WWE Summerslam: Brock Lesnar VS Randy Orton

Who should win?

  • Brock Lesnar

  • Randy Orton

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Gone. For. Good.
After defeating Mark Hunt at UFC 200, Brock Lesnar is going to face Randy Orton at this year's Summerslam. Randy Orton has been out of action due to a shoulder injury since October 2015 and is going to return after almost 10 months.

The result of this match would surely favour Brock Lesnar as it seems. Personally I am invested in this match just to see how much offense does Orton get before he eventually loses the match.

Nonetheless I am interested to see Orton turn Brock's F5 into an RKO for nostalgia sake.

Still I see no way in which Orton can beat Lesnar. And he shouldn't beat him too as he just doesn't require the rub off Lesnar. However he should be able to get a significant amount of offense and make this match competitive enough.

So Who should win? What should be next for these two after Summerslam?
My feeling is that backstage there are people pushing Orton to go over Lesnar since beating Lesnar, who just came off a win at UFC 200, would give their own guys a boost.

That said I doubt it will happen since WWE still needs to establish a relationship with UFC for possibly Wrestlemania 33. And I am sure Dana White wouldn't like it if the WWE would book one of their guys to look good at UFC's expense (just like when Cena beat Brock back in 2012).

As for the build up since Orton was been out for a long time and Lesnar isn't going to appear in all the shows leading to Summer Slam I would like to see the build up more similar to a real fight (boxing, MMA) press conferences, video interviews, and vignettes. Give it a shoot type atmosphere and don't do any "sports entertainment" like segments like interrupting matches or attacking each other by suprise or something like that. Heck I'd even keep Heyman away from Orton.

In other words no physical contact until their match at Summer Slam.
So far no one has acctually got the rub from beating Lesnar. Still waiting when is that gona happen because they basicly even had Lesnar destroy their no1 boy Cena. That being said, dont believe that honour will go to Orton. Orton 5 years ago when he was even considered being no1 himself maybe, Orton today with welness violations and injuries no way. Maybe in the future if Reigns bounces himself up or some other newcomers like Finn Balor step up but cant see Orton now to do it.

But pretty happy for the match itself, have been waiting for "The Beast vs The Viper" eversince Lesnar has come to WWE again. That tagline alone would sell that match.
Got to go with Lesnar here. Keep the momentum on him. He's the two biggest draws in UFC. Would be cool if Orton comes close and maybe at the last second he has a few cronies to help him. It would establish him as a solid heel and would create another stable.
I think Lesnar will definitely win, and the real question is by how much? Hopefully Lesnar won't destroy him, and there'll be elements of equality in it to re-establish Orton as top heel. As others have said - we need an RKO outta nowhere for sure.

I just wonder whether they'll go their separate ways or is there a bigger feud on the cards here? A one-time match will surely end in Lesnar's favour, but if it becomes something more then we might see Orton cheat his way to a marginal victory. Most likely Lesnar will disappear for a while again before he begins pursuing Roman Reigns for WM. Personally I'd rather see Lesnar v Owens next though.
Who SHOULD win? Randy Orton, beyond a doubt. Randy Orton, one of WWE's few TRUE marquee main event names, coming back after months on the shelf, only to be fed to Brock Lesnar, is the death toll of his career. If Orton loses, it's over. He'll never be anything but an irrelevant nobody again. Orton will continue to compete in WWE long after Lesnar is gone, and is the better long-term investment. But after a decisive loss to Lesnar, Orton's ability to draw money as a top star is gone forever.

Who WILL win? Brock Lesnar. Vince is too high on Lesnar to allow him to lose clean to anyone, until he decides Roman is ready (we all know it's going to be Roman eventually).

Orton will get in some good offense, but will lose clean, forever ending his main event status.
Lesnar's definitely going to win. But he won't win as cleanly over Orton the way he dominated Cena.

People have forgotten that Bray Wyatt and Lesnar are supposed to be beefing.

