find the picture of it anymore but it was a joke.. It was just a texas license plate over some generic round belt..

9. Braham bull belt..

Its the laughing cow lmao. .. "Don't stop what you do, I won't stop loving you. Whatever you do, don't stop." :lol:

10. Rated R title

The thing was fugly. Atleast with Cena's belt the center area had the WWE logo.
To me the worst design for a title was either the WWE spinner or Jeff hardys tna title. they were both ugly belts to represent a company.
I would have to say it's a tie between the Spinner belt and that purple nightmare of Jeff Hardy's. They don't look like actual championship belts they look like toys you could have bought as part of a Halloween costume.
i think u guys r just anti jeff and anti john.. u guys harp on those two belts but i showed u worse then the hardy belt and the cena belt shares enough facets of a traditional sports belts to be deemed tolerable..
I’m going to have to go with Jeff Jarrett’s AAA World Title. Coming in at a very close second place is Jeff Hardy’s TNA World Title. Interestingly enough, they are both renamed the Immortal World Title and held by the Jeffs. Coincidence?? All the other Title Belts, in my opinion served their purpose. Immortal’s two World Titles are just @$$ ugly.
Couple of those belts were made to fit the character. The old NWA Bahamas title to me was always ugly, sure many of you don't remember since you were probably still swimming around in your father's scrotum. Back when I was watching, Tyree Pride and Lex Luger. The old NWA Mid-Atlantic belt was also hideous.

http://www.midwestwrestling.com/images2/Bahmablt.jpg - Bahamas belt

http://www.midwestwrestling.com/championshipbelts/NWAoldmid.htm - old mid-Atlantic belt. Don't believe Ric Flair held this version of it.
tat pop corn plate is also an TNA World title? When did he proclaim that and why doesnt he ever defend it on impact tv?

J.J. (Jeff Jarrett..?) I gotta agree. the Mid Atlantic belt I know about most is the last one I believe.


Never even seen that one before. Found that when searching for that eagle one that had c. '85. Now that is old skool territory slick right there.

No. I’m not 100% clear on the details, but Double J won the AAA World Title. He then renamed it the New Immortal World Title. He brings it to Impact, but it’s covered with a Silver sticker with the Mexican Flag over it. It’s a similar to Kurt Angle’s IWGP Title reign, only difference is Jeff doesn’t defend it in TNA.

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