Brock Lesnar VS Triple H has happened too soon!


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was thinking today that no one is really into the Brock Lesnar vs Triple H match because the build up is crap and it feels rushed I know WWE are trying to make Summerslam huge but they are wasting a big match without any real story to it and making brock look weak

this is how I would of done it, have Brock vs Taker at Wrestlemania and as Brock is going to win have Triple H run down and screw him and for taker to go over and then the next night on Raw have Triple H come out and say it was only buisness if I cant do it no one else can and undertakers streak is worth too much to let a selfish jackass like Lesnar take it and then have Lesnar and triple H vocially feud for months leading to a clash next Summerslam

what do you guys think?

I hope its ok to put in here cause its more of a what if thank you
It's not really there fault we aren't into the match, nor is it really their fault the build is crap.

Lesnar doesn't have enough dates to have made this SummerSlam build really special, and make WrestleMania have a great build at the same time. WWE did the best they could with the limited use they had in Brock Lesnar.
The problem with that is Brock is only signed up to Wrestlemania and he only has a limit amount of appearances. as far as the no real story too it well Triple H wants Brock for breaking his arm
throwing my opinion here.

I think they are making Lesnar look very weak right now. When he returned he took out cena a couple of times. thenmade this awsome video package about "im not a wrestler, im an ass kicker" which i loved. But now when HHH challenges him to a match he's denying it left and right and is preferring to go to court???

You know how WWE lacks even 1 heel that talks the talk and actually backs it up. As in talks about how bad ass they are and then actually win cleanly proving they are bad ass. That would be a perfect opportunity for Lesnar to be that heel even if its for the minimum appearances he has.
Enough extra people will buy SummerSlam because of Lesnar/HHH that it'll completely negate the people complaining about how the angle has been done. And that's the whole point.
This is just another case of a member of the Iwc over-reacting. No one is into the Triple H and Brock Lesnar match. Really? I sure as hell am anticipating it. The build up is crap and feels rushed. Really? The build up is fine and will certainly continue to get better in the upcoming weeks with Lesnar appearing consistently on raw on the road to Summerslam. It feels rushed to you Op yet Lesnar hasn't appeared on raw in months. They're wasting a big match because it lacks any real story. Again Op that'll come in coming weeks. Making Brock look weak. Ok now you're just being ridiculous Op. How does Brock look weak? Cause he got beat by Cena at ER after he dominated 95% of the match got hit by a chain and AA'd on steel steps? Or is it this whole lawsuit against wwe thing that you feel makes Brock look weak? No offense Op but your idea for a Lesnar/HHH feud is terrible. You hate it now but in the coming weeks you'll grow to love it as it begins to really take flight.
I get what your saying but I disagree.

We all know Vince doesn't want HHH/Lesnar at Mania so the next biggest PPV of the year only makes sense.

The build has been slow but I am not only very interested in the match itself I think there is simply intrigue because of Lesnar and his relationship backstage w/WWE.

This will only be his 2nd fight back. Will it be a MATCH of a FIGHT?
DQ? NO DQ? Any other Stipulations???

Also alot of people say Lesnar will do nothing but lose in WWE. But alot say HHH has no reason to win, so right off the bat this match ISN'T PREDICTABLE!

Not to mention they still have Paul Heyman and over a month to build up this match. So it may be a little laggy, then all of a sudden rushed but I think if they do it right it can be a GREAT match!
The build up is rushed? No it isn't its been going on since the end of April... WWE should of offered Lesnar more dates for more money. I have to admit the fued has been horrible we all know the lawsuits aren't real and so does the whole of the audience and it's really unconvincing. Also it's hard to be involved in the fued when it just months of promo's with Lesnar not even there and makes it feel really lame. The match will be good but what meaning does it have? Who cares who wins? After SS, HHH & Lesnar will both be gone again and if Lesnar loses how is the crowd meant to believe he can beat Taker at Mania if he's lost to Cena & HHH. Lesnar has to kill HHH at SS, I mean beat him to death like he done to Cena and WIN.
I agree with 2Sweet - if hasn't been too rush, if anything, its been too slow of a build, with giant lapses/lulls where we see NEITHER guy on TV. I can't help but think some thing political is holding this thing up - i mean, Triple H came on PPV to challenge Lesnar with little to no build up.

And HBK-HOF while you say
Also alot of people say Lesnar will do nothing but lose in WWE. But alot say HHH has no reason to win, so right off the bat this match ISN'T PREDICTABLE!
This double negative isn't exactly the way to build unpredictability IMO - i mean, neither guy needs it, has a future, etc? I get what you're saying kind of explains why the feud seems so blah to a lot of people.

