ECW: San Antonio Sub-Region

Lesnar/Hardy comes up, nobody vote. You've got to listen to me first. Because there is no fucking way that Hardy wins that match. Absolutely no way. There is not an argument that can be made, you can't cite a precedent that has been set, you can't even compare their careers.
Lesnar easily demolished both Hardys, and that was when Brock was green as grass and Jeff Hardy wasn't quite as broken down. In theory it should be an easy match for Lesnar, each Hardy still has their detractors.
Holy fuck. Lesnar, here. He could go to the final four, and will certainley win this bracket. There is no one there who looks like they could even TOUCH the beast Lesnar in this kind of an enviornment, and no one will. Shitty draw for everyone else. Great draw for Lesnar. I think this was set up by the Shocky master :shifty:
Liger has a rather interesting first round match-up. He may also be lucky it landed in ECW.

El Gigante is going to be a tough obstacle, and Liger may need to use every weapon he can find to topple the giant. His incredible offense is just about grounded here. He's not big enough to make any high-flying moves work.

As much as I want to vote for Liger, it may be tough here. I'll definitely need to watch some more stuff, from both of them, before making a final vote.

With the winner moving on to face Batista, the top half gets a bit more interesting. Batista could easily take Gonzales, but would most likely lose to Liger. I'm almost positive that any of these 3 would lose in the semi-finals anyway.
18. Jushin Thunder Liger

#47 is Giant Gonzalez. Liger isn't even going to make it to the second round.

Everyone knows that The Undertaker's WrestleMania streak is the most important element in wrestling. This is a stone cold fact, WWE told me. And if you can't trust Vince McMahon then who can you trust? Harvey Wippleman, that's who. El Gigante is the only wrestler to blot the undefeated Mania streak of The Undertaker. He's the only wrestler who he's never pinned at the biggest show of the year. Why? Well, it's because Gonzalez is just that damn good. Liger loses.
#47 is Giant Gonzalez. Liger isn't even going to make it to the second round.

Everyone knows that The Undertaker's WrestleMania streak is the most important element in wrestling. This is a stone cold fact, WWE told me. And if you can't trust Vince McMahon then who can you trust? Harvey Wippleman, that's who. El Gigante is the only wrestler to blot the undefeated Mania streak of The Undertaker. He's the only wrestler who he's never pinned at the biggest show of the year. Why? Well, it's because Gonzalez is just that damn good. Liger loses.

What, are we talking about that Argentinian dude with the fake body suit and the faux-fur covering his nether regions? Yeah, at WM IX, I don't even think The Undertaker's streak had even been recognized (I would argue it wasn't until WM XII that people started to even notice it).

Anyway, I know Jake is being facetious, but Liger, with extreme rules, can easily take out El Gigante/Giant Gonzalez. This guy is even less mobile than Batista, so all Liger has to do is fly around him with foreign objects until he knocks him out. El Gigante is a virtual sitting duck even to those with just a modicum of speed.
I'm not being facetious at all tdingle. Liger doesn't stand a chance. I suggest you unto out the Rest In Peace match between Gonzalez & Undertaker at Summer Slam 1993. They went toe to toe for almost 10 minutes. It might not sound like much. But those are two huge guys. If The Undertaker can hardly beat him, then Liger won't.

The speed won't be an issue, it wasn't when Gonzalez was squashing wrestlers who have the same top speed as Liger.
I'm not being facetious at all tdingle. Liger doesn't stand a chance. I suggest you unto out the Rest In Peace match between Gonzalez & Undertaker at Summer Slam 1993. They went toe to toe for almost 10 minutes. It might not sound like much. But those are two huge guys. If The Undertaker can hardly beat him, then Liger won't.

The speed won't be an issue, it wasn't when Gonzalez was squashing wrestlers who have the same top speed as Liger.

All right, Jake, then I look forward to debating you on the issue. And exactly whom was Gonzalez squashing? In the WWF, I only remember him facing off against The Undertaker and a few jobbers. And, for the life of me, I can't remember whom he faced in WCW as El Gigante (I know he was a face for some time, or maybe all of his time there, but that's about all I remember). Furthermore, this guy's a basketball player and had the body of a basketball player; it's not like Liger's going to have trouble taking him down, as he's nowhere near as thick as other big men.
HBK has a fight ahead of him in the first round. He's a far better wrestler than La Parka, and will win, mostly based on fan vote alone.

But, in an ECW environment, La Parka would at least put forth a valiant effort, and make the contest interesting. He's got a quick hitting offense, and might even pull off a win or two if they faced each other 10 times, but I really don't think this will be the 1.

