
Yeah, only a few things missing from Gabriel becoming world champ. They are, in no particular order:

For your convenience I'll do my best to give examples of each of these issues.

1. A gimmick where he isn't riding Wade Barret's coattails

2. A personality. A real one.

watch from 1:25 to 2:10 to see him demonstrating that he can do both. The match isn't too awful either if you feel like watching it.


3. Appreciable wrestling technique that doesn't contain he number "450."

Well here's a match against Sheamus O'Shaunessy where he has a good match and doesn't do a 450 even once, and that's just the tip of the iceburg as far as Gabriel goes.


4. Fans to remember who he is and which one is Heath Slater.

Their titantrons and different themes make that pretty clear.

5. Singles matches with mid-carders.

6. Singles matches with upper-mid carders.

7. Singles matches with main eventers.

8. Singles matches on a PPV.

9. Singles matches on Raw or Smackdown.

10. Singles matches.

He split up from a tag team after spending his career in WWE in stables up to that point three weeks ago. He hasn't had the chance for many singles matches. However, he has had matches vs Randy Orton, Edge and John Cena. Two of which he won.

11. A reputation for being something other than a spot monkey or Kelly Kelly's current fucktoy.

And his reputation as a spotmonkey is completely unjust. There's a whole lot more to his game than an ability to jump off the top rope.

12. Mic skills.

Agreed, though he does have flashes of being decent. See his elimination promo from NXT for an example of that.

13. An interview on a PPV.

14. An interview on Raw or Smackdown.

15. An interview.

I repeat, three weeks since he went solo. He's not exactly been given a reason to have an interview has he?

But other than these 15 MINOR details, yeah, he's right here on the cusp.

Funny how most of them would be remedied with time spent on his own doing things isn't it?
NorCal, look at the ratings. You bring up Smackdown, and that's legit. I don't always catch Smackdown and often read the spoilers so I don't feel obligated to do so. But are you seriously invoking NXT and Superstars here, like THAT invalidates my point?

Dude, I hate to rely too much on ratings, but there is one thing they do tell us - MOST people, (excluding yourself, of course) have lives. And that makes the tertiary programs like NXT and Superstars highly expendable.

Going to be honest, im totally baffled here. What in the bluest of blue fucks do the ratings of those shows have ANYTHING to do with what I said? That, in order to develop a fair, comprehensive evaluation of a persons abilities and future prospects, one would need to view a comprehensive body of work from said person? Invoking superstars and NXT? Uh, you mean the fucking shows gabriel has been on? :lmao:

Also very nice. Pulling out the sophmoric frat boy insults is always the hallmark of a kid who is confident in their arguments.

Explain to me, in this very thread, what Justin Gabriel's gimmick is right now and how it makes him unique, since you removed point #1 from my list.

Gladly, and quite easily, since I, y'know, what the shows he is on :lmao:

He is an extremist from South Africa, who seeks the adrenaline rush in all activities, hence the high flying moves. He comes from a lineage of wrestlers, speaks well, with a very unique accent and moveset.

If it took you 10 seconds to read it, it took me 11 to write it.

Tell me which upper mid-carders and main-eventers he's had matches with. I will then determine whether they qualify.




Not to mention that whole, um, main event of SummerSlam thing.

Any time you would like to stop looking like a fool, feel free to admit you shit on that guys post becuase he seemed like an easy squash, and you clearly do not have the proper perspective to comment on this.

Tell me what Gabriel's reputation is aside from being a spot monkey and being KK's fucktoy. And if you tell me he is "the cool guy from the Nexus" or some shit like that, I'll invalidate that by reminding you he is the "cool guy" because of his finisher.

He has actually never been looked at as a spot monkey, not by anyone outside of your brain. he uses mostly strikes, and technical/submission wrestling, honestly.

Also, im pretty sure he was picked for season one of NXT, and thusly, the nexus angle, long before he met KK. They are also on seperate shows.

Listen, I am not hatng on Justin Gabriel, I like him. I am merely pointing out that seeing him as a "future world champion" at this point in his "career" is akin to saying the same things about Evan Bourne.