But ultimately curiosity will reign and people will buy SSlam to see this, WWE will get its PPV buys in spite of the poor build and Vince and Co. will count their money/ laugh all the way to the bank
I was thinking today that no one is really into the Brock Lesnar vs Triple H match because the build up is crap and it feels rushed I know WWE are trying to make Summerslam huge but they are wasting a big match without any real story to it and making brock look weak

this is how I would of done it, have Brock vs Taker at Wrestlemania and as Brock is going to win have Triple H run down and screw him and for taker to go over and then the next night on Raw have Triple H come out and say it was only buisness if I cant do it no one else can and undertakers streak is worth too much to let a selfish jackass like Lesnar take it and then have Lesnar and triple H vocially feud for months leading to a clash next Summerslam

what do you guys think?

I hope its ok to put in here cause its more of a what if thank you

It's gonna feel rushed when you're working with limited dates. Brock's run may just be a one year ratings boon but it can still have some kind of payoff. In order for that to happen they need to build him up as the unstoppable legit guy again. Brock lost his first match against Cena, but if he goes out and absolutely destroys Triple H then he's on everybody's mind again (which should happen). Trips is semi-retired from competition and has already done everything there is to do, there is no downside to having him lose clean. Brock on a hot winning streak challenges Taker's streak and it's made to look like Taker has a real chance to lose, that would sell Wrestlemania alone. And if there are any dates left afterwards, they can use him to put someone over.
I was thinking today that no one is really into the Brock Lesnar vs Triple H match because the build up is crap and it feels rushed I know WWE are trying to make Summerslam huge but they are wasting a big match without any real story to it and making brock look weak

The build up hasn't really got going yet. There is still a month until SS, the promotion for the last two months has been focused on Raw 1,000. Raw 1,000 is where you will see the real build up begin. At this point the non-smarky crowd is supposed to assume Brock quit and wants nothing to do with pro wrestling or WWE.

this is how I would of done it, have Brock vs Taker at Wrestlemania and as Brock is going to win have Triple H run down and screw him and for taker to go over and then the next night on Raw have Triple H come out and say it was only buisness if I cant do it no one else can and undertakers streak is worth too much to let a selfish jackass like Lesnar take it and then have Lesnar and triple H vocially feud for months leading to a clash next Summerslam

what do you guys think?

I hope its ok to put in here cause its more of a what if thank you

I appreciate the idea but while I am fully ok with UT's streak ending on a run-in, there is no honor (see money) in continuing it on a fluke or outside interference. Sure this year wasn't exactly clean booking but you left seeing UT as a clear winner. Lesnar is a great heel, seeing him lose out on the opportunity to end the streak due to interference makes him a sympathetic character. This doesn't benefit anyone and makes things too confusing for the fans.

What WWE has done so far has been fine and we should wait to see what they are going to do in the next four weeks before we decide it is too soon.
No. That workss with Shawn and Hunter because they're so similar and Shawn knowing he came close, also knowing Hunter, knew what Hunter could do, makes sense.

HHH's ego couldnt possibly believe Lesnar could do what he couldnt. He fought Taker like no one else at WM28 and I saw it live, there's no way after that that he would disrespect Taker be interrupting a match to "save" him, knowing what he'll do to retain his streak.

Watch his promo from Raw after WM27 and 28. HHH thinks too highly of Taker to do that. Someone shouldve posted this earlier then what I've seen as it's not even an argument. And HHH vs Lesnar is right on time, it shouldve happened years ago.
yea it should have happened years ago. i personally dont care about this feud even though hhh is one of my all time favorites. wwe shouldnt have even bothered with brock lesnar. hhh should win at summer slam, and have undertaker, rock, cody, or even santino destroy lesnar at wrestlemania.
Too soon? This match should have happened back in 2002! After Summerslam when Brock beat The Rock for the soon to not be Undisputed Championship. Triple H was the legit #1 contender and instead they went for the hand HHH the World Championship with Raw built around him idea. So in reality, Brock should have beat HHH 10 years ago at Unforgiven 2002.
I think it makes a ton of sense to pair Brock with HHH and Taker. Lesnar might only be with WWE for a year, but nothing's stopping them from teaming up again in the future. There's plenty of time down the road for Lesnar/Punk, Lesnar/Sheamus, or Lesnar/Cena II. HHH and (especially) Taker could be done by then.
I think this match is going to be earlier because on my thoughts they're going to let lesnar to win the match but their going to make a rematch at wrestle mania XXIX when there triple H will win his first wrestlemania match after wrestle mania XXVI when he defeated sheamus.
I don’t think the match is too soon and just don’t want to see Lesner. I am not interested in this guy at all. How do you hype some one that literally got beaten out of the UFC? He didn’t look great in when he came back and he can’t cut promos. He is worse then Mike Admale on the mic.
This is reminding me of Triple H vs Kevin Nash at TLC. The build-up was crap but the match was pretty good in my opinion. They had enough history to make the match, so I think that is WWE's mentality. Triple H is Triple H, and Brock Lesnar is Brock Lesnar so they think that their name is more than enough to have the fight, which it really is because who doesn't want to see Triple H vs Brock Lesnar? Sure it would be much better if they had an intense rivalry and heat, but their names are more than enough to sell the ppv.
I think people are being far to critical of the build up of the HHH vs Lesnar match. The WWE is doing what it can to build this match. The transition from his match with Cena at Extreme Rules to his fued with HHH was perfect. He attacked HHH and broke his arm. Then Brock had to stay home for a while and the he quit angle was used. Heyman was brought in as his legal represenative to speak on Brocks behalf. I don't see how WWE could have done this any other way with the amount of limited Dates they have Lesnar for. They need him to WM and to build a big match there as well. Unless Brock decides he is willing to work more dates for the money he is getting this is what we get. I personally would love to see Brock on a more regular basis.
Last night was great for the build with ONE massive problem. Paul made it personal and after Stephanie had her first part of the tirade, The line that should have been used to bring Brock out was HHH saying "Don't forget, Brock, Sable was mine before she was yours". Cue his music...and we're off. But alas, insulting Heyman is the centre of the match being accepted.
It's gonna feel rushed when you're working with limited dates. Brock's run may just be a one year ratings boon but it can still have some kind of payoff. In order for that to happen they need to build him up as the unstoppable legit guy again. Brock lost his first match against Cena, but if he goes out and absolutely destroys Triple H then he's on everybody's mind again (which should happen). Trips is semi-retired from competition and has already done everything there is to do, there is no downside to having him lose clean. Brock on a hot winning streak challenges Taker's streak and it's made to look like Taker has a real chance to lose, that would sell Wrestlemania alone. And if there are any dates left afterwards, they can use him to put someone over.

