Battle Zone Tournament General Discussion Thread

The Doctor

Great and Devious
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Ladies and gentlemen!

This is the general discussion thread for the Battle Zone Tournament, which is going to kick off September 1st. If you need a refresher, here are the complete first round matchups for both tiers:

Cloud Strife vs. Indiana Jones
Nick Fury vs. Red Skull

Aragorn vs. Fox McCloud
Travis Touchdown vs. Link

Ryu vs. Daredevil
Rorschach vs. Green Arrow

Hulk Hogan vs. Batman
Vash the Stampede vs. The Joker

Zorro vs. Marv
Mario vs. Red Power Ranger

Black Dynamite vs. Donkey Kong
Duke Nukem vs. Raphael

Leonidas vs. The Punisher
Samus vs. Johnny Cage

Light Yagami vs. Scott Pilgrim
Iron Man vs. Mega Man

Alucard vs. Blade
Captain America vs. Ganondorf

Sonic vs. Dr. Doom
The Flash vs. The Hulk

Darth Vader vs. Storm
Quailman vs. Wolverine

Earthworm Jim vs. Sub-Zero
Professor X vs. Dhalsim

Optimus Prime vs. Spawn
Deadpool vs. Hellboy

Sephiroth vs. Bowser
Wonder Woman vs. Martian Manhunter

Cable vs. Wing Gundam
Kirby vs. Goku

Magneto vs. Spider-Man
Ghost Rider vs. Cyclops​

Some amazing matches there, thanks to the power of random seeding, and there are some amazing potential matchups pending on who is going through for each round.

In order to sweeten the pot, though, JGlass and I have decided to run a contest. This contest will be handled through the Predict It! feature of the website BracketMaker. This has been used in the past for similar prediction contests for the Annual Wrestlezone Tournament, so I'm sure this will work out well.

The person to most correctly predict the path of the tournament and eventual winners will receive rep from both JGlass and myself.

So, how does one enter? It's simple! Just register an account at, and go to these links:

Normals: Tier

Supers Hero Tournament

Then click on the Predict It! option at the top, and make your decisions!

The matchups have been revealed. The stage is set. And now there's nothing to do but wait for the fight to begin.

Discuss away!
Remind me to make the forums for this tomorrow. It might be Wednesday but it'll be no later than that.
I'm predicting Professor X vs. Goku for the Supers and Batman vs. Iron Man in the Humans, but really, anything can happen here. This is anybody's tourney.
Well Batman will get to the finals based soley off Batlove imo, but he's going to get *******d by Red Ranger, Ironman or Samus imo.
The two tiers aren't facing off. It's pretty much two tourneys in one, but it was done that way so heroes of all types could be competitors. :)
What? No Ash? He totally deserved a spot. He beat the undead multiple times fro christ sake.

All i have to say is, Chainsaw\Shotgun weildnig Ash- beats Hulkamania, Zorro & DK all at the same time.

Travesty really.

By the way, why no love for Snake Plisken, Dexter Morgan or fucking Captian Jack Sparrow? No Kratos? Not even The Predator?



That should be the finals.....
We tried to get a very diverse group of characters from various entertainment mediums, so there were bound to be some left off. Who knows, though, if this year is a success maybe we'll be able to do it again next year and include some of the folks you wanted to see.
What JGlass said. We're really hoping this is a success so we can do it again next year with a whole host of different guys, like James Bond or a Xenomorph, plus the old standbys. If the guy you want in isn't in this year, make a note of it, participate in this year's, and next year when the time comes maybe we'll open a suggestion thread.
I wasnt knocking the tournament, its a great idea. Im definatley in. Just had to throw up a few comments about the roster.

I still am going with Conker vs Walken. Although Dr. House vs Howard the Duck sounds promising. Either way though, ya know.
I decided to jump into the predictions. If I win, we'll pick the runner up or something, or you can all rep me for my genius. I picked brains to win over brawn in both competitions with Iron Man and Professor X winning their divisions. Nobody has a clear run to the end, and a few solid arguments for some of the lesser known competitors could easily push them past any given competitor.
I don't understand how anyone picks the Red Ranger for anything except the "I loved Power Rangers as a child" reason. He's just a guy with good martial arts skills. If he had the help of the other Rangers, that's one thing. But he doesn't.

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