WWE Money In The Bank - Money In The Bank Ladder Match

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A big announcement was made a little bit ago on Main Event. Seth Rollins announced that there will be a second ladder match at the MITB ppv and this one will be the traditional Money in the Bank ladder match. Rollins also announced himself as the first participant.

I'm guessing other participants will be announced later at the SmackDown! tapings tonight, Raw this Monday and possibly the SD! tapings for next week.
Cool. They can hold off Rollins vs. Ambrose and Reigns vs. Orton for Battleground and continue building toward those two matches in both Money in the Bank's. Also would be stupid if they didn't have an actual MiTB match at the Money in the Bank PPV. The WWE Title match is really a 7-Man Ladder match for the belt.

I'm guessing the participants will mostly consist of the losers from the qualifying matches - Bad News Barrett, Rob Van Dam, Dolph Ziggler, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Big E Langston. Would be good if Triple H took Cesaro out of the WWE Title match, replaced him with Kane, and put him in this one instead but I don't know how they can pull that one off without a good reason.
Nice. I was worried we wouldn't have a briefcase holder this year. That's always one of the most exciting times of the wrestling year, when the MITB winner cashes in. Really glad they made this decision. I think Bad News Barrett will end up in the match and win.
My hope is that Dolph Ziggler gets into this match and wins it. Then Randy Orton regains the title in the main event, and Ziggler cashes in on him right after to become WWE World Heavyweight Champion, and has the title reign a concussion robbed him of last year.
Wouldn't be surprised if Rollins wins MITB, Reigns wins the World title & Rollins immediately cashes in on Reigns.
Wouldn't be surprised if Rollins wins MITB, Reigns wins the World title & Rollins immediately cashes in on Reigns.

Seth Rollins as the WWE WHC! Really? He hasn't even held the IC title yet, he isn't "big" or otherwise "impressive-looking", and has not done half of the cool things CM Punk had within 2 years of his debut(as a solo performer, that is). He certainly isn't half as cool a heel as CM Punk was, since it has been what- 2 weeks since he went solo? It'd be one of the stupidest mistakes if the WWE actually gave the title to Rollins at this juncture.
Seth Rollins as the WWE WHC! Really? He hasn't even held the IC title yet, he isn't "big" or otherwise "impressive-looking", and has not done half of the cool things CM Punk had within 2 years of his debut (as a solo performer, that is). He certainly isn't half as cool a heel as CM Punk was, since it has been what- 2 weeks since he went solo? It'd be one of the stupidest mistakes if the WWE actually gave the title to Rollins at this juncture.

I never said it was my idea, but I still wouldn't be surprised if that's what the E did given their, shall we say, creative bipolar.
Seth Rollins as the WWE WHC! Really? He hasn't even held the IC title yet, he isn't "big" or otherwise "impressive-looking", and has not done half of the cool things CM Punk had within 2 years of his debut(as a solo performer, that is). He certainly isn't half as cool a heel as CM Punk was, since it has been what- 2 weeks since he went solo? It'd be one of the stupidest mistakes if the WWE actually gave the title to Rollins at this juncture.

How have you even found a way to make this about CM Punk?

Anyway, I also think Rollins will win this. It might even hurt his push for anyone else to do so (as much as I'd love BnB to win it, but he'll do fine continuing a strong IC title reign). I don't think he'll cash in immediately on Reigns though, I think they'll establish Reigns as a strong champion with a feud with Orton first, if they choose to do that.
Here's my question:
For the Title match, do you have to pull down both belts to win???

I bet a scenario will happen where Orton grabs one belt while Reigns/Cena grab the other belt at the same time and they will both be declared the winner, and then at summer slam have them face each other to get the undisputed champ.
A big announcement was made a little bit ago on Main Event. Seth Rollins announced that there will be a second ladder match at the MITB ppv and this one will be the traditional Money in the Bank ladder match. Rollins also announced himself as the first participant.

I'm guessing other participants will be announced later at the SmackDown! tapings tonight, Raw this Monday and possibly the SD! tapings for next week.
I think it has been handled well in terms of the timing of the announcement.

