Wrestlemania XXX: Undertaker VS Brock Lesnar

I am surprised they ended it for one simple fact - what did they gain? Ohhhhh, they got a Wrestlemania surprise over on the fans. Way to go WWE but you just wasted a golden opportunity and made 3 of your former champs look like tools.

I get that they wanted someone like Lesnar to be the guy to break the streak but he was the wrong choice - a guy who wrestles a couple matches a year and has lost pretty much every match since his return has beaten the streak? What does that say about HBK, HHH and Punk? These were guys who were supposed to be at the top of their games and they couldn't do it but Brock does? I am not against him losing, I think his final match should be losing at Mania and passing the torch onto someone else but Brock isn't that guy. Nothing is really gained - is Brock going to be on tv for the next 6 months talking about how he beat Taker and decimating opponents in matches to show how dominant he is? Not a chance. It will get talked about for a week or so until he is gone and then won't be brought up again until SummerSlam when he comes back. Could have been done so much better but that is WWE today.
I can't believe people actually left the stadium in digust. Fucking marks, the lot of them.

The Streak did no one any good by going unbroken.

Lesnar is the only man who gives zero fucks about legacy, and the only mother bad enough to handle the heat.

And let's be real, do people honestly believe Vince forced Taker to job?

Undertaker is old school and wants to go out on his back. It was undoubtedly his call, and he just forged the new final boss of the WWE, who should have Hitler levels of heat tomorrow night.

Why are they "fucking marks" because they left in disgust? Are people not allowed to be upset that he lost?

Personally I believe when you look at the bigger picture, it is somewhat obvious. I believe that Sting will face Taker next year and it's possible that Sting didn't want any part of the streak. Mainly because it just wouldn't have been believable. So in the end, Taker loses to the only person who on paper, looks like it is possible (other than Cena) and now it sets up Sting vs Taker. No stupid stipulations or streak business. Just the two of them, on the grandest stage, both bowing out together in a match that we never thought would take place.

Of course, this isn't true, but something I think could be a possibility. Why not, right? It doesn't sound that crazy, does it?
I can't fathom that this happened. Although I took it better than some did. One of my guests at my PPV party tonight got into a fit of rage, yelled a string of expletives before stating he would never watched wrestling ever again and them stormed out. I sat there in disbelief for a long time. It didn't seem real. The ref had to have accidentally counted to three too quickly before Taker could kick out. Nope, it was real. No more streak. I don't agree with this ending at all. Lesnar didn't need this. He would be a hated monster heel forever no matter what he does. They wasted the opportunity for the perfect heel turn for someone who may have needed it. Well, what's done is done.

The match itself was alright. Disregarding the results, it wasn't as good as many of the previous streak matches. Both Shawn Michaels matches were better, all three Triple H matches were better, as were the matches against Edge, CM Punk, Batista, Randy Orton, and the first Kane match. It went at about the pace I expected. That result really hurts it for me. If Taker had hand picked Brock to end the streak (which is VERY likely the case) then I suppose it makes sense. I won't quit watching over it or anything, but I personally think it was a terrible decision. A major negative to an otherwise highly enjoyable show.
Shocked doesn't even begin to describe how I feel. Like, how I'm I suppose to feel? I really don't know.I suppose at the moment, a bit of saddness mixed in with some anger and confusion along with a waterfall of disbelief. But JBL has been saying it for awhile now; all streaks are made to be broken. I'm not mad that it ended, no, it was bound to happen sooner or later. I just question myself on whether or not Lesnar was the right guy for the job. I like lesnar and all but why not somebody who could really ride off that momentum? I guess it makes sense when you considered how Lesnar has been billed since is return. Maybe Lesnar was the only one who could actually get it done? I mean look at him, Lesnar IMO is probably one of a few guys, who legit poses a threat to the streak and is actually believable to get such a job done. After I think about it in that light, it kind of makes sense. Er Um, at least to me it does.

