Worst Wrestler of the Year

Worst Wrestler of the Year

  • Erick Rowan

  • Big Show

  • Brie Bella

  • Braun Strowman

  • Kane

  • Eva Marie

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Jobber Bella has been relatively insignificant, and is pretty much up her for working like a babyface as a heel. Which, can anyone really tell me whether or not the Bella twins are faces or heels? I asked this three months ago, and never got an answer.

Braun Strowman is unspeakably bad. It is hilarious how many people used to bitch about Eva Marie not having to go through developmental, when Braun Strowman didn't either.

That may be a straw man; I don't care. Braun is easily the worst worker on the roster, man or woman.
C'mon, how does Strowman not win this one. All the guy can do is kick and punch along with botching nearly every catch.

At least Brie can perform a dropkick...
Big Show had one of the best matches of the year. In 2015. Against Roman Reigns. In Chicago.

Are you people thick?
Big Show had one of the best matches of the year. In 2015. Against Roman Reigns. In Chicago.

Should we, like, get breakfast now, or?

As for Stroman....

Beliveable offense, decent promo, was involved in some pretty fun matches in the late summer-early fall.

And he indeed WAS in NXT for two years, he was just never on the show.

None of the above can be said for Brie.
None of the above can be said for Brie.

Brie is, like, super hot though and married to a guy will all adore.

That said, she got my vote regardless. I honestly probably wouldn't even notice how awful she is if it wasn't for the unbearable screaming she does. That alone makes me want to change the channel every time she's out there.
Come on, people. Strowman may be bad but he's not "I forgot to kick out" bad. Plus is anyone besides Eva so bad that very visible heavy editing needs to be done to get through a match?
Brie is supposed to be a heel (I think) who uses face moves and crowd chants and leeches off her husband's popularity in the ring. While Nikki was busy improving and becoming one of the better females in recent memory, I have no clue what Brie was doing.
Gotta go with Eva, by a hair over Brie. Unlike Brie, I wanted Eva to prove me wrong, possibly from a vicarious love of The Brian Kendrick.

She has not proved me wrong. May she be on our screens very little in 2016.
I will say this; I can't give the award to someone who gets boo'ed like Eva does.

Like, you can say a lot about her ability. Doesn't change that people fucking hated her, and got legitimate heat. That match with Bayley was the most heat any non-Sasha heel got in 2015. And Eva generated a good amount of that on her own.
Love Strowman. I'm a sucker for strongly-booked, lumbering oafs that everyone needs to work around. I long for the halcyon days of Khali's monster run.
I'm going with the wrestler least likely to pique my interest in any way, shape, or form. Rowan has done nothing for me this year. I don't care what he does next year.

I can't say that about anyone else on that list unless you throw The Ascension or Los Matadores on that list.
Gotta go with Strowman here; the worst thing is, this was a guy who didn't need to have great in-ring ability, he just had to be a big unmovable object. He was on RAW for maybe a month before he's taking powerbombs through tables, and will probably be out there dancing in a skin-tight outfit to hip-hop music as The Brauninator by the time 2016 is over.
Neither The Big Show, a man with a genuine match of the year contender, nor Eva Marie, a woman who garnered more heat than the surface of Mercury, deserve to be on this list.

Whereas I think Nikki is genuinely valuable as a competitor, Brie is nothing but irritating.

Honorable mention to Apollo "Work my back all match and I'll finish with a deadlift spinning powerbomb" Crews. Exceptional athlete, unexceptional wrestler.
Brie is a heel character using her husband's moves that get a positive reaction from the crowd plus the Brie mode thing is ******ed.

Eva Marie sucks in the ring but there's so much heat on her that at least she's entertaining and plays off of that heat and I can actually say I cared about an Eva Marie match (when she challenged Bayley). The same can't be said about Brie.
Easy vote for Brie. She's essentially been Nikki's policeman the entire year, but hasn't improved really in the slightest. Which really negates her being a traditional policeman. Eva Marie I've heard horror stories, but I haven't seen them to believe them. I don't know why Strowman is on the list. He is far better than I'd thought he'd be. Rowan too.

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