But it isnt.

gabriel can talk, and at least sounds like a grown man. Bourne cant, and doesnt.

Gabriel is of like size or bigger to many recent champions, Bourne is not.

Gabriel works a striker / technical style, Bourne, does not.

Bourne has had no less than three major singles pushes on major television shows. Gabriel has been on his own for oh, two weeks now.

But every one of my points - except MAYBE "matches on Smackdown," is relevant,

but they arent, and you are quite plainly, wrong. To sit here, as a person who does not watch the shows the person in question preforms on, and argue his merits with a person who has seen every one of them, is absurd.

and just because you've decided to find all of my recent posts and try to rile me up (it worked, obviously) doesn't mean I am wrong.

Just the two were you were in SUCH a rush to try and shit on someone that you opened your mouth without being even close to properly informed.
Horseshit. The number of people who watch NXT and Superstars damn sure has an impact on the level of that individual. The whole "if a tree falls in the woods" axiom. If 1/3 or 1/4 of the people watch NXT who watch Raw, that means 75% fewer fans see Justin Gabriel perform, which damn sure affects their standing as a top talent. If you don't see how the number of people who see a performer actually work affects whether or not they have a particularly bright future, then I cannot help you.

As for your mention of my "sophomoric insult," take it as you will, but the fact remains that not everybody watches every single show, and that impacts the people who wrestle on NXT or Superstars exclusively. if you can pull the bullshit "IC25 was too busy playing racquetball and card games," then turnabout is motherfucking fair play. Didn't want to be stung, you shouldn't have opened that door. And the frat boy comment? Reminds me of a certain Sith Lord I once knew who used to say that a lot.

I can't view the videos you guys posted at work, but I damn sure will when I am at home, because I really like Justin Gabirel and I'd love for him to prove me wrong.

That said:

NorCal said:
Not to mention that whole, um, main event of SummerSlam thing.


Also, im pretty sure he was picked for season one of NXT, and thusly, the nexus angle,

Perhaps you've missed my initial point, or just chose to ignore it, but let's look at SummerSlam 2010's Main Event.

Team WWE (John Cena, Daniel Bryan, Edge, Chris Jericho, Bret Hart, John Morrison and R-Truth) defeated The Nexus (Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, David Otunga, Skip Sheffield, Michael Tarver and Darren Young).

I'm sorry, did you maybe not read where I said this:

8. Singles matches on a PPV.

1. A gimmick where he isn't riding Wade Barret's coattails

Invoking the main event of Summer Slam in which he was one of 14 participants and basically playing the supporting role to Wade Barrett isn't exactly a great counter argument. But thanks for playing.

Any time you would like to stop looking like a fool, feel free to admit you shit on that guys post becuase he seemed like an easy squash, and you clearly do not have the proper perspective to comment on this.

You honestly think that was the impetus for my post? Look at the post, dude, and stop reaching for things to bust my balls on that aren't there. My post has nothing - NOTHING to do with the poster who posted it. I disagreed with his point and my entire post centers on Justin Gabriel, not the poster him or herself. Like I said in another thread - you're just stirring shit.

I'm sorry, but if I may, I'd like to transition to another poster who took exception to my statements about Gabriel, but managed to respond in a very linear and professional manner (for which he received green rep):

Agreed, though he does have flashes of being decent. See his elimination promo from NXT for an example of that.

I repeat, three weeks since he went solo. He's not exactly been given a reason to have an interview has he?

Funny how most of them would be remedied with time spent on his own doing things isn't it?

Great points, but here's the thing - you keep saying it's been 3 weeks since he went solo and that a lot of these things would be remedied by doing things on his own. I agree completely. But I feel compelled to restate my original point - I never said Gabriel was shit, I merely said it was far too early to call him a "future World Champion." You've basically agreed with me on this. He's been on his own for three weeks - how does that sample give anybody cause to see the World Title or WWE Title around his waist?

What's so funny about all of this is that NorCal and I, in the end, feel pretty similarly about Gabriel - mid-card champ at best, good tools, but not a main event caliber guy as of now. I just explained it differently rather than just stirring the pot.
While NorCal and The Canadian trade blows over Justin Gabriel, whose theme music must be what an abortion sounds like, I'm going to turn my attention to Heath Slater.