For one, having it done on Main Event, will give Network Subscribers some sense of reward as the show is carried on the Network and it also is good that WWE seems to be willing to not just leave the show to wrestling content alone.

Also, the WWE now has a couple of weeks to build the WWE WHC match with the contenders already announced, whilst the announcement of the MitB match means that the Briefcase contenders will now also get some sort of focus.

With Seth Rollins already a part of it, many will deem him as a possible favourite for the briefcase from the getgo. Bad News Barrett is also a huge favourite according to many as it does seem that both MidCard titles won't be up for grabs going forward.

Since Rollins is in the Briefcase match, I expect Ambrose to eventually follow him in, and more than likely, due to his continued involvement with the Shield and the fact that on RAW Ambrose came back and laid him out, BNB being added also isn't a far-fetched idea at all.

I'll just give my predictions for possible participants:

Seth Rollins(Already IN)
Dean Ambrose
Bad News Barrett
Rob Van Dam
Dolph Ziggler
Bo Dallas/Rusev
Here's my question:
For the Title match, do you have to pull down both belts to win???

I bet a scenario will happen where Orton grabs one belt while Reigns/Cena grab the other belt at the same time and they will both be declared the winner, and then at summer slam have them face each other to get the undisputed champ.

I'd rather see the match end that way, but then go back to two separate titles. I've always been against unifying them and I still feel WWE has WAY too much top talent for only one title. If the last few months have done anything, it's hopefully shown WWE what a mistake they made by unifying the championships.
How have you even found a way to make this about CM Punk?

Anyway, I also think Rollins will win this. It might even hurt his push for anyone else to do so (as much as I'd love BnB to win it, but he'll do fine continuing a strong IC title reign). I don't think he'll cash in immediately on Reigns though, I think they'll establish Reigns as a strong champion with a feud with Orton first, if they choose to do that.

Well, rest assured I'm not one of those guys who keeps bringing/missing CM Punk or makes CM Punk threads(even though I consider myself to be a huge CM Punk fan). The connection or association between Punk and Rollins seems to come naturally to me, and to many, especially judging by the way Rollins looks(reminds us of Punk with long hair), they're both around the same stature. It's really no biggie. Heck, there was even a bash-CM Punk thread created about a week ago that basically said that Seth Rollins has replaced Punk, or is the perfect replacement for Punk, though that was a rather gross exaggeration and misrepresentation.

I assert a comparison because I see Rollins as the second version of Punk(not necessarily better than, inferior to, or equal to him), considering Punk being the first 6-ft-tall-non-beefy-Indy wrestler-who-became-very-successful prototype. Sure, Rollins has a different wrestling style , a different voice, but I think Rollins can be very successful if they model his career trajectory in a way they did Punk's. That's another matter whether Rollins has originality, the ability to be on even half the level as a heel as was Punk. But basically my point was that when Rollins has barely been a solo wrestler for 2 weeks, it'd be an improbability and a mistake to make him WWE WHC at this juncture.
ah, interesting. Welp, no Rollins/Ambrose at this PPV then! Which I think is good, they can stretch the feud out until Summerslam. I'm sure both will cost the other the briefcase at some point during the match. Rollins might win it and get a short title reign somewhere but I'd say Barrett is far more likely. No one else is credible right?
Looking at the options for this match, I'd like to see Barrett take the briefcase.

WWE are high on him right now and out of the so called 'midcarders' available for this match - he's the only one I can see being a credible challenge to the WHC in the next year (that's not to say that guys like Ambrose, Rollins, Rusev etc won't be eventually).

BNB wins it, then drops the IC title at Summerslam. Then sometime in the future, the current champ has an epic match - then before the show closes, BNB appears on the ramp, briefcase held high

"(Insert current champ), I'm afraid I've got some bad news...." - cash in, bang, top quality entertainment
The connection or association between Punk and Rollins seems to come naturally to me, and to many, especially judging by the way Rollins looks(reminds us of Punk with long hair), they're both around the same stature.

