A few religious questions.

Serious Mozzarella

Special Victims Unit
So I have a few religious questions, if anyone would like to take a swing at answering:

1. Do other mammals have pregnancy/labor pains? Why would they, if labor pains were God's punishment to Eve for fucking around in the Garden of Eden?

2. Why would there be a "battle" on Earth between Heaven and Hell when God can just kind of snap his fingers at Satan out of existence?

3. Sin is defined as breaking the law, rejecting God, or breaking one of the Ten Commandments. Homosexuality. Swearing. Sex for pleasure. These are not sins, according to the Bible.

So what am I missing here?
The only thing I know the answer to is number 3. Those things are sins. There are many more commandments then the original 10, those are the only ones that made Moses's stone tablets. In fact, I'm pretty sure there are like, over 700 of them. A lot of them are stupid, like don't eat creepy crawlies or have threesomes.
Well, the Bible never addresses animals having labor pains. One can only assume that humans were blessed before Eve fucked up.

About sin. Defying God is another way of "Rejecting God". God says no to all those things. And yes, the Bible clearly states that those are sins.

And just to add another question, kind of streaming off your second question. Why would we worry about going to Hell if God's just going to destroy and the people who went to Hell would end up in Heaven anyways?
So I have a few religious questions, if anyone would like to take a swing at answering:

1. Do other mammals have pregnancy/labor pains? Why would they, if labor pains were God's punishment to Eve for fucking around in the Garden of Eden?

I don't know for sure, but the principal reason women have labour pains is because a human baby has to have a massive head to have its brain in it. Look at a baby calf, you'll see a proportioned small cow. Look at a baby, and you see a massive head on a tiny body.

2. Why would there be a "battle" on Earth between Heaven and Hell when God can just kind of snap his fingers at Satan out of existence?

Satan doesn't live in hell, he lives on earth, common misconception there. Anyway, God allows Satan to exist so that people can decide to choose right or wrong. There would be a battle because God himself wouldn't get involved, he would just let good triumph over evil.

3. Sin is defined as breaking the law, rejecting God, or breaking one of the Ten Commandments. Homosexuality. Swearing. Sex for pleasure. These are not sins, according to the Bible.

So what am I missing here?

All of those things are condemned in the bible, as per God's word, so they are sinful. As sinful as eating shellfish, which is also "an abomination".
To add to the op questions I got a question for any religious people out there if god created the heavens and the earth the stars and the planets the galaxies and the universes who or what created god?
1) Gen 3:16 "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children." It says greatly increase not that there wasn't already pain in labour before, just the pain would increase.

2) What Tasty said

3) Sex for pleasure I belive is rather encourages, just not outside of marriage. There's more to the law in the Bible than 10 commandments.

4) The same thing that created the particles that caused the big bang :rolleyes:
Apparently only humans actually have labour pains, well to the same extent at least. Part of our package deal for evolving and ending up walking on two legs.
I don't know for sure, but the principal reason women have labour pains is because a human baby has to have a massive head to have its brain in it. Look at a baby calf, you'll see a proportioned small cow. Look at a baby, and you see a massive head on a tiny body.
Tasty is spot on, in fact, were our heads not so ginourmous, humans would actually preferentially gestate for about 12 months.
So I have a few religious questions, if anyone would like to take a swing at answering:

1. Do other mammals have pregnancy/labor pains? Why would they, if labor pains were God's punishment to Eve for fucking around in the Garden of Eden?

2. Why would there be a "battle" on Earth between Heaven and Hell when God can just kind of snap his fingers at Satan out of existence?

3. Sin is defined as breaking the law, rejecting God, or breaking one of the Ten Commandments. Homosexuality. Swearing. Sex for pleasure. These are not sins, according to the Bible.

So what am I missing here?

1.have you ever seen them give birth? They seem pretty chill.

2. Dunno

3. yea, they arent. Pretty much everything else was added in by people of the time to keep others from having too much fun or not acting the way they wanted them too. Major, major problem with religion, that arrogant humans try to abuse it and slip in what THEY think is right, and pass it off as God's word to keep people from doing certain things. There is actually scripture that says some men are born with no sexual interest in women and that they are welcome in the kingdom of heaven.....But people who are bigot fucks wouldnt cite those, becuase it wouldnt support how they wanted people to act
1.have you ever seen them give birth? They seem pretty chill.

2. Dunno

3. yea, they arent. Pretty much everything else was added in by people of the time to keep others from having too much fun or not acting the way they wanted them too. Major, major problem with religion, that arrogant humans try to abuse it and slip in what THEY think is right, and pass it off as God's word to keep people from doing certain things. There is actually scripture that says some men are born with no sexual interest in women and that they are welcome in the kingdom of heaven.....But people who are bigot fucks wouldnt cite those, becuase it wouldnt support how they wanted people to act

Matthew 19:11-13 and Is 56:3-5
You could ask an atheist what caused the Big Bang and have them equally stumped.

