CM Punk finally speaks about leaving WWE

Punk should have been in the match, Cena should have pinned Rock to regain the belt, everything that already happens post Mania does. It wouldn't have been that hard.

Why? He wasn't part of their feud the year before? Cena needed a clean win over the Rock at a Wrestlemania as part of his redemption story. It wouldn't of have the same effect in a three way match.
Why? He wasn't part of their feud the year before? Cena needed a clean win over the Rock at a Wrestlemania as part of his redemption story. It wouldn't of have the same effect in a three way match.

Because Cena beating two men who basically owned him for a year straight in singles matches wouldn't have been a satisfying redemption story? Like he truly even needed one to begin with, two birds one stone here.
It wasn't hyped as much as the previous one but still, it was pretty damn hyped. Booked poorly, how? Everything came full circle and it was a result that needed to happen.

I do not understand why you think it was lackluster.

Because the year before was so thorough in it's booking, they really didn't know what to do creatively to build the match. The answer was, they needed to do very little. The last RAW before the match was Rock and Cena standing on podium's, having legends ask questions and having them answer in speech length responses, like they were presidential candidates. Tbh, it was kindof lame.

I'm not sure I agree that the result needed to happen either, but I don't believe strongly enough to argue. I'm just not sure that Cena getting the win back actually would've changed anything as it pertained to the state of things after The Rock left. Therefore, better just to give people a match they hadn't yet seen. Throwing Punk into the mix would've changed the format completely.

The rematch felt almost obligatory, based on the result of the year before. That's not a good reason to build a match. It doesn't help that inside the ropes, they were just going through the motions.
Instead of Punk bitching about being in the last match, he bitches about it having to be a triple threat and not one on one.

So who does Taker face if Punk is in a triple threat?
Instead of Punk bitching about being in the last match, he bitches about it having to be a triple threat and not one on one.

So who does Taker face if Punk is in a triple threat?

Rybaaahahahaha...oh I can't finish that.

He could have faced Lesnar tbh. Streak would have been alive and H not wrestling isn't a big loss.
Because Cena beating two men who basically owned him for a year straight in singles matches wouldn't have been a satisfying redemption story? Like he truly even needed one to begin with, two birds one stone here.

I'm sorry to break it to you but as much as I love CM Punk, he is not in the same category of high profile wrestlers as John Cena and the Rock. A win over the Rock means a lot more than getting a win over one of them in a triple threat. He wanted to be the MAN, the greatest of ALL time... CM Punk just doesn't belong in that category, no matter how much he thought he was, or how much smarks think he was.

Because the year before was so thorough in it's booking, they really didn't know what to do creatively to build the match. The answer was, they needed to do very little. The last RAW before the match was Rock and Cena standing on podium's, having legends ask questions and having them answer in speech length responses, like they were presidential candidates. Tbh, it was kindof lame.

Keep in mind they had to make a feud that lasted over 2 years feel somewhat fresh. Not an easy thing to do but I thought it worked quite well. The legends thing made it seem like a big deal, which it was.

I'm not sure I agree that the result needed to happen either, but I don't believe strongly enough to argue. I'm just not sure that Cena getting the win back actually would've changed anything as it pertained to the state of things after The Rock left. Therefore, better just to give people a match they hadn't yet seen. Throwing Punk into the mix would've changed the format completely.

How? Punk wouldn't have won anyway? He would have been there to take the fall, which would NOT give Cena the same sense of accomplishment. It's like Batman being satisfied by only killing Harvey Dent instead of the Joker. It was Cena's story, smarks don't like Cena as much as Punk, so they hate on it.

The rematch felt almost obligatory, based on the result of the year before. That's not a good reason to build a match. It doesn't help that inside the ropes, they were just going through the motions.

You're messing with me now surely. A REMATCH is not a good reason to build a match? Then um, what the hell is? Why should ANY Champion get a rematch for their previously held title in that case?

Instead of Punk bitching about being in the last match, he bitches about it having to be a triple threat and not one on one.

So who does Taker face if Punk is in a triple threat?

I'm sorry to break it to you but as much as I love CM Punk, he is not in the same category of high profile wrestlers as John Cena and the Rock. A win over the Rock means a lot more than getting a win over one of them in a triple threat. He wanted to be the MAN, the greatest of ALL time... CM Punk just doesn't belong in that category, no matter how much he thought he was, or how much smarks think he was.