So I predict that the Wyatt Family will interfere in the middle of a dominant performance by Lesnar. Lesnar wins via DQ then he takes the Wyatts to Suplex City, but as he's getting up from his belly...

Orton wlll punt Lesnar and put him out of action for storyline reasons until November.

Vince then flips a coin to decide between Lesnar and Wyatt to see who Lesnar feuds w/ at the Survivor Series and the other Royal Rumble.

This works b/c Lesnar looks strong fighting off 5 men. Orton looks strong by injuring Lesnar. And the Wyatts get heat by beating down Lesnar.

Orton can then feud w/ Wyatt and Wyatt will finally get a win over a top shelf guy b/c Orton isn't on the "Not Going to Lose" Tier that Cena, Taker, the ex SHIELD members, and Lesnar are all on.

The Suplex City easter egg from the Goldberg/WWE 2k17 commercial means Goldberg could replace Wyatt in my prediction.

Or Lesnar pulls double duty in Jan. 1st a singles match against whomever remains from Orton or Wyatt and then he loses the Royal Rumble b/c of interference again from Goldberg. Setting up a Wrestlemania rematch between Lesnar/Goldberg.
Randy Orton has been my favorite wrestler in the world since about 2004. That being said, he has no business beating Brock Lesnar next month at SummerSlam.

IMO, the fact that he is even getting a match this prominent is a victory in itself. During Brock's entire second run in WWE (April 2012-present) Randy Orton's career has been more sporadic than any 1st ballot HOF-worthy career I've ever seen. He's had the lows of losing multiple matches to the likes of Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler, and Del Rio with no meaning or storyline behind it; He's had the highs of another WrestleMania main event, the return to the group that made him, and a couple of more reigns to beef up the stats. I literally have no idea what he was even doing at the time of his injury, maybe jobbing to more midcarders? The main reason I didn't buy tickets to this years show (I live in NY and attended last year) was because of last year's show: I believe it opened it up with Randy losing to Sheamus for literally no reason at all. I would've never guessed they'd follow that up with him facing the most popular combat athlete in the world in the main event of the show.

Regardless of all that though, it should be a great match and a triumphant return to WWE for both men. I'm glad they're finally giving Randy his due and treating him like one of the all-time greats. I expect this to be a highly competitive contest with plenty of near falls but in the end how do you not go with the Beast? Like I said in all the threads that appeared after UFC 200: Brock's performance solidified that WWE has been booking him perfectly for the last 2+ years, he is among the most dangerous athletes in the world. All time great Randy Orton shouldn't be able to overcome that, but it sure as hell will be entertaining to see him try.
Brock Lesnar but he gets attacked post match by Randy Orton who repeatedly RKOs him over and over again. Then the running punt to the head. He sets up another punt but security fills the ring to stop The Viper. This protects both wrestlers, Brock wins his match. Randy Orton turns into a sadistic, uncaring heel who listens to the voices in his head and attacks faces. Both can pick up another match against each other further down the road and have Randy Orton win that match.
Actually, this is an easy pick for WWE, if you consider the PROs and CONs of the outcomes, Randy losing its the best option.

It doesnt hurt Randy AT ALL, and you keep the monster alive.

Now, if Randy is gonna win, pretty sure its going to be because some interference or run in, they whole Wyatt vs Lesnar faded away but the seed has been planted.

And if they go for the safe route, Lesnar "will be pushed" to the limits by Randy, and he is gonna win by a hair.

Any scenario they go down, Randys gonna look strong. Its a marquee match, the outcome really doesnt matter at all.
Unless Randy Orton is going to return super-motivated and ready to reinvent himself completely to become a major player in WWE again, I can't see past a Brock Lesnar victory at this point.

Brock will definitely be booked like he has been, and with the added momentum due to the UFC stuff, his appearance will be greatly anticipated by the majority of fans.
Orton, on the other hand, is also returning after a long time, but it does seem as tho people will wait to see how he approaches this feud before making a judgement on him and getting interested in what he is done.