Ultimate Hitman green repped me for this comment, but since I'm mad at him for insinuating that I'm going to hell for not believing in God, I figured I'd answer my own question.

The answer is that the Universe was always there, just not in this state. Before the Big Bang the Universe was in an extremely condensed and extremely hot state, and then the Big Bang occurred and everything within this extremely dense body exploded and expanded across space.

Now this still begs the question, how did that dense state get there? The answer is simple, it was always there. The reason religion was created was to answer the questions that we didn't/don't know the answers to, specifically where did we come from and where do we go when we die? Religion was created to help us fill in the unknown and to enable us to make sense of things that don't make sense.

But now that we have science to answer these questions for us, religion is put at odds with everything science has told us. Not only that, but it has sort of given us preconceived notions about the way things work in the Universe. It's drilled into our heads that everything has to have been created by something, when in reality, perhaps everything we see has really been here all along. Perhaps time has no beginning and no ending. While the theory that time is linear is pretty much accepted across both religious and scientific communities, time being linear doesn't mean there's a beginning and an end, as any 10th grade geometry student can tell you, there are lines that go on forever (that's why they make you draw those arrows on either end when you chart them). Perhaps time is one of those lines that travels on forever in both directions?

Hopefully this clears up the Big Bang theory for you and has helped you make some more sense of where all this comes from. Then again, maybe you think I'm full of shit, and that's okay too. Either way, the whole debate really boils down to whether or not Universe has always been in existence. Science says yes, religion say no, it's up to the individual to decide who is right.
The sex thing, I really sort of struggle with.

Most animals just run around tearing it up, since that is their nature. Our nature is the same, so why are we to deny natural things that drive us as humans? Keep in mind, those same animals, once they find a "mate" do not stray from that one, and furthermore, a lot of times, lose interest in any other mating or in life itself once their mate dies.

Soooooo. yea, I dont know. I know I feel really weird after I fuck a girl I dont like, soooo I would just rather not feel that feeling. but in general, im really unsure, as long as everyone involved is comfortable with the situation and understands it
Adam and Eve ate the apples. The punishment for the women were labor pains while the punishment for men was having to deal with women. God just hates the gays because they found a loophole by just fucking each other.

Clearly joking. Daniel Tosh, FTW
The thing I always say about the sex thing is this:

There are only a coule of mentions of sex ebfore marriage being a sin in the Bible and it's blown out of proportion. Now at the time of the Bible people would get married when they were about 14/15 under Jewish law a man's a man at 13. Obviously in our culture it's 20's when most marriages happen (even later now!) yet we still get our hormonal urges at 14/15 and by 18 it's pretty much needed to have sex. If I was in Bible times by the age of 18 'll have been married ...different cultures, different times!
1. Do other mammals have pregnancy/labor pains?

Aren't humans the only species have need help delivering a baby? Don't all animals do it by themselves? Or are there any kangaroo obstetricians? Lions? Tigers? Bears?

Does a female dog in labor shout at the male canine that impregnated her?: "You did this to me, you son of a bitch!"

As NorCal said, we don't know what animals feel while giving birth, but even if a female wanted to ask for an epidural during labor, how would she do it?

2. Why would there be a "battle" on Earth between Heaven and Hell when God can just kind of snap his fingers at Satan out of existence?

If Satan is a part of God's overall plan, why would he snap his fingers to get rid of him? He wants the Devil to hang around, making life miserable for others creatures God created.

It reminds me of an argument inherent on the TV series; "True Blood." Many religious people on the show feel that God hates vampires and will damn them for existing the way they do. But consider; if God created all things, he created vampires too, right? And he made it so they can't subsist by eating food; they can exist only by drinking human blood. So, if God made them that way, why would he want to damn them for being what he intended they be?

It's God's game and he runs it the way he wants. Personally, I think he could kick Satan's ass in a Cage Match at Wrestlemania. God always wins.

Talk about a WM streak.

3. Sin is defined as breaking the law, rejecting God, or breaking one of the Ten Commandments. Homosexuality. Swearing. Sex for pleasure. These are not sins, according to the Bible.

There are major and minor sins. The small ones might not get you sent straight to Hell. Maybe it's like the driver's exam in my state; On the road test, one major violation and you fail......but you can have three minor ones before you flunk.

The only problem with sin is that you don't know exactly who's grading you and which sins offend them most; it might not be the ones you think. Dangerous thing to guess at.

Better not to sin at all, if you can help it...... and good luck with that.
Aren't humans the only species have need help delivering a baby? Don't all animals do it by themselves? Or are there any kangaroo obstetricians? Lions? Tigers? Bears?

Does a female dog in labor shout at the male canine that impregnated her?: "You did this to me, you son of a bitch!"

As NorCal said, we don't know what animals feel while giving birth, but even if a female wanted to ask for an epidural during labor, how would she do it?

Humans don't need help delivering a baby. We've been doing it for a few million years without help. However, we've found ways to make it easier and more sterile both for the mother and the baby.

If Satan is a part of God's overall plan, why would he snap his fingers to get rid of him? He wants the Devil to hang around, making life miserable for others creatures God created.

