Worst Wrestler Of The Year

Who Is The Worst Wrestler Of 2012?

  • Heath Slater

  • Tensai

  • Alberto Del Rio

  • Great Khali

  • Brodus Clay

  • D-Von

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Tensai, no other vote is acceptable has there ever been a bigger flop or fart in the wind than Albert's japanese gimmicked return? He was so terrible in his matches they turned him into a jobber and dropped what was going to be a huge monster heel push. A consistently terrible performer equals the worst wrestler of the year
I swear to god, if any of you vote for Alberto del Rio...I don't even know. Worst wrestler of the year? Really? Try one of the best in-ring performers the WWE has. Fuck that noise.
I swear to god, if any of you vote for Alberto del Rio...I don't even know. Worst wrestler of the year? Really? Try one of the best in-ring performers the WWE has. Fuck that noise.

People dislike ADR and he is bland. Therefore he is bad. In ring talent doesn't mean shit. Gawd Killam.

I'll throw out my own pick and say Garret Bischoff.

I wanted to vote for him, but he wasn't there.
Some of these nominations are preposterous. Slater had a better year than half the wrestlers in WWE. Delberto may be severely overrated, but he is by no means a bad wrestler. D-Von might have been thrust into a shitty storyline, but the dude can move.

I have to say Tensai. He's been a total disappointment in every conceivable way, and the things we have remembered him for this year are his botches.
I voted for Brodus Clay. I hate how long his stupid ass entrance is only for him to have a 4 minute match where he squashes someone or gets his fat ass beat. Everything he does is so fucking pointless it's pathetic.
Let me put it to you guys this way, Tensai is so bad, Sakamoto left him. Now That's just ridicously bad if your own worshipper gives up on you.
Tensai for me. Not that Great Khali is better, he actually is the worst of the lot. But given the exposure and the expectations, Tensai wins this.
How in the hell is Alberto Del Rio in this. He is was of the best wrestler in the WWE. He may be boring but the title is worst wrestler of the year..come on. If we are looking at boring character, Sheamus should be in there also. How is Del Rio in there but not Garret Bischoff.
Slater put over guys would were retired for years..he is pretty good.
I should vote for Khali simply because the man is in such poor health that he can barely move. Contrary to popular belief I actually enjoyed his matches from 2007 and his title reign.

That aside I'm going with Tensai because he's been a colossal disappointment ever since he returned. He had maybe 2 good months and that was it. They even got rid of his cool debut theme music.
Khali without a shadow of a doubt! I cringe everytime I see him on tv or advitised for an event.

Garrett bischoff is a worthy mention
I'm going with literal translation of the term "wrestler" here and voting Khali, for obvious reasons.

I mean, at least Tensai can perform wrestling moves.
Del Rio may well have good in-ring talent, but goodness me he can suck the life out of anyone. His "feud" with Randy Orton has been exceptionally lame, his work with Sheamus turned the white hot (no pun intended) World Heavyweight Champion into just another guy we should cheer. I mean he's been duller than dull. At least Tensai held my interest for about ten seconds. Del Rio makes my head hurt.
I'm going with literal translation of the term "wrestler" here and voting Khali, for obvious reasons.

I mean, at least Tensai can perform wrestling moves.

That is such an asinine statement. I don't know where to begin with that garbage.

R-Truth isn't on the list but he should have won this going away for the last four years.
Poor Matt Bloom. Gigantic terror in Japan. Gigantic joke in America.

Tensai is the reason that they tell you not to dive into the shallow end of the pool, kids. It's been a long time since the WWE shot a guy straight to the top of the card at his appearance, and the way he ended up bombing, it'll be a lot longer until the next time they did that. (They were building Ryback slowly- why they suddenly gave that up to hot shot a match with CM Punk on one of their lesser PPV's, we'll have to leave that question mark to history.)

This is my lasting memory of Del Rio this year. Making Orton look bad and everything.
Let's see - Tensai was a massive flop, Khali's been groan-worthy at best, Brodus Clay... is Brodus Clay, Slater's made a gimmick out of being shit, Del Rio's blandness has been complimented by the fact that he's been given nothing to work with, and Devon... Devon? Fuck you people, Devon doesn't deserve to be on this list. In fact, by my count, Alberto Del Rio has had about two good matches this year, so he probably doesn't deserve to be here either. "One of the best in-ring performers in WWE" is certainly going a bit far, mind you.

Honorary mentions go to R-Truth and Sin Cara who are both shite in their own unique ways. Bless. I should probably bring up Matt Morgan for Tastycles' sake.

My vote - a write-in, I suppose - goes to Jeff Hardy. What a colossal piece of shit this guy is. What a total lack of humility this guy has. I've never seen him quite this self-indulgent either. At least we were supposed to boo him before he screwed up last time. He hits about half a dozen twists of fates a match, paints his fucking eye lids, and even has his fucking dumb fucking face on that dumb fucking belt again. He could ask to paint his dick neon green and slap toddlers in the face with it - Dixie would probably still give the A-OK. Fuck. CM Punk has "Best in the World" written on his back, Austin Aries has "The Greatest Man That Ever Lived" on his and yet somehow neither seem as undeservedly arrogant as this rainbow-coloured twat. Probably because they're a) good and b) not colossal fuck-ups. What's worse, Hardy's promo skills are non-existent. Why is Jeff Hardy forgiven? Why is he redeemed? Please, Jeff, tell us. "Oh, well, you see-- CREEEEEEECHAAAAS!" And then all the tweens put down Twilight for a moment and squeal with glee. How I hate young girls! Where's Shockmaster? He'd agree with my vitriol.

Jeff Hardy is such a cunt.

This is my lasting memory of Del Rio this year. Making Orton look bad and everything.

Ahaha fuck thats hilarious, I dont remember it being that bad.

Still, he didnt fuck up every night. Most the time his matches were alright.

Tensai grabs it for me. Too lazy to get lifted by Brodus or Tensai. Del rio made himself look stupid, but tensai made others look bad. Fuck that waste of face tattoos.

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