WZ Singles tournament prediction brackets


Turn Bayley heel
This is entirely based on Slyfox's succesful WZ tourney predictions competition...

1. Register an account on www.bracketmaker.com
2. Choose your screenname. Make your name be the Screen name you go by on WZ. For example, my name would be Tastycles. This is so we know who you are, and will avoid duplicate brackets.
3. Go to the bracket. Here's the link.
4. Predict It! There will be a link in the top left corner that says "Predict It!". Click on that.
5. Pick your bracket. Choose who you think will win each match up in the first round, and then click "enter" at the bottom. Do the same for every round in the tournament, until you have chosen an overall winner.
Note, Becca is being replaced by Marquis.

Sorry for the last minute change.


Can I change my brackets?

Note: I find it hilarious looking at other people's brackets. Some have me in the Championship (Dave <3). Some have me losing in the first round :lmao:
If I get the chance to meet Tenta, I will have done well.
I think I can get past Big Sexy, but I think Shadow will beat me. And getting past you? Doubtful.
Holy shit... someone picked me to win. Phoenix, I officially love the fucking shit outta you.
I should predict me winning. So I can say "someone predicted me to win".
By the way, thanks for anyone who has me going through. I am pleasantly surprised.
Wow, huge thanks to NSL who has me going ridiculously far in this.

Huge thanks to anyone who has me even making it out of the first as well.
My final four ended up being Jake, Tenta, Jonny and NorCal. The hardest thing ever was deciding between Jake and xfear, so I just went with Jake as he's the reason I'm here anyway. Jake is my champion.

I'm excited now.
so no one predicted that I'll make it past the first round? All the more reason for me to continue making more of a name for myself on here.

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