Greatest Tag Team of all time.

Greatest Tag Team of all time.

  • LOD

  • Demolition

  • Midnight Express

  • Rock and Roll Express

  • Anderson and Blanchard

  • Hart Foundation

  • British Bulldogs

  • Rockers

  • Motor City Machineguns

  • Dudley Boyz

  • Edge and Christian

  • Hardy Boyz

  • Beer Money

  • Steiner Brothers

  • Other

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Championship Contender
We all know tag team wrestling is pretty much dead in WWE now a days. TNA actually has a few true teams in Beer Money, Motor City Machine Guns, and Generation Me. TNA has done a better job showcasing their tag teams in recent years, but the division doesn't seem as important as it used to. Back in the day the tag team titles meant something. Teams were guys that stayed together for years, and only cared about the tag titles. Now for the most part they have guys thrown together win the titles and break up after they lose them.

To me the greatest tag team ever has to be the Road Warriors AKA The Legion Of Doom. They were a true team that went from territory to territory in the old days. Then went to all the major companies and won the tag titles everywhere they went including the AWA, NWA, and WWF. They even went to Japan and became well known there. There have been a few other teams that have stayed together for years, and traveled to different territories/companies like the Rock and Roll Express and Anderson and Blanchard. However no other team has had the success or recognition that the LOD has had.

So my question is who is the greatest tag team of all time and why?
Rock 'n' Roll Express. They get my vote anyway. Gibson and Morton were always one of the better tag teams. They had much better flow then some teams, as in they worked better together than most. Personally I pick the Rock 'n' Roll Express, and if not them then probably LOD or Blanchard and Anderson.
The Road Warriors, and it isn't even close. They dominated the tag team scene everywhere they went, and they did it at a time when tag teams MATTERED. They have the titles, they have the longevity, and they have the copycats who could only wish they were half as good. Not that I am naming any names coughdemolitioncough.
There are a lot of great teams on the list but, for me, the Road Warriors, or LOD if you prefer, just stand out from all the rest.

Teams like Beer Money and the MCMGs are arguably the best teams in wrestling today while Edge & Christian and The Hardy Boys were arguably the best teams in wrestling in the first half of the 2000s. However, the Road Warriors were top of the heap during a time when tag team wrestling was head, shoulders, hips & ass more relevant than it's been in the past 10 years.

Everything about the Road Warriors just screamed "Look at me. We stand out from each and every other team on the pack." They may not have been tag team specialists or mat technicians like the Rock n' Roll Express, The Midnight Express or The Rockers but the Road Warriors didn't need to be. They were just completely dominant in every major promotion they worked with the title wins to back it up. The Road Warriors were big draws and huge stars no matter where they worked. During an era in which tag team wrestling was a significant and relevant force in wrestling on a national & international basis, the Road Warriors were the alpha males of the tag team scene.
Call me crazy but I liked Two Man Power Trip as a tag team. I mean HHH and Stone Cold..... I enjoyed their matches, hardly the greatest, but I like them
I have to say that Edge and Christian is the best tag team ever. The Legion of Doom is in second place. Actually, the Legion of Doom may actually BE the best tag team but I like Edge and Christian more.
There are a lot of great teams on the list but, for me, the Road Warriors, or LOD if you prefer, just stand out from all the rest.

Teams like Beer Money and the MCMGs are arguably the best teams in wrestling today while Edge & Christian and The Hardy Boys were arguably the best teams in wrestling in the first half of the 2000s. However, the Road Warriors were top of the heap during a time when tag team wrestling was head, shoulders, hips & ass more relevant than it's been in the past 10 years.

Everything about the Road Warriors just screamed "Look at me. We stand out from each and every other team on the pack." They may not have been tag team specialists or mat technicians like the Rock n' Roll Express, The Midnight Express or The Rockers but the Road Warriors didn't need to be. They were just completely dominant in every major promotion they worked with the title wins to back it up. The Road Warriors were big draws and huge stars no matter where they worked. During an era in which tag team wrestling was a significant and relevant force in wrestling on a national & international basis, the Road Warriors were the alpha males of the tag team scene.

Agree 100%. Edge and Christian and the Hardyz are the best teams I have seen on a regular basis since becoming a wrestling fan towards the end of the 1990s, some of their matches (especially gimmick matches) are unbelievable. They were both phenomenal tag teams in their primes.

However, even though WWE did put a fair bit of focus on the tag team division at that point, it is hard to argue with the fact that The Road Warriors completely dominated the tag team division wherever they went at a time when tag-team wrestling was a very big deal. They were legitimate superstars and had the unique look, gimmick and power style that set them apart from every other team. WWE even tried to create their own version of the team with Demolition, but they were never as good.