I wish that the match was a little better though. It seemed dry and rather vague of any real excitement. The crowd, along with myself of course, were stunned at the finish. Mainly because I think they honestly all believed, Lesnar was the LAST person they ever figured would be the one to do it. They all just saw another body to an already pilling body count list: chalk another up for the deadman, essentially. Nobody saw it coming and that's the tragic beautiful nature behind it. Lets face it, people were going to be shocked at that moment regardless of who ended the streak.

Not matter how you feel, history has been made. This is going to be one of those moments that you will see on endless replay videos and be the topic of endless discussions not just from us, but within WWE for as long as the WWE itself remains alive. Sub-par match, timeless moment. That was truly, an end of an era.
Indeed he did. Taker wanted lesnar to beat him at wrestlemania since 2002.

The match was slow, and not because of brock, who clearly slowed down and was more careful that he usually is with his style.

Taker just simply cant go at it any more. And he picked the right guy to do the job.

Lesnar its the biggest heel from now on. Which is good for a lot of reasons.
One of the most shocking moments ever in wrestling. Also, it was very risky move by the WWE not closing the show with this match. Thankfully the fans still got into the triple threat main event.

I thought the majority match was very disappointing. The last 5 or so minutes of the match were great.
"Taker just simply cant go at it any more" ... I think that's the case, or at least close to it. I mean if I'm not mistaken didn't Taker have hip surgery shortly after the Punk WM match? It seems like his body is worse for wear, and if that's the case why carry on much longer?

I too was pretty shocked at the Lesnar-Taker finish, as up to that point the match hadn't been too memorable .. and it just seemed like we were on the way to another Undertaker win, to keep the streak going.

but from Taker's stance, what does it lead to long run? Probably taking the rest of 2014 off then gearing up for WM 31

if Taker losing to Lesnar at WM 30 was such a bad move, what would have been a better call in your opinion?
the match was pretty great. takers 50 years old. he got beat down by a bigger, younger dude. hell, even old school got turned into an f5. sure it was shocking. i'm still sad about it. but undertaker is done. he is not facing sting next year. if you think he is, then get a clue. not going to happen. he will headline the hall of fame class next year, and ride off into the sun with his held held high.
Do you guys really think there will be a WM31 match?. Sting or not, i think that taker is done for good.

The comments made by cole/jbl/king after the break were almost a Farewell to the deadman.

To all of you who are pissed off, if you respect taker and are a fan, just know that the man himself made the call, this is what he wanted, lost to a real life ass kicker.
Maybe Taker felt bad for Brock. I mean Brock's a true wrestler/fighter and ever since he came back he's jobbed to HHH and Cena and Taker just couldn't take it anymore. Add to the rumor that he wanted to lose to Brock a couple years back and you have tonight's result.

The only thing I didn't like was what happened after the pin fall. If Taker's streak was ended, it should've been more like the HHH end of an era match where he acknowledges Brock, raises his hand, and walks back together. Rather, all we got Brock and Heymen walking out... But I guess Taker wanted to build Brock and continue him as a heel going forward.
I'm absolutely gobsmacked. Honestly, I'm shocked.

I can't believe they've gone with this for a number of reasons, the obvious being the streak ending at all & most of all to a part timer.

The main reason though is that this Mania was supposed to be filled with new beginnings & epic memories. Daniel Bryan won the World Title tonight but instead people willl remember this for the Streak ending. WWE has screwed its own Wrestlemania moment & that's not including the ridiculousness of having Cena beat Wyatt clean.

Bizarre, just f'king bizarre.
Maybe Taker felt bad for Brock. I mean Brock's a true wrestler/fighter and ever since he came back he's jobbed to HHH and Cena and Taker just couldn't take it anymore. Add to the rumor that he wanted to lose to Brock a couple years back and you have tonight's result.