I still say neither man would beat Lynn ;)
If just one person attempts telling me they think La Parka can beat Shawn Michaels, I may just have to ban them. Shawn has the Upper Hand here, even in the ECW region. He has proved time and again he can work in a 'hardcore' match, and if he was going to be knocked out it'd have to be by someone really talented. La Parka doesn't fit that criteria.

And Shawn Michaels makes it through Round 1 without a problem.
I think La Parka wins hands down against HBK.

Na, not really, but it's always fun winding people from Leeds up.

I thought HBK would be in deep trouble in ECW, but no one screams extreme in this draw, except maybe Jeff, but Lesnar has too much for him. Lesnar HBK would be awesome in a WWE or WCW ring, in an ECW one it is hard to call. Think I'll wait and see if both get that far before making my prediction.
In this sub region I am pulling for Brock and Batista. I believe this environment benefits them the most. Especially with there size and strength, and If I remember correctly didnt Batista make HBK bleed in a hardcore match of some sort?

I said it once, and I'll say it again, HBK got the worst draw out of any contender in this tournament. Shawn Michaels probably will win this because of his following, or Brock because of some of his supporters. I am hoping for a Dave and Lesnar showdown, but people hate Dave on this board and it is truly sad. He is a good entertainer and should contend in this region.
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Ron Killings vs Jeff Hardy? Man, I know neither gets a lot of love on these boards, but I'm a fan of both. When I saw Killings in, I thought I will vote for him whoever he is against first round for the fun of it, seeing as he will get a big seed and probably lose, but he gets Jeff? If this match were to happen on SD I would look forward to it immensely. In an extreme rules match does tha man from the streets win or the man who will do anything to put his opponent away, no matter what it does to him? It's going to be a good one.
15. "The Animal" Batista
50. Brian "Crush" Adams

This is going to be an ugly, brutal, bloody match. Both men are nothing but sheer strength, and neither are too big to use it against. Neither man will be able to overpower the other, but they'll be able to ebat the hell out of each other, until there's not much left to recognize. Batista will probably get my vote, but I wouldn't be too surprised to see Crush pull off the win. Especially with the Batista-hater saround here.
Lesnar draws Elix Skipper as his first opponent. Beautiful. A nice meal for Lesnar.

For my money, Elix Skipper is a better spot monkey than AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy or Shelton Benjamin. And these are the best spot monkeys of all time, here in our time. Aren't we lucky? Dude loves jumping off of tall shit. He can't get enough of it. He doesn't use the front door when he gets up in the morning, he jumps out of the window.

However, even if Skipper does manage to escape from Lesnar for a moment - and I'd expect him to get pummelled pretty quickly - he's still screwed. This is the guy that caught The Undertaker (someone who's possibly twice Skipper's height and weight), threw him up on his shoulders and F-5'd him. Weapons don't even factor in. Skipper. Is. Fucked.

Obvious, I know. Thought I'd chuck that out there though.
Yeah, Lesnar gets an approriate warm up meal, while his potential second round match foes beat the hell out of each other in round one. Magnum TA vs. Scott Norton is about as bad ass of a matchup as you could get with two huge, legit bad ass guys. Their reward? A matchup with a real life wrestler/MMAers that just got delivered a flyweight for an appetizer, that's brutal.

Oh, and Jeff Hardy goes home to Ron Killign in round one. I take Ron Killings and his NWA title run over Jeff Hardy and his "impressive" WWE title run.
Round 1 Results

Shawn Michaels vs. La Parka: 36-3. The chairman of WCW can't handle the original Wrestlezone Tournament Winner. Michaels moves on with ease.

Jerry Lynn vs. Rick Steiner: 31-18. High Flyin' JL is at home in the ECW Region, and beats a formidable opponent in the first round in the Dog Faced Gremlin.

Batista vs. Brian Adams; 26-8. In a match where the promoter would have to pay the fans to watch it, one waste of space beats another waste of space.

Jushin Thunder Liger vs. El Gigante: 33-12. The Japanese are thriving early on in the tournament. Liger overcomes an exceptional physical difference to move onto round 2.

Brock Lesnar vs. Elix Skipper. 50-1. In what could only be described as a warm up match, Primetime gets absolutely destroyed by the Next Big Thing.

Magnum TA vs. Scott Norton. 16-15. Talk about to bulls going at it. Magnum TA barely survives Flash.

Jeff Hardy vs. Ron Killings: 52-9. Well, can't really say much for this one. It surprises me, yet it doesn't surprise me...

Paul Orndorff vs. Hakushi: 10-19. The Japanese again. Mr. Wonderful isn't enough for the high flying Hakushi, as the Japanese get another two wrestlers from one sub regional into round 2.

Round 2 matches.
San Antonio, TX.

