007 Goldeneye -v- Contra

Goldeneye or Contra?

  • 007 Goldeneye

  • Contra

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Mid-Card Championship Winner

Come on now. How can you not vote for Goldeneye here? It's going to take another legend in order to stop Goldeneye because it was so ahead of its time, dang near a decade. Multiplayer shooter games are STILL trying to live up to the standard that Goldeneye set and might always hold. It was one of the few times when the game is better than the movie and brought together a generation for multiplayer insanity that will never be forgotten. Goldeneye for the win by a large margin.
It's pretty ludricous to attempt to state Goldeneye's impact on gaming and totally ignore Contra's impact on gaming. Goldeneye may have brought the FPS to consoles but Contra is the game that made shoot and run games popular and FPS' are only a part of that. Contra is a game that was as important to the NES as Super Mario Bros. However if we were just voting on the basis of impact on the industry, then we would have a Pong vs Tetris final each year. There is no reason to vote for a game if it is not fun but Contra is way more fun than a lot of games that come out even today and a lot more fun than Goldeneye. And this is not coming from some disgruntled guy who feels that old school games are the stuff heaven is made up of and all new games suck. I was born after Contra got released and yet I have no hesitation in stating that Contra is one of the best games that I have ever played.

Goldeneye has an AWESOME MULTIPLAYER!!!![MARKOUT] is probably a statement more stale than a John Cena victory at a WWE PPV. Yes, we all know that and that is what makes the game so legendary. However when you are talking about the you must talk about its singleplayer version as well, which was nothing special. It is a pretty easy game if you ask me and not half as much fun as Contra.

Now let us talk about Contra. Contra is rated by Nintendo itself as one of its toughest games of all time. For its time, Contra had amazing graphics and music. It's gameplay, however, is evergreen and so is its array of weapons. There can seriously be no better gaming experience than getting your hands on a spread gun and blasting all your enemies within a semicircle radius. In fact the spread gun, after all these years, has been rated as a weapon better than Goldeneye's very own RCP90.


As for the multiplayer mode, which is Goldeneye's very obvious strength, I will say this: Contra's multiplayer is nothing to scoff at. Unlike in Goldeneye where you play against your friend, Contra offers you the chance to team up with your friend and take the game down, which I must say, is a most satisfying experience due to the difficulty of the game.

There is no reason why Goldeneye should go over here. Contra's impact on gaming is more than that of Goldeneye and it is also much more fun to play, at least for me. People should try and understand that Contra is no Pong or Tetris, it's fun as hell even after having been in existence for over 22 years. Someone should try and justify why Goldeneye is more fun than Contra or else just not vote because frankly I believe that it is something that cannot be justified.

My vote goes to Contra and you should do the same.
Contra's best known for being that game you couldn't beat without the Konami code. Goldeneye is best known for both being the best movie-based game ever and the most recognized father figure of FPS games. Contra was notoriously difficult and nearly forced you to play co-op with the Konami code or go nowhere. Goldeneye is best kn own for being of the most popular multi-players in a console with hundreds of stand-out multiplayer games. Contra may be an extremely tough game, but it's no contest versus a game that took it's priciples and molded them into the modern 3D world.
Contra's best known for being that game you couldn't beat without the Konami code.

Contra is also known as one of the best games to have graced the NES and as one of the first ever best selling shoot and run games. Your precious FPS genre is a sub genre of that, you do realize that don't you?

Don't sell Contra's impact short just because you like it's opponent. That is not a nice thing to do.

Goldeneye is best known for both being the best movie-based game ever and the most recognized father figure of FPS games.

Contra, as I mentioned, is the father of the shoot and run genre. FPS is merely a subgenre of that. Also Goldeneye brought the FPS to consoles. Such games were already available on PC. Surely now you have to admit that Contra has had much more impact on gaming than Goldeneye.

As for the best movie based games, that point is disputable.

Contra was notoriously difficult and nearly forced you to play co-op with the Konami code or go nowhere.

It's high level of difficulty coupled with its simple gameplay and great music makes it an addicting game and something that people would yearn to complete even today. It tests your skills as a gamer to the fullest. Quite a far cry from the simple, staid single player mode of Goldeneye. Goldeneye's single player mode has very little replayability despite there being quite a few easter eggs in the game.

