Your favorite rivalry of the PG Era


Savior of Unwashed IWC\\\\
For the last couple of years, what has been your favorite or favorites maybe. I would definitely have to go with the Orton/Christian feud on smackdown in 2011. Christian was one of my favorite WWE superstars along with Orton, and I was extremely glad to see him in the main event. The feud was really entertaining to watch especially with Christian's "One more match" gimmick. Underrated feud. Orton/Punk, Punk/Cena (11 and 12), HBK/Jericho, Jericho/Ziggler, and DX/Legacy were also ones I can't forget for being too good. So what are yours?
Well when do you classify the PG era? If you're taking 2008-now I'd say my favorite had to be Jeff Hardy/CM Punk in 2009. I remember this feud was amazing, I'm not saying it's one of the best feuds ever but I remember liking it. Also it led to Jeff Hardy leaving and it helped put Punk over like a million bucks.

If you mean like 2010 forward I'd say Cena/Punk in 2011, but I guess that wasn't really the feud it was the Punk angle going. So scratch that I'd say Daniel Bryan/Authority. This feud made last Wrestlemania actually feel like a Wrestlemania.
IMO, John Cena vs CM Punk feud in 2011 was the best feud. Though, it may be listed in Reality Era but still it was the break from PG to Reality Era. This feud defined the Reality Era. This feud should have been a part of Wrestlemania. I liked that feud very much. It all started with the CM Punk's pipebomb promo and culminated later that year. It also contained a 5 star rated match and got attention of many fans and so many reasons to tell about. I hope Punk comes back and this feud restarts, pun intended.
The HBK vs Chris Jericho feud from 2008-2009 was the best ever IMO in the PG era.

The mic work was outstanding from both guys and they had some very memorable matches, especially that Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Championship Unforgiven 2008 (?). This truly catapulted Jericho to new heights as a heel and as a professional wrestler in general
Given I've only watched for about 1 & a half years in the PG Era, I'd say quite easily:
the SHIELD vs the Wyatt family.

It is a pity that the WWE only did that for one PPV after the fans themselves practically demanded that feud to happen with just a small tease during another seperate feud.
2008 to now guys, and I can't believe I forgot about the punk and hardy feud. Its been one of the greatest of the past 10 years and I honestly feel that it was better than the punk/cena feud IMO
I only got back into WWE full time around WM28 so for me my favourite of the PG era is The Shield Vs Evolution feud. I marked the fuck out when The Shield were getting their ass kicked in the ring then Evolutions music hit.

Also we got to badass PPV matches out of it and Seth Rollins, who everyone thought would fade out after The Shield, has gone on to become as star out of it.
This feud might not be a long one but I hoped it could've been if they had added more onto it. Uhm between CM Punk and The Shield?

The Steve Austin/Vince McMahon feud. It had so many parts, plots and sub-plots that it was exciting and difficult to try and keep up with the whole thing.

It all seemed predictable enough; we figured Austin wasn't going to physically attack a man 20 years older than him .....except that he did..... and we were subsequently sure the two wouldn't meet in an official match.....until they did. I remember being positive the scheduled contest would be interrupted before it could begin. But they fought, with McMahon taking a backward leap that put him through the announcer's AARP nightmare.

Just when I thought the Austin-McMahon fire had burned out, they started with the whole Corporation thing, the predecessor to today's Authority. Back then, Rock as a heel was the corporate champion, similar in role to today's Seth Rollins, who will wind up the champ if the Family Levesque has anything to say about it.

The way the Corporation went first against Mankind, then Austin was some of the most intriguing action I can remember, because it was still a form of Austin vs. McMahon. TV ratings reached an all-time high during this time.
HBK vs Jericho and Triple H vs Orton - no feud has been as personal as these two feuds. Played well by both sides I can't pick one over the other. Both had great moments from (Triple H breaking into Ortons house and Orton kissing steph while H was handcuffed) and (Jericho putting Michaels through the jeritron and Jericho hitting Michaels wife)

Jeff Hardy vs Cm Punk- this feud was good, and had potential to become one of the greatest rilvalries of all time, had Jeff stayed. These guys were the complete opposite and was just hitting their "prime". (As Jeff was the most liked superstar and Punk as the most hated) this feud was great and just felt so natural

HBK vs Undertaker - the build up was perfect. And the match is arguably the greatest Wrestlemania match of all time. And that was just the first match of the feud. (HBK/Taker2 & Taker vs HHH w/HBK was amazing as well.)
There are actually quite a few good feuds that have happened in the PG era. A bunch are Cena's. With Batista, Orton and Lesnar just to name a few. The Shield and Evolution was magnificent as was Orton/HHH and Shawn/Jericho. The stand-outs, in my mind, are Punk and Cena, Rock and Cena and The Authority vs Daniel Bryan.

Punk and Cena's feud was superb on so many levels. First of all, it was realistic. Cena is THE company guy and Punk was everything but. Punk thought he was the best even though Cena was portrayed as such. The pipebomb is an infamous promo that took Punk to a different level and Cena was the perfect opponent. They were a beautiful contrast and once they got in the ring it was magic. No two guys have had that kind of chemistry in a long, long time. I absolutely loved this feud.

Cena and Rock was special because if felt big. It lasted three years and it was between two of the biggest stars ever. It is a dream match that we actually got to see. That doesn't happen that often. The promos were at a standard that should be aspired too. The match at 28 was pretty good even if 29 was lousy. Big time feud with a big feel and it absolutely delivered.

Bryan vs The Authority was different. It too was realistic (a common theme) yet the lines were blurred quite often. The story from about Summerslam all the way to Wrestlemania 30 was seemingly spot on. They gave Bryan the taste after he defeated Cena only for it to be taken away. Orton was the perfect superstar to feud with because he looked the part and was HHH's boy. Triple H, of course, has the reputation of loving big guys (as does Vince) and you put that all together and you get someone that feels real.

