A thread for Talon to bitch in


WZCW's Mr Excitement
Fed up of it clogging the WZCW Discussion Thread.

You're not a bad guy Talon, but chill the fuck out before people really start to dislike you.
Thanks. I was gonna make a thread like this, but that would've just gotten me even more fucking shit.
I'm not even sure what most to post here? A place to vent? No, then everyone will just come swarming in here to insult me. I've already expressed how I feel in all the fucking other threads.

I mean what? Should I just embrace the fact that everyone hates me or some shit like that?
I'm not even sure what most to post here? A place to vent? No, then everyone will just come swarming in here to insult me. I've already expressed how I feel in all the fucking other threads.

I mean what? Should I just embrace the fact that everyone hates me or some shit like that?

I mean, everyone gets to have their shots in. Everyday, everyone gets to call me a cunt, a ******, an asshole, but heaven forbid I actually get angry at them back!
And people wanna say they were actually fucking nice to me? Pancake was fucking laughing it up on how bad my RP was with JGlass over on XBOX Live, but whenever I call someone out for shit like that it's always "Yo yo yo Talon, why you so mad at us? You're the problem, not a single one of us had ever done anything to you"

The hypocrisy & bullshit here is astounding. Astounding.
Hyo, when 30 fucking people create threads & posts just to say I suck, what the hell should I do then? "Lighten up", knowing that their kind consider me to be a goddamn pariah?
I mean, if everyone feels like they can go ahead & be an asshole towards me without any repercussions, what the fuck is stopping me from freely acting like an asshole to them & giving them what they deserve?
Talon, everyone started at the bottom where you did. But not everyone has ended up getting the same overwhelmingly negative reception that you have gotten. Ever consider that maybe you're at fault? Sure, you apologized for the MLP thing. But then you've shown yourself as having an inability to play it cool again and again, thinking that turning over another new leaf would change people's perception of you when all it really did was dilute all your supposed changes of heart and make you look like a bipolar douche. When you apologize for this latest indiscretion, don't be surprised when nobody buys it. And justifiably so.

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