2. Shawn Michaels
31. Jerry Lynn

15. Batista
18. Jushin Thunder Liger

7. Brock Lesnar
26. Magnum T.A.

10. Jeff Hardy
42. Hakushi
Jerry Lynn may have got past Steiner, but he's still not good enough to defeat the First Ever Wrestlezone Champion. Shawn Michaels is one of the greatest wrestlers in the ring - and he shows that with his ability to be versatile, and handle any hardcore settings, or any new settings at all, with ease. While Lynn may have had slightly more experience here, the Heartbreak Kid should still progress relatively easily - Lynn is nothing.

Batista/Liger should be interesting. I think he's the guy I said I'd research, so I'll trot off and do that soon. He'll have to be really good to beat Batista, but you never know.
If it does come down to Lesnar vs. Hardy, I don't see Hardy taking this. Lesnar, while a huge disappointment in as much as he had no heart for wrestling, is a legitimately great athlete with a great deal of power. Lesnar holds a clean pinfall victory over the Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell match. He's got the chops to handle an extreme rules match. Hardy will look like he's been hit by a freight train by the time it's all over with, which probably won't be very long.
Shawn Michaels vs Jerry Lynn COULD be interesting. Lynn in ECW was fairtly good yet i still believe he was over rated. He's going up against a guy who can flat out go against anyone for any length of time. Anything Lynn can do, HBK does better and always has. If there is a deciding factor, i think Lynn's athletism and speed will be his downfall as he will be on the receiving end of the superkick.
Round 2 Results:

Michaels vs. Lynn: 41-15. Say what you will, but credit must be given to team Lynn for managing to get 15 votes against the WZ Tournament Darling that is Shawn Michaels. Michaels is notorious in getting near 100% of the vote in all of his matches, and he only has lost once, in the final four last year to the eventual winner. To get more then a 1/4 of the votes against michaels in round two shouldn't be taken lightly.

Batista vs. Liger: 22-47. Ding dong the one dimensional, talentless, Animal is Dead, and in round 2. What an ass whooping for Jushin Liger, congrats to the Liger CHQ for a job well done.

Lesnar vs. TA. 41-2. Ass whoopin and a half for the Next Big Thing. Magnum was a legit bad ass in wrestling, and for him to go out that bad speaks to the strength of Lesnar.

Hardy vs. Hakushi: 32-19. How do you like your spot monkey, painted or inked. Apparantely we like them covered in paint.

Round 3 Matches:

San Antonio, TX
2. Shawn Michaels
18. Jushin Thunder Liger

7. Brock Lesnar
10. Jeff Hardy
And Shawn eases through to the final. Liger? He had mroe trouble with Lynn if you ask me, and that wasn't that hard. Although I will agree with Shocky, specifically NSL deserve A LOT of credit for getting that many votes - some of the arguments I had to take a step back from and re-read before debating.

It's Hardy/Lesnar which will be interesting. Lesnar should win, but there are a lot of Hardy fans on the boards, I wonder if there are enough to get him through.
Liger and HBK would be a great match. An interesting twist for Michaels is that, like his match with Lynn, he's actually the bigger man in the match. Like Lynn, Liger would give HBK a very very good and competitive match, but I give it to Shawn. Liger dominated a one-dimensional, talentless former bodybuilder but Michaels is a different story. Michaels can take on big guys, small guys, powerhouses, high flyers, technical wizards, athletic fireplugs, brawlers and everyone else in between and win. I give the edge to Michaels in this one.

As for Lesnar and Hardy, Lesnar will use Jeff Hardy as a piece of toilet paper. Hardy would have to use each and every bit of high risk offense he can think of if he even hopes to make it to the 10 minute mark. Jeff Hardy's track record against powerhouses isn't really all that hot. Lesnar is one of the strongest guys to ever wrestle in the WWE and he wasn't just some slow powerhouse. The guy was athletic, was durable and was overwhelmingly strong.
Liger vs Michaels depends on a lot of things. Whoever people like Slyfox choose to back could have a big impact if they debate it, because there are certainly good arguments for an upset here. Michaels' performance against Lynn proves that he is beatable, and Liger has arguments in his favour, but there is a hell of a lot of work for him to do. Personally, I'm going to have to think about this one for a bit before deciding on who I vote for.

As for Hardy, people will bring up Lesnar vs. Hardys, which is unfair in my opinion, as Hardy was out of his prime. His prime has been in 2007-8 and in that time he has lost to Vladimir Kozlov, who has been booked as, and wrestles like, a shit version of Brock Lesnar. However, I predict a lot of bullshit votes by people who don't debate it and have names in the ilk of "Charismatic Twist of Fate23544" taking this one close.
in matches like these jeff could beat lesnar! seriously all it takes is some well placed shots and being quick wich he is. and to me id love to see jeff vs hbk

the enigma vs the showstoppaaa

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