The only thing I didn't like was what happened after the pin fall. If Taker's streak was ended, it should've been more like the HHH end of an era match where he acknowledges Brock, raises his hand, and walks back together. Rather, all we got Brock and Heymen walking out... But I guess Taker wanted to build Brock and continue him as a heel going forward.

On one hand, yes...it would have been great to see a show of respect from each other.

But then again....that would have break the heel persona of the now biggest monster in WM history.

The whole lesnar smiling like "you see, i just kicked you ass for good" and heyman screaming of happiness was priceless and made to the overall mood and atmosphere of the segment.
WOW. As a guy who grew up watching Taker, and Taker still being my favorite wrestler of all time, I'm in utter shock.

To be honest, I'm actually ok with the streak being ended, even though I would've preferred Taker to retire with the Streak intact. But I suppose being the old school guy that he is, that's just the way he rolls.

And I was really surprised by the reaction of the crowd to the ending and especially to Brock Lesnar. I guess everyone expected nuclear heat on the guy who ended the streak, but when it finally happened... there was just dead silence, and it was like Brock Lesnar didn't even EXIST; it was like he had just vanished right into thin air, and all that was left was the greatest living legend in this business, lying on the mat in dead silence of 75.000 people, who in all likelihood has just hung up his boots for good.

I'm a bit bother with it being Brock Lesnar though, as he is not "one of the boys" and just a part-timer... but maybe the choice is not that bad, as ending the streak would've forever stigmatized any full-timer's career and turned that guy eternal heel.

But as a huge Taker fan, I just would've wished Taker's "Last Ride" to be a bit more special. The buildup this year was just average, the match wasn't his best either... and you could tell by the crowd's reaction that the people were in no way ready or prepared to let Taker go already, especially not in this fashion.

I'm also not sure if this was the plan all along - I could also imagine that the plan originally was for Taker to go over, but Taker just decided in the last few days before the event that he couldn't or didn't want to do it anymore, called Vince and said: "That's it". And that was it.

Well, then that's the last of my childhood heroes from the wrestling scene most likely gone... guess I too gotta grow up sometime.

Sic transit gloria mundi.


people need to get wake up and realize that ANYONE who would beat Takers streak would commit career suicide. If Bray or Reigns or any upcoming star beat him, yall would be shitting on those guys. Its easier to say it but when it happens itll make you pissed. Brock is such a good pick for this because he truly is a monster heel. He now will forever get heat about this. Brock has such a great Career record everyone overlooks: Youngest WWE Champ, UFC Champ, Royal Rumble Winner, Beat the Steak.

Also, people need to realize its not like Brock screwed Taker. Its Takers decision. He must have major respect for Brock. Look back to 2004ish, Taker and Brock had a great feud when Brock was just breaking in as champ.

You can tell Takers age is catching up to him. Last years match Vs Punk was so-so. This match wasn't great. I posted on here a month ago stating that Taker was going to put on a shit match pretty soon and yall be disappointed. It happened tonight. Don't blame Brock people. Brock was in two MOTY Candidates when he faced HHH at last years WM and vs Punk at Summerslam. Brocks matches are better when they are Hardcore, no DQ, no hold barred. If this match had those stipulations then it woulda been great, but Taker can't take it anymore.

Also think about this, Taker vs Sting can still happen. Sting shouldn't even break the streak. Hes not even a WWE Guy. So if taker was to win tonight, then next year, hed have to have another match at the age of 51!. It makes next years possible match 50/50 and more interesting, the streak doesn't have to be the focal point.

I just want to say thank you to someone who understands. This guy who posted is a true Taker fan but also respects this and isn't crying like you other fan boys. Soak this in and wait until tomorrow when Taker speaks about it. Everything might come in full circle. I am actually more surprised CM Punk didnt win last year but man what a swerve having Brock win. EXPECT Brock vs Bryan next year for WM 31. Bryan beating Brock (a guy who beat the streak) would be huge for Bryans career.
As a huge Undertaker fan I'm just utterly disappointed and saddened at what happened tonight. To me, it's not that The Streak ended, and it's not even that Brock Lesnar ended it, but just the way the whole thing was made an afterthought to me was a huge show of disrespect.