I assert a comparison because I see Rollins as the second version of Punk(not necessarily better than, inferior to, or equal to him), considering Punk being the first 6-ft-tall-non-beefy-Indy wrestler-who-became-very-successful prototype. Sure, Rollins has a different wrestling style , a different voice, but I think Rollins can be very successful if they model his career trajectory in a way they did Punk's. That's another matter whether Rollins has originality, the ability to be on even half the level as a heel as was Punk. But basically my point was that when Rollins has barely been a solo wrestler for 2 weeks, it'd be an improbability and a mistake to make him WWE WHC at this juncture.

There are definitely comparisons to be made but as I think I said in that other thread that you were referring to, it doesn't do Rollins any favours to be compared to CM Punk and I view them as different enough to not find the comparisons justifiable, especially when comparing their WWE careers so far.

I'm with you in that modelling Rollins' career trajectory after Punk's could be a method for success; but I think that could be said for many individuals that you look to push. I'm also with you in saying that it would be a mistake to have Rollins anywhere near the WWE WHC at this point in time. Before the Money in the Bank contract ladder match was announced I could have seen a triple threat match between BnB, Rollins, and Ambrose for the IC title (saving Rollins v Ambrose as a singles match for Battleground or SummerSlam).

WWE do have to be careful when pushing these new stars, because as we know overpushing them too soon can be detrimental to their careers (Ziggler, Sandow, etc).

I agree with and like the list of potential superstars to compete in this match posted by larisano on the first page.
So this is what I've been thinking, just speculation mind you..

Obviously once d-bry comes back his going to have his title shot. No matter what, a heel will win the actual MITB match. As soon as Bryan wins it back. BOOM. cash in. Again Bryan getting held back.

That was my first thought.
Second thought..

Cesaro, right about to get the championship and Heyman turns on him (like he did with punk)
Immediate face turn for cesaro + gets his match against the real Paul Heyman guy, the man who concurred the undertakers streak at wrestlemania, BROOOOCKKKKK LESSSSSNARRRRR.

Who knows, I'm really looking forward to this!
With the exception of Lockdown, I'm just not a fan of repeat gimmick matches on the same card. Honestly I'm not even a big fan of Money in the Bank. I feel it forces creatives hand and the back fires out weigh the gains. I do realize I'm in the major minority in my thinking and this is a very exciting event for a lot of inividuals. To really maximize the excitment they should hold the traditional style MitB the following night on RAW. This allows the Title match to have its full spot light and provides a major boots the following night.
Seth Rollins is announced so I am guessing that leaves 6 spaces so they have 7 like in the Title Match.

Personally I think we will see:

Seth Rollins
Dean Ambrose
Dolph Ziggler
Jack Swagger
Bo Dallas
Kofi Kingston

Ambrose makes sense as he is feuding with Rollins and will not have anything to do. Ziggler is doing absolute zilch at the moment, but is a good worker so having him in this match makes sense for him and as a former Champion adds a bit of prestige. Jack Swagger is the same reasons as Ziggler. Bo Dallas just fits this type of match. He could make a name for himself with a solid performance. Kofi always performs in these type of matches so he will be the spot monkey. This match also suits RVD and again adds a little more star power as a former Champion. I think the Briefcase already has Rollins name on it.

Kane was mean't to be in a title match against Bryan, not sure why he isn't in the Title match, maybe he could be added but do not see him added to the Briefcase match.

I would like to see Bad News Barrett in this but he is already the IC Champion so he needs to carry this instead of the Briefcase.

Rusev will probably have a match with someone. I would like to see Big Show challenge him and put Rusev over.

I am actually looking forward to this PPV. It looks a really solid card so far. I just hope they fill it with strong matches.
First off, I love the fact that they are having the two matches, everyone should get their money's worth and more talent can be featured on the PPV Card.

That being said, I am a little more interested in the MITB match than the WWE WHC ladder match. More athletic, young talent to showcase thier abilities and hopefully push 1-2 guys into main event status.

In a perfect world the match would include:
Seth Rollins
Dean Ambrose
Kofi Kingston
The Miz
Dolph Ziggler
Bad News Barrett

I wouldnt mind anyone in that match winning the case, with the exception of RVD, but in all reality its going to be Rollins or Barrett IMO. Hopefully its Barrett as I think he has put in his time and worked to get where he is today and has the look of a main event heel.
First things first. Thank the flying spaghetti monster for that. A mitb ppv with no mitb match would of brought ahead an easy storyline opportunity, wasted.

My idea participants for this would be;

Rollins - he's already there. He makes sense anyway.

Ambrose - You, right now, couldn't have Reigns fighting for the WWE whc, and Rollins fighting for the case without having Ambrose in there too.

Kofi - The other match won't be quite as anarchistic as this one. This needs to have heavy spots to wow the audience. Let's have a proper spot king involved.

Bad News Barrett - For all of the "bad news" segments. Could you imagine Cesaro winning the title and Barrett, the case? Probably not, but it'd make a great 'what if?'

Dolph - A spot king and a bump king. Allow Dolph to take the worst of it.

Damien Sandow - He's last years winner and a dark horse. Let him in

Cody/stardust - Cody has always put in amazing performances in the ladder match and is the definition of someone who could use elevation. Allow him to fight for the case.

Winner: I wouldn't look past Rollins. Let's look at it.

1. There's a year to cash in. Rollins could easily grab the IC in that time and lose it again.

2. I wouldn't be surprised to see Orton win the WWE WHC. Then evolution truly have the past (15 time world chanp, HHH), The present (current WWE WHC, Randy Orton) and future (Mr money in the bank, Seth Rollins). Orton and evolution have the MOST set up for future matches (Batista at SS, Bryan upon return, Cena, Reigns, Ambrose), so keeping the world title between them makes sense to me.
I'll be honest with you. I'm kinda bummed that Cesaro isn't in this match. There's no way he is winning the World title ladder match, and I would have loved to see him win the briefcase and drop it to Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam just so Brock can return for a surprise cash in during the Road to WrestleMania.

Here are my choices for the Money in the Bank match:

• Dolph Ziggler
• Bo Dallas
• Dean Ambrose
• Seth Rollins
• Kofi Kingston
• Bad News Barrett
• Jack Swagger
• Rusev

I think Dean Ambrose should win the briefcase. Roman is going to be pushed at the main event level and Seth is the Authority's new "chosen one", so both of them are going to be pushed and Dean might be lost in the shuffle. I'd love to see Dean win the briefcase to keep the spotlight on him for a while.

I'd like to see Dolph and Bo begin a feud during the ladder match leading to a match at Battleground. Kofi is always one of the best performers in a multi-man matches and needs to be showcased more often. I'd like to see him be pushed a little for the match and moved back up the card. Barrett of course would be the favorite going in so he's there to lead people into a false sense of predictability. As for Jack, I'd love to see him turn face against Rusev during the match, leading to a match at Battleground between The All American American vs. The Bulgarian Brute.

Side-Note: If I was booking both ladder matches, I would have booked them like this:

All Star Money in the Bank Ladder match for the World Heavyweight Championship (Former World Champions and Money in the Bank winners)
• Rob Van Dam
• John Cena
• Dolph Ziggler
• Randy Orton
• The Miz
• Kane
• Jack Swagger
• Alberto Del Rio

Money in the Bank Ladder match for the traditional briefcase
• Roman Reigns
• Dean Ambrose
• Kofi Kingston
• Jack Swagger
• Cesaro
• Seth Rollins
• Bo Dallas
• Rusev
Side-Note: If I was booking both ladder matches, I would have booked them like this:

All Star Money in the Bank Ladder match for the World Heavyweight Championship (Former World Champions and Money in the Bank winners)
• Rob Van Dam
• John Cena
• Dolph Ziggler
• Randy Orton
• The Miz
• Kane
• Jack Swagger
• Alberto Del Rio

Money in the Bank Ladder match for the traditional briefcase
• Roman Reigns
• Dean Ambrose
• Kofi Kingston
• Jack Swagger
• Cesaro
• Seth Rollins
• Bo Dallas
• Rusev

Why do you have Jack Swagger in both matches? Personally I'd put Swagger in the match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, since he's both a Money in the Bank Winner AND a multiple time World Champion.

Mine would be:

Ladder Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship:

1 - John Cena
2 - Randy Orton
3 - The Miz
4 - Alberto Del Rio
5 - Jack Swagger
6 - Kane
7 - Dolph Ziggler
8 - Rob Van Dam
9 - Christian (if he can compete, otherwise replace him with Sheamus)
10 - The Big Show

Money in the Bank Ladder Match:

1 - Antonio Cesaro
2 - Bray Wyatt
3 - Roman Reigns
4 - Dean Ambrose
5 - Seth Rollins
6 - Bad News Barrett
7 - Kofi Kingston
8 - Sheamus (unless he is in the above match, otherwise replace him with a low midcarder like R-Truth)
The way it's looking now, just guessing based on last night's SmackDown!, I think the final field will be:

Dean Ambrose
Dolph Ziggler
Rob Van Dam
Seth Rollins
Bad News Barrett
Big E

There could be a SLIGHT, a miniscule possibility, of there being a surprise entrant in the match with that entrant being Daniel Bryan, though I wouldn't hold my breath. Still, considering how Triple H likes to spring surprises up every now and again that nobody sees coming, Bryan being in this match would fit right up there.

I can see why some feel that Cesaro should be in this match, possibly Bray Wyatt as well, while Kane could be added to the WWE WHC ladder match for the primary purpose of "helping" Randy Orton try to secure victory per orders of The Authority. At the same time though, the fact that the WWE WHC match has several fresh faced in it who have had a lot of momentum brought about by strong booking gives it some unpredictability.

I'd still like to see an MITB match at some point down the line for one of the mid-card titles or an MITB bout to unify the titles, if WWE ever decides to head down that road. I just think it's a good use of the concept since it's never been used for a mid-card title.
The way it's looking now, just guessing based on last night's SmackDown!, I think the final field will be:

Dean Ambrose
Dolph Ziggler
Rob Van Dam
Seth Rollins
Bad News Barrett
Big E

There could be a SLIGHT, a miniscule possibility, of there being a surprise entrant in the match with that entrant being Daniel Bryan, though I wouldn't hold my breath. Still, considering how Triple H likes to spring surprises up every now and again that nobody sees coming, Bryan being in this match would fit right up there.

I can see why some feel that Cesaro should be in this match, possibly Bray Wyatt as well, while Kane could be added to the WWE WHC ladder match for the primary purpose of "helping" Randy Orton try to secure victory per orders of The Authority. At the same time though, the fact that the WWE WHC match has several fresh faced in it who have had a lot of momentum brought about by strong booking gives it some unpredictability.

I'd still like to see an MITB match at some point down the line for one of the mid-card titles or an MITB bout to unify the titles, if WWE ever decides to head down that road. I just think it's a good use of the concept since it's never been used for a mid-card title.

Now that the WWE Title is unified, there is no way the US and IC belts will be. WWE have recently started to take notice and put the belts on two legit mid/main eventers. They don't come much better at mid card level than Barrett and Sheamus.

I think WWE needs both of these belts and as long as there is credibility and focus I don't see any reason to take one of them away. The roster is just too big and it was because of the WWE and World Titles that the IC and US were deemed afterthoughts. The World Title was treat as the US Title which made the latter redundant in my opinion.
After the announcement of the participants, it's pretty much a dead giveaway Rollins will win. Barrett is a close second, but after the heel turn, and all the hype behind Rollins as Triple H's handpicked guy, they have to do something to justify all the hype early on, or Rollins will lose momentum. After all, Rollins has a full year before he has to cash-in, so there's plenty of time to develop his new character during his run as a heel.

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