I don't dare say that I see something in Mr. Slater, but I would like to compliment him in a much gentler fashion. Thinking that he might have a future in the business confuses me more than those funny feelings I get when I think of under armour boxers.

The guy looks like a ********. The guy sounds like a ********. The guy has the haircut of a ******** and the ring attire of a ********. He wrestles like a ******** and he cuts promos like a ********. There's nothing I'd enjoy more than to punch him square in the face and, for at least that one moment when it looked as if he might win SmackDown's Money in the Bank briefcase, it would appear the people of Chicago felt similarly.

Don't take my word for it, but that guy could have a future. Nobody's ever been luckier to be born an annoying ginger twat.
IC, quick question. How long ago was it that you called Miz being a future WWE champion? I mean sure, their situations were/are different. Gabriel's pretty much the polar opposite of The Miz was back then but at the same time they're in a similar boat. They were both midcarders who have obvious skills that would make them assets in the main event scene, but if they make it to that point it would take years of hard work, steady improvement and running with whatever ball they're given. You're right that Gabriel isn't a main event calibre guy as of now, but given a few years, some pointers and a ball to run with I don't think him being one is any more unlikely than this guy being the most must see WWE champion in history.

If you don't see how the number of people who see a performer actually work affects whether or not they...

Can develop a proper comprehensive evaluation of his abilities? Pretty sure that has been my point from the beginning. The tree falling in the woods has fuck all to do with that. May not have seen it, it damn sure certainley still happened. This is like you saying that tree wasnt big, wasnt loud, and didnt fall, to a PERSON WHO WATCHED IT FUCKING FALL. You would look dumb, wouldnt you?

As for your mention of my "sophomoric insult," take it as you will, but the fact remains that not everybody watches every single show, and that impacts the people who wrestle on NXT or Superstars exclusively. if you can pull the bullshit "IC25 was too busy playing racquetball and card games," then turnabout is motherfucking fair play. Didn't want to be stung, you shouldn't have opened that door. And the frat boy comment? Reminds me of a certain Sith Lord I once knew who used to say that a lot.


Impacts them in that less people know who they are? and most of those people, ones with a shred of sense anyway, wouldnt sit here and talk about the lack of ability someone has whom they never watch. Didnt want to be stung? You said what I said yourself!!

I can't view the videos you guys posted at work, but I damn sure will when I am at home, because I really like Justin Gabirel and I'd love for him to prove me wrong.

Just him working against John Cena, Randy Orton, and Edge. Working a non spot monkey style, and actually, the style I mentioned in my post that he does work. The match with Cena is actually very good. Oh but hey, he has no matches against upper mid card or main eventers though right?

Stop saying invoking, this isnt magic the fucking gathering. Yes, SummerSlam counts. You said he had never had PPV Matches against ME guys, and he most certainley did.

Great points, but here's the thing - you keep saying it's been 3 weeks since he went solo and that a lot of these things would be remedied by doing things on his own. I agree completely. But I feel compelled to restate my original point - I never said Gabriel was shit, I merely said it was far too early to call him a "future World Champion." You've basically agreed with me on this. He's been on his own for three weeks - how does that sample give anybody cause to see the World Title or WWE Title around his waist?

and how does it give YOU cause to say he couldnt, and just refer to him as a spot monkey who is around to be KK's fuck toy? Especially when you havent seen 90 percent of his work?!?! I mean jeeze, he does a flip for his finish, so he MUST be a spot monkey, put him in the CW division!! Ok there, Eric Bischoff.

Your post said fuck all about timelines, and everything about how Garbiel couldnt work, couldnt talk, couldnt do anything blah blah blah. Might as well call him Evan Bourne, all this and that. Dont try to soften it NOW. If you want to talk timelines, another issue entirely. My point from the beginning is that it is horseshit to condemn someones work and abilities if you have almost ZERO frame of reference and view of their body of work, something you, yourself, openly admit.
I'm personally disappointed in the move to split these two. They had 3 matches with the Uso's on Smackdown and Superstars and 2 out of the 3 of those matches were great. Because Smackdown is more of the wrestling show, they were given more tv time to show off their in ring skills. They're 3 time tag team champions (I doubt anyone cares though) so I thought that writing would put more time into these guys but once again they split a tag team that had potential.

