A few religious questions.

The only time I'd wear a trenchcoat is if I was a cop and I had one of those big leather ones. Or if I was a super hero with a dark side.
While he may not have had much behind it, his explanation is one of the better ones of religion.

With the fossil records and things of the such you can't just discredit evolution, or how old the Earth is, and all those grand things. So the concept that the Bible is actually a reference book meant to teach morals instead of literal facts and that a God set up the world to play out its own course is much more "realistic" then to have said everything we know of Science to be false.

I'm an atheist, mind you. Maybe Agnostic depending on the day.

Now this is impossible. Atheism is the act of complete NONbelief in any supreme being, or to a lesser extent, we'll just say GOD.
Agnosticism is the belief in SOMETHING, while not defining what said belief is in. If you're "sometimes" an agnostic, you're an agnostic. JGlass actually is the first person I've ever seen use the word "antitheist", which is exciting. I myself am an antitheist. There's basically nothing you can show me that
could ever make me believe their is any form of higher power.

Now, onto the OP's questions, since what I just replied to may not be hailed as relevant.

1. As already pointed out, it said greatly increases. Many people have also pointed out that our increased labour pain during birth is caused by the fact that evolution has allowed us to have the anthropomorphic figures we now embody, therefore childbirth is much more painful. Over the course of several more thousand years, if humans still exist, child bearing will become less and less painful, as evolution never stops.

2. As also said, God would not become involved in said war. Satan is a being, just as we all are. God (apparently) will not just invoke his resentful will upon a being, for any reason (so says the new testament.) The idea is that good will always win, hell will be abolished, along with all the souls that reside there. The war is meant to be an end to humanity as we know it, the "final judgment", and, just like in the movies, if you're not one of the good guys, you're pretty much fucked.

3. Sin was never defied as breaking THE law. It's more breaking GOD'S law. There are plenty of laws in place that I'm sure won't get you sent to hell. One being playing the bagpipes in public after 11PM in... Wisconsin? I think that's where that silly law is. I may be wrong. There are many revisions of the "commandments" as well as teachings on what is considered sin throughout the various versions of the bible. That's where the issue lies, what is sin to some, is not to others. Technically, it's very hard to define what actually IS considered SIN. I haven't read the bible in a LONG time, so it's hard for me to add much more. I can't exactly swing quotes at you like some people in here can, as much as I wish I could.

Like I said, I don't believe in God, and infact think religion is silly. My personal belief is that it was merely a way to keep order amongst chaos. For so long we had no way to contest what these teachings said, so they became engrained in our very beings, and to this day have a strong presence in society, to the point of when we could disprove almost everything the book says, people continue to agree with hearsay as opposed to unrelenting fact. Just my two cents.

P.S. I only read the first two pages before posting, I'm not looking to argue with anyone here. I respect all beliefs whether they are in line with mine or not. Totally wish people liked me enough to let me in on that badass trenchcoat discussion too, but alas...
Unnecessary. I already look like Wolverine what with being short, wide, hairy and having muttonchops.
I would have a hoody on underneath it, so I could have a trenchcoat AND a hood over my head, for maximum creepy effect
Norcal, ever the WZ fashion plate
The rate at which this thread turned from Bible discussion to Trenchcoat fashion was mind-bending.

P.S- Xemnas got good.

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