It reminds me of an argument inherent on the TV series; "True Blood." Many religious people on the show feel that God hates vampires and will damn them for existing the way they do. But consider; if God created all things, he created vampires too, right? And he made it so they can't subsist by eating food; they can exist only by drinking human blood. So, if God made them that way, why would he want to damn them for being what he intended they be?

But God's "plan" could also be done with the snap of a finger (so to speak), without the slaughter of billions of innocent people.

It's God's game and he runs it the way he wants. Personally, I think he could kick Satan's ass in a Cage Match at Wrestlemania. God always wins.

Talk about a WM streak.


Sure he did. God's already 1-0 in the career v. streak match. Now Satan's got his own little promotion.

There are major and minor sins. The small ones might not get you sent straight to Hell.

Maybe it's like the driver's exam in my state; On the road test, one major violation and you fail......but you can have three minor ones before you flunk.

That... goes completely against what the Bible says. A sin is a sin, and if you don't repent, Hell's waiting.

Better not to sin at all, if you can help it...... and good luck with that.

Isn't that impossible, though?
Humans don't need help delivering a baby. We've been doing it for a few million years without help. However, we've found ways to make it easier and more sterile both for the mother and the baby.

We haven't been around for a few million years.

But God's "plan" could also be done with the snap of a finger (so to speak), without the slaughter of billions of innocent people.

According to the bible, God gave all his creations free will. These atrocities are not acts of God, but acts of his creations.


Sure he did. God's already 1-0 in the career v. streak match. Now Satan's got his own little promotion.

I don't know, I always took Undertaker to be hell's representative in the WWE, and he's doing alright for himself. Maybe God will be the one to end the streak?

That... goes completely against what the Bible says. A sin is a sin, and if you don't repent, Hell's waiting.

Some forms of Christianity say if you committed a major sin it's too late and you're going to hell. Some forms of Christianity say if you just say a few Hail Marys you're good to go. Some forms of Christianity don't even believe in hell. The bible is interpreted many different ways.

Isn't that impossible, though?

Depends. Not all branches of Christianity believe in original sin, Judaism doesn't, and I'm fairly sure Islam doesn't either. From there it is most certainly possible to live a life without sin, but definitely not probable.
We haven't been around for a few million years.

You're right, just looked it up. ~200,000 years.

According to the bible, God gave all his creations free will. These atrocities are not acts of God, but acts of his creations.

I'm not talking about war, murder, etc. I'm talking about God intentionally killing everyone on earth except for Noah and his family. Then natural disasters. And disease. And the prophecies yet to be fulfilled.

Some forms of Christianity say if you committed a major sin it's too late and you're going to hell. Some forms of Christianity say if you just say a few Hail Marys you're good to go. Some forms of Christianity don't even believe in hell. The bible is interpreted many different ways.

I don't like the idea that one religion can be so divided in their fundamental beliefs and still be counted as one single religion. But nothing I can do about that, I guess.

Depends. Not all branches of Christianity believe in original sin, Judaism doesn't, and I'm fairly sure Islam doesn't either. From there it is most certainly possible to live a life without sin, but definitely not probable.

What are the branches of Christianity that don't believe in original sin? That's like... explicitly explained in the Bible.
1. Yes. Because the Bible is bullshit.
2. Because Christians like war. Duh. :p
3. You're missing the part where the Catholic church implament these rules becuase the personally though Jesus would cry if we did those things. Remember that freedom and pleasure are bad to most religions. XD
1. Yes. Because the Bible is bullshit.
2. Because Christians like war. Duh. :p
3. You're missing the part where the Catholic church implament these rules becuase the personally though Jesus would cry if we did those things. Remember that freedom and pleasure are bad to most religions. XD

We now return to our civil and intelligent discussion, already in progress.
You're right, just looked it up. ~200,000 years.

There ya go.

I'm not talking about war, murder, etc. I'm talking about God intentionally killing everyone on earth except for Noah and his family. Then natural disasters. And disease. And the prophecies yet to be fulfilled.

I've said for a long time that if God is real and the Bible is true, then God's an asshole. I suppose the logic behind this is rather than encroaching on free will God decided to wipe the slate clean.

I don't like the idea that one religion can be so divided in their fundamental beliefs and still be counted as one single religion. But nothing I can do about that, I guess.

I don't think hell is considered a fundamental belief. I think the fundamental belief has to do with that Jesus guy.

What are the branches of Christianity that don't believe in original sin? That's like... explicitly explained in the Bible.

I'm fairly certain many protestant forms of Christianity don't believe in original sin. I could be wrong though.


Sweet Christmas, that man is an idiot. I love how he asked a question nearly anybody with even a remote interest in the extraterrestrial could answer.

:3 I can't pass up the opportunity to shit on the bible.

Aren't you supposed to be one of the CLS's top guys? Shouldn't you be trying to promote intellectual discussion rather than shit on people for their beliefs? I'm an antitheist myself, but I try not to shit on people for believing what they do.

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