If 'Taker only decided a few days ago or whatever that it was ending, Vince and the WWE should've gone out of there way to make sure this ended the night and was a huge thing. It shouldn't matter if Mania was being built around Bryan winning the title, if the Streak was going to end, it had to end WrestleMania.

Overall, I'm just shocked, absolutely shocked that I witnessed it. Unbelievable. It's sad to see Undertaker in that state as it looked like he really was done. The match was average at best. I guess it's time to move on. I'm not sure what this does for Brock though.
As a huge Undertaker fan I'm just utterly disappointed and saddened at what happened tonight. To me, it's not that The Streak ended, and it's not even that Brock Lesnar ended it, but just the way the whole thing was made an afterthought to me was a huge show of disrespect.

If 'Taker only decided a few days ago or whatever that it was ending, Vince and the WWE should've gone out of there way to make sure this ended the night and was a huge thing. It shouldn't matter if Mania was being built around Bryan winning the title, if the Streak was going to end, it had to end WrestleMania.

Overall, I'm just shocked, absolutely shocked that I witnessed it. Unbelievable. It's sad to see Undertaker in that state as it looked like he really was done. The match was average at best. I guess it's time to move on. I'm not sure what this does for Brock though.

As I already posted, I totally agree. It really looked like it was decided last minute, because at no point during the build-up to the match did you really get the idea that this is this "must win" scenario for Taker, or that it really could be his last match. When Ric Flair and HBK both had their big sendoffs on Mania, everyone knew what was coming, the guys still put on great matches (or at least the best they could), and made those matches feel meaningful.

I have to admit Taker doesn't quite look the part anymore and age seems to be catching up with him... but if he was really thinking about calling it quits for some time already, they should've made a bigger deal out of it. Him losing even killed the crowd a bit for the main event, not even Daniel Bryan got as huge a reaction as usually when he initially came out for the main event.

I'm curious to see if Taker appears at RAW, and whether he officially retires right away, or whether he goes on his "Last Ride" at WM31? Currently I can't really imagine it, because with the streak gone, Undertaker has really no purpose being at Mania - because he would need a different storyline to give him a reason to be there. And since he most likely won't be around on even a semi-regular basis, coming up with a random reason 4 weeks ahead of WM31 will seem quite lackluster as well.

All in all it's not so much the fact that the streak's over, or that it was Brock Lesnar of all people who ended it, that's bothering me... it's the feeling that Undertaker just deserved SO MUCH better for his last hoorah, if that was really it.

The crowd was in utter shock, and couldn't even get a lukewarm applause or "Thank you Taker"-chants going properly after it was done... And thus one of the great legends of wrestling and Wrestlemania ended... not with a bang, but with a whimper.

I just hope they find some way to send off Undertaker properly, and the way he deserves it. If it had to end, retrospectively I would've wished it had ended with HBK's superkick into HHH's Pedigree two years ago - that would've been a believeable finish, and worthy of all three performers' legacies (especially under the "End Of An Era"-moniker), and both HHH and HBK would have been able to handle the heat because both are essentially retired already... and not just with a random F5 after an, at best, average match for Taker at 'Mania.
Wrestlemania was a little disappointing for me -- only one match came close to being a great match, and that was it! Mostly just good and average matches.

For the Undertaker's match, it's become painfully apparent to me that age has finally caught up to him. He was barely able to execute most of his moves, and his agility was all gone too, it's sad to witness, but true. Lesnar, a brute as he might be, seems to have an awful lot of respect for the Undertake. He basically carried the entire match by himself. It wasn't an all out fight, it was on the contrary, quite a traditional wrestling match. Paul Heyman was in his zone, always making the show that little bit more interesting with his remarks.
As a huge Undertaker fan I'm just utterly disappointed and saddened at what happened tonight. To me, it's not that The Streak ended, and it's not even that Brock Lesnar ended it, but just the way the whole thing was made an afterthought to me was a huge show of disrespect.