Needless to say, with the brand split starting next week, both these will be needed near or at the top of the card for it to gain the required momentum, so I do hope it isn't a totla squash and rather, we see two legends on the business go at it in an all-out match and if possible, leave us viewers wanting more.
As long as the match is booked as a 50-50 affair, then I can it being a win-win situation for all(both the guys involved, and even the other Superstars who might work with them thereafter).
Since Brock got in trouble, I'd say Orton gets the upset win at Summerslam. However, we'll see a rematch, maybe at Hell In A Cell, Survivor Series, Royal Rumble where Brock gets the win to look strong going into WM season.
You guys are all wrong cause you are big Lesnar fans as I was but since Brock Lesner was juiced to the grills since Mark Hunt was right I see Randy Orton as the best solution and best option that is best for business cause Lesnar's image is now tarnished completly he is a hippocrit to badmouth Jones that he was unprofessional ? WoW you are not any better! I say wwe can bring in Hunt and interfere between Orton and Lesner at Summerslam allowing the win for Orton lol but that happening is zilch! It still remains hazy whether or not wwe will discipline Lesnar at all. Typically, they have suspended fighters for failed drug tests, even if they were conducted by other organizations, in the past. But first-time violators of wwe's wellness policy are usually issued a 30-day suspension which maybe they can suspend Lesnar and save a bit of money since all he is now is a money hungry behemoth! The easy pick for wwe is Lesnar losing is the best option and best for business ! Let Randy Orton win cause Lesner's image is already gone! I lost respect for this jacked up all around athlete ! If wwe can run tests more often cena, HHH, Reigns etc would be all suspended and fired by now!
Unless Randy Orton is going to return super-motivated and ready to reinvent himself completely to become a major player in WWE again, I can't see past a Brock Lesnar victory at this point.

Brock will definitely be booked like he has been, and with the added momentum due to the UFC stuff, his appearance will be greatly anticipated by the majority of fans.
Orton, on the other hand, is also returning after a long time, but it does seem as tho people will wait to see how he approaches this feud before making a judgement on him and getting interested in what he is done.

Needless to say, with the brand split starting next week, both these will be needed near or at the top of the card for it to gain the required momentum, so I do hope it isn't a totla squash and rather, we see two legends on the business go at it in an all-out match and if possible, leave us viewers wanting more.
As long as the match is booked as a 50-50 affair, then I can it being a win-win situation for all(both the guys involved, and even the other Superstars who might work with them thereafter).

With Lesnar who used enhancement performance drugs and is now making waves if wwe ignores this and become incompetent would be under strict critcism and favoring and being hippocritical if they allow Lesnar to compete in SS against Orton as I see Lesnar either suspended or have Randy Orton go over Lesnar as the best option which is best for business!
Since Brock got in trouble, I'd say Orton gets the upset win at Summerslam. However, we'll see a rematch, maybe at Hell In A Cell, Survivor Series, Royal Rumble where Brock gets the win to look strong going into WM season.

I see Orton winning at SS which is best for business now Orton has been out of action for almost a year and to have him job would not make sense at all!
I see Orton winning at SS which is best for business now Orton has been out of action for almost a year and to have him job would not make sense at all!

A loss wouldn't hurt either guy. In Orton's case, it's going to be hard to keep him out of the WWE Championship picture if he was to beat Brock, a guy who beat Dean at WM.
So far no one has acctually got the rub from beating Lesnar. Still waiting when is that gona happen.
I'm pretty sure it isn't gonna happen until his last match at Wrestlemania when his contract expires. After beating the streak they are using him to eventually make someone else. They are gonna stretch it out and use him as an unstoppable force for as long as they can.
Orton seems very motivated at this point, however, I see a Lesnar victory here, hopefully in a proper back and forth match with both guys going to their limits.
I think Bray will attack Orton after the match though. Summerslam ends with Bray standing over Orton. Keeps Orton out of the title picture.

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