WWE Miami, Round 2, Match 4: #11 Kane vs. #22 Nick Bockwinkel

Kane vs. Bockwinkel

  • Dr. Isaac Yankem

  • The Bock

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match takes place in the WWE Region under WWE Rules, from Miami, Fl.

#11. The big Red Machine Kane


#22. Nick Bockwinkel

I'm going to have to go with Kane here. Bockwinkle was great, but his size and move set don't match up well with a monster like Kane. He's much more well known for his promos, but at the end of the day, the piledriver isn't going to work on Kane. A chokeslam after a long match wins it for Kane.
Wow. The worse draw for Bockwinkel would have to be a big man this early in the tournament. Bockwinkel is the 'Essence of Manhood', but Kane is the Big Red Machine and would be brutal toward the native of Beverly Hills, California.

The longer the match goes, the more it would favor Bockwinkel, but I don't see this being long and drawn out and the Chokeslam puts down Bockwinkel in about 15 minutes.

Kane wins, but it's real, real close.
Again, this match is just like the Gotch match. Who cares if Bockwinkel was a better technical wrestler than Kane, unless he's an earlier version of Kurt Angle I don't see Bockwinkel having any advantage over Kane at all. Kane has proven time and time again that he's more than capable of handling technical wrestler's and their movesets. Kane holds a victory over Chris Benoit while he was champion in 2004. The crossface, the very same move Brock Lesnar tapped to months before was absolutely futile in stopping Kane. That should say something. Kane is stronger, more durable, and has a higher threshold for pain than Bockwinkle does. But the only advantage Bockwinkel has over Kane is stamina, but whose to say that Bockwinkel wouldn't wear himself out early on in the match just trying to do damage to Kane? That would make him more susceptible to Kane's moveset, and I can only see Bockwinkle taking so much punishment before he crumbles. This match will only last as long as Kane wants it to, whether it be 5 minutes or 10 minutes the result would be the same. Kane would trap Bockwinkel, wear him down with a few high impact moves, then go straight for the kill.

winner - Kane
Bokwinkel was a technical wrestler who used a lot of submission holds and finished with a piledriver. Kane is pretty much impervious to pain, especially in his masked prime, and too heavy to be lifted by Bockwinkel for a pile driver. Bockwinkel was hugely important in AWA, but Kane has remained a legitimate contender on WWE for 12 years, despite only holding a title for a day. This proves his imposing demeanour better than anything else, and Kane wins here after Bockinkel gets in a bit of offence early on.
Kane in the late 90s and early 2000s was a real force. While the WWE has turned him into little more than a high profile jobber now, back in the day he was nearly unstoppable.

Bockwinkel was great technically but he's clearly out of his element here. Single leg take downs, front face locks and side headlocks aren't gonna work on Kane. He's simply too big, too strong and too durable. In order for Bockwinkel to have a chance, he'd have to try to do things that he normally didn't do. He'd have to change his offense, try moves he didn't normally do, and take some risks. Since Bockwinkel wasn't a big risk taker. he'd wind up making a major mistake. He'd get caught in the chokeslam, given the tombstone and that'd be all she wrote.

Bockwinkel would probably make it to the 8 or 10 minute mark if he managed to stay away from Kane long enough.
I'll probably be the only one to vote for Bockwinkel. I hate the AWA, but he's pretty much the only former AWA champion that I give any credit to. I've always liked his style, and always felt he was a good heel. Kane, really hasn't done jack shit in his entire career. When you look at it, his greatest accomplishment, a one day title reign, that's it. He won a first blood match, because he came to the ring with his entire body covered from head to toe. Kane is an impressive specimen, but never has been impressive in the ring.
Terrible draw for the great Bockwinkel. Kane is a monster and would be too tough a task for Bockwinkel. Kane takes this, after a good showing from Bockwinkel.
I'm going to go with Kane. In his prime, he could beat anyone, and did easily. Bockwinkel may get in some offense, but Kane's mix of size and agility will just be too much. This ends with a Tombstone.
Good Good match here. Bockwinkel would try to to slow the monster down anyway he could but the Big Red Machine would just keep sitting up and take whatever Bockwinkle could give to him. This is th masked Kane, the true monster who kept coming no matter what you threw at him, not the Big Red Jobber he is now.
Kane. Although Bockwinkel, is better technically, and more experienced, Kane is far too big, and too powerful and durable to loose. Once Kane get a hold of him, boots him in the face and a Chokeslam it'd be 1.2.3. Kane is a pretty good wrestler, better than 4 move cena, and can wrestle anyone he is told to...So im certainly going for Kane.

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