If 'Taker only decided a few days ago or whatever that it was ending, Vince and the WWE should've gone out of there way to make sure this ended the night and was a huge thing. It shouldn't matter if Mania was being built around Bryan winning the title, if the Streak was going to end, it had to end WrestleMania.

Overall, I'm just shocked, absolutely shocked that I witnessed it. Unbelievable. It's sad to see Undertaker in that state as it looked like he really was done. The match was average at best. I guess it's time to move on. I'm not sure what this does for Brock though.

The whole point of how the match went and the silence end, was exactly what wwe wanted to do. The whole mood was that of a absolute sadness, and they did it flawless.

Having taker vs lesnar match ending WM would have been a big hint of the outcome of the match.

And Heyman.....this man has no words to describe how out of this world he is, amazing, just amazing.

WWE wanted shock, sadness, disbelief, and they got it.
You go out on your back.

Taker doesnt need one more match. He went down with the most gifted (real) fighter in the history of WWE.

Tomorrow taker should come out, give a speech, say good bye to the undertaker and embrace mark callaway in front of everyone.
You go out on your back.

Taker doesnt need one more match. He went down with the most gifted (real) fighter in the history of WWE.

Tomorrow taker should come out, give a speech, say good bye to the undertaker and embrace mark callaway in front of everyone.

I think that will happen. But possibly Sting will come out and challenge him to one more match. I think now that Taker has lost at Mania his retirement match should be at Survivor Series, the PPV where he debuted!

I dont think Sting and Taker could put on a Mania quality match.
Undertaker went out in the right way... He was pinned in the middle of the ring.
He clearly respected Brock and chose him to end it. The fact is The Undertaker can't do it anymore like he once could. He is a legend and always will be but the class thing to do was to go out in meaningful match on a landmark WrestleMania.
Breaking the streak cements Takers legendary status.
It was logical. Lesnar is younger and stronger. It's unrealistic for an old fogie like Taker to defeat the Beast Incarnate 1 on 1. WWE did the right thing.

Taker posted on his Facebook page that he is fighting Sting next year at WM31


Wow, you truly are an idiot, aren't you? Do you actually believe that the page you linked to is the real Undertaker's page? It's a fan page run by someone posting as if he were Undertaker. Of course I'm probably feeding the troll, but still...damn...

As far as Taker losing to Lesnar...I was as shocked as anyone else when it happened. 24 years is a long time in real life, much less in Wrestling, and after that much time it becomes almost impossible to imagine that anyone would beat the streak, especially not a part-timer. Which is precisely why they probably did it this year. This was the first time in years where there seemed to be no doubt that Taker was going over, so of course it was the perfect time to do it. Whether that decision was made after the opponent was picked or not, whether Lesnar was the choice all along...who knows? It certainly makes sense though. Lesnar has always had Taker's number, has always been his toughest opponent, it makes sense that he would end the streak, from a kayfabe perspective at least.
Not only he beat the streak, right now, Lesnar can be proud and say that he is the only man who faced the undertaker multiple times and never lost.

Not even CENA cant say that.
This isn't Undertaker's last match.

Undertaker's last match will be next year when he defeats Brock Lesnar for the WWE Title at Wrestlemania 31 after going into the Hall of Fame the night before. He'll retire with the belt as a fitting tribute and the entire event will be built around him.

The Streak had to end but it couldn't end if it were Taker's last match. No way he's going out on a loss so it had to end last night.

Good call by Taker and the WWE
GOING OUT ON A LOSS is all about this business.

Flair, HBK, Rock, Austin, you name it....The greatest of all time lost their last match, thats how a legend retires....LOSING.

Taker is done, the streak is done, and there wont be a rematch. Lesnar is the man who put taker career to rest (kayfabe of course).

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