Benoit is better than Angle


Break Me Down.
Ok Mods/Admins you can delete this post if you feel it's inapropriate (I would appreciate if you didn't because it took me a while lol) but I just need to get this little "rant" off my chest.


Ok, here goes, obviously we all know by now that Kurt Angle is in TNA. Well, you would actually have to be living under a rock or in a cave not to know this by now.

But why are some WWE fans on here panicing/upset/annoyed about it? And also TNA boys why are they so delighted? To me it's not a big loss.

Ok Angle IS a huge star in wrestling these days and it can be argued he screwed Vince over by getting out his contract only to go to TNA but in my opinion WWE have released a physically and mentally messed up wrestler. Angle is going through a divorce so his private life is up shit creek just now and he is carrying a lot of injuries and he is Hell bent on wrestling through all this, at this rate he is gonna seriously mess himself up. All TNA have done in my opinion is take on a very unhappy and unhealthy wrestler. Yes his name will bring in the numbers and ship a lot of merchandise, this I can't deny.

But as good as Angle is he is not better than Chris Benoit and I have valid ground to prove this. I know Angle has the charisma which Benoit lacks but Benoit tops him on wrestling ability.

Now I know some the TNA fanboys will jump into this post and say "Benoit will be in TNA soon..." Bullshit! Benoit LOVES WWE, if you have seen the Benoit DVD entitled "Hard Knocks" you will realise he is WWE through and through. When he was in WCW he hated going to work and fell out of love with wrestling because of clowns like Vince Russo. Hey Russo isn't he in TNA now? Also he was pissed off in WCW because there were clear favourites dominating the main event positions. If you try to tell me Jeff Jarrett isn't favoured in that company then your clearly disillusioned. Benoit explains in great detail on the DVD how WWE opened his eyes to how a wrestling company should have been run, he contemplated retirement at one point in WCW but Vince and the WWE made him enjoy his job again, so there is no way Benoit is gonna screw over Vince and jump to the new WCW TNA.

Angle has a lot of good matches in WWE but IMO all of Kurt Angle's best matches in WWE came when he went up against Chris Benoit and as we know it takes two guys to make a good match. Look at the timeline. Wrestlemania 17, the 30 minutes ultimate submission match at Backlash 2001, the 2/3 falls match at Judgment Day 2001, the Cage match in June 2001 on an edition of RAW. Can anyone say those were bad matches? What about into brand extension years when both were on Smackdown in the early days? They had a one on one match at Unforgiven 2002 which stole the show, then formed a tag team for the autumn of 2002 and made a damn good job of it then came possibly their best match when they faced at Royal Rumble 2003 for the WWE title which resulted in Benoit getting a standing oavation after the match.

Now obviously Kurt Angle is an Olympic Gold Medalist (bet you didn't know that one huh? lol) and that is an amazing achievement but anyone could have taken that position and became the star Kurt Angle became in WWE on the back of that success. If Vince McMahon had waited four years until the Sydney 2000 Olympics he could have signed Rulon Gardner who won the same Gold Medal that Angle had won 4 years earlier. With Vince and his creative team I garentee they would have made Rulon into the megstar that Kurt became by using the same gimmick. The one thing Kurt has in favour over Rulon is his back story, how he won the Gold Medals with the "broken neck" It makes for a better hero story.

But even though Angle has that Gold Medal, Benoit does have a good equaliser in his past. Ask any true "wrestling" fan who the best "wrestler" of all time is. Not the biggest superstar or the best entertainer. I mean a proper technical "wrestler". 99% of those people will say Bret Hart. Bret Hart obviously was trained by his father Stu Hart who also trained Chris Benoit. So if you say Bret Hart is the best wrestler of all time but claim Kurt Angle is a better wrestler than Chris Benoit I think you better get your facts straight and check history and I also recommend you check out the Owen Hart tribute match WCW put on in 1999 between Bret Hart and Chris Benoit.

I am aware that Bret Hart as said if he could have one last match it would be against Kurt Angle which is very high praise, the reality is though we can never know what it would have been like so we just need to accept that.

