Angle is the next Benoit?


Getting Noticed By Management
I feel that Kurt Angle is walking the same path as Chris Benoit.

So from what we know leading up the horrible end was Benoit had suffered from countless concussions. His brain was badly degenerated. He suffered from paranoia, based on his journals that claimed he would take different ways to the airport form his home, because he believed he was being followed.

As everyone knows after the first concussion, the subseqent ones are more easily sustained, which causes the frequency to increase.

I'm not convinced that steroids alters the mind, but lets say for the sake of argument it has atleast a minimal effect. Mood Swings leading to irrational behavior.

We know Kurt Angle has had a very bad concussion back in the WWE during the announcer's table flop. And we know Kurt go all out during matches, so its not beyond reasonable thinking to say Angle has suffered countless concussions over the last 5 or 6 years.

Angle is documented seroid abuser.

Now we get to the path Angle is walking. In the last month, Angle has tried to take over the booking for TNA. He has stalked an ex girlfriend who he alledged abuse, tried to erase text messages and pictured from her phone.

Now i see that as paranoid behavior. Angle is a very controlling person and i think his paranois is manifesting into trying to gain as much power and control as possible. Benoit was never a very assertive person, he took what he was given (presuming since he was never one to push himself into a titles and spotlights) so his paranoia was more personal.

Its no secret that domestic abuse only increases over time. And we have all seen what the saddest end can be.

Its also needed to be noted that Angles wife left him, and Nancy was noted to be leaving Chris as well. Which only adds to the similarities.

I'm not saying Kurt Angle is going to end up doing what Benoit did, but maybe if people saw the warning signs something horrible can be stopped.

I welcome any thoughts
I'm not sure we can compare Angle's behavior to Benoit's just yet. Angle needs time to take time off so he can get is life straighten out. I know Angle has had some physical and drug problems, but with his schedule he has more time to relax. I think if Angle was still in WWE maybe we might see something similar to the Benoit tragedy down the road.

I don't believe though, no matter how many injuries he has sustained that Angle's brain is that of an 80 year old man's. There are two sides to every story. Maybe the knockout was jealous, or was stalking him. I've heard and seen lots of stories of women lying about abuse. Whether it was true or not, I don't see Angle killing his family or himself. Debra said Austin abused her, and we know all the physical and emotional problems he went through. But Austin hasn't killed anyone, and probably never will.

I'm sure Kurt has a lot of demons, but I don't believe he could be a serial killer just because his wife is having an affair. If that were true, all wrestlers would be killers. Hulk Hogan could be a killer too because of his messy breakup, but I don't think that's ever going to happen either. Anyways, I do believe after the Benoit tragedy, that all wrestling promotions should raise awareness and stop this behavior in the future.
Concussions and steroids will not necessarily lead someone to murder. So I don't know that it's fair to say that Angle will be the Chris Benoit. Although in my opinion, Angle is a ticking timebomb. There has been plenty of references to his abuse of steroids and prescription meds, in addition to many physical ailments, and most recently the abuse and stalking of his ex girlfriend.

These types of behaviors, no matter how much talent he has, will become a liability. Sooner than later, no well established wrestling company is going to employ him. More importantly, if these behaviors continue to present themselves, he's going to seriously hurt someone else or hurt himself. Drug abuse and violent behavior are never a good mix and at some point, things are going to get really bad for Kurt Angle.
I don't think that he will wind up as the perpetrator of a double homicide/suicide but I can certainly see him ending up more like Eddie Guerrero if he isn't careful. The man is a workhorse but he isn't superman. If he doesn't look after himself he could get hurt... and with a performer as talented as one wants that...
Yup as the above poster said i cant see him doing a double murder/suicide, but i could definitly see him taking more of an Eddie Guerro type route. Its a shame that Kurt has got so many of these emotional, pearsonal and drug problems, becaus he is one of the all time greats.
for arguments sake I can envision Angle or Flair being the next to pull some crazy sh*t. I just sense some loose screws in them 2 in particular. I sure as fudge hope that's not the case, just a gut feeling. Back on topic though. Im kinda pissed at this because I think you should keep something this deep and demented to your own self or if you write in a diary/journal or what not. Ive personally just got to the point where I dont give a damn nomore about what happened 2 years ago. Gotta move on with YOUR life, not dwell over someone who you thought was invincible and so all high and mighty as we tend to do with Wrestlers as Wrestling Fans. Everyone knows it was the darkest day in the history of the sport, yeah I call it a sport IT'S STILL REAL TO ME DAMMIT! But we gotta move the fu** on and put it behind. So Im not in the business of debating for entertainment as to who might be the next murderer...
Any form of violent behaviour from Angle is something we dread hearing about. Im sure I wasn't the only one that cringed upon seeing the headline "Angle Arrested". Something as serious as suicide or homicide is even worse to think about, and I think its because he's a wrestler. Because everyone on this forum looks up to him, admires him for putting his body and life on the line in the ring to give us some of our favourite matches. So we cringe when we see his slow debiliatating fall from grace.

But will he be the next tragedy of the wrestling world? Time will only tell. He has had some similar career highlights as Chris benoit, both incredibly gifted technical wrestlers, and both have had some devastating injuries. As has already been mentioned, prescription drugs don't help at all, nor do steroids. It seems that all this has happened, yet TNA have not done anything about it at all. Really, the smart move should have been to take the title off him and get him off TV, clean him up. But for some reason, they're pushing him further and further.

Should his contract end, I think maybe the smart thing to do would be to apply for some rehab with the WWE, and stick to their mandatory Wellness policy, rather than stay in TNA. Becuase TNA need Kurt Angle to sell their shows, to draw the fans, and apparently are willing to sacrifice his health for it. Angle is known to be good friends with McMahon. McMahon released Angle from his contract early, hoping to give him some recovery time, instead losing him to TNA. There were also some facts coming to light of them trying to help him, and his refusal. No matter the facts, hopefully as a friend of McMahon, he can recieve the help he so urgently needs.

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