WWE WTF moments


Dark Match Winner
The one that stands out the most is Chris Benoit murders. I was a huge Benoit fan and could'nt believe what happened.
Why post that? Seriously not cool. There's your WTF moment.

Now that's out of my system.

A recent WTF moment was this week's Smackdown. They debuted Alex Riley's music. They made him a Varsity Jock character so you'd think his music would fit the part.. then they send him out to the standard generic rock nonsense.

Edge vs Del Rio WM27 being the first match and the last match having a double count out in it.

David Otunga having a job. Calling Joe Henning Michael McGuillycutty. All the stupid names just for the sake of copyright control.

Zack Ryder Still not getting a push.

WWE expecting us to take Kane seriously and having him do the Santino trumpet.
could people stop bitchin about the PG era?:banghead:

Everyone has said what i was thinking, so one moment is pretty recent actually, which is Edge's retirement, I really didn't see that coming. he was a great performer, and he will be missed
The fake Razor Ramon and Diesel angle when Hall and Nash jumped to Dub C Dub. That was terrible although big ups to Kane for taking absolutely any character they offered him without question most notable a dentist with Snitsky teeth.

JR being humiliated constantly by Vince McMahon THATS the biggest WTF there ever was! The man is the greatest announcer of all time and he has been forced to join the Kiss My Ass Club, kiss Cole's feet, had a mockery made out of his colon surgery complete with JR sound bytes and fart noises, and worst of all drafting him to Smackdown only to be replaced by Cole who I like by the way but the point is everyone knows Raw is Jr and The Kings turf. Why the hell do they get so much pleasure out of making JR look like an idiot?
JR being humiliated constantly by Vince McMahon THATS the biggest WTF there ever was! The man is the greatest announcer of all time and he has been forced to join the Kiss My Ass Club, kiss Cole's feet, had a mockery made out of his colon surgery complete with JR sound bytes and fart noises, and worst of all drafting him to Smackdown only to be replaced by Cole who I like by the way but the point is everyone knows Raw is Jr and The Kings turf. Why the hell do they get so much pleasure out of making JR look like an idiot?

...why the hell does he keep comming back?
Nexus/John Cena fired, hired, slave, bigger picture angle. More of a wtf were they thinking moment, but still.

Vince buying WCW, appearing on Nitro* and Eric Bischoff on Raw hugging Vince.
Edge leaving for sure man =( and for the guys saying that McMahon is humiliating JR, you need to remember that Vince himself got his head shoved up big shows ass, shaved by donald trump, punted by Randy Orton and got his skull cracked open multiple times in the past. Hes been humiliated way more, just for the sake of the show
sorry this will be short im more then half asleep lol

1. Benoits Death i was in shock.

2. Miz cashing in MITB to become WWE Champion- huge moment

3. Edge cashing in the very first MITB case- oh come on who forget edge still had the contract? be honest lol

again sorry its so short
mine were HHH being drafted to smackdown,

Kane burning Takers coffin

Eddie's death

Owen's death

Far more then that as well i have been watching Wrestling for 20 years and always enjoyed the wtf's :)
The Montreal Screwjob. I remember watching that PPV and the ending with Vince calling for the bell left my friends and I wondering "What just happened here?" I don't think anyone saw that coming, save for the people involved (Vince, HBK, HHH, Chyna and Earl Hebner).
The only moment in WWE history that has ever made me go 'WTF' was when Chris Benoit died. My emotions were insane for that three day period. When I found out he was dead, I was very upset and emotional. When I found out what apparently happened with the double murder etc, I was torn completely. Was possibly the weirdest moment in WWE history.
for me it has to be austin turning heel at wm 17. watchin vince walk down hand him the chair then raise his hand... WTF
Mankind getting thrown off the HIAC

The first ever Inferno match. I could not believe they were using FIRE in a match

Mae Young taking a powerbomb off the stage from The Dudleyz
Benoit's death

Eddie's Death

Austin joining forces with Vince McMahon

Kane unmasking

Mankind getting thrown off Hell in a Cell

Katie Vick

J.R. kissing Cole's foot

John Cena's entire free or fired angle.

Stone Cold flipping HHH in a car upside down with a crane, and dropping it down.

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