I don't think Gabriel is ready for a singles title yet so I see him back in the tag team division of right now. There's a guy in FCW named Leo Kruger who wrestled with Gabriel back home in South Africa. These guys put on great matches together in FCW so why not stick them in a tag team for the time being. It would give Gabriel something to do at the very least. They both look like male models so why not do something with that?

I agree with most people here that Gabriel has shitty theme music. I have no idea why they gave that to him- it's fucking awful. I also agree with the poster that said he could be the "Justin Beiber" of the WWE. He looks like he should modeling for Ambercrombie and Fitch or something. I'm sure teenage girls would love him. He doesn't have a gimmick but I do see him as a face where the audience pops for the 450. He has more potential than Slater that's for sure.

Unlike a majority of you, I actually like Heath Slater. I like his ring gear (awesome pants), he has a great theme song and he has an actual gimmick ("One Man Southern Rock Band"). Other than that, he really has nothing going for him but it's more than what Superstars regulars have (i.e. Chris Masters, Trent Baretta, Yoshi Tatsu etc.). I don't think he belongs in the same sentence as these guys and neither does Gabriel. At this point, I have no idea what I would do with Slater. But I don't think he'll be released or deserves to be. He's better than Paul Burchill, Shad Gaspard and most of the others that have been released. Call me crazy, but I see something in him.

With VKM stepping down, I hope Trips puts more emphasis and effort into the tag division. I hope they get these two back together as a tag team because they are a SOLID FUCKING tag team. They deserve the straps more than Otunga and Hennig who have no chemistry, no in ring skills and are relying on a gimmick that is obsolete. With Slater and Gabriel, the Uso's, the Hart Dynasty (also getting back together), the Kings of Wrestling and Mahal and Khali, the parts are all there to revive the tag team division. I hope Trips will finally take notice.
Okay so Gabriel is one of my favourite superstars at the moment and now he finally has gone on his own after being in the nexus and the corre for a full year. Now he hasnt been on smackdown competing for a couple of weeks but instead they are putting on these 1-2 minute videos about him in south africa. Now maybe they are too busy hyping the matches on smackdown for sumerslam which is why he isnt on but they obviously want to keep him relevant.
Something that also came in my head is there is barely anyfaces on smackdown at the moment to compete for the intercontinental title.
if you look at the faces on smackdown they are:
1 Orton
2 Sheamus
3 Bryan
4 Zeke
5 Gabriel
6 Cara

i think byan orton and sheamus all are bigger then that title and zeke i feel isnt going to win that title back. so really the only men to face rhodes for the title is Gabriel and Cara. so do you think Gabriel will contest for the championship and potentially win it from Rhodes? Do you think Gabriel can be a major star in the WWE in time?
Gabriel is one of those guys that doesn't have to talk to get himself over and get cheered. He lets his actions speak for him. And I always like that in a pro wrestler.

Now about his future and the IC title I think he has a good chance of winning it. I don't think Sin Cara would be a good IC champ. They should just bring back the cruiserweight title for Cara. As for Gabriel he has tons of potential. He needs a push.

When you look at the past highflyers who went on to be main eventers and world champions you got Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio. Both of them lack mic skills just like Gabriel. But they let their actions and personality speak for them. That's exactly what I see Gabriel doing. And if he pulls it out right he's gonna be a big star in the future.
YES! I know he can do it! I'm one of the very very VERY few who have watched Justin Gabriel since they first started watching wrestling so I guess you could say we grew up together in the WWE. He matured from Nexus and Corre to being able to compete on his own. I matured from fan girl to Forum poster. xD

I KNOW he can win it, they just have to give him that chance. When they do I know he'll grab it and run with it and the road he'll run is the way of (like XTheFuturex said) Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio. As for the South African videos.

I need to start watching Smackdown again, if I'm missing those.

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