Ok take what you will from my "rant", if you agree with me then that's cool i'm sure some people do. If you disagree then that's fine to. I don't mind anyone who disagrees with my point. All I was doing was using the forum for the purpose it was created, to make a point and start a discussion.
My felow Scotsman is right :) Ive always thought Benoit is a better technical wrestler and Angle.
i 100% agree with you there best benoit is a great star and alway been underuse
I'm not too sure. I know benoit was trained by Stu Hart and he is one of the best but Kurt Angle is a gold medalist. I think they're both technically amazing for different reasons but I don't ever think Benoit will be able to comibine his charisma into his wrestling like Kurt Angle does, great as he is.
Taker1989 said:
i 100% agree with you there best benoit is a great star and alway been underuse
ALWAYS!? I guess you're right, I mean he barely played a part in WrestleMania 20 and his match definitely wasn't the best on the card.
benoit is that smarter of the two for sure. He knew that his body was breaking down and that he needed time off to rehab and make a healthy return to the wwe. Kurt had to be fired and has not seeked any treatment for drug abuse or his physical condition.
Actually, he has been seeking treatment for drug abuse, his physical condition, and he is still with his wife.

I will not take anything away from Chris Benoit, he is an amazing talent, one I would LOVE to see come to TNA. He won't, I seriosuly think that. It would be nice though.

But Kurt and Chris are two different style of wrestlers. Chris is methodical, psychological and an amazing mat technician. Kurt is aggressive, physical, and technical with grabs and throws.
i think angle and benoit are dead on even, i really wouldnt say one is better than the other, but yes benoit was smarter than angle, because he knew how to take time off, and he realize that his body needed rest, angle didnt, which is why he is out of the wwe, and he might not even last long in tna, if he continues to beat up his body like that. angle has serious mental issues, and he's really holding himself back, from his peak. but these two are even, the are both great technicians, and have all around wrestling skills. although i think benoit needs to get more credit for what he does in the ring, he might not have the mic skills, but he can carry a promotion in my opinion, and hes the key to smackdown.
deez428 said:
but he can carry a promotion in my opinion, and hes the key to smackdown.

It's vital to Smackdown that they put the World Title on Benoit once he is fully back in action. He has history with Booker T storyline-wise so it would make sense for him to come back and feud with "KING BOOOKKAAAHHHH :lol2: "
dumbass u was one of the guys that left BECUSE RUSSO WAS REMOVED get ya facts str8 he liked russo
man it's too close to call, whenever they wrestle eachother, I dont care who wins cause there both on the same level to me.
Chris Benoit is not better then Kurt Angle when they were both in there prime.. You have to remember that Angle is a world class athelete and Benoit is just a wrestler.. Angle can do anything... Wrestle, Box, UFC anything... And IMO Angle was more intresting then Benoit in the ring.

This topic would of never got started if Angle didnt go to TNA.
ok, first of all ya benoit is a great wrestler, and one of the best, but kurt angle is one of the best of all time. He's only been professional wrestling for almost 6 years! benoit has been doing it his whole life. Benoit has had only a couple of classic matches, and angle has been in plenty in his short career. think of how much more exciting an angle match is than a benoit one. even technical wrestling angle is better
You cant take anything away from Beniot, he is one of WWE's best techinical wrestlers ever. BUT the guy as with others in WWE alway relys on the same move set (i.e Chopping like a lumberjack, and the flying heabutt, then more chopping), where as Angle had a large set of moves and knew how to use them to full effect.

If beniot ever went to ECW like Angle did, would u see Beniot masterfully nut Credible in the face and blatently man handle him around the ring like Angle did? No because Beniot would have just chucked him in the corner and started to chop once again. Angle can adapt to his enviroment a lot better than Beniot can and has more of the complete package to him compared to Beniot.

Like i say, Beniot is a excellent wrestler and it's good to still see someone in WWE who can actually wrestle these days rather than play up to the camera.
But Beniot being better than Angle is way off the mark, Beniot just shoot wrestles as where Angle can change his style, so for that i will say Angle is the better of the two.

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