Bryan struggling against those in power both on screen and apparently of it was an incredible journey. The fact it ended with him defeating Triple H, Randy Orton and Batista all in one night (with two top quality matches) is better than anyone cared to dream off.
Chris Jericho and shawn Michaeals best feud of pg era by far brilliant story telling, excellent matches, great promos, by two of the greatest stars it felt real and was brilliantly told and set up even the addition of the late lance Cade was good for the story, and it even included a title run for Jericho probably his best run as champion, other notable feuds the rock and cena, the nexus.
For me. It would have to be edge and taker. Has to be the greatest fued post R. Aggresion era. That fued started with the MITB cash in and ended with the hell in a cell match where taker chokeslammed edge thru the ring and straight to hell was epic. Maybe it wasnt exactly p.g era but it was close enough.
When there are multiple good answers, it's hard to pick. I think I'm going to have to go with... Adam Rose vs. the Bunny! No, no, wait, Zack Ryder vs. Creative. Hold on, hold on, Booker T'vs commentary vs. The English language! Yeah, that's it.

Ok, in all seriousness, one of the leaders has to be CM Punk vs. John Cena. Fantastic storytelling, fantastic matches. I also loved Daniel Bryan vs. The Authority. That could not have been done any better leading up to WrestleMania XXX. And finally, I think Chris Jericho is probably the master of the memorable feud now. His rivalries with Michaels, Mysterio, and Punk were all Grade A what feuds should be made of. Those would be some of the feuds on the top of my list.
I hate that I Completely forgot about Edge vs John Cena.
Edge was the first guy to get the best of Cena. Cena and Edge had an amazing rivalry that I consider to be on par with HBK/Y2J and HHH/Orton.
Throughout pro wrestling history every major babyface had a heel that they could never get rid of and Edge was the thorn in Cena's side that he could never get rid of. Cena was THE face while Edge was THE heel. Edge won his first WWE title from John Cena, and afterwards faced him in 5 other PPVs that year. Edge and Cena's rivalry led to them battling it out in all types of matches (TLC, Tables, LMS, EC, etc) with each encounter being as personal as the last.
Easily CM Punk vs. John Cena.
It was a perfect storm at the time with a rising anti-hero taking on the perceived face of the franchise. The heat on Cena at the time was perfect considering they didn't have to turn him heel at all. Just had play on the growing frustration with management and lack of direction and force shoveling Super-Cena down everyone's throat for years and years.

Add in the angle of Punk winning and then walking with the WWE title and you've got a pretty awesome situation. Both guys went all out in-ring as well to put on some tremendous matches. Guess good ole Phil can make anyone look good.
Not sure if it counts as PG Era, but Vince & Shane McMahon vs HBK & God from Backlash 2006 was too funny.
I hate that I Completely forgot about Edge vs John Cena.
Edge was the first guy to get the best of Cena. Cena and Edge had an amazing rivalry that I consider to be on par with HBK/Y2J and HHH/Orton.
Throughout pro wrestling history every major babyface had a heel that they could never get rid of and Edge was the thorn in Cena's side that he could never get rid of. Cena was THE face while Edge was THE heel. Edge won his first WWE title from John Cena, and afterwards faced him in 5 other PPVs that year. Edge and Cena's rivalry led to them battling it out in all types of matches (TLC, Tables, LMS, EC, etc) with each encounter being as personal as the last.

Edge & Cena were pretty much done before this era started. The PG era really starts at WM 24 (with the ban on blood and reduction in violence in matches). Edge/Cena was largely a 06-07 feud.
For me. It would have to be edge and taker. Has to be the greatest fued post R. Aggresion era. That fued started with the MITB cash in and ended with the hell in a cell match where taker chokeslammed edge thru the ring and straight to hell was epic. Maybe it wasnt exactly p.g era but it was close enough.

The problem is the fued basically ends when PG starts....WM 24....basically this whole feud is part of the Ruthless Agression Era that followed Attitude, the fact the final match took place at the start of a new period doesn't take away from the fact this was a feud of the previous era.
Fav pg feud cena/punk jerico/hbk was of course great but it was 2 guys from a different era,the kind of matches and how personal it got won't qualify as truly PG.
Least fav punk/orton.
Uhmmm, tough question. The fact that nothing comes to mind easily points out how unmemorable and unsignificant most feuds are. No real continuity to make a promising program to be a top tier feud.

The Punk vs Hardy comes to mind. Ambrose and Rollins. HHH vs Orton. Those ones felt really personal and were actually given a lot of time to develop, withoout distractions etc.

The problem is that there were so many feuds that could have turned out to be really good, but given the bad booking, they didn't. Best scenario is probably Cena and Punk. The main story started at MitB and the Raws prior to that, they had excellent matches all around, great promos etc, but not really a long time feud with back and forth action etc. It was just one title match, the rematch, and that's that. They feuded again a year later, because of the title. They never really butted heads, because it was personal, so I can't include that in my favorite feud, even though it had the potential to probably overtake any feud, maybe in the history.
Big fan of piper/hogan. That's a classic. Love Bret/Owen hart for sure, but my favorite is probably savage vs. flair. Incredible personal stuff there.

Oh, but I'm guessing the original poster thinks pg is a new thing for wrestling. So in that misinformed view, cena/ punk most likely.
Other than a 4 year stretch wwe/f was always pg but if were counting post attitude era i love the hhh/michaels/benoit. This feud had 3 great wrestlers that ask worked well together. Plus this feud helped cement the legacy of benoit before he tarnished it himself. If that is considered ruthless aggression era then either michaels/jericho or taker/michaels. Also enjoyed Christian/Orton

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