The thing is though, if it ends up being Taker V Lesnar it's already predictable. Streak nonsense aside, if they really allow Brock to beat Undertaker at WM you'd get as close as you can get to a riot, because Lesnar doesn't deserve it and it would be the biggest slap in the face to both Undertaker and the fans. In fact IMO he doesn't even deserve to face Triple H. The man doesn't even love wrestling, it's a paycheck to him nothing more. At least the Rock truly loves the medium and appears as much as he can.
The thing is though, if it ends up being Taker V Lesnar it's already predictable. Streak nonsense aside, if they really allow Brock to beat Undertaker at WM you'd get as close as you can get to a riot, because Lesnar doesn't deserve it and it would be the biggest slap in the face to both Undertaker and the fans. In fact IMO he doesn't even deserve to face Triple H. The man doesn't even love wrestling, it's a paycheck to him nothing more. At least the Rock truly loves the medium and appears as much as he can.

At this point, none of the three supposedly being discussed for Taker would realistically be beating him. Even with the last 4 years of HBK and HHH, there was no chance of winning. With Taker, it's all about putting on the best matches.
I have no idea about the specifics of Lesnar's contract but I'm just left thinking they should of just paid whatever they had to, to get Lesnar signed up to a regular contract without all this number of dates crap.

Think when Brock Lesnar returned and was gunning fro Cena, that feud was brilliant (minus Cena winning personally) because he was there week in week out to help build on it. I know they have had Heyman turn up every so often but theres only so many times Paul Heyman can turn up and just say "Nope Brock won't fight" before it gets boring.
WWE is severely limited by the terms of Brock's contract. When we saw him appear after WM and learned he had signed a one-year contract, we hoped to see a lot of him during the year, right?

Instead, we're learning he's been scheduled for far fewer appearances than we had hoped. Presumably, the company isn't making the mistake TNA made with Rob Van Dam.... signing him to a deal for a limited number of shows, then using up the allotment at the beginning of the contract and leaving themselves in the hole later in the year. The smartest thing WWE could do is back-load the contract for more appearances in the months leading up to WM29. So far, it would appear that's what they're doing.

Meanwhile, with so few dates available to use Brock, they can't waste him beating up Heath Slater or Primo Colon; he has to face only the best. Triple H is a draw whenever he appears, a big name who will draw fans, but at this point in his career he doesn't inspire the type of dynamite that guys like Undertaker, Cena or the Rock would when matched against Brock.

So, it seems fitting to use Trips-Lesnar early in Brock's tenure.....and save the biggest ammunition for later. We might not be thrilled by this now, but we're gonna love it in early 2013.
Lets no forget people that Lesnar during the talks for this contract was in the drivers seat. A few months a ago after Lesnars supposed blow up after extreme Rules Brock went and had a meeting with Dana White that Dana went out in public and said it was the worst meeting he has ever had with anyone and that it was bad really bad. So Brocks options outside of the WWE to make money are semi limited. Once this year contract is up Brock is going to need to find himself another paycheck. There is no reason that he couldnt sign a longer term contract with WWE. Maybe the contract has him perform on RAW or smackdown each week and PPVs. That is far less showings than his original contract from which he quit WWE. That way you increase the dates from this current contract but you are able to build good storylines with him. I know this is very unlikely but it would be good for WWE.

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