Bruce Willis Shiny Dome Award for Biggest Try Hard

Which poster trys too hard?

  • Hamler

  • Jack-Hammer

  • Milenko

  • ZRise

  • Brohan

  • Macios

  • SD619

  • XTheFutureX

  • shattered dreams

  • Dagger Dias

  • TWJC: The Future

  • WMD

  • King Patrick

  • awesome_miz

  • The Sign Guy

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No, I turned heel due to sully. Unlike the WWE I like to build a turn. One night I wont be a face on Raw, and show up the next night heel on smackdown. I prefer a gradual three week build.

BTW it's crazy how over I am know. My merchandise sales are through the roof, I've been doing a lot of radio/tv spots. Some wrestlers just are better heels.

What about Sully caused you to "turn heel"? You're bullshitting and using him as a reason that nobody on this forum gives a shit about you either way.
WMD got my vote on this, even before I saw his boasts of X-Pac level heat in this thread. I think it's down to the romantic advice thread, that's what tipped it.
He takes role-playing seriously. Now that I think about it, I'd like to retract my original vote and vote for WMD.
I voted "TSG" and I actually like the kid. Though he's gotten so much better at trying to hard, I looked at this as from the begining of the year and there was a while there where no one tried harder than the sign guy. He's even admitted as much. There are plenty that try harder than he NOW, but since the begining of the year, he wins this award.
Zrise, not that I don't like him but he does tend to try hard more than anyone else. So I was nominated, huh? Must have been for my pitiful attempt at making sigs.

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