Goldeneye is best known for being of the most popular multi-players in a console with hundreds of stand-out multiplayer games.

It's multiplayer is basically the only advantage it has got. Most FPS' have good multiplayers but I would agree that Goldeneye has one of the best multiplayers of all time. However it does not deserve to be known as the best FPS of all time because it's single player game is quite simple and the story line is hardly intriguing at all as compared to some of the other FPS'.

And while we are at it, Contra's two player mode is nothing to scoff at either. It is extremely satisfying to beat a game of such a high difficulty level with a friend of yours.

Contra may be an extremely tough game, but it's no contest versus a game that took it's priciples and molded them into the modern 3D world.

Just because it was 2D does not make Contra any less of a game. It is an extremely fun game with a simple gameplay and cool weapons with the spread gun being one of the best weapons of all time. And it certainly is not a no contest by any means because it's up against a game whose only advantage happens to be its multplayer mode.

My oh my. This is quite a match up. The defining 2D shooter against the defining 3D shooter. As has been said already, Contra, Probotector to the European, is (in)famous for it's brutal difficulty, while Goldeneye ushered in the multiplayer FPS system that is still used today. There are fantastic arguments for both games. Probotector holds up fantastically well today, far more so than Goldeneye, which has become awkward due to the N64 only having 1 analogue stick. But despite Myriad's slightly insane statement, Goldeneye has had a bigger impact on gaming, without a doubt.

Basically, Probotector has an influence on most third party shooters, even the likes of GTA and Resident Evil to an extent. But while Probotector has an influence on third person shooter, Goldeneye is the grandfather of FPS games, the most popular and successful genre in the world. Without Goldeneye defining the FPS genre, who knows what Call of Duty and co. would be like today.

Oh, and Super Probotector was superior to the original, in my opinion.

Goldeneye gets my vote.
Goldeneye is the grandfather of FPS games, the most popular and successful genre in the world. Without Goldeneye defining the FPS genre, who knows what Call of Duty and co. would be like today.

Goldeneye brought the FPS to consoles. FPS' like Doom and Wolfenstien were already available on PC and had done quite a solid business. The gameplay of Goldeneye is not much different from either of the two games. The graphics are obviously better and the multiplayer incorporated a few new ideas but it's impact is largely overrated. In fact, if Goldeneye is touted so highly just because it brought FPS to consoles why aren't Wolfenstien and Doom meted out the same treatment? They pretty much laid down the law for FPS' and FPS' still sell pretty well on PCs. If Goldeneye's the grand-daddy then Wolfenstien and Doom are the great grand-dads and should be respected even more.

And, in any case, innovation is something that should be respected but only to an extent. You don't see games like Pong, Tetris or Pacman in the tourney at this stage and yet they are pretty we are having this discussion in the first place.

The other reason why I think Goldeneye is terribly overrated is because it's single player mode is largely boring. The modern FPS' like Half Life, Metal Gear Solid, Call of Duty and other such games are acclaimed due to a number of reasons some of which are a great storyline, great boss battles, memorable stages and brilliant twist endings. Goldeneye has none of these. It is largely a very simple and a very linear game with a great multiplayer mode.

On the other hand, every stage of Contra is memorable and extremely challenging. The Red Falcon antagonist has been rated as one the best video game villians of all time by IGN. Even the boss battle in the third waterfall stage of Contra is more memorable than anything Goldeneye has to offer. Contra even has a pretty impressive array of weapons that could equal Goldeneye's set but the fact that makes it even more impressive is the fact that Contra came about 10 years before Goldeneye.

I am not voting for Contra for it's impact although that might be its strongest suit. I am voting for it because it offers a better gaming experience than Goldeneye overall. Goldeneye's multiplayer mode might be very good but as a game overall, I do not think it measures up to Contra.
Well the thing is, I see PC FPS games and console FPS games as being different worlds. Or at least they were in the 90's. The fact is, many pundits, fans and even industry insiders believed that an FPS could not be done on a console due to the lack of mouse for 360 degree freedom. While the belief that Goldeneye's impact is over-rated is a valid opinion, it's a game that proved everyone wrong. How many games can you say that about? If you'll allow me to run the metaphor into the ground a little more, Goldeneye could be easily considered,using my previous point, the brother of Wolfenstein and Doom.

