Children's Lingerie.

As i make my long awaited return to the Cigar Lounge, I can't help but wish it were under happier, less downright creepy news. The fact of the matter is, when I read this article, I couldn't help but feel my skin crawl and the worst thoughts go through my mind. So, lets have a look see shall we? said:

Miley's 9-year-old sister launching a lingerie line for kids


Seems like every time we hear about Noah Cyrus she's doing something totally innapropriate for her age.
Whether it's dressing like a dominatrix for Halloween, skipping around a pole-dancing pole or performing the totally un-PG hits 'Smack That' and 'Tik Tok', we suspect this nine-year-old could easily notch up more scandals than her big sis by the time she hits her teens.


Noah at two Halloween parties last year.

The latest news that's got us scratching our heads and wondering, yet again, 'what were her parents thinking?' ...little Noah is set to become a lingerie model. She'll be teaming up with her pint-sized best friend Emily Grace to launch a children's lingerie collection for 'Ohh! La, La! Couture'.


Left: Pole dancing with her little friends last year. Right: With her best friend Emily Grace.

The company's website describes The Emily Grace Collection as having a “trendy, sweet, yet edgy feel, reminiscent of Emily’s true personality. She is collaborating with Ooh! La, La! Couture designers to create versatile styles that can be worn with sweet ballerina slippers, funky sneakers or paired with lace stockings and boots for more of a rock and roll look. Emily’s collection will appeal not just to little girls - the line also has an exclusive Teen Collection available to a size 14."

Tell me right now that what you see right there isn't some foul shit. I'm all for young people being able to express themselves and being able to be treated like adults, but my god. This is so wrong on so many levels. The marketing of skimpy clothes to pre-pubescent girls is just wrong. God Damn.

Ever walking around the mall or even just down the street, and you see these girls? You couldn't put them past 8 or 9, 10 if you're really pushing it. They're dressed like they're 18 and just got back from Spring Break. Their faces are plastered with make up, and their parents are walking alongside them, thinking it completely normal for a little girl to look like that. i mean, its not breaking any laws, but I still get that creepy feeling that I get from watching those beauty pageants with 5 year olds.

So is this a problem within society? With pop culture coming into the psyche of a kid at a younger and younger age, do we face a moral and/or social dilemma by having stuff like a Children's Lingerie market? What will we be looking at in 10/15 years when these kids are grown up and have children of their own?

Am I the only one who thinks this is mental?
:wtf: If Miley's sister doesn't become a slag I will eat dog shit.

Seriously this is disturbing, little girls shouldn't be wearing this stuff, they should be playing with dolls and getting people into trouble, I know little girls wear their sister's and mum's clothing, but that's normally dress up and for a laugh, not for actually wearing. Let kids be kids, they don't need to grow up this quickly, let them enjoy their childhood before they decide to grow up.

And people wonder why there's so many teenage pregnancies, i's because the girls are dressing like this saying 'hey im available' and then some guy shags them and leaves them with a kid. Seriously do her parent's see nothing wrong with this or is it a case of 'Im getting money from this so I don't care'
My apologies about this thread, as apparently it's being reported that initial news reports were a tad too sensationalist and that the company "Ooh! La La! Couture" will not be making Children's Lingerie, but rather just kid's clothing. Even so, look at the clothes that Noah Cyrus and her friend are modelling. It is still pretty provocative, and I don't mean to sound like an old timer, but jesus look at what these kids are doing these days.

I can be classified as a part of Generation Y, sure, but I remember growing up and all the girls that I knew dressed pretty normally and conservatively, or at least to my 7 year old brain they did. So we can still have discussion in this thread about the change of standards for kids in terms of what they say, do and how they dress these days.

They grow up so fast.
Well if you blame anyone, blame the ignorant parents. I swear that every time I turn around, there's a parent who is letting their child go around wearing skampy clothes or act like wanna be gangbangers.

Parents these days have all forgotten about respect, manners, and stuff like that. Not only that, but they're letting their kids run around looking like ****es and yet wonder why a sex offender would attack.
Even if it isn't actual lingerie, like I initially thought it was, this is just begging for a problem. Both physically and psychologically.

Obviously this is just going to attract more sexual predators, but it will also make girls more concerned about what's "in". This will then give them inferiority complexes if they aren't up to date, which could psychologically cripple them later in life.

That, and they look like idiots for trying to be twice their actual age.
Not only that, but they're letting their kids run around looking like ****es and yet wonder why a sex offender would attack.

Obviously this is just going to attract more sexual predators, but it will also make girls more concerned about what's "in".

Both of these statements are bullshit in my opinion. For a start, if a sex attacker wanted someone who wore make-up, lingerie and acted in this manner, they're going to look for an adult, not a child. Most of the sickos who enjoy this type of thing do so because of the look of innocence and youth in the child, this doesn't help that. Second of all, I'd love to know how you attract a sexual predator, because I'm at a loss. You don't do something in order to be sexually attacked, it just happens, because the offender is in the wrong, not something you've done.
Both of these statements are bullshit in my opinion. For a start, if a sex attacker wanted someone who wore make-up, lingerie and acted in this manner, they're going to look for an adult, not a child. Most of the sickos who enjoy this type of thing do so because of the look of innocence and youth in the child, this doesn't help that. Second of all, I'd love to know how you attract a sexual predator, because I'm at a loss. You don't do something in order to be sexually attacked, it just happens, because the offender is in the wrong, not something you've done.

This. It's not like dressing like a ****e at 9 years old is going to have 40 year old dudes picking up on you nor is it going to attract sexual predators who attack children. Since you know, there whole fuck up is theyre disgustingly attraced to children, not adults.

Theres no one walking around with a rape me tshirt on. Theres no way to attract a sexual predator with your appearance. Putting yourself in bad situations where you are lone in an unfamiliar area or with people you dont know or trust, those are thing people can do that will make them targets.

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