Animal and Hawk have the longetivity, the accolades and titles, the reputation of dominating so many different promotions, the iconic look and finishing moves and are the blueprint for every modern tag team. They are deservedly going into the HOF this year.

I love the work of E&C, The Hardyz, The Hart Foundation, The Rockers, The Dudleyz and The Steiners, but The Road Warriors should be recognised as the best. They were absolute monsters in the ring. Legends
For pure impact there is no-one that can rival the Roadie's as THE greatest tag team of all time.....however I'm picking a team that was, at first, just a rip off..I pick Demolition!

As I said, they were just seen as Vince's version of the RW's but, out of nowhere, they became THE legitimate team in a bustling tag division and the longest reigning tag champs of the era. They had cool music and, sadly, died a death once Crush was added but, Demolition version 2 (with Barry Darsow as Smash, not the original one) were the dudes....I still love their theme music!
I would have to say the Road Warriors are number one but there is definatly arguements to be made for a few other teams. I personally always loved the Steiner Brothers who put on good matches with every tag team they faced. The Dudley's have the most titles so an arguement can be made for them as well. Thats the beauty of these questions, 5 to 7 teams really could be the best of all time but its a matter of opinion but my vote will go to the Road Warriors before any one else.
I would have to say the Rock n Roll Express as well. They always had so much chemistry when they were teaming. Plus, in my mind, they revolutionized tag team wrestling with their ability. Ricky Morton was also one of the most underrated preformers of all time as well.

After that I would have to say Anderson and Blanchard, Midnight Express, and the Legion of Doom.
I don't know how nobody mentioned the New Aged Outlaws, Owen & Bulldog or Brothers of Destruction.

The New Aged Outlaws were the Tag Team that lead the WWE into the Attitude Era and in my opinion was the last time Tag Team Wrestling mattered in the WWE.
No New Age Outlaws? Harlem Heat? Malenko & Benoit? Sting & Luger? The Outsiders? Freebirds? Rock & Sock?

I voted Demolition as they were my favorite growing up.
Tell me how the MCMG and Beer Money are options (both good but way too near beginning of career) yet you left of what would be my two personal favorites: The Dudley Boyz, make no mistake E&C and the Hardyz took off when they arrived in wwe, dont let what they have done in TNA make you forget that even back in ECW they where innovators in tag team wrestling, and ofcourse, my personal favs, The Outsiders. Great chemistry and part of a dominate stable, plus solid matches with the stieners, harlem heat and others.
The Road Warriors and it's not close.

While there are tag-teams that worked better matches, since the LOD had a more simpler move set, no other team made an impact before or since. Jim Ross said it best. "They didn't run a lot of plays, but they ran them real well." The way they used their power moves, to dominate the territory's top teams, puts them heads and shoulders above the rest.

There's one other reason why, and it's longevity. They had a match against Kane and RVD 20 years after their debut and they still received the biggest pop of the night and one of the biggest pops at that time. I can think of wrestlers that would get props and pops 20 years later, guys like Flair, Sting, AA (if the audience is smart!) and others. But not a tag-team. At the time that they wrestled Kane and RVD, all the tag teams from the 80s were gone. Most if not all of the tag-teams from the 90s were either gone or in the independent circle. They endured their personal problems and had the components to make another run two decades after their debut.

I've seen better matches from their peers. Nothing beats a Rock & Roll vs. Midnight Express match. The Andersons, Anderson and Blanchard, Dudleys, Steiners, Edge & Christian, The Hardys, all of these teams deserve to be in the discussion of best working tag-team with deeper move sets. But the Road Warriors were THE tag-team of all-time in my opinion.
Tell me how the MCMG and Beer Money are options (both good but way too near beginning of career) yet you left of what would be my two personal favorites: The Dudley Boyz, make no mistake E&C and the Hardyz took off when they arrived in wwe, dont let what they have done in TNA make you forget that even back in ECW they where innovators in tag team wrestling, and ofcourse, my personal favs, The Outsiders. Great chemistry and part of a dominate stable, plus solid matches with the stieners, harlem heat and others.

The Dudleys are on the list the. Outsiders maybe they should be on the list, but they really weren't a tag team long. I tried to add teams that were together a long time and weren't really known for anything else but being a team. Or in the Hart Foundation, British Bulldogs, and The Rockers case started off as a team for a long time before going single. Hall and Nash were established singles stars before becoming the outsiders.

MCMG and Beer Money are on the list because they have a loyal fan base amongst TNA fans. In all honesty I should have put Harlem Heat and the New Age Outlaws on the list, but I forgot about them at the time. I knew I would forget some that's why other is an option.

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