But if you're voting simply on your own gaming experiences, fair play, go for Contra. But I like to take a bit of everything into account.
The Red Falcon antagonist has been rated as one the best video game villians of all time by IGN.

In 2010 IGN ranked the main antagonist Red Falcon 76th in "Top 100 Videogames Villans"

Hardly one of the best video game villains ever.

Goldneye deserves to go over Contra for the simple reason that any game that claims to have a massive legacy but wasn't released in Europe at the time (*cough* Chrono trigger *cough*) simply does not have a legacy.

As Killjoy pointed out the game's only really famus because of the Konami code and you're almost up to the point where you're making things up to give it a bigger impac than it had.

Hardly one of the best video game villains ever.

For a game released in 1988 and whose successors have not managed to make half as much impact, I would take 76 as a pretty good rank.

As Killjoy pointed out the game's only really famus because of the Konami code and you're almost up to the point where you're making things up to give it a bigger impac than it had.

I am making nothing up. You want proof of its impact, I'll give you some proof.

And I quote:

Contra was voted #1 by gaming website IGN.com as being the "Toughest Game to Beat".

But that is something that I guess you have already acknowledged.

Nintendo Power ranked it the seventh best Nintendo Entertainment System video game, calling it one of the best multiplayer NES games

Watch the bolded part. That is a point that I have been trying to make all along. Goldeneye has a great multiplayer but Contra's multiplayer is nothing to scoff at. It was just as much hailed as Goldeneye's multiplayer during it's time.

ScrewAttack named it the fifth best NES game of all time

There is the link that I have given in my earlier post that rated the spread gun as one of the top 10 video game weapons of all time over Goldeneye's very own RCP90. I'll give that link to you once again.


Askmen have rated the spread gun as the seventh best video game weapon of all time. Here is the link


Contra's impact on gaming is pretty much unquestionable, if you ask me.

Goldneye deserves to go over Contra for the simple reason that any game that claims to have a massive legacy but wasn't released in Europe at the time (*cough* Chrono trigger *cough*) simply does not have a legacy.

Well, you sound bitter more than anything else but I'll play along. It was released as Probotector in Europe and had pretty much the same gameplay which is the reason why I am voting for it in the first place.

I played Contra in 1996. By the time I played Contra I had played games like Wolfenstien and Doom on PC yet I liked playing Contra more because of its toughness and its simple gameplay. By now I have played a spate of FPS' and third person shooter titles and I still enjoy Contra more than most of these titles. Certainly a lot more than the single player of Goldeneye which I doubt that anyone would claim was all that great.

Like I said, Goldeneye had a few features that were revolutionary but most of the features that were not revolutionary were pretty mediocre at best. Contra was more challenging and in my opinion, except for its mutiplayer, there is no feature of Goldeneye that even comes close to the awesomeness of Contra. If you think that there is a feature that does so then feel free to state it here.

Else vote for Contra!!

In 2010 IGN ranked the main antagonist Red Falcon 76th in "Top 100 Videogames Villans"

Hardly one of the best video game villains ever.

I just wanted to add one small little nugget of information. I find your mocking of Red Falcon strange when Goldeneye, rated by its fans as TEH BEZT FPS OF ALL TIMEZ, does not have a single villian in the top 100 video game villians of all time list. Which goes pretty well with what I have been saying all along. Goldeneye is a very staid, simple game whose single player stages are not memorable in the very least. You can virtually clear the game within three hours if you give it a shot, not that it's single player is good enough to keep your attention span for 3 hours.

Do the right thing people. Vote for Contra. It is not too late to do so. One or wo remarkable features do not make a great game and that fact is well manifested by this overrated abomination that is knows as Goldeneye.
Trevelyan was a movie character, I'd be pissed if he was in the top 100. Did I ever say it was the best FPS of all time? Do I even care if it was the best FPS of all time? It's like claiming Tetris is the best puzzle game of all time to me, I care not for their genres.

Does IGN saying it's the hardest game ever mean it's good? No! Since you like IGN lists so much lets look at the BEST GAME OF ALL TIME LIST. Goldeneye 29 and contra? Oh it was 83. So that automatically throws your IGN list out the window. You quoted a Screw attack list?

Fact of the matter is Goldeneye is a better game than Contra even if it's nowhere near as good as people make it out to be.
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