Do you know how many people aren't in the league of either man? Like 98% of the roster. With that logic nobody of lesser value should ever grace a Mania ring with the caliber of those guys. Punk really doesn't matter it's more of that anything different should have been added to avoid one of the most forgettable and not very well-received Mania main events in history.
Do you know how many people aren't in the league of either man? Like 98% of the roster. With that logic nobody of lesser value should ever grace a Mania ring with the caliber of those guys. Punk really doesn't matter it's more of that anything different should have been added to avoid one of the most forgettable and not very well-received Mania main events in history.

No, you're completely misunderstanding my point.

The storyline perspective was that Cena wanted to beat Rock, no other man at that present time, not even Punk, despite their previous rivalry. It was the rematch to the biggest main event in WWE history, or so they call it. A triple threat feels like a step down, or a SummerSlam main event or something. To be labelled as the best superstar of all time, since I guess that's what they were competing over, they wanted to beat each other, the best superstars of their respective era's (though Austin has an argument too).

And it wasn't forgettable, I remember it, and so do many others. People don't like it cause Cena won and Rock lost, the match, from a storyline perspective, using elements from their previous match, was freakin' awesome.
Cena had to win, since he lost to Rocky the previous year. I don't understand that complaint.
You know, there's one thing that just entered my mind. Punk fancies himself as a multi-talented guy and maybe he always meant to retire by the end of 2015. Maybe that is why he was pushing so hard for a main event at this year's WrestleMania figuring that it would be his last year as a competitor. When he did not get it, he just left.
You know, there's one thing that just entered my mind. Punk fancies himself as a multi-talented guy and maybe he always meant to retire by the end of 2015. Maybe that is why he was pushing so hard for a main event at this year's WrestleMania figuring that it would be his last year as a competitor. When he did not get it, he just left.

I tend to agree with that. He always said he wasn't going to wrestle forever, and he's not exactly a spring chicken anymore.
If he'd resigned he would have been wrestling till he was about 40/41. I'm fairly sure he said he was adamant he was going to retire before then. So yeah hassling for a Wrestlemania main event spot made sense. A bit egotistical but at the same time WWE have given stuff like that as thank you's to other employees so to him it probably didn't seem that far fetched
The medical stuff sounds pretty bad, and being fired on your wedding day is hilarious (sorry but he's got his money, not the body blow it would be for me) but apart from that it seems like whiney business as usual.
The second one is out. I'm already loving it more than the first. It's just Colt and Punk shooting the breeze. The tension is totally gone and it just makes me appreciate Punk. He calls AJ "Ape". That's just hilarious.
45 minutes in he gets pretty heated. The first 30 mins or so are relaxed and cool but its ironic once he starts talking about his career he gets angry. He doesn't count out that he'll return to wrestling just says it won't be anytime soon and that he doesn't see it as being WWE, in-fact exactly what he says...

"I'll go to PWG and wrestle the fucking Young Bucks."

Young Bucks, too over!
If, all the times that Punk said that WWE has taken sponsorship money from him, is true; wow.
Bryan Alvarez pointed out (on his satellite radio show) that J. Hardy once accused.CM Punk of swallowing dubious amounts of prescribed pain killers and sleeping pills.

Punk refused a drug test when he was at wwe. He surrounds himself with drug users like Sonnen.
Bryan Alvarez pointed out (on his satellite radio show) that J. Hardy once accused.CM Punk of swallowing dubious amounts of prescribed pain killers and sleeping pills.

Punk refused a drug test when he was at wwe. He surrounds himself with drug users like Sonnen.

Yes. Then Alvarez pointed out Hardy was coked in said video (he was) so it was probably made up.

Say the whole thing, child.
So he was under the inluence of some truth serum. Doesnt matter. Has hardy made any other wikd accusations throughout the years?

This isnt even an outragous accusation. It just looks bad. combined with punk refysing a drug test and surrounding himself with steroid guys
I don't think he has.

Matt has said some pretty crazy stuff over the years relating to the iconism of grapes or something like that
So he was under the inluence of some truth serum. Doesnt matter. Has hardy made any other wikd accusations throughout the years?
Saying he his drugs were prescription. IN THE SAME VIDEO.
This isnt even an outragous accusation. It just looks bad. combined with punk refysing a drug test and surrounding himself with steroid guys
I'm pretty sure he refused a drug test. And it's amazing that you believe Punk's barely based claim that Ryback is on steroids but stupidly believe Punk is on any illegal ones. I don't think you can fail a drug test for prescription medicine. Or are you